Pay to drive in London

Effective from 27 January 2025

Road User Charging: General Terms and Conditions

These terms and conditions apply to the following schemes:

  • The Congestion Charging (CC) Scheme, which operates in Central London
  • The Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) Scheme
  • The Low Emission Zone (LEZ) Scheme.
  • The Blackwall and Silvertown Tunnels User Charge

By registering for a Road User Charging Account, you agree to accept these terms and conditions.

Glossary of terms

In these terms and conditions, the following words and phrases in bold will have the meanings shown next to them.

Account Holder - Business Account means a senior employee of the company or firm who will hold the necessary authorisation to accept these terms and conditions on behalf of the company/ firm, and those terms and conditions associated to any additional Services added. The account holder will also act as the senior contact point between TfL and the company/ firm and will be responsible for account issue resolution and for the purpose of these terms and conditions, is referred to as you.

Account Holder - Personal Account means the person in whose name the account is created, who agrees to these terms and condition and is referred to as you. You will be responsible for any account issue resolution.

Account User - means a person who has been nominated by you (or an authorised representative), to act as an authorised representative, and has access to, and the ability to manage the account on your behalf.

Blackwall and Silvertown Tunnels Statement of Charges means the Blackwall and Silvertown Tunnels Statement of Charges which was approved by the TfL Board on 4 December 2024 and as may be amended from time to time.

Blackwall and Silvertown Tunnels User Charge - means the user charges which are set out in the Blackwall and Silvertown Tunnels Statement of Charges which was approved by the TfL Board on 4 December 2024 and as may be amended from time to time.

Charging Day for the Blackwall and Silvertown Tunnels User Charge means Monday to Sunday from 6:00-22:00, except Christmas Day (25 December).

Charging Day for the Congestion Charge - means Monday to Friday 07:00-18:00 and weekends and Bank Holidays noon-18:00, every day of the year, except Christmas Day (25 December) and the period up to and including the New Year's Day Bank Holiday.

Charging Day for the Low Emission Zone Charge means every day of the year (24 hours).

Charging Day for the Ultra Low Emission Zone Charge means every day of the year (24 hours), except Christmas Day.

Charge - means (as applicable) any of the following:

  • The Congestion Charge (CC) as payable under Articles 4 and 6 of the Congestion Charging Scheme, and/ or
  • The Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) Charge and/or
  • The Low Emission Zone (LEZ) Charge

(as either are payable under Article 7 of the ULEZ-LEZ Charging Scheme)

  • The Blackwall and Silvertown Tunnels User Charge as payable under Article 6 of the Silvertown Tunnels Charging Scheme.

Congestion Charging Scheme - means the Charging Scheme contained in the Schedule to the Greater London (Central Zone) Congestion Charging Order 2004

(as varied and amended).

Customer - means the person we open a Road User Charging account for.

Customer Account - means the same as Road User Charging Account.

Discount and Discounted - refers to a reduced rate vehicle registered pursuant to Article 9 of the Congestion Charging Scheme or Article 10 of the Blackwall and Silvertown Tunnels Statement of Charges

Mobile Payment App - means an App that belongs to TfL or its licensors to provide Pay to drive in London App Services.

Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) - means a charge made under a Charging Scheme imposed by Regulation 4 of the Road User Charging (Charges and Penalty Charges) (London) Regulations 2001/2285 ("2001 Regulations"), as amended.

Road User Charging Account - means the Business Account or Personal Account containing your details for the purposes of registering for a discount, paying a charge or for registering a vehicle's compliance status. This is identified using your unique account number.

ULEZ-LEZ Charging Scheme - means the charging Scheme for the ULEZ and LEZ as set out in the London Emission Zones Charging Scheme contained in the Schedule to the Greater London Low Emission Zone Charging Order 2006 (as varied and amended).

Registered Vehicle - means any vehicle bearing a unique Vehicle Registration Mark (VRM) that you have registered with us.

We, us, our - means Transport for London ("TfL").

Working Days - means any day other than a Saturday or a Sunday, Good Friday, Christmas Day, New Year's Day and any other day that is a bank holiday or public holiday, in England and Wales.

You, your - means the person who agrees to these terms and conditions.

1.0 General

1.1 The full agreement

These terms and conditions, together with the information in our online Registration or postal Registration form make up the full agreement between you and us in relation to using your Road User Charging Account. You agreed to these terms and conditions by clicking the 'I accept' button when you registered online, by registering for an account over the phone or by sending us a Registration form by post. Nothing in these terms and conditions will replace or vary any of the terms, rights or responsibilities set out in either the Congestion Charging Scheme, the ULEZ-LEZ Charging Scheme or the Blackwall and Silvertown Tunnels User Charge.

1.2 Excluding the rights of anyone else

The Road User Charging account and the rights and responsibilities under these terms and conditions are for your and our benefit only and are not intended to benefit anyone else or be enforceable by anyone else. Both parties (TfL and you) can enforce the rights under these terms and conditions without the need for any permission from anyone else.

No person other than you or TfL shall have rights under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 to enforce any of these terms and conditions.

1.3 Changes to these terms and conditions

We may change these terms and conditions and will let you know beforehand if we make any "significant changes", which are those changes we think might reasonably be considered to be broadly adverse to you to a significant extent. We will not contact you about other changes to the terms and conditions, and instead will simply provide information about the change on the TfL website. This includes where we think the changes are neutral or broadly in your favour, are not otherwise significant or where the change (whether is significant or not) is a consequence of something we have already consulted the public about; for example, the change simply reflects a change to the Congestion Charging Scheme, the ULEZ-LEZ Charging Scheme or the Blackwall and Silvertown Tunnels Charging Scheme.

1.4 If we fail to enforce a condition

If we fail to enforce any of our rights under these terms and conditions, it does not mean we will not enforce them in the future.

1.5 Confidentiality

Both parties (you and TfL) agree that neither of us will pass on any confidential information to anyone else unless we have to do so by law or are allowed to if we both agree.

1.6 Cost of phone calls

  • Calls from landlines are charged up to 9p per minute; calls from mobiles cost between 8p and 40p per minute.
  • Calls from landlines and mobiles are included in free call packages, inclusive minutes and discount packages.

1.7 Your responsibilities

1.7.1 You are responsible for:

  • Providing us with the correct details and notifying us of any changes to those details; including but not limited to changes in your personal contact details and the assignment or other transfer of a private/personalised vehicle registration number plate to any of your Registered Vehicle(s)
  • Reading and acting on all emails, letters, text and mobile app messages we send you
  • Making sure that you set your mailbox settings for emails, including spam filters, so that you can receive emails from us; and
  • Making sure that you register the correct contact details with us and that you tell us if your contact details change.
  • We are not responsible if you fail to read and act on any messages, we have sent you.

1.7.2 You agree to receive communications from us electronically and, subject to your legal rights, agree that all agreements, notices, disclosures and other communications we send you electronically meet any legal requirement that they have to be in writing.

1.7.3 You agree not to send us material that are illegal, indecent, offensive, abusive, defamatory, menacing, or which would breach copyright, trademark, confidence, privacy or any other right. This also includes material which may contain software viruses, political campaigning, advertising for business, chain letters, mass mailings or 'spam'.

1.7.4 If you decide to register for any other Road User Charging service, for example for a discount or Auto Pay service to be linked to this Account, you agree that it is your responsibility to complete any additional registration processes or make any applicable payments.

1.8 Notices

1.8.1 Any notice we give under this agreement will be in writing to the address you have provided and include items delivered by hand, sent via the post and sent by email, or any other electronic transmission.

1.8.2 A notice or document will be deemed to be served in accordance with the following:

  • Delivered by hand, at the time of delivery
  • Posted, the ordinary course of posting by first- or second-class post
  • Sent by email, if the email or other electronic transmission is sent on a business day before 16:30 on that day, or in any other case, on the next business day after the day it was sent

1.8.3 English will be the language for all communications between us and you.

1.8.4 All notices will include your Road User Charging account number.

1.8.5 This section 18 does not apply to PCNs which will be issued and served in accordance with the specific requirements of the 2001 Regulations.

1.9 Registering or using a payment card

We will make every effort to comply with the UK Card Association code of best practice.

1.9.1 You can register a payment card to an account. This means that we will store the payment card details which will make it easier for you to pay the Charge.

1.9.2 To register a payment card you must sign in to your online account or contact the contact centre. You will need to provide the following payment card details:

  • Card number
  • Card expiry date
  • Card valid from date [if applicable]
  • CVV/CSC/CVV2 number

We will check to ensure that the card information you have given us is valid.

1.9.3 If the payment card is registered successfully via your online account you will be immediately informed by a success message.

1.9.4 If the payment card is registered successfully via the contact centre agent you will be informed by a message at the end of the Interactive Voice Recognition service. Confirmation will be sent via your preferred communication channel, if requested.

1.9.5 If there are any problems and the card details you have supplied online cannot be validated you will be informed by a rejection message and given the opportunity to try again.

1.9.6 If there are any problems and the card details you have supplied via the Interactive Voice Recognition service cannot be validated you will be informed by a rejection message and given the opportunity to try again.

1.9.7 If you choose not to register a payment card on your account you will need to provide the card details every time you make a payment which ever payment channel is used.

1.10 Paying the Charge - payment by card

You can purchase a CC or a Blackwall and Silvertown Tunnels User Charge at any time by credit or debit card payment during the 64 Working Days immediately before the Charging Day concerned and until midnight on the third consecutive day after the day of travel.

1.10.1 You can purchase a LEZ Charge and/or ULEZ Charge at any time by credit or debit card payment during the 64 Working Days immediately before the Charging Day concerned and until midnight on the third consecutive day after the day of travel.

1.10.2 When you make payment you are confirming that you are authorised to use that payment card.

1.10.3 If the card issuer refuses to authorise payment, we will tell you that the card has been rejected. However, we do not have to give you the reason for the refusal.

1.10.4 We may allow a payment to go ahead when we have not received authorisation from your card issuer (for example, if we cannot contact your card issuer at the time of the transaction). We will not be responsible if the card issuer then goes on to refuse to authorise the payment. We will not be responsible for your card issuer or bank charging you as a result of us processing the credit or debit card payment, or if the bank or card issuer refuses or delays their authorisation.

1.10.5 If you request a receipt, we will confirm that we have received your payment by sending an email, post or text message to you (whichever option you have chosen). If you do not receive a valid confirmation receipt, or have chosen not to receive a receipt, it is your responsibility to phone us or check the status of the payment online. If the payment has not been confirmed, you should pay the Charge in another way.

1.10.6 We can refuse your payment for any reasonable cause.

1.11 Paying the Charge - payment by cheque

1.11.1 You can purchase a CC, LEZ, ULEZ or Blackwall and Silvertown Tunnels User Charge by a cleared cheque up to 64 Working Days immediately before the Charging Day concerned. (You may not pay by cheque on or later than the day of travel in case the cheque does not clear).

1.11.2 You must allow at least 10 Working Days before your date of travel to allow time for the cheque to clear with your bank.

1.11.3 If your bank returns the cheque payment uncleared it will be invalid and you will have to make alternative arrangements to pay the Charge.

1.11.4 If you request a receipt, we will confirm that we have received your payment by sending an email, post or text message to you (whichever option you have chosen). If you do not receive a valid confirmation receipt, or have chosen not to receive a receipt, it is your responsibility to phone us or check the status of the payment online. If the payment has not been confirmed, you should pay the charge in another way.

1.11.5 We can refuse your payment for any reasonable cause.

1.12 Paying the Charge - payment by Mobile Payment App

1.12.1 You can purchase a Charge through a Mobile Payment App immediately before the Charging Day concerned, on the day of travel or until midnight on the third consecutive day after the day of travel.

1.12.2 When you make payment you are confirming that you are authorised to use that payment card.

1.12.3 If the card issuer refuses to authorise payment, we will tell you that the card has been rejected. However, we do not have to give you the reason for the refusal.

1.12.4 We may allow a payment to go ahead when we have not received authorisation from your card issuer (for example, if we cannot contact your card issuer at the time of the transaction). We will not be responsible if the card issuer then goes on to refuse to authorise the payment. We will not be responsible for your card issuer or bank charging you as a result of us processing the credit or debit card payment, or if the bank or card issuer refuses or delays their authorisation.

1.12.5 If you are paying via your Road User Charging Account, you will also receive a copy of your receipt in accordance with your account settings. As an anonymous payment we will confirm that we have received your payment by sending an email, or text message to you (whichever option you have chosen). If you do not receive a valid confirmation receipt, or have chosen not to receive a receipt, it is your responsibility to check the status of the payment. If the payment has not been confirmed, you should pay the Charge in another way.

1.12.6 We can refuse your payment for any reasonable cause.

1.13 Roles and responsibilities

1.13.1 The Account Holder may assign roles to individuals as stated below:

  • The Account Holder can add up to 5 Account Users to administer the account.
  • It is the Account Holder's responsibility to ensure that the Account Users manage the account in accordance with the terms and conditions.

1.14 Account Closure due to non-usage

1.14.1 Non-use of your Road User Charging Account for a continuous period of 25 months will be considered sufficient grounds on which your account may be closed by us.

1.14.2 The last date of activity will be determined by the last effective date of any discounts, payment services (Auto Pay) or paid charges associated with your account, or the last date on which you updated your personal details (whichever is latest).

1.14.3 If your last date of activity remains unchanged for a period of 25 months your account will be closed.

1.14.4 Once closed, there is no means of reactivating your account.

1.15 Penalty Charge Notice

1.15.1 If you do not pay the correct applicable CC, LEZ, ULEZ or Blackwall and Silvertown Tunnels User Charge as required by the Congestion Charging Scheme and/ or the ULEZ -LEZ Charging Scheme and/or the Blackwall and Silvertown Tunnels Statement of Charges (as applicable) you may incur a penalty charge notice (PCN).

1.16 Governing law

1.16.1 These terms and conditions will be governed exclusively by English law. Any disputes will be dealt with by the English courts.

Road User Charging: Auto Pay service Terms and Conditions

These terms and conditions apply to the Auto Pay service for:

  • The Congestion Charge (CC) Scheme
  • The Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) Charge Scheme; and
  • The Low Emission Zone (LEZ) Charge Scheme
  • The Blackwall and Silvertown Tunnels User Charge

These Terms and Conditions should be read in conjunction with the Road User Charging (RUC): General Terms and Conditions.

Glossary of terms

In these terms and conditions, the following words and phrases in bold will have the meanings shown next to them.

