Bus timetable
Off-peak journey times in minutes
0 mins
Service arrives at
National Army Museum
1 mins
Service arrives at
Chelsea Physic Garden
2 mins
Service arrives at
Albert Bridge / Cadogan Pier
Connects to River Bus Connects to River Bus
4 mins
Service arrives at
Beaufort Street
6 mins
Service arrives at
Battersea Bridge / Hester Road
7 mins
Service arrives at
Morgans Walk
9 mins
Service arrives at
Sunbury Lane
10 mins
Service arrives at
Battersea High Street
13 mins
Service arrives at
Lombard Road
16 mins
Service arrives at
Wallis Close
17 mins
Service arrives at
Wayland Road Estate
19 mins
Service arrives at
Clapham Junction Station / Grant Road
Connects to National Rail Connects to National Rail Connects to London Overground Connects to London Overground
20 mins
Service arrives at
Clapham Junction Station / Falcon Road
22 mins
Service arrives at
Clapham Junction Station
23 mins
Service arrives at
Plough Road
24 mins
Service arrives at
Brussels Road
26 mins
Service arrives at
Marcilly Road
28 mins
Service arrives at
Huguenot Place / Alma Road
29 mins
Service arrives at
Herndon Road
30 mins
Service arrives at
Wandsworth Town Hall
31 mins
Service arrives at
Wandsworth Police Station
32 mins
Service arrives at
Merton Road
33 mins
Service arrives at
Upper Richmond Road
35 mins
Service arrives at
West Hill Road
36 mins
Service arrives at
Royal Hospital
38 mins
Service arrives at
West Hill / Beaumont Road
39 mins
Service arrives at
Tibbet's Corner
Connects to District Connects to District
40 mins
Service arrives at
Tibbet's Ride
42 mins
Service arrives at
Putney Heath / Green Man
43 mins
Service arrives at
Hayward Gardens
44 mins
Service arrives at
Exeter House
45 mins
Service arrives at
Dover Park Drive
46 mins
Service arrives at
Medfield Street
48 mins
Service arrives at
Roehampton Library
49 mins
Service arrives at
Mount Angelus Road
50 mins
Service arrives at
Minstead Gardens