Account Holder - Business Account - means a senior employee of the company who will hold the necessary authorisation to accept these terms and conditions on behalf of the company, and those terms and conditions associated to any additional Services added. The account holder will also act as the senior contact point between TfL and the company and will be responsible for account issue resolution and for the purpose of these terms and conditions, is referred to as you.

Account Holder - Personal Account - means the person in whose name the account is created, who agrees to these terms and condition and is referred to as you. You will be responsible for any account issue resolution.

Account User - means a person who has been nominated by you (or an authorised representative), to act as an authorised representative on your account, and who has access to, and the ability to manage the account on your behalf.

Auto Pay service - means the service that automatically charges the account holder with a Charge when they use their vehicle in the Relevant Charging Zone(s) or each time a crossing is made using the Blackwall and Silvertown Tunnels on a Charging Day during Charging Hours. The account holder is billed monthly and payments must be made for the service to remain active.

Blackwall and Silvertown Tunnels User Charge - means the user charges which are set out in the Blackwall and Silvertown Tunnels Statement of Charges which was approved by the TfL Board on 4 December 2024 and as may be amended from time to time.

Charging Scheme contained in the Silvertown Tunnel order 2018.

Billing Period - in relation to the Auto Pay service means one month or any other period we may decide and detail on our website. In each case the billing period will begin on the day that we accept an application to register for an Auto Pay service or any other day we may choose to accept. The first billing period may be shorter than one month depending on which day of the month has been chosen for us to produce your statement.

Charging Day for the Blackwall and Silvertown Tunnels Charge - means Monday to Sunday 06:00-22:00, except Christmas Day (25 December). 

Charging Day for the Congestion Charge - means every Monday to Friday between 07:00-18:00 and every weekend or bank holidays between noon-18:00; with the exception of the following non-chargeable days (inclusive): Christmas Day (25 December), the immediately following New Year Bank Holiday and every day between them.

Charging Day for the Ultra Low Emission Zone - means every day of the year (24 hours), except Christmas Day.

Charging Day for Low Emission Zone- means every day of the year (24 hours).

Charging Area - means the areas in which the Congestion Charge, Ultra Low Emission Zone Charge and the Low Emission Zone and the Blackwall and Silvertown Tunnels operare.

Congestion Charging Scheme - means the Charging Scheme contained in the Schedule to the Greater London (Central Zone) Congestion Charging Order 2004 (as amended).

Crossing Charge - means a charge for using a vehicle in either the Blackwall or Silvertown Tunnel on a Charging Day

Direct Debit - means the agreement between you and us, for the purposes of taking CC, ULEZ, LEZ and Blackwall and Silvertown Tunnels User Charges Auto Pay payments direct from your bank account.

Discount and Discounted - refers to a reduced rate vehicle registered (as applicable) for the CC under Article 9 of the Congestion Charging Scheme and Article x10 of the Silvertown Tunnels order 2018.

LEZ - means the Low Emission Zone (LEZ)

NHS Reimbursement Schemes - means the scheme that allows for refunds of Congestion Charge, ULEZ charge and Blackwall and Silvertown Tunnels User Charge made when an eligible NHS employee (Congestion Charge and Blackwall and Silvertown Tunnels User Charge only) or patient (Congestion Charge, ULEZ and Blackwall and Silvertown Tunnels charge) makes an eligible journey.

Notification Statement - means the notice we send you telling you of the amount due for payment on the billing day. It contains a statement of the Charges that make up that amount.

Registered Auto Pay Card - means the agreement between you and us, allowing us to claim varying amounts as and when they become due for payment for the purposes of the Auto Pay service from the payment card you have provided to us for this purpose.

Registered Keeper - means the keeper of the vehicle as defined on the vehicle registration certificate issued by the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA).

Registered Vehicle - means any vehicle that you have registered to your Auto Pay service.

Registration - means providing information to us for the purposes of applying for a discount, payment or other Services we provide.

Relevant Charging Zone - means the specific geographical areas in which the following Schemes operate (as amended from time to time):

  • Congestion Charge: the central London Congestion Charge Zone as specifically defined in the Congestion Charging Scheme.
  • ULEZ Charge: the area within the boundary of Greater London as specifically defined in the ULEZ-LEZ Charging Scheme (which is the same as for the LEZ Charge)
  • LEZ Charge: the area within the boundary of Greater London of Greater London, also as specifically defined in the ULEZ-LEZ Charging Scheme (which is the same as for the ULEZ Charge).
  • Blackwall and Silvertown Tunnels User Charge: the Blackwall and Silvertown Tunnels as specifically defined in the Blackwall and Silvertown Tunnels Statement of Charges.

Service - means a facility such as a discount or an alternative payment method available to you if you have an active customer account with us.

ULEZ - means the Ultra-Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) and ULEZ Charge

ULEZ-LEZ Charging Scheme - means the charging Scheme for the ULEZ and LEZ as set out in the London Emission Zones Charging Scheme contained in the Schedule to the Greater London Low Emission Zone Charging Order 2006 (as varied and amended).

We, us, our - means Transport for London.

Working Days - means any day other than a Saturday or a Sunday, Good Friday, Christmas Day, New Year's Day and any other day that is a bank holiday or public holiday, in England and Wales.

You, your - means the person who agrees to these terms and conditions.

10.0 Auto Pay - terms and conditions
Auto Pay is available for you to pay the Congestion Charge the ULEZ Charge, the LEZ charge and the Blackwall and Silvertown Tunnels User Charge.

10.1 Eligibility
To be eligible for an Auto Pay service you must meet the following conditions:
(a) You must be at least 18 years old.
(b) You must hold a UK bank account for the purposes of making Auto Pay payments. You can choose to pay by registered Auto Pay card or by Direct Debit.

10.2 Registration
You must register for the Auto Pay service by completing an online registration or postal registration form.
10.2.1 You can register for a:

  • Personal account (the account holder must be a named individual and that person is responsible for payment of any Charge(s) through the Auto Pay service)
  • Business Account - (The account must be set up in the name of the business, with a named individual as the account holder. The account holder is responsible for payment of any Charges through the Auto Pay service)

10.2.2 You can register up to five Registered Vehicles on your Auto Pay account. You must pay a Registration Charge to us for each vehicle you add as a Registered Vehicle.(where there is a Registration Charge) This charge is valid for one year from the date you register the vehicle.

10.2.3 Where there is a Registration Charge(s) will appear on your first Auto Pay Notification Statement.

10.2.4 You must pay to renew each Registered Vehicle on the anniversary of when it was added to your Auto Pay service as a registered vehicle.  If there is an Annual Vehicle Registration Charge(s) it will appear on the first Notification Statement following the renewal date. The charge is then valid for a further year.

10.2.5 If you remove your vehicle from your Auto Pay service before the renewal date you will not be charged the Annual Vehicle Registration Charge.

10.2.6 We will not refund a Registration Charge or Annual Vehicle Registration Charge.

10.3 Paying CC, ULEZ, LEZ and Blackwall and Silvertown Tunnels User Charges
10.3.1 You must pay us the Charge(s) for each Registered Vehicle for every day of use or driving within the Relevant Charging Zone(s) on a Charging Day during Charging Hours. In respect of the Blackwall and Silvertown Tunnels User Charge, charges apply each time a Registered Vehicle is used within the Blackwall and Silvertown Tunnels or any part of them on a Charging Day during Charging Hours.

10.3.2 There will be at least five Working Days between the date of the Notification Statement and when we take your payment.
10.3.3 If you dispute a Charge(s) you must still make payment of the full outstanding balance. If we decide that your dispute is valid, we will credit your Auto Pay service. Our decision will be final. Further information on disputing a Charge(s) can be found in section 10.8.
10.3.4 You must provide the vehicle registration number for each vehicle which you want to add on to your Auto Pay service by midnight on the day of travel.

10.4 Registering a payment card
We will make every effort to comply with the UK Card Association recurring card transactions code of best practice.
When you register a payment card, you confirm that you are authorised to use that card. We may check all credit and debit cards and they must be authorised by the card issuer.
10.4.1 If the card issuer refuses to authorise payment, we will tell you that the card has been rejected. However, we do not have to give you the reason for the refusal.
10.4.2 We may allow a payment to go ahead when we have not received authorisation from the card issuer (for example, if we cannot contact the card issuer at the time of the transaction). We will not be responsible if the card issuer then goes on to refuse to authorise the payment. We will not be responsible for your card issuer or bank charging you as a result of us processing the credit or debit card payment, or if the bank or card issuer refuses or delays their authorisation.
10.4.3 We can change how often we request registered Auto Pay card payments requests from your payment card. In the event that we do so we will notify you of the change via your preferred communication channel.

10.5 Registered Vehicles
10.5.1 You are responsible for giving us accurate and up-to-date vehicle information. You can do this online, by phone or by post.
10.5.2 We will not accept any responsibility for any information lost while it is being sent to us. You are responsible for the security of the information you provide until we receive it.
10.5.3 A vehicle can only be registered to one Auto Pay service at any one time. If your vehicle is registered to another Auto Pay service, then we will need to remove it from that service before we can register it to your Auto Pay. In order to do this, we will need proof that you are the Registered Keeper.
10.5.4 If you add a vehicle to the Auto Pay service online or by phone, the addition will take effect from the day we receive your request. If you remove a vehicle from the Auto Pay service, you will still be legally responsible for any Charge(s) incurred during the billing period that the registered vehicle was on your Auto Pay service.
10.5.5 If you ask us to remove a Registered Vehicle online or by phone, we will do so on the day you ask us to. You will be responsible for paying for any Charge on the day we remove the Registered Vehicle if you drive the vehicle within the Relevant Charging Zone on that day.
10.5.6 If you send us a letter to add or remove a Registered Vehicle and we agree to the change, this will appear on your Auto Pay service within 10 Working Days of us receiving your request. We will let you know the date of the change by your preferred communication channel. Until you receive this you must continue to pay the relevant Charge in another way.
10.5.7 You can register up to five vehicles on your Auto Pay service. Remember, you can register more vehicles to your Customer Account but only five of these are allowed to be Auto Pay Registered Vehicles.
10.5.8 If you are not the Registered Keeper for the vehicle(s) registered to the Auto Pay service, it is your responsibility to inform the Registered Keeper, or any other driver, that you are paying the Charge(s) and/or any Penalty Charge Notice(s) relating to that vehicle.

10.6 NHS Reimbursement Schemes
10.6.1 If you are eligible under the employee (Congestion Charge and Blackwall and Silvertown Tunnels User Charge) or patient (Congestion charge, ULEZ and Blackwall and Silvertown Tunnels User charge) NHS Reimbursement Schemes and have paid for a Congestion Charge, ULEZ or a Blackwall and Silvertown Tunnels Charge using the Auto Pay service, your refund will be credited to your Auto Pay service once we have received notification from the relevant NHS trust. A credit can only be applied to an active Auto Pay service. The NHS Reimbursement Scheme does not apply to the Low Emission Zone scheme.

10.7 Notification Statements
We will tell you in your Notification Statement how much you owe us and when we will take the payment.
10.7.1 Your Notification Statement details your Auto Pay service Registered Vehicles that have been detected within the Relevant Charging Zone(s) during Charging Hours and have been processed within the relevant Billing Period.
10.7.2 There will be at least five working days between the date of the Notification Statement and when we take your payment from your registered card.
10.7.3 There will be at least five working days between the date of the Notification Statement and when we take your payment by Direct Debit.
10.7.4 Your payment will appear on your Auto Pay service account no later than seven Working Days after we take the payment.
10.7.5 If you have no vehicle detections or any other activity for two or more consecutive Billing Periods we will not send you a Notification Statement, but you can still view a blank/no charge statement online.
10.7.6 Images of your vehicle will not be retained for longer than is necessary to resolve any outstanding Charge disputes.
10.7.7 If you wish to dispute a Charge you need to do so within 60 days from the date of your statement containing the disputed Charge(s).
10.7.8 Due to processing times not all detections will appear in the current Notification Statement, where this happens the detections will appear in the next Billing Period.


10.8 Disputing a Charge(s)
10.8.1 If you dispute a Charge(s) you must:

  • Continue to make full payment of the outstanding balance.
  • Contact us by email or telephone within 60 days from the date of your statement containing the disputed Charge(s)

10.8.2 We will let you know the outcome of your Charge dispute via your preferred communication channel.
10.8.3 If we accept the dispute, we will credit your Auto Pay service within 10 Working Days at the value of the disputed Charge(s).
10.8.4 If we do not accept the dispute, we will let you know via your preferred communication channel. Our decision is final.
10.8.5 If you have an outstanding dispute, we will keep the images until this is resolved.

10.9 Grounds for suspension of the service
10.9.1 We may suspend the Auto Pay service if any of the following happen:

  • You fail to pay any amounts due, after we have sent you a request for payment
  • We have been unable to collect a registered Auto Pay card or Direct Debit payment
  • You do not meet the conditions in clause 10.1
  • You do not accept amendments to this agreement
  • You do not comply with the terms and conditions of this agreement

10.10 Pending suspension process
10.10.1 Prior to suspending your Auto Pay service we will send you a pending suspension notice via your preferred communication channel. This notice will explain the reason we intend to suspend the service and the date this will take effect.
10.10.2 You can still continue to drive into the Relevant Charging Zone(s) and add charges to your Auto Pay service until the day of suspension.
10.10.3 We will not produce further Notification Statements or attempt to collect payment.
10.10.4 Beginning with the date on the pending suspension notice, you have five Working Days to contact us, to resolve the situation.
10.10.5 If you contact us during the five Working Days from the date of the pending suspension notice, you will need to pay the full outstanding balance on your Auto Pay service at that time.
10.10.6 When you pay the outstanding balance, your Auto Pay service will remain active and normal notification and collection cycles resume.
10.10.7 If you do not pay the full outstanding balance by the date stated on the pending suspension notice, your Auto Pay service will be suspended.

10.11 Suspension process
10.11.1 We will send you a suspension notice via your preferred communication channel confirming your Auto Pay service is suspended.
10.11.2 If you continue to drive into the relevant Charging Zone(s) from the date of suspension, no Charges will be debited to the Auto Pay service and you will have to find alternative ways to pay the relevant Charge(s) due. If you do not pay the relevant Charge(s), the Registered Keeper of the vehicle may receive a Penalty Charge Notice.
10.11.3 Beginning with the date on the suspension notice, you have five Working Days to contact us to resolve the situation.
10.11.4 If you contact us during the five Working Days from the date of suspension, you will be requested to pay the full outstanding balance on your Auto Pay service at that time.
10.11.5 When you pay the outstanding balance, your Auto Pay service will be reactivated and normal notification and collection cycles resume.
10.11.6 If you do not pay the full outstanding balance by the date on the suspension notice your Auto Pay service will be closed

10.12 Closure process
10.12.1 We will send you a closure notice via your preferred communication channel confirming your Auto Pay service is closed. This notice will request you make payment of the full outstanding balance.
10.12.2 If you continue to drive into the Relevant Charging Zone(s) from the date of the closure notice, no Charges will be debited to the Auto Pay service and you will have to find alternative ways to pay the relevant Charge(s) due. If you travel in the zone(s) without purchasing the relevant Charge(s), the Registered Keeper of the vehicle may receive a Penalty Charge Notice.

10.13 Following closure of the service
10.13.1 Within the next Billing Period, You must pay us any money you still owe us or we will credit you with any money we may owe to you.
10.13.2 If we have closed your Auto Pay service because you owe us money, we may keep your records until the debt has been paid.
10.13.3 If you owe us money or have committed fraud, we may pass your details to law enforcement or debt collection agencies.
10.13.4 If you continue to drive into the Relevant Charging Zone(s) following closure of your Auto Pay service you will need to pay the relevant Charge(s) in full, using another method of payment. The Registered Keeper of the vehicle is responsible for any Penalty Charge Notice issued as a result of not paying the relevant Charge(s).
You can request a new Auto Pay service, which will be subject to the same Registration and Registration Charges detailed in 10.2. You must register a valid payment method and pay a Registration Charge (where one is applied)  for every vehicle you add as a Registered Vehicle. The Registration Charge(s) will appear on your first Notification Statement issued 10 Working Days following the date of the activation of the service. We reserve the right to refuse this request and our decision is final.

10.13.6 If you want to end your Auto Pay service, you must contact us by email, telephone or post and ask us to close your account. Your agreement will end when the final balance has been paid in full. We will send you a closing statement via your preferred communication channel.
10.13.7 We will keep your records for 13 months after we close an Auto Pay service (for whatever reason). After that period, we will only keep a summary of the information.

10.14 Disclaiming legal responsibility
10.14.1 We will not be responsible for any loss or damage you may suffer in relation to the Auto Pay service, except for direct loss or damage caused by our negligent acts or failure to act or if we break our responsibilities under the agreement.
10.14.2 Nothing in this clause limits our legal responsibility for causing death or personal injury as a result of negligence.
10.14.3 In no circumstances will we be responsible to you for indirect loss or loss or damage arising as a consequence of any action taken under these terms and conditions, or for loss of revenue, savings, profits or goodwill.

Congestion Charging and Blackwall and Silvertown Tunnels User Charging: Blue Badge Discount Registration Terms and Conditions

These terms and conditions apply to the Congestion Charging Scheme and the Blackwall and Silvertown Tunnels User Charge and should be read in conjunction with the RUC: General Terms and Conditions.

Glossary of terms

In these terms and conditions, the following words and phrases in bold will have the meanings shown next to them.

Blackwall and Silvertown Tunnels Statement of Charges means the Blackwall and Silvertown Tunnels Statement of Charges which was approved by the TfL Board on 4 December 2024 and as may be amended from time to time.

Blue Badge means a disabled person's badge or parking card issued pursuant to the Disabled Persons (Badges for Motor Vehicles) (England) Regulations 2000 or a disabled person's badge issued on the ground of the individual's reduced mobility by a member State in accordance with Council Recommendation 98/376/EC.

Congestion Charge Scheme Order means the Greater London (Central Zone) Congestion Charging Order 2004 which was made by Transport for London on 30 September 2004 and confirmed with modifications by the Mayor of London on 27 October 2004 as amended from time to time.

Discount and Discounted refers to a reduced rate vehicle registered pursuant to Article 9 of the Congestion Charging Scheme Order or Article 10 of the Blackwall and Silvertown Tunnels Statement of Charges

Registered Vehicle means any vehicle that you have registered for the Discount.

Registration Charge means the charge you pay to us to register for the Discount.

Renewal Charge means the charge you pay to us on expiry of your blue badge to renew the Discount. If you renew the Discount within 90 days of the Discount expiry date, no renewal charge is payable. If your Discount is renewed more than 90 days after your previous Discount expiry date you will need to pay the renewal charge.

We, us means Transport for London.

You means the person who agrees to these terms and conditions.

2.0 Eligibility

To be eligible for the Congestion Charging or Blackwall and Silvertown Tunnels User Charge Blue Badge Discount you must meet the criteria set out in paragraph 6 of Annex 2 to the Congestion Charge Scheme Order or paragraph 5 of Annex 1 to the Blackwall and Silvertown Tunnels Statement of Charges.

2.1 Registration

2.1.1 You must register for the Discount by completing an online registration or postal registration form and renew this on expiry of your Blue Badge.

2.1.2 You must pay a Registration Charge.

2.1.3 You will be invited to renew your Discount shortly before it expires. If you remain eligible for the Discount you must provide proof and pay a Renewal Charge before the Discount expiry date to continue to benefit from the Discount. The Renewal Charge is waived if you renew your Discount within 90 days of it expiring.

2.2 Proof of eligibility

You must provide the following proof of eligibility when registering for or renewing the Discount:

Blue Badge

2.2.1 You must provide an A4 photocopy of both sides of the Blue Badge.

Individual Blue Badge holder

2.2.2 If you are an individual Blue Badge holder you must provide proof that you are the person the Blue Badge is issued to by providing a copy of one of the documents in the list below:

  • Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) benefit entitlement letter (dated within the last 7 months)
  • Current passport
  • Current driving licence
  • Pension entitlement letter (dated within the last 7 months)
  • Birth certificate (same first and last names as the Blue Badge. Not a certificate of registration of birth)
  • Current bank or credit card statement (dated within the last 3 months).

Proof - Institutional Blue Badge holder

If you are registering on behalf of an organisation, you must provide proof of the institution that the Blue Badge is issued to by providing a letter on the institution's letter headed paper, stating the blue badge number and expiry date. The letter should be signed by a senior member of staff and should give their job title.

2.3 General

2.5.1 An individual may not be registered for more than one Discount at any time and an institution may not be registered for more Discounts than the number of Blue Badges which are held by it at any time.

You may specify a maximum of two Registered Vehicles in respect of which your Discount will apply. The Discount will only apply to the last two Registered Vehicles specified by you before midnight on the day of travel.

2.5.2 If a Registered Vehicle linked to your Discount is used within the Congestion Charging Zone or the Blackwall and Silvertown Tunnels for purposes other than transporting or collecting you, the relevant user charge must be paid.

We may contact the issuing authority to confirm that the Blue Badge details are valid.

2.5.3 You cannot transfer your Discount to another person.

2.5.4 If you cease to be eligible for the Discount you must tell us immediately. You can sign into your online account, write to us or call our contact centre.

2.5.5 We may withdraw your Discount if any of the following happen:

You no longer meet the Discount eligibility requirements.

We believe that you have been acting fraudulently (e.g. you are benefitting from the Discount to which you are no longer eligible for).

2.5.5 Checking information - Blue Badge holder

2.6.1 At any time after we receive an application for a Discount Registration (including after we have notified you that your application is accepted) we may ask you for proof of eligibility for the Discount and/or about your vehicle.

2.6.2 We will send you a letter requesting that information which you must provide by the date stated in that letter.

2.6.3 If as a result of checks of the information provided under clause 2.4 above we decide that a registered vehicle is not or has ceased to be an eligible vehicle (including if you fail to provide requisite proof of eligibility), then:

  • For any application for which you have applied, we will tell you that it has been rejected.
  • For any Registration for which you are not (or are no longer) eligible, we will tell you that we will remove the Registered Vehicle on a date we tell you; or
  • For any Registered Vehicles that are not (or are no longer) eligible, whether or not as a result of any changes made, we will tell you that we will remove your vehicle's registration for the Discount on a date we tell you.

Road User Charging: Cleaner Vehicle Discount Registration Terms and Conditions

These terms and conditions apply to the Congestion Charging Scheme only and should be read in conjunction with the General Terms and Conditions.

Glossary of terms

In these terms and conditions, the following words and phrases in bold will have the meanings shown next to them.

Annual Vehicle Registration Charge - means the charge payable to us every year for each vehicle registered on your Discount.

Charging Day for the Congestion Charge - means every Monday to Friday between 07:00-18:00 and every weekend or bank holidays between noon;18:00; with the exception of the following non-chargeable days (inclusive): Christmas Day (25 December), the immediately following New Year Bank Holiday and every day between them.

Discount and Discounted - refers to a reduced rate vehicle registered under Article 9 of the Congestion Charging Scheme Order.

Registered Vehicle - means any vehicle that you have registered to your Discount service.

Registration - means providing information you must give us for the purposes of applying for a Discount, payment or other services we provide.

Registration Charge - means the charge you pay to us to register for a Congestion Charge Discount.

We, us, our - means Transport for London.

You, your - means the person who agrees to these terms and conditions.

5.0 Eligibility - GB Registered Vehicle
To be eligible for the Congestion Charging Cleaner Vehicle Discount, you must meet all of the following conditions:

  • The vehicle must be registered with the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) and
  • The vehicle must have a fuel type of battery electric or hydrogen fuel cell 
  • The vehicle must be a Car (M1) or a Van (N1) (light goods vehicle not exceeding 3.5 tonnes gross vehicle weight).

5.1 Eligibility - Non GB Registered Vehicle
To be eligible for the Congestion Charging Cleaner Vehicle Discount, you must meet all of the following conditions:

  • The vehicle must be registered with any vehicle licensing agency within the European Economic Area and
  • The vehicle must have a fuel type of battery electric or hydrogen fuel cell 
  • The vehicle must be a Car or a Van (light goods vehicle not exceeding 3.5 tonnes gross vehicle weight)
  • 5.2 Registration
    You must register for the Discount by completing an online registration or postal registration form and renew this annually.
    5.2.1 You must pay a Registration Charge.
    5.2.2 You will be invited to renew your Discount shortly before it expires. If you remain eligible for the Discount you must pay an Annual Vehicle Registration Charge before the Discount expiry date to continue to benefit from the Discount.

5.3 Proof - GB Registered Vehicle
You must provide proof that the vehicle meets the conditions in clause 5.0.
5.3.1 You must provide an A4 photocopy of the document listed below:

  • A copy of your DVLA vehicle registration document (V5C) showing the fuel type as being Battery electric or hydrogen fuel cell 

5.4 Proof - Non GB Registered Vehicles
You must provide proof that the vehicle meets the conditions in clause 5.1.
5.4.1 You must provide an A4 photocopy of the document listed below:

  • Your vehicle registration document or equivalent that clearly shows the vehicle meets the Discount eligibility criteria.

5.5 General
5.5.1 We may close your Discount if any of the following happen:
a) You no longer meet the Discount eligibility requirements (e.g. if you no longer meet the eligibility requirements as set out in the relevant Discount terms and conditions).
b) We believe that you have been acting fraudulently (i.e. you are benefitting from a Discount to which you are no longer entitled as set out in the terms and conditions that you have agreed to).
5.5.2 You cannot transfer your Discount to another person.
5.5.3 If you cease to be eligible for the Discount or if you change your vehicle, you must tell us immediately. You can sign into your online account, write to us or call our contact centre.

5.6 Checking information
5.6.1 At any time after we receive an application for a Discount Registration (including after we have notified you that your application is accepted) we may ask you for proof of eligibility for the Discount and/or any other information about your vehicle being registered.
5.6.2 We will send you a letter requesting that information which you must provide by the date stated in that letter.
5.6.3 If as a result of checks of the information provided above we decide that a registered vehicle is not or has ceased to be an eligible vehicle (including if you fail to provide requisite proof of eligibility), then:

  • For any application for which you have applied, we will tell you that it has been rejected
  • For any Registration for which you are not (or are no longer) eligible, we will tell you that we will remove the Registered Vehicle on a date we tell you

Road User Charging: Blackwall and Silvertown Tunnels East London Low Income Residents' Discount Registration Terms and Conditions

These terms and conditions should be read in conjunction with the RUC: General Terms and Conditions and apply to:

  • The Blackwall and Silvertown Tunnels East London Low Income Residents' Discount.

Glossary of terms

In these terms and conditions, the following words and phrases in bold will have the meanings shown next to them.

Blackwall and Silvertown Tunnels Statement of Charges means the Blackwall and Silvertown Tunnels Statement of Charges which was approved by the TfL Board on 4 December 2024 and as may be amended from time to time.

Charge means the charge imposed by article 6 of the Blackwall and Silvertown Tunnels Statement of Charges for use of the Blackwall or Silvertown Tunnels or any part of them on a Charging Day

Charging Day for the Blackwall and Silvertown Tunnels Charge means Monday to Sunday from 6:00-22:00, except Christmas Day (25 December).

Discount and Discounted - refers to a reduced rate vehicle as stipulated in the Blackwall and Silvertown Tunnels Statement of Charges.

NHS Reimbursement Schemes means the schemes that allows for refunds of Charge payments made when an eligible NHS employee or patient makes an eligible journey.

Registered Vehicle means any vehicle that you have registered to your Discount service.

Registration means providing information you must give us for the purposes of applying for a Discount, payment or other services we provide.

Residents' Discount Zone means the area comprising of postcodes within the following London boroughs:

  • Tower Hamlets
  • Newham
  • Greenwich
  • Barking and Dagenham
  • Bexley
  • Bromley
  • City of London Corporation
  • Hackney
  • Havering
  • Lewisham
  • Redbridge
  • Southwark
  • Waltham Forest

There is an interactive map and a postcode checker on our

We, us, our - means Transport for London.

You, your - means the person who agrees to these terms and conditions.

3.0 Requirements for the Residents' Discount

To qualify for the Blackwall and Silvertown Tunnels East London Low Income Residents' Discount, you must meet the eligibility criteria as set out in Paragraph 11 of Annex 1 to the Blackwall and Silvertown Tunnel Statement of Charges.

3.1 Requirements for Residents' vehicle

To register a vehicle for a Residents' Discount:

a) Your vehicle must be registered with the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) in your name or in the name of a member of your household and at the address for which you are applying for the Discount.


b) Your vehicle must be registered in the name of your employer or the employer of any person living in the same household provided that the vehicle is kept for the exclusive use of you and members of your household which reside at the same address as you.


c) Your vehicle is hired by or leased to you, any person living in the same household as you, your employer or the employer of any person living in the same household as you provided that the vehicle is kept for the exclusive use of you and members of your household which reside at the same address as you.

3.1.1 You can register one vehicle for a Residents' Discount.

3.1.2 Your vehicle must be constructed or adapted for the carriage of people and their luggage or for the carriage of goods or burden of any description providing the height of the vehicle is no more than 2.44 meters.

3.1.3 If you live in the Residents' Discount Zone and don't own a vehicle, you can still register for the Discount if you occasionally use a hire or recognised car club vehicle.

3.2 Requirements for Residents' occasional use of hire cars

To hire or use a courtesy vehicle for a Resident's Discount:

a) The vehicle must be registered to a recognised hire or courtesy vehicle company

b) The vehicle can only be used for a maximum of 30 days in a row

c) You must let us know the details of the hire/courtesy vehicle before you use it

d) You must pay the full Charge whilst using this vehicle

e) At the end of the hire period, you must contact us to arrange a refund of 50 % of Charges paid for this vehicle registration number during this time.

3.3 Registration

You must register for the Discount by completing an online Registration or postal Registration form, and renew this annually.

3.3.1 You will be invited to renew your Discount shortly before it expires. If you remain eligible for the Discount you must provide proofs before the Discount expiry date to continue to benefit from the Discount.

3.4 Proof - Residency

You must provide proof that you meet the conditions in clause 3.0.

3.4.1 You must provide copies of two proofs in your name and at the address for which you are applying for the Discount from the following list:

  • A valid Residents' on-street parking permit.
  • A current council tax bill
  • Your Low income benefit entitlement letter (dated within the last 7 months)
  • Your bank or credit card statement (dated within the last 3 months)
  • A formal tenancy agreement or housing association rent document (dated within the last 12 months)
  • A current utility bill for example gas, water, or electricity bill but not a mobile phone bill (dated in the last 3 months)
  • A current photo driving licence

3.5 Proof - Residents' Vehicle

You must provide proof that you meet the conditions in clause 3.1.

3.5.1 To register your own private vehicle you need to provide a copy of the vehicle's registration document (V5C).

Note: The vehicle needs to be registered with the DVLA in your name or in the name of a member of your household and at the address for which you are applying for the Discount.

3.5.2 To register a company car or a lease vehicle you need to provide a copy of one of the following:

  • A copy of the vehicle lease document.


  • A copy of a company car authorisation letter, which should be on headed paper saying that the vehicle, is for your or your householders use.


  • Where the company car is provided by a lease company both a copy of your or your householders employers vehicle lease document and a copy of a company car authorisation letter needs to be provided. The letter should be on headed paper saying that the car is for you or your householders use only and the vehicle must be registered in the company name or lease company name with the DVLA

3.6 Proof - Applicant Photo Identity

You must provide one form of valid photographic identity. Acceptable forms of photo ID are a current driver's licence or passport. Where a vehicle is in the name of a householder, an additional form of photo identification must be provided in the name of the householder.

3.7 NHS Reimbursement Schemes

If you are eligible under the employee or patient NHS Reimbursement Schemes and you have paid a Charge using your Resident's account, we can refund it under the relevant NHS Reimbursement Scheme.

3.8 General

3.8.1 We may withdraw your Discount if any of the following happen:

a) You no longer meet the Discount eligibility requirements

b) We believe that you have been acting fraudulently (i.e. you are benefitting from a Discount to which you are no longer entitled as set out in the terms and conditions that you have agreed to).

3.8.2 You cannot transfer your Discount to another person.

3.8.3 If you cease to be eligible for the Discount, move home or if you change your vehicle, you must tell us immediately. You can sign into your online account, write to us or call our contact centre.

3.9 Checking information

3.9.1 At any time after we receive an application for a Discount Registration (including after we have notified you that your application is accepted) we may ask you for proof of eligibility for the Discount and/or about your vehicle.

3.9.2 We will send you a letter requesting that information which you must provide by the date stated in that letter.

3.9.3 If as a result of checks of the information provided above we decide that a registered vehicle is not or has ceased to be an eligible vehicle (including if you fail to provide requisite proof of eligibility), then:

  • For any application for which you have applied, we will tell you that it has been rejected.
  • For any Registration for which you are not (or are no longer) eligible, we will tell you that we will remove the Registered Vehicle on a date we tell you; or
  • For any Registered Vehicles that are not (or are no longer) eligible, whether or not as a result of any changes made, we will tell you that we will remove the vehicle's registration for the Discount on a date we tell you.

Road User Charging: Fleet Auto Pay service Terms and Conditions

These terms and conditions apply to the Fleet Auto Pay service for the Congestion Charge (CC) Scheme, the Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) Charge Scheme the Low Emission Zone (LEZ) Charge Scheme and the Blackwall and Silvertown Tunnels User Charge.

These Terms and Conditions should be read in conjunction with the Road User Charging (RUC): General Terms and Conditions.

Glossary of terms

In these terms and conditions, the following words and phrases in bold will have the meanings shown next to them.

Account Holder - Business Account means a senior employee of the company who will hold the necessary authorisation to accept these terms and conditions on behalf of the company, and those terms and conditions associated to any additional Services added. The Account Holder will also act as the senior contact point between TfL and the company and will be responsible for issue resolution and for the purpose of these terms and conditions, is referred to as you.

Account User - means a person who has been nominated by you (or an authorised representative), to act as an authorised representative, and has access to, and ability to manage the account on your behalf.

Ad-hoc Charge(s) - means you can pay a Congestion Charge a ULEZ Charge, a LEZ Charge and a Blackwall and Silvertown Tunnels Charge at the full rate via your Fleet Auto Pay account for a limited number of non-Registered Vehicles.

Annual Vehicle Registration Charge - means the fee or charge payable to us every year for each vehicle registered on your Fleet Auto Pay service. The current amount can be found at

Billing Period - in relation to Fleet Auto Pay means one month or any other period we may decide and give on our website. In each case the Billing Period will begin on the day that we accept an application to register for a Fleet Auto Pay service or any other day we may choose to accept. The first Billing Period may be shorter than one month depending on which day of the month has been chosen by us to produce your statement.

Blackwall and Silvertown Tunnels Charge Scheme - means the Charging Scheme contained in the Silvertown Tunnel order 2018.

Charge(s) - means (as applicable) any of the following:

  • The Congestion Charge (CC) as payable under Articles 4 and 6 of the Congestion Charging Scheme Order, or
  • The Low Emission Zone (LEZ) Charge and the Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) Charge as respectively payable under Article 7 of the ULEZ-LEZ Charging Scheme.
  • The Blackwall and Silvertown Tunnels Charge as payable under Article 10 of the Silvertown Tunnel order 2018

Charging Day for the Blackwall and Silvertown Tunnels Charge means Monday to Sunday from 6am-10pm, except Christmas Day (25 December).

Charging Day for the Congestion Charge - means Monday to Friday 07:00-18:00 and weekends and bank holidays noon-18:00, every day of the year, except Christmas Day (25 December) and the period up to and including the New Year's Day Bank Holiday.

Charging Day for the Ultra Low Emission Zone - means every day of the year (24 hours), except Christmas Day.

Charging Day for Low Emission Zone - means every day of the year (24 hours).

Congestion Charging Scheme - means the Charging Scheme in the Schedule to the Greater London (Central Zone) Congestion Charging Order 2004, (as varied and amended).

Direct Debit - means the agreement between you and us, for the purposes of taking Congestion Charging, ULEZ, LEZ and Blackwall and Silvertown Tunnels Fleet Auto Pay payments direct from your bank account.

Discount and Discounted - refers to a reduced rate vehicle registered (as applicable) for the Congestion Charging under Article 9 of the Congestion Charging Scheme and Article 10 of the Silvertown Tunnels order 2018.

Fleet Auto Pay service - means the service that automatically charges the Fleet Operator when they use a Registered Vehicle in a Relevant Charging Zone or Scheme during Charging Hours. The Fleet Operator is billed monthly, and payments must be made for the service to remain active.

Fleet Operator - means the organisation accepting these Terms and Conditions as stated in the Declaration.

LEZ - means the Low Emission Zone (LEZ)

Notification Statement - means the notice we send you telling you the amount due for payment on the billing day. It contains a statement of the charges that make up that amount.

Registered Keeper - means:

For a vehicle registered in the United Kingdom, the person whose name the vehicle is registered in under the Vehicle Excise and Registration Act 1994; or

For any other vehicle, the person who keeps the vehicle.

Registered Vehicle - means any vehicle bearing a unique Vehicle Registration Mark (VRM) that you have registered to your Fleet Auto Pay service.

Registration - means providing information you must give us for the purposes of applying for a Discount, payment or other Services We provide.

Registration Charge - means the charge you pay to us to register a vehicle for the Fleet Auto Pay service. The current amount can be found at

Relevant Charging Zone - means the specific geographical areas in which the following Schemes operate (as amended from time to time)

  • Congestion Charge: the central London Congestion Charge Zone as specifically defined in the Congestion Charging Scheme
  • ULEZ Charge: The area of Inner London (generally) up to (but not including) the North-South Circular roads, as specifically defined in the ULEZ-LEZ Charging Scheme;
  • LEZ Charge: the area of Greater London, also as specifically defined in the ULEZ-LEZ Charging Scheme
  • Blackwall and Silvertown Tunnels User Charge: the area of the Blackwall and Silvertown Tunnels as specifically defined in the Blackwall and Silvertown Tunnels Statement of Charges.

Service - means a facility available to you if you have an active customer account with us.

ULEZ - means the Ultra-Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) and ULEZ Charge, which operates in the same central London area as the Congestion Charge.

ULEZ-LEZ Charging Scheme - means the charging Scheme for the ULEZ and LEZ as set out in the London Emission Zones Charging Scheme contained in the Schedule to the Greater London Low Emission Zone Charging Order 2006 (as varied and amended).

We, us, our - means Transport for London.

Working Days - means any day other than a Saturday or a Sunday, Good Friday, Christmas Day, New Year's Day and any other day that is a bank holiday or public holiday, in England and Wales.

You, your - means the person who agrees to these terms and conditions.

11.0 Fleet Auto Pay service - terms and conditions

Fleet Auto Pay is available for you to pay the Congestion Charge the ULEZ Charge, the LEZ charge and the Blackwall and Silvertown Tunnels User Charge.

11.1 Eligibility for a Fleet Auto Pay service

To be eligible for a Fleet Auto Pay service you must meet the following conditions:

(a) You must have and register a fleet of six or more vehicles.

(b) Your vehicles must be controlled and managed by you or a Fleet Operator and used principally for the purposes of a business or by a person to whom the Fleet Operator is a contractor.

(c) You must hold a UK bank account for the purposes of making Fleet Auto Pay payments by Direct Debit.

11.2 Registration and Registration Charges

You must register for the Fleet Auto Pay service by completing an online Registration.

11.2.1 You must register a Business Account. (The account must be set up in the name of the business, with a named individual as the Account Holder. The Account Holder is responsible for payment of any charges through the Fleet Auto Pay service).

11.3 Paying CC, ULEZ, LEZ and Blackwall and Silvertown Tunnels Charges

11.3.1 You must pay us the Charge(s) for each Registered Vehicle (and where applicable the Ad-hoc charges) for every day of use or driving within the Congestion Charge zone, the ULEZ and the LEZ. You must pay us the Charge(s) for each Registered Vehicle for every crossing made using the Blackwall and Silvertown Tunnels in both directions.

11.3.2 There will be at least five Working Days between the date of the Notification Statement and when we take your payment by Direct Debit.

11.3.3 If you dispute a Charge(s) you must still make payment of the full outstanding balance. If we decide that your dispute is valid, we will credit your Fleet Auto Pay account. Our decision will be final. Further information on disputing a Charge(s) can be found in section 11.6.

11.3.4 You must provide the vehicle registration number for each vehicle for which you want to add an Ad-hoc Charge(s) by midnight on the day of travel.

11.3.5 The number of Ad-hoc Charge(s) that you may add each Billing Period is limited to the number of Registered Vehicles on your Fleet Auto Pay account e.g. if you have 50 Registered Vehicles, then 50 Ad-hoc Charge(s) may be added in any Billing Period. When paying an ad hoc Congestion Charge if the vehicle does not meet the emissions standards for the ULEZ or the LEZ then you will automatically be charged the ULEZ Charge and/or LEZ Charge (as applicable) which will utilise an additional ad hoc charge from your allowance.

11.3.6 You may add Ad-hoc Charge(s) on the same day of travel or for a date in the future (maximum 64 Working Days in advance).

11.4 Registered Vehicles

11.4.1 You are responsible for giving us accurate and up-to-date vehicle information. You can do this online, by phone or by post.

11.4.2 We will not accept any responsibility for any information lost while it is being sent. You are responsible for the security of the information you provide until we receive it.

11.4.3 A vehicle can only be registered to one Fleet Auto Pay service at any one time. If you attempt to register a vehicle on more than one Fleet Auto Pay service, then preference will be given to the Registered Keeper of the vehicle.

11.4.4 If you add a vehicle to the Fleet Auto Pay online, or by phone, it will apply from the day we receive your request. If you remove a vehicle from the Fleet Auto Pay service, you will still be responsible for any Charge(s) during the Billing Period that the Registered Vehicle was on your Fleet Auto Pay service.

11.4.5 If you remove a Registered Vehicle online, it will be removed on that day. You will be responsible for the Charge(s) on the day you remove the vehicle if this vehicle is driven within the zone(s) or uses Blackwall and Silvertown Tunnels crossings on that day.

11.4.6 If you send us a letter to make a change to a Registered Vehicle and we agree to the change, this will appear on your Fleet Auto Pay service within 10 Working Days of us receiving your request. We will let you know the date of the change via email. Until you receive this you must continue to pay the relevant Charge in another way.

11.4.7 You must maintain a fleet of six or more vehicles on your Fleet Auto Pay.

11.4.8 If you are not the Registered Keeper for the vehicle(s) attached to the Fleet Auto Pay, it is your responsibility to inform the Registered Keeper, or any other driver, that you are paying the Charge and/or any Penalty Charge Notices relating to that vehicle.

11.5 Notification Statements

We will tell you in your Notification Statement how much you owe us and when we will take payment.

11.5.1 Your Notification Statement details Fleet Auto Pay Registered Vehicles detected within the Charging Zone(s) during Charging Hours that have been processed within the relevant Billing Period.

11.5.2 There will be five Working Days between the date of the Notification Statement and when we take your payment by Direct Debit.

11.5.3 Your payment will appear on your Fleet Auto Pay account no later than seven Working Days after we take payment.

11.5.4 If you have no vehicle detections or any other activity for two or more consecutive Billing Periods We will not send you a Notification Statement.

11.5.5 Images of your vehicle will not be retained for longer than is necessary to resolve any outstanding Charge disputes.

11.5.6 We may decide not investigate any dispute that is not made within a reasonable period of the date of the payment that include the disputed Charge(s).

11.5.7 Due to processing times not all detections will appear in the current Notification Statement, where this happens the detections will appear in the next Billing Period.

11.6 Disputing a Charge(s)

11.6.1 If you dispute a Charge(s) you must:

  • Continue to make full payment of the outstanding balance.
  • Contact us by email or telephone within 60 days from the date of your statement containing the disputed Charge(s).

11.6.2 We will let you know the outcome of your Charge dispute.

11.6.3 If we accept the dispute, we will credit your Fleet Auto Pay account within 10 Working Days at the value of the disputed Charges.

11.6.4 If we do not accept the dispute, we will let you know via email. Our decision is final.

11.6.5 If you have an outstanding dispute, we will keep the images until we have resolved the query.

11.7 Grounds for suspension of the service

We may suspend the Fleet Auto Pay service if any of the following happen:

  • You fail to pay any amounts due, after we have sent you a request for payment.
  • We have been unable to collect a Direct Debit payment.
  • We carry out validation checks and decide that your vehicles are not eligible.
  • You do not meet any of the conditions in clause 11.1.
  • You do not accept amendments to this agreement.
  • You do not comply with the terms and conditions of this agreement.

11.8 Pending suspension process

11.8.1 Prior to suspending your Fleet Auto Pay service we will send you a pending suspension notice via email. This notice will explain the reason we intend to suspend the service and the date this will take effect.

11.8.2 You can still continue to drive into the relevant Charging Zone(s) and use the relevant Schemes and add Charges to your Fleet Auto Pay service until the day of suspension.

11.8.3 We will not produce further Notification Statements or attempt to collect payment.

11.8.4 Beginning with the date on the pending suspension notice, you have five Working Days to contact us, to resolve the situation.

11.8.5 If you contact us during the five Working Days from the date of the pending suspension notice, you will need to pay the full outstanding balance on your Fleet Auto Pay service at that time.

11.8.6 When you pay the outstanding balance, your Fleet Auto Pay service will remain active and normal notification and collection cycles resume.

11.8.7 If you do not pay the full outstanding balance by the date stated on the pending suspension notice, your Fleet Auto Pay service will be suspended.

11.9 Suspension process

11.9.1 We will send you a suspension notice via email confirming your Fleet Auto Pay service is suspended.

11.9.2 If you continue to drive into the relevant Charging Zone(s) or use the relevant Scheme(s) from the date of suspension, no Charge(s) will be debited to the Fleet Auto Pay and you will have to find alternative ways to pay the Charge(s). If you travel in the zone(s) or use the scheme(s) without purchasing a relevant Charge(s) the Registered Keeper of the vehicle may receive a Penalty Charge Notice.

11.9.3 Beginning with the date on the suspension notice, you have five Working Days to contact us to resolve the situation.

11.9.4 If you contact us during the five Working Days from the date of suspension, you will be requested to pay the full outstanding balance on your Fleet Auto Pay service at that time.

11.9.5 When you pay the outstanding balance, your Fleet Auto Pay service will be reactivated and normal notification and collection cycles resume.

11.9.6 If you do not pay the full outstanding balance by the date on the suspension notice your Fleet Auto Pay service will be closed

11.10 Closure process

11.10.1 We will send you a closure notice via email confirming your Fleet Auto Pay service is closed. This notice will request you make payment of the full outstanding balance.

11.10.2 If you continue to drive into the relevant Charging Zone(s) or use the relevant Scheme(s) from the date of the closure notice, no Charge(s) will be debited to the Fleet Auto Pay and you will have to find alternative ways to pay the Charge. If you travel in the zone(s) or use the scheme(s) without purchasing a relevant Charge(s) the Registered Keeper of the vehicle may receive a Penalty Charge Notice.

11.11 Following closure of the service

11.11.1 Within the next Billing Period, You must pay us any money you still owe us or we will credit you with any money we may owe you.

11.11.2 If we have closed your Fleet Auto Pay service because you owe us money, we may keep your records until the debt has been paid.

11.11.3 If you owe us money or have committed fraud, we may pass your details to law enforcement or debt collection agencies.

11.11.4 If you continue to drive into the relevant Charging Zone(s) or use the relevant Scheme(s) following closure of your Fleet Auto Pay service you will need to pay the relevant Charge(s) in full, using another method of payment. The Registered Keeper of the vehicle is responsible for any Penalty Charge Notice issued as a result of not paying the Charge(s).

11.11.5 You can request a new Fleet Auto Pay service, You must register a valid payment method. We reserve the right to refuse this request and our decision is final.

11.11.6 If you want to end your Fleet Auto Pay service, you must contact us in writing and ask us to close your account. Your agreement will end when the final balance has been paid in full. We will send you a closing statement via email.

11.11.7 We will keep your records for 13 months after we close a Fleet Auto Pay service (for whatever reason). After that period, we will only keep a summary of the information.

11.12 Termination

11.12.1 We reserve the right at any time to withdraw the Fleet Auto Pay service.

11.12.2 Prior to terminating your Fleet Auto Pay service we will send you a termination notice via email. This notice will explain the reason we intend to terminate the service and the date this will take effect (in circumstance of termination due to fraud, we will terminate the service immediately).

11.12.3 You can still continue to drive into the relevant Charging Zone(s) and use the relevant Scheme(s) and add usage Charges to your Fleet Auto Pay service until the day of termination.

11.12.4 We will not produce further Notification Statements or attempt to collect payment.

11.12.5 If you object to the termination of your Fleet Auto Pay service, beginning with the date on the termination notice, you have five Working Days to contact us.

11.12.6 If you contact us during the five Working Days from the date of the termination notice, you will need to pay the full outstanding balance on your Fleet Auto Pay at that time.

11.12.7 If we do not accept your objection we will let you know via email. Our decision is final.

11.12.8 If you continue to drive into the relevant Charging Zone(s) and use the relevant Scheme(s) from the date of the termination notice, no Charge(s) will be debited to the Fleet Auto Pay and you will have to find alternative ways to pay the Charge. If you travel in the zone(s) or use the scheme(s) without purchasing a Charge the Registered Keeper of the vehicle may receive a Penalty Charge Notice.

11.12.9 If the service is terminated due to fraud, we may close, bar or permanently ban any or all other Fleet Auto Pay Services held by the Fleet Operator or any member of the Group.

11.13 Relationship

11.13.1 We and the Fleet Operator acknowledge that the agreement does not constitute, create or give effect to:

  • Joint ventures
  • Pooling arrangements
  • Principal/agency relationships
  • Partnership
  • Formal business arrangement

The Fleet Auto Pay service does not allow either party to enter into any formal business partnership of any kind, without the other parties' express written permission. You, your agents, employees or contractors cannot at any time claim to be our employee.

11.13.2 You must maintain high standards of business ethics and practices. You should conduct yourself in such a way as to not bring yourself, other stakeholders, TfL or the Congestion/ ULEZ-LEZ/ Blackwall and Silvertown Tunnels Charging Schemes into disrepute.

11.13.3 Both parties should ensure that they make all reasonable efforts to be cooperative and work together, to ensure that the Congestion/ ULEZ-LEZ/Blackwall and Silvertown Tunnels Charging Schemes and the Fleet Auto Pay service operate efficiently.

11.13.4 You must notify us immediately in writing if and when you become aware of any conflicts of interests in relation to your Fleet Auto Pay.

11.13.5 You must notify us in writing of any change of Account Holder. This letter must confirm:

  • The name of the new Account Holder
  • The signature of the new Account Holder
  • A witness to the signature of the new Account Holder (the witness must be a senior member of the Fleet Operator, or at least the equivalent position to the Account Holder, and must verify the identity of the new Account Holder)

11.13.6 You can add up to 5 Account Users to administer the Account. It is your responsibility to ensure that the Account Users manage the Account in accordance with the terms and conditions.

11.14 Disclaiming legal responsibility

11.14.1 We will not be responsible for any loss or damage you may suffer in relation to the Fleet Auto Pay service, except for direct loss or damage caused by our negligent acts or failure to act or if We break our responsibilities under the agreement.

11.14.2 Nothing in this clause limits our legal responsibility for causing death or personal injury as a result of negligence.

11.14.3 In no circumstances will we be responsible to you for indirect loss or loss or damage arising as a consequence of any action taken under these terms and conditions, or for loss of revenue, savings, profits or goodwill.

Road User Charging: Showman's Discount Registration Terms and Conditions

Please read the following terms and conditions carefully when registering with us.

They should be read in conjunction with the RUC: General Terms and Conditions and apply to the:

  • Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) and ULEZ Charge
  • Low Emission Zone (LEZ) and LEZ Charge

By Registering and using any of our services, you agree to accept these terms and conditions.

Glossary of terms

In these terms and conditions, the following words and phrases in bold will have the meanings shown next to them.

Non-chargeable Register - means the register kept by us of vehicles that are Low Emission Zone (LEZ) and Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) non-chargeable vehicles under Article 5(1) of the London Emission Zones Charging Scheme.

Eligible Vehicle - refers to a vehicle that fulfils the criteria in clause 9.0.

Non-chargeable Vehicle - refers to a vehicle registered under Article 5 or Article 11 of the London Emission Zones Charging Scheme.

Registered vehicle - refers to a vehicle that has been entered into the Non-chargeable Register.

Registration - means providing information you must give us for the purposes of applying for an exemption, discount, payment or other services we provide.

We, us, our - means Transport for London.

You, your - means the person who agrees to these terms and conditions.

9.0 Eligibility
To be eligible for the vehicle to be included in the Non-chargeable Register, it must fulfil all of the following criteria:
a) The vehicle must be registered in the name of a person following the business of a travelling Showman.
b) It must be used solely by that person for the purposes of running their business and no other purpose.
c) It must be permanently fitted with either: special equipment, a special body or a superstructure that forms part of the equipment used during the performance of the show.

9.1 Registration
You must apply to register your vehicle to be included in the Non-chargeable Register by completing an online enquiry form or send the required documentation by post.
9.1.1 There is no charge to register.

9.2 Proof
You must provide proof that you meet the conditions in clause 9.0.
9.2.1 You must provide an A4 photocopy of the documents listed below:

  • A copy of your DVLA vehicle Registration document (V5c) or a copy of your vehicle registration document issued by your vehicle licensing agency and
  • A minimum of four photographs of the vehicle, one from each angle: front, back and both sides; also where relevant additional photographs of the vehicle body interior to show internal structure and adaptations or any specialised equipment fitted inside or underneath the vehicle.

Note: The photographs must be of a quality to allow us to assess whether the vehicle meets the criteria for specialist construction set out above and the vehicle registration mark (VRM) or number plate must be visible in one of the photographs.

If there is any specialised equipment fitted inside or underneath the vehicle, a photograph to show this should also be provided.

9.3 General
We may remove a registered vehicle from the Non-chargeable Register if any of the following happen:
a) You no longer meet the eligibility requirements detailed in clause 9.0.
b) We believe that you have been acting fraudulently (eg you are benefitting from the registration that you are no longer entitled as set out in the terms and conditions that you have agreed to).
9.3.1 You cannot transfer your registration to another vehicle or person (the person you transferred it to must make a new application for registration).
9.3.2 If you cease to be eligible, you must tell us immediately. You can sign in to your online account, write to us or call our contact centre.
9.3.3 If you no longer own the vehicle, you must contact us to remove the vehicle from the Non-chargeable Register.
9.3.4 If you register the vehicle with the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) as Statutory Off Road Notification (SORN), you must contact us to remove the vehicle from the Non-chargeable Register.

9.4 Checking information
At any time after we receive an application for a Registration (including after we have notified you that your application is accepted and the vehicle is entered into the Non-chargeable Register) we may ask you for proof of eligibility and/or any other information about the vehicle.
9.4.2 We will send you a letter requesting that information which you must provide by the date stated in that letter.
9.4.3 If as a result of checks of the information provided above we decide that a registered vehicle is not or has ceased to be an Eligible Vehicle (including if you fail to provide requisite proof of eligibility), then:

  • For any application for which you have applied, we will tell you that it has been rejected.
  • For any Registration for which you are not (or are no longer) eligible, we will tell you that we will remove the Registered Vehicle on a date we tell you; or
  • For any Registered Vehicles that are not (or are no longer) eligible, whether or not as a result of any changes made, we will tell you that we will remove the vehicle from the Non-chargeable Register on a date we tell you.

Road User Charging: Motor Tricycle Discount Registration Terms and Conditions

These terms and conditions apply to the Congestion Charging Scheme only and should be read in conjunction with the RUC: General Terms and Conditions.

Glossary of terms

In these terms and conditions, the following words and phrases in bold will have the meanings shown next to them.

Annual Vehicle Registration Charge - means the charge payable to us every year for each vehicle registered on your Discount.

Charging Day for the Congestion Charge - means every Monday to Friday between 07:00-18:00 and every weekend or bank holidays between noon-18:00; with the exception of the following non-chargeable days (inclusive): Christmas Day (25 December), the immediately following New Year Bank Holiday and every day between them.

Discount and Discounted - refers to a reduced rate vehicle registered under Article 9 of the Congestion Charging Scheme.

Registered Vehicle - means any vehicle that you have registered to your Discount service.

Registration - means providing information you must give us for the purposes of applying for a Discount, payment or other services we provide.

Registration Charge - means the charge you pay to us to register for a Congestion Charge Discount.

We, us, our - means Transport for London.

You, your - means the person who agrees to these terms and conditions.

6.0 Eligibility

To be eligible for the Motor Tricycle Discount you must meet all of the following conditions:

  1. The vehicle must be registered with the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) or with any vehicle licensing agency within the European Economic Area, and
  2. The vehicle must be a motor tricycle that is one metre or less wide, and two metres or less long.

6.1 Registration
You must register for the Discount by completing an online Registration or postal Registration form and renew this annually.
6.1.1 You must pay a Registration Charge.
6.1.2 You will be invited to renew your Discount shortly before it expires. If you remain eligible for the Discount you must pay an Annual Vehicle Registration Charge before the Discount expiry date to continue to benefit from the Discount.

6.2 Proof
You must provide proof that you meet the conditions in clause 6.0.
6.2.1 You must provide an A4 photocopy of the document(s) listed below:

  • A copy of your DVLA vehicle registration document (V5C) or a copy of your vehicle registration document issued by your vehicle licensing agency and
  • Four photographs of your motor tricycle (front, back and both sides). One of these photographs must show the vehicle registration mark (VRM).

6.3 General
6.3.1 We may close your Discount if any of the following happen:
a) You no longer meet the Discount eligibility requirements (i.e. if you no longer meet the eligibility requirements as set out in the relevant Discount terms and conditions).
b) We believe that you have been acting fraudulently (i.e. you are benefitting from a Discount to which you are no longer entitled as set out in the terms and conditions that you have agreed to).
6.3.2 You cannot transfer your Discount to another person.
6.3.3 If you cease to be eligible for the Discount or if you change your vehicle, you must tell us immediately. You can sign into your online account, write to us or call our contact centre.

6.4 Checking information
6.4.1 At any time after we receive an application for a Discount Registration (including after we have notified you that your application is accepted) we may ask you for proof of eligibility for the Discount and/or about your vehicle.
6.4.2 We will send you a letter requesting that information which you must provide by the date stated in that letter.
6.4.3 If as a result of checks of the information provided we decide that a registered vehicle is not or has ceased to be an eligible vehicle (including if you fail to provide requisite proof of eligibility), then:

  • For any application for which you have applied, we will tell you that it has been rejected.
  • For any Registration for which you are not (or are no longer) eligible, we will tell you that we will remove the Registered Vehicle on a date we tell you; or
  • For any Registered Vehicles that are not (or are no longer) eligible, whether or not as a result of any changes made, we will tell you that we will remove your vehicle's registration for the Discount on a date we tell you.

Congestion Charging and Blackwall and Silvertown Tunnels User Charging: Vehicles with Nine or more Seats Discount Registration Terms and Conditions

These terms and conditions apply to the Congestion Charging Scheme and the Blackwall and Silvertown Tunnels User Charge and should be read in conjunction with the RUC: General Terms and Conditions.

Glossary of terms

In these terms and conditions, the following words and phrases in bold will have the meanings shown next to them.

Annual Vehicle Registration Charge means the charge payable to us every year for each vehicle registered on your Discount.

Blackwall and Silvertown Tunnels Statement of Charges means the Blackwall and Silvertown Tunnels Statement of Charges which was approved by the TfL Board on 4 December 2024 and as may be amended from time to time.

Charging Day for the Blackwall and Silvertown Tunnels User Charge means Monday to Sunday from 06:00-22:00, except Christmas Day (25 December).

Charging Day for the Congestion Charge - means every Monday to Friday between 07:00-18:00 and every weekend or bank holidays between noon-18:00; with the exception of the following non-chargeable days (inclusive): Christmas Day (25 December), the immediately following New Year Bank Holiday and every day between them.

Congestion Charge Scheme Order means the Greater London (Central Zone) Congestion Charging Order 2004 which was made by Transport for London on 30 September 2004 and confirmed with modifications by the Mayor of London on 27 October 2004 as amended from time to time.

Discount and Discounted - refers to a reduced rate vehicle registered pursuant to Article 9 of the Congestion Charging Scheme Order or Article 10 of the Blackwall and Silvertown Tunnels[AR6] [EM7]  Statement of Charges

Registered Vehicle - means any vehicle that has been registered by us for a Discount.

Registration Charge - means the charge you pay to us to register for  the Discount.

We, us, our - means Transport for London.

You, your - means the person who agrees to these terms and conditions.

4.0 Eligibility - GB registered
To be eligible for the Congestion Charging or Blackwall and Silvertown Tunnels User Charging Vehicles with Nine or more Seats Discount your vehicle must be registered with the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) as either a Class M2 or M3 vehicle, that is, a passenger carrying vehicle with nine or more seats (including the driver's seat).

4.1 Eligibility - Non GB registered
To be eligible for the Vehicles with Nine or more Seats Discount your vehicle must be registered with a vehicle licensing agency within the European Economic Area as either a Class M2 or M3 vehicle, that is a passenger carrying vehicle with nine or more seats (including the driver's seat).

4.2 Registration
You must register for the Discount by completing an online Registration or postal Registration form, and renew this annually.
4.2.1 You must pay the Registration Charge.
4.2.2 You will be invited to renew your registration for the Discount shortly before it expires. If you remain eligible for the Discount you must pay an Annual Vehicle Registration Charge before the Discount expiry date to continue to benefit from the Discount.

4.3 Proof - GB registered
You must provide proof that the vehicle meets the conditions in clause 4.0.
4.3.1 You must provide a copy  of the document(s) listed below:

  • the DVLA vehicle registration document (V5C) and
  • Proof that clearly shows the number of seats in the vehicle

4.4 Proof - Non GB registered
You must provide proof that the vehicle meets the conditions in clause 4.1.
4.4.1 You must provide a copy  of the document(s) listed below:

  • A copy of your vehicle registration document issued by your vehicle licensing agency and
  • Proof that clearly shows the number of seats in the vehicle

4.5 General
4.5.1 We may withdraw your Discount if any of the following happen:
a) You no longer meet the Discount eligibility requirements (i.e. if you no longer meet the eligibility criteria as set out in the Congestion Charge Scheme Order or the Blackwall and Silvertown Tunnels Statement of Charges).
b) We believe that you have been acting fraudulently (e.g. you are benefitting from a Discount to which you are no longer entitled as set out in the terms and conditions that you have agreed to).
4.5.2 You cannot transfer your Discount to another person.
4.5.3 If you cease to be eligible for the Discount or if you change your vehicle, you must tell us immediately. You can sign in to your online account, write to us or call our contact centre.

4.6 Checking information
4.6.1 At any time after we receive an application for a Discount Registration (including after we have notified you that your application is accepted) we may ask you for proof of eligibility for the Discount and/or about your vehicle.
4.6.2 We will send you a letter requesting that information which you must provide by the date stated in that letter.
4.6.3 If as a result of checks of the information provided above we decide that a registered vehicle is not or has ceased to be an eligible vehicle (including if you fail to provide requisite proof of eligibility), then:

  • For any application for which you have applied, we will tell you that it has been rejected.
  • For any Registration for which you are not (or are no longer) eligible, we will tell you that we will remove the Registered Vehicle on a date we tell you; or
  • For any Registered Vehicles that are not (or are no longer) eligible, whether or not as a result of any changes made, we will tell you that we will remove the vehicle's registration for the Discount on a date we tell you.


Road User Charging: Residents' Discount Registration Terms and Conditions

These terms and conditions should be read in conjunction with the RUC: General Terms and Conditions and apply to:

  • The Congestion Charging Scheme only

Glossary of terms

In these terms and conditions, the following words and phrases in bold will have the meanings shown next to them.

Annual Renewal Charge - means the charge payable to us every year to renew a Discount.

Charge means the following:

  • Congestion Charge (CC)

Charging day for the Congestion Charge - means every Monday to Friday between 07:00-18:00 and every weekend or Bank Holiday between noon-18:00; with the exception of the following non-chargeable days (inclusive): Christmas Day (25 December), the immediately following New Year Bank Holiday and every day between them.

Discount and Discounted - refers to a reduced rate vehicle registered under Article 9 of the Congestion Charging Scheme Order.

NHS Reimbursement Schemes means the schemes that allows for refunds of Charge payments made when an eligible NHS employee or patient makes an eligible journey.

Registered Vehicle means any vehicle that you have registered to your Discount service.

Registration means providing information you must give us for the purposes of applying for a Discount, payment or other services we provide.

Registration Charge means the charge you pay to us to register for a Congestion Charge Discount.

Resident means someone who has registered with us under Annex 3 of the Congestion Charging Scheme.

Residents' Discount Zone means the area comprising the Congestion Charging Zone, plus some additional postcodes on the boundary of the Congestion Charging Zone where vehicular access to the property requires the resident to drive into the zone. There is an interactive map and a postcode checker on our website

We, us, our - means Transport for London.

You, your - means the person who agrees to these terms and conditions.

3.0 Requirements for the Residents' Discount
To qualify for the Congestion Charging Residents' Discount, you must meet all of the following conditions:
a) You must be at least 17 years old
b) Your main or permanent home must be in the Residents' Discount Zone, and you must be able to prove that the property in which you live is for residential purposes
c) Your name must be shown on either the parliamentary or local government Electoral Register, unless for other reasons not connected to where you live you're unable to vote or there's not been enough time for you to be included in the register yet
d) You must normally be present at those premises during at least 4 nights a week and for a period of at least 13 weeks
e) Your application for the Congestion Charge Residents Discount was received by us and the conditions set out at (a) to (d) above (inclusive) continue to be met at the time you apply for a renewal of your Discount

3.1 Requirements for Residents' vehicle
To register a vehicle for a Residents' Discount:
a) Your vehicle must be registered with the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) in your name and at the address for which you are applying for the Discount.


b) You can register a company car [if it is for your sole use only]


c) You can register a vehicle that has been leased to you [if it is for your sole use only]

3.1.1 You can register one vehicle for a Residents' Discount
3.1.2 Your vehicle must be constructed or adapted for the carriage of people and their luggage or for the carriage of goods or burden of any description providing the height of the vehicle is no more than 2.44 meters
3.1.3 If you live in the Residents' Discount Zone and don't own a vehicle, you can still register for the Discount if you occasionally use a hire or recognised car club vehicle. Refer to clause 8.4.

3.2 Requirements for Residents' occasional use of hire cars
To hire or use a courtesy vehicle for a Resident's Discount:
a) The vehicle must be registered to a recognised hire or courtesy vehicle company
b) The vehicle can only be used for a maximum of 30 days in a row
c) You must let us know the details of the hire/courtesy vehicle before you use it
d) You must pay the full Charge while using this vehicle
e) At the end of the hire period, you must contact us to arrange a refund of 90 % of Charges paid for this vehicle registration number during this time

3.3 Registration
You must register for the Discount by completing an online Registration or postal Registration form, and renew this annually.
3.3.1 You must pay a Registration Charge.
3.3.2 You will be invited to renew your Discount shortly before it expires. If you remain eligible for the Discount you must provide proof and pay an Annual Renewal Charge before the Discount expiry date to continue to benefit from the Discount.

3.4 Proof - Residency
You must provide proof that you meet the conditions in clause 3.0.
3.4.1 You must provide photocopies of two proofs in your name and at the address for which you are applying for the Discount from the following list:

  • A valid Residents' on-street parking permit.
  • A current council tax bill
  • Your income support entitlement letter (dated within the last 7 months)
  • Your bank or credit card statement (dated within the last 3 months)
  • A formal tenancy agreement or housing association rent document (dated within the last 12 months)
  • A current utility bill for example gas, water, or electricity bill but not a mobile phone bill (dated in the last 3 months)
  • Your driving licence

3.5 Proof - Residents' Vehicle
You must provide proof that you meet the conditions in clause 3.1.
3.5.1 To register your own private vehicle you need to provide a copy of the vehicle's registration document (V5C).

Note: The vehicle needs to be registered with the DVLA in your name and at the address for which you are applying for the Discount.
3.5.2 To register a company car or a lease vehicle you need to provide a copy of one of the following:

  • An A4 photocopy of your vehicle lease document


  • An A4 photocopy of a company car authorisation letter, which should be on headed paper saying that the vehicle, is for your sole use only


  • Where the company car is provided by a lease company both an A4 photocopy of your company's vehicle lease document and an A4 photocopy of a company car authorisation letter needs to be provided. The letter should be on headed paper saying that the car is for your sole use only and the vehicle must be registered in the company name or lease company name with the DVLA

3.6 NHS Reimbursement Schemes
If you are eligible under the employee or patient NHS Reimbursement Schemes and you have paid a Charge using your Resident's account, we can refund it under the relevant NHS Reimbursement Scheme.

3.7 General
As a Resident you can park in the Congestion Charging Zone without paying the daily Charge providing:
a) You have a resident's parking permit and park in a resident's parking bay and you don't move the vehicle during charging hours.
b) You don't park on a public road during charging hours.
3.7.2 We may close your Discount if any of the following happen:
a) You no longer meet the Discount eligibility requirements (i.e. if you no longer meet the eligibility requirements as set out in the relevant Discount terms and conditions)
b) We believe that you have been acting fraudulently (i.e. you are benefitting from a Discount to which you are no longer entitled as set out in the terms and conditions that you have agreed to)
3.7.3 You cannot transfer your Discount to another person.
3.7.4 If you cease to be eligible for the Discount, move home or if you change your vehicle, you must tell us immediately. You can sign in to your online account, write to us or call our contact centre.

3.8 Checking information
At any time after we receive an application for a Discount Registration (including after we have notified you that your application is accepted) we may ask you for proof of eligibility for the Discount and/or about your vehicle.
3.8.2 We will send you a letter requesting that information which you must provide by the date stated in that letter.
3.8.3 If as a result of checks of the information provided above we decide that a registered vehicle is not or has ceased to be an eligible vehicle (including if you fail to provide requisite proof of eligibility), then:

For any application for which you have applied, we will tell you that it has been rejected.

For any Registration for which you are not (or are no longer) eligible, we will tell you that we will remove the Registered Vehicle on a date we tell you; or

For any Registered Vehicles that are not (or are no longer) eligible, whether or not as a result of any changes made, we will tell you that we will remove the vehicle's registration for the Discount on a date we tell you.

Congestion Charging and Blackwall and Silvertown Tunnels Charging: Roadside Recovery Vehicle Discount Registration Terms and Conditions

These terms and conditions apply to the Congestion Charging Scheme and the Blackwall and Silvertown Tunnels User Charge and should be read in conjunction with the RUC: General Terms and Conditions.

Glossary of terms

In these terms and conditions, the following words and phrases in bold will have the meanings shown next to them.

Annual Vehicle Registration Charge - means the charge payable to us every year for each vehicle registered on your Discount.

Blackwall and Silvertown Tunnels Statement of Charges means the Blackwall and Silvertown Tunnels Statement of Charges which was approved by the TfL Board on 4 December 2024 and as may be amended from time to time.

Charging Day for the Blackwall and Silvertown Tunnels User Charge means Monday to Sunday from 06:00-22:00, except Christmas Day (25 December).

Charging Day for the Congestion Charge - means Monday to Friday 07:00-18:00 and weekends and bank holidays noon-18:00, every day of the year, except Christmas Day (25 December) and the period up to and including the New Year's Day Bank Holiday.

Congestion Charge Scheme Order means the Greater London (Central Zone) Congestion Charging Order 2004 which was made by Transport for London on 30 September 2004 and confirmed with modifications by the Mayor of London on 27 October 2004 as amended from time to time.

Discount and Discounted - refers to a reduced rate vehicle registered pursuant to Article 9 of the Congestion Charging Scheme and Article 10 of the Blackwall and Silvertown Tunnels Statement of Charges.

Registered Vehicle - means any vehicle that you have registered for the discount.

Registration Charge - means the charge you pay to us to register a vehicle for the Discount.

We, us means Transport for London.

You means the person who agrees to these terms and conditions.

7.0 Eligibility

To be eligible for the Congestion Charging and Blackwall and Silvertown Tunnels Charging Roadside Recovery Vehicle Discount you must meet the criteria set out in paragraph 7 of Annex 2 to the Congestion Charge Scheme Order or paragraph 2 of Annex 1 to the Blackwall and Silvertown Tunnels Statement of Charges.

7.1 Registration

You must register for the Discount by completing an online registration or postal registration form and renew this annually.

7.1.1 You must pay a Registration Charge.

7.1.2 You will be invited to renew your Discount shortly before it expires. If you remain eligible for the Discount you must pay an Annual Vehicle Registration Charge before the Discount expiry date to continue to benefit from the Discount.

7.2 Proof

You must provide proof that you meet the conditions in clause 7.0.

7.2.1 You must provide a copy of the document listed below:

  • A copy of the DVLA vehicle registration document (V5C), or
  • If the vehicle is registered outside the UK, the vehicle registration document issued by the vehicle licensing agency.

7.3 General

7.3.1 We may close your Discount if any of the following happen:

a) You no longer meet the Discount eligibility requirements (i.e. if you no longer meet the eligibility requirements as set out in the relevant Discount terms and conditions).

b) We believe that you have been acting fraudulently (i.e. you are benefitting from a Discount to which you are no longer entitled as set out in the terms and conditions that you have agreed to).

7.3.2 You cannot transfer your Discount to another person.

7.3.3 If you cease to be eligible for the Discount or if you change your vehicle, you must tell us immediately. You can sign into your online account, write to us or call our contact centre.

7.4 Checking information

7.4.1 At any time after we receive an application for a Discount Registration (including after we have notified you that your application is accepted) we may ask you for proof of eligibility for the Discount and/or about your vehicle.

7.4.2 We will send you a letter requesting that information which you must provide by the date stated in that letter.

7.4.3 If as a result of checks of the information provided above we decide that a registered vehicle is not or has ceased to be an eligible vehicle (including if you fail to provide requisite proof of eligibility), then:

  • For any application for which you have applied, we will tell you that it has been rejected;
  • For any Registration for which you are not (or are no longer) eligible, we will tell you that we will remove the Registered Vehicle on a date we tell you; or
  • For any Registered Vehicles that are not (or are no longer) eligible, whether or not as a result of any changes made, we will tell you that we will remove your vehicle's registration for the Discount on a date we tell you.

Road User Charging: Blackwall and Silvertown Tunnels - Tunnels Business Discount Registration Terms and Conditions

These terms and conditions should be read in conjunction with the RUC: General

The Blackwall and Silvertown Tunnels Business Discount Glossary of terms.

In these terms and conditions, the following words and phrases in bold will have the meanings shown next to them.

Charge means the following: Blackwall and Silvertown Tunnels Charge.

Charging Day for the Blackwall and Silvertown Tunnels Charge means Monday to Sunday from 06:00-22:00, except Christmas Day (25 December).

Charity means a charity within the meaning of section 1(1) of the Charities Act 2011 that is registered in accordance with section 30 of that Act and that we are satisfied is registered as active with the London Boroughs of Newham or Tower Hamlets or the Royal Borough of Greenwich.

Discount and Discounted - refers to a reduced rate vehicle registered under Article 10 of the Blackwall and Silvertown Tunnels Statement of Charges.

Minimal Financial Assistance means the threshold for financial assistance as specified pursuant to the Subsidy Control Act 2022.

Registered Charity means a charity within the meaning of section 1(1) of the Charities Act 2011 that is registered in accordance with section 30 of that Act.

Registered Vehicle means any vehicle that TfL has registered as a discounted vehicle pursuant to article 10 of the Statement of Charges.

Small Business means a business that we are satisfied:

(a) has under 50 employees;

(b) had during the tax year in which the charge referred to in paragraph (1) was incurred, and in the previous tax year, a turnover of no more than £10.2 million or a balance sheet total of no more than £5.1 million; and

(c) is a company that is active, or is registered for VAT, at an address located within the London Boroughs of Newham or Tower Hamlets or the Royal Borough of Greenwich.

Sole Trader means an individual who is self-employed and registered for self-assessment within the meaning of section 9 of the Taxes Management Act 1970 and who owns and operates a business within the London Boroughs of Newham or Tower Hamlets or the Royal Borough of Greenwich.

Tunnels Business Discount Zone means the area comprising of postcodes within the London Boroughs of Newham and Tower Hamlets and the Royal Borough of Greenwich.

There is an interactive map and a postcode checker on our website:

We, us, our - means Transport for London.

You, your - means the person who agrees to these terms and conditions.

3.0 Requirements for the Tunnels Business Discount

To qualify for the Blackwall and Silvertown Tunnels Business Discount, you must meet all of the following conditions:

a) You must be applying on behalf of a Small Business or Charity or be a Sole Trader.

b) Your organisation must operate in the Tunnels Business Discount Zone, and you must apply using a Road User Charging Account registered at that address.

3.1 Requirements for Tunnels Business Discount vehicle

To register a vehicle for a Tunnels Business Discount:

a) Your vehicle must be registered with the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) in the name of your organisation/ Sole Trader and at the address for which you are applying for the Discount.


b) The vehicle can be registered with the DVLA in the name of: - where your organisation is a Small Business, a director of the business, where the organisation is a Charity, a trustee of the charity or in the name of an employee of the Small Business, Charity or Sole Trader


c) You can register a vehicle that has been leased to your Small Business, Charity or Sole Trader.


d) Where your organisation is a Small Business a vehicle leased to the director of the business, where the organisation is a Charity, a vehicle leased to a trustee of the charity, or a vehicle leased in the name of an employee of the Small Business, Charity or Sole Trader.

3.1.1 You can register a minimum of one vehicle and a maximum of three vehicles for the Discount. Each vehicle will receive a £1 discount for every journey made through the Blackwall and Silvertown Tunnels during non-peak charging hours. The discount only applies to journeys paid through an Auto Pay service. This Auto Pay service must be active on the same Road user charging account as the Tunnels Business discount.

3.2 Registration

You must register for the Discount by completing an online Registration or postal Registration form.

3.3 Proof

You must provide proof that you meet the conditions in clause 3.0.

3.4.1 You must provide copies of one proof in your organisations name and at the address for which you are applying for the Discount from the following list:

Utility bill (dated within the last 3 months)

Bank/credit card statement (dated within the last 3 months)

Council tax letter (dated within the last 12 months)

Business rates letter (dated within the last 12 months)

3.5 Proof - Tunnels Business Discount Vehicle

You must provide proof that you meet the conditions in clause 3.1.

3.5.1 To register your business registered vehicle you need to provide a copy of the vehicle's registration document (V5C).

The vehicle needs to be registered with the DVLA in your organisations/ Sole Trader name and at the address for which you are applying for the Discount. OR if it is registered with the DVLA in the name of a company director, a Charity Trustee or an employee - You must also provide a letter on headed paper confirming the individuals link with the organisation.

3.5.2 To register a lease vehicle you need to provide a copy of one of the following:

A copy of the vehicle lease document in the organisations name (where the vehicle is leased in the name of a business director, a trustee of a charity or an employee of the business or charity a letter on headed paper confirming the individuals link with the organisation)


Where the company car is provided by a lease company both a copy of the vehicle lease document and a copy of a company car authorisation letter needs to be provided. The letter should be on headed paper saying that the car is for your organisations use only. Where the vehicle is leased in the name of a director of a company, the trustee of a Charity or an employee the letter must also confirm the individuals link to the organisation.

3.6 General

3.6.1 We may close your Discount if any of the following happen:

a) You no longer meet the Discount eligibility requirements;

b) We believe that you have been acting fraudulently (i.e. you are benefitting from a Discount to which you are no longer entitled as set out in the terms and conditions that you have agreed to).

3.6.2 You cannot transfer your Discount to another person.

3.6.3 If you cease to be eligible for the Discount, move operating address or if you change your vehicle(s), you must tell us immediately. You can sign into your online account, write to us or call our contact centre.

3.7 Checking information

3.7.1 At any time after we receive an application for a Discount Registration (including after we have notified you that your application is accepted) we may ask you for proof of eligibility for the Discount and/or about your vehicle or any vehicles that you add or remove to the discount service.

3.7.2 We will send you a letter requesting that information which you must provide by the date stated in that letter.

3.7.3 If as a result of checks of the information provided above we decide that a registered vehicle is not or has ceased to be an eligible vehicle (including if you fail to provide requisite proof of eligibility), then we will tell you that it has been rejected.

For any Registration for which you are not (or are no longer) eligible, we will tell you that we will remove the Registered Vehicle on a date we tell you; or

For any Registered Vehicles that are not (or are no longer) eligible, whether or not as a result of any changes made, we will tell you that we will remove the vehicle's registration for the Discount on a date we tell you.

4.0 Subsidy Control Act 2022

4.1 Any and all discounts at £1 per Tunnels journey will be based on compliance with Subsidy Control Act 2022 requirements relating to the Minimal Financial Assistance exemption. The Recipient must evidence that they satisfy the exemption by completing the declaration included in their Application. Payments will be contingent (notwithstanding all other Initial Eligibility Checks or Secondary Eligibility Checks requirements being met) on the Recipient having sufficient level of its Minimal Financial Assistance allowance remaining for the proposed Grant Payment under this Scheme to fall within that allowance.

4.2 In accepting the £1 discount per Tunnels journey, the recipient shall comply with the Subsidy Control Act 2022 and the Recipient shall fully cooperate with TfL in utilising the applicable approvals and procedures in relation to Subsidy Control. It is the recipient's responsibility to ensure that in accepting the £1 discount per Tunnels journey they do not breach the financial limitations of the Subsidy Control Act 2022.

4.3 In the event that the Recipient is in breach of Clause 15.1 above, or the provision of the Grant Payment itself is deemed (by an appropriate authority) to breach Subsidy Control, TfL may at its absolute discretion reduce, suspend or withhold the Grant Payment, or require all or part of the Grant Payment (together with applicable interest) to be repaid by the Recipient, without prejudice to any other rights or remedies including its rights under Clause 11.

5.0 Photographic identity

All Organisations must provide one of the following forms of valid photographic identity.

a) Where the Organisation is a Small Business a photo ID of one of the directors; or

b) Where the Organisation is a Charity a photo ID of one of the trustees.

c) Where the Organisation is a Sole Trader, a photo ID of the Sole Trader.

Acceptable forms of photo ID are a current driver's licence or passport.

Road User Charging: Ultra-Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) & Low Emission Zone (LEZ) Compliance Registration Terms and Conditions

These terms and conditions apply to the Ultra-Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) and Low Emission Zone (LEZ) Schemes only and should be read in conjunction with the Road User Charging (RUC): General Terms and Conditions.

Glossary of terms

In these terms and conditions, the following words and phrases in bold will have the meanings shown next to them.

ULEZ-LEZ Charging Scheme - means the charging Scheme for the ULEZ and LEZ as set out in the London Emission Zones Charging Scheme contained in the Schedule to the Greater London Low Emission Zone Charging Order 2006 (as varied).

Registration - means providing information you must give us for the purpose of updating our vehicle compliance data base.

We, us, our - means Transport for London.

You, your - means the person who agrees to these terms and conditions.

12.0 Compliance
12.01 The Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) and ULEZ Charge apply to diesel and petrol vehicles that do not meet:

  • Euro 3 for motorcycles, mopeds, motorised tricycles and quadricycles
  • Euro 4 for petrol cars, vans, and minibuses
  • Euro 6 for diesel cars, vans, and minibuses
  • Euro VI for buses, and coaches and heavy goods vehicles

12.02 The following vehicle type(s) is non-chargeable from the Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) and ULEZ Charge:

  • Vehicles not constructed or adapted for general use on roads
  • Vehicles with a historic tax class and those constructed before 1st January 1973
  • Agricultural vehicles
  • Taxis licensed with TfL
  • Vehicles belonging to, or being used by, her Majesty's Forces
  • Visiting forces vehicles

12.03 The Low Emission Zone (LEZ) and LEZ Charge applies to diesel vehicles that do not meet:

Euro IV for:

  • Articulated lorries, lorries, Flatbed lorries over 3.5 tonnes gross vehicle weight and coaches over 5 tonnes gross vehicle weight

Euro 3/III for:

  • Larger vans 1.205 tonnes unladen to 3.5 gross vehicle weight
  • Minibuses 5 tonnes or less gross vehicle weight
  • Smaller vans 1.205 tonnes unladen to 3.5 gross vehicle weight
  • Horseboxes over 1.205 tonnes unladen vehicle weight
  • Motorised caravans over 2.5 tonnes gross vehicle weight
  • Light 4x4 utilities 1.205 tonnes unladen to 3.5 gross vehicle weights
  • Pickups 1.205 tonnes unladen to 3.5 gross vehicle weight

12.04 The following vehicle type(s) is non-chargeable from the Low Emission Zone (LEZ) and LEZ Charge:

  • Vehicles not constructed or adapted for general use on roads
  • Vehicles with a historic tax class and those constructed before 1st January 1973
  • Agricultural vehicles
  • Taxis licensed with TfL
  • Vehicles belonging to, or being used by, her Majesty's Forces
  • Visiting forces vehicles

12.1 Registration
You must register your vehicle with us if your vehicle is registered outside of the UK or you believe the information we hold is incorrect and your vehicle does meet the required standard or is non-chargeable.
12.1.1 You must complete an online enquiry form and provide relevant proofs.
12.1.2 You do not have to pay a registration fee.
12.1.3 You do not need to renew, the registration has no expiry date.
12.1.4 You must continue to pay the relevant daily charge(s) until you receive confirmation in writing from us.

12.2 Proof
You must provide proof that the vehicle meets the conditions in clause 12.0.
12.2.2 Diesel vehicles: Low Emission Zone and Ultra Low Emission Zone

You must provide an A4 photocopy of the document(s) listed below:

  • A copy of your DVLA vehicle registration document (V5C) or foreign equivalent and a copy of the vehicle's conformity certificate


A signed letter from the vehicle manufacturer's homologation department containing the following vehicle information:

  • Vehicle registration mark (VRM)
  • Vehicle identification number (VIN)
  • Euro standard the vehicle was manufactured to
  • Fuel Type
  • Nitrogen Oxides (NOx) value AND
  • Particulate matter (PM) value

12.2.3 Petrol vehicles: Ultra Low Emission Zone only
You must provide an A4 photocopy of the document(s) listed below:

  • A copy of your DVLA vehicle registration document (V5C) or foreign equivalent and a copy of the vehicle's conformity certificate


A signed letter from the vehicle manufacturer's homologation department containing the following vehicle information:

  • Vehicle registration mark (VRM)
  • Vehicle identification number (VIN)
  • Euro standard the vehicle was manufactured to
  • Fuel type
  • Nitrogen Oxides (NOx) value

12.2.4 Clean Vehicle Retrofit Accreditation Scheme (CVRAS).
You must provide proof that the vehicle is fitted with Ultra Low Emission Zone emissions reduction technology that has been certified by the government's Clean Vehicle Retrofit Accreditation Scheme (CVRAS). You must provide an A4 photocopy of the document detailed below:

  • An A4 photocopy of the CVRAS certificate

12.2.5 Abatement equipment
You must provide proof that the vehicle is fitted with Low Emission Zone approved abatement equipment. You must provide an A4 photocopy of the document detailed below:

  • An A4 photocopy of the DVSA Low Emission certificate (LEC)

12.3 Checking information
At any time after we receive an application for a Compliance Registration (including after we have notified you that your application is accepted) we may ask you for proof of compliance eligibility and/or any other information about your vehicle being registered.
12.3.2 We will send you a letter requesting that information which you must provide by the date stated in that letter.
12.3.3 If as a result of checks of the information provided above we decide that a registered vehicle is not or has ceased to be an eligible vehicle (including if you fail to provide requisite proof of eligibility), then:

  • For any application for which you have applied, we will tell you that it has been rejected.
  • For any Registration for which you are not (or are no longer) eligible, we will tell you that we will remove the registered vehicle on a date we tell you.

Effective from 23 March 2023

Registration Terms and Conditions

These terms and conditions apply to the Disabled Benefits grace period for the Ultra-Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) Scheme only and should be read in conjunction with the Road User Charging (RUC): General Terms and Conditions. You will be eligible for the Disabled Benefits grace period only if you comply with all the requirements below.

1.0 Defined terms

In these terms and conditions, the following words have the meanings set out below:

Applicable Disabled Benefit means one of the following benefits received by the applicant at the point of Registration and then continuously while their vehicle is registered for the grace period:

  • Standard or enhanced mobility rate of Personal Independence Payment;
  • Higher mobility rate of Disability Living Allowance;
  • Higher mobility rate of Child Disability Payment;
  • War Pensioners' Mobility Supplement;
  • Armed Forces Independence Payment;
  • Standard or enhanced rate of Adult Disability Payment

Applicable Medical Criteria means that the applicant can provide evidence that they:

  • Have a child under the age of three with a medical condition that means the child always needs to be accompanied by bulky medical equipment
  • Have a child under the age of three with a medical condition that means the child must always be kept near a vehicle in case they need emergency medical treatment
  • Have a terminal illness, which means they cannot walk or find walking very difficult
  • Are registered blind (severely sight impaired)

Applicant means an individual who is in receipt of an Applicable Disabled Benefit or who fulfils the Applicable Medical Criteria

DVLA means the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency.

EEA means European Economic Area.

Nominated Driver means an individual whose vehicle is used solely for the personal needs of the disabled applicant.

Non-chargeable Register means our register of vehicles which do not attract the ULEZ Charge.

Register, Registration means providing information and evidence you must give us for the purpose of updating our vehicle compliance database. You do not have to pay a Registration fee.

RUC Account means the RUC account you are required to have to submit and manage your Registration.

SORN means Statutory Off-Road Notification.

ULEZ means the Ultra-Low Emission Zone

ULEZ Charge means the charge(s) imposed by the ULEZ Charging Scheme.

ULEZ Charging Scheme means the charging scheme for the ULEZ as set out in the London Emission Zones Charging Scheme contained in the Schedule to the Greater London Low Emission Zone Charging Order 2006 (as varied).

We, us, our means Transport for London.

You, your means the person who agrees to these terms and conditions.

2.0 The vehicle

The vehicle you are applying with must be either a car (body type M1) or a light van (body type N1 with a gross vehicle weight of 3.5 tonnes or less) and must be non-compliant with the ULEZ emissions standards. The ULEZ and ULEZ Charge apply to diesel and petrol cars and vans that do not meet:

  • Euro 4 standard for petrol cars and vans
  • Euro 6 standard for diesel cars and vans

You can only register one vehicle for the Disabled Benefits grace period at any one time.

3.0 Registration

3.1 You must Register your vehicle with us in order to be eligible for the grace period. Your vehicle must be registered with the DVLA or equivalent EEA body to you as the Applicant or to your Nominated Driver.

3.2 You must complete the application process and provide the proofs set out in clause

3.3 Successful Registrations will be active from the point of Registration until 24 October 2027 (inclusive).

3.4 You must continue to pay the relevant ULEZ Charge(s) in respect of your vehicle until you receive confirmation in writing from us that your vehicle Registration for the grace period has been successful.

4.0 Proof

4.1 As part of the application process, you must provide colour images of the following document(s) as proof:

4.1.1 a copy of your vehicle registration document (V5C) or EEA equivalent in respect of the relevant vehicle; and
4.1.2 a photo ID of you, showing your photo and full name; and
4.1.3 a benefit award letter (not more than 12 months old) showing that you are in receipt of an Applicable Disabled Benefit; or a letter on headed paper signed by a general practitioner confirming your child's medical condition and age, or a SR1 form [previously called a DS1500 form] confirming you are terminally ill, or a certificate of vision impairment confirming you are registered blind (severely sight impaired)
4.1.4 where the registered keeper of the relevant vehicle is the applicant's Nominated Driver, a letter signed by both the Applicant and the Nominated Driver confirming that the vehicle is used solely for the personal needs of the disabled person.

4.2 We will assess the eligibility of the vehicle for the grace period using the proof provided by you and our decision will be final and binding.

5.0 General

5.1 We may remove a registered vehicle from the Non-chargeable Register if any of the following happen:

5.1.1 you no longer meet the eligibility requirements as set out in these terms and conditions;

5.1.2 we believe that you have been acting fraudulently (e.g. you are benefitting from a Registration that you are no longer entitled to). For example, where you have ceased to be the registered keeper of the vehicle or in the case of a Nominated Driver, where they no longer use the vehicle solely for the personal use of the applicant, or the Applicant is no longer in receipt of an eligible benefit.

5.2 You cannot transfer your Registration to another vehicle or person.

5.3 If you cease to be eligible for the grace period in accordance with these terms and conditions, you must tell us immediately. You can do this by making an enquiry via your RUC account online, by calling our contact centre on 0343 222 2222 or by writing to us at PO Box 552, Darlington, DL1 9TY.

5.4 You must contact us to remove the vehicle from the Non-chargeable Register immediately if you (or your Nominated Driver) no longer own the vehicle or if you (or your Nominated Driver) register the vehicle with the DVLA as SORN.

6.0 Continuing eligibility checks

6.1 At any time after we receive an application for a Registration (including after we have notified you that your application has been accepted) we may ask you for proof of your eligibility and/or any further confirmation of your disability benefit award or confirmation that you fulfil the Applicable Medical Criteria. We will contact you requesting the information which you must provide and the date by which you must provide this.

6.2 If after reviewing the information provided we decide that an applicant is not eligible for the grace period for their vehicle or if you fail to provide requisite proof of eligibility within the stated time we will remove the vehicle from the Non-chargeable Register and the vehicle will become eligible for ULEZ Charges on such date as we tell you.

Terms and conditions effective from 30 January 2023 until 23 March 2023

Registration Terms and Conditions

These terms and conditions apply to the Disabled Benefits grace period for the Ultra-Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) Scheme only and should be read in conjunction with the Road User Charging (RUC): General Terms and Conditions. You will be eligible for the Disabled Benefits grace period only if you comply with all the requirements below.

1.0 Defined terms

In these terms and conditions, the following words have the meanings set out below:

Applicable Disabled Benefit means one of the following benefits received by the applicant at the point of Registration and then continuously while their vehicle is registered for the grace period:

  • Standard or enhanced mobility rate of Personal Independence Payment;
  • Higher mobility rate of Disability Living Allowance;
  • War Pensioners' Mobility Supplement;
  • Armed Forces Independence Payment;
  • Standard or enhanced rate of Adult Disability Payment

DVLA means the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency.

EEA means European Economic Area.

Nominated Driver means an individual whose vehicle is used solely for the personal needs of the disabled applicant.

Non-chargeable Register means our register of vehicles which do not attract the ULEZ Charge.

Register, Registration means providing information and evidence you must give us for the purpose of updating our vehicle compliance database. You do not have to pay a Registration fee.

RUC Account means the RUC account you are required to have to submit and manage your Registration.

SORN means Statutory Off-Road Notification.

ULEZ means the Ultra-Low Emission Zone.

ULEZ Charge means the charge(s) imposed by the ULEZ Charging Scheme.

ULEZ Charging Scheme means the charging scheme for the ULEZ as set out in the London Emission Zones Charging Scheme contained in the Schedule to the Greater London Low Emission Zone Charging Order 2006 (as varied).

We, us, our means Transport for London.

You, your means the person who agrees to these terms and conditions.

2.0 The vehicle

The vehicle you are applying with must be either a car (body type M1) or a light van (body type N1 with a gross vehicle weight of 3.5 tonnes or less) and must be non-compliant with the ULEZ emissions standards. The ULEZ and ULEZ Charge apply to diesel and petrol cars and vans that do not meet:

  • Euro 4 standard for petrol cars and vans
  • Euro 6 standard for diesel cars and vans

You can only register one vehicle for the Disabled Benefits grace period at any one time.

3.0 Registration

3.1 You must Register your vehicle with us in order to be eligible for the grace period. Your vehicle must be registered with the DVLA or equivalent EEA body to you as the recipient of an Applicable Disabled Benefit or to your Nominated Driver.

3.2 You must complete the application process and provide the proofs set out in clause

3.3 Successful Registrations will be active from the point of Registration until 24 October 2027 (inclusive).

3.4 You must continue to pay the relevant ULEZ Charge(s) in respect of your vehicle until you receive confirmation in writing from us that your vehicle Registration for the grace period has been successful.

4.0 Proof

4.1 As part of the application process, you must provide colour images of the following document(s) as proof:

4.1.1 a copy of your vehicle registration document (V5C) or EEA equivalent in respect of the relevant vehicle; and
4.1.2 a photo ID of you, showing your photo and full name; and
4.1.3 a benefit award letter (not more than 12 months old) showing that you are in receipt of an Applicable Disabled Benefit; and
4.1.4 where the registered keeper of the relevant vehicle is the applicant's Nominated Driver, a letter signed by both the applicant and the Nominated Driver confirming that the vehicle is used solely for the personal needs of the disabled person.

4.2 We will assess the eligibility of the vehicle for the grace period using the proof provided by you and our decision will be final and binding.

5.0 General

5.1 We may remove a registered vehicle from the Non-chargeable Register if any of the following happen:

5.1.1 you no longer meet the eligibility requirements as set out in these terms and conditions;

5.1.2 we believe that you have been acting fraudulently (e.g. you are benefitting from a Registration that you are no longer entitled to). For example where you have ceased to be the registered keeper of the vehicle or in the case of a Nominated Driver, where they no longer use the vehicle solely for the personal use of the applicant, or the applicant is no longer in receipt on an eligible benefit.

5.2 You cannot transfer your Registration to another vehicle or person.

5.3 If you cease to be eligible for the grace period in accordance with these terms and conditions, you must tell us immediately. You can do this by making an enquiry via your RUC account online, by calling our contact centre on 0343 222 2222 or by writing to us at PO Box 552, Darlington, DL1 9TY.

5.4 You must contact us to remove the vehicle from the Non-chargeable Register immediately if you (or your Nominated Driver) no longer own the vehicle or if you (or your Nominated Driver) register the vehicle with the DVLA as SORN.

6.0 Continuing eligibility checks

6.1 At any time after we receive an application for a Registration (including after we have notified you that your application has been accepted) we may ask you for proof of your eligibility and/or any further confirmation of your disability benefit award. We will contact you requesting the information which you must provide and the date by which you must provide this.

6.2 If after reviewing the information provided we decide that an applicant is not eligible for the grace period for their vehicle or if you fail to provide requisite proof of eligibility within the stated time we will remove the vehicle from the Non-chargeable Register and the vehicle will become eligible for ULEZ Charges on such date as we tell you.

Registration Terms and Conditions

These terms and conditions apply to the Wheelchair Accessible Vehicles grace period for the Ultra-Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) Scheme only and should be read in conjunction with the Road User Charging (RUC): General Terms and Conditions. You will be eligible for the Wheelchair Accessible Vehicles grace period only if you comply with all the requirements below.

1.0 Defined terms

In these terms and conditions, the following words have the meanings set out below:

DVLA means the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency.

EEA means European Economic Area.

Non-chargeable Register means our register of vehicles which do not attract the ULEZ Charge.

Register, Registration means providing information and evidence you must give us for the purpose of updating our vehicle compliance database. You do not have to pay a Registration fee.

ULEZ means the Ultra-Low Emission Zone.

ULEZ Charge means the charge(s) imposed by the ULEZ Charging Scheme.

ULEZ Charging Scheme means the charging scheme for the ULEZ as set out in the London Emission Zones Charging Scheme contained in the Schedule to the Greater London Low Emission Zone Charging Order 2006 (as varied).

We, us, our means Transport for London.

Wheelchair Accessible Vehicle means a wheelchair accessible car or van that has been converted by mobility experts to allow a disabled person to access the vehicle as the driver or passenger. The vehicle must be fitted with one or more of the following adaptations:

  • a permanently fitted foldable ramp or a powered lift allowing the wheelchair user to enter the vehicle;
  • an electric or hydraulic wheelchair hoist to lift a person or wheelchair into the vehicle;
  • a swivel seat on either the passenger or driver side of the vehicle; and/or
  • an accelerator ring permanently fitted to the steering wheel of the vehicle

You, your means the person who agrees to these terms and conditions.

2.0 The vehicle

2.1 The vehicle you are applying with must be a Wheelchair Accessible Vehicle that is either a car (body type M1) or a light van (body type N1 with a gross vehicle weight of 3.5 tonnes or less) and must be non-compliant with the ULEZ emissions standards. The ULEZ and ULEZ Charge apply to diesel and petrol Wheelchair Accessible Vehicles that do not meet:

  • Euro 4 standard for petrol cars and vans
  • Euro 6 standard for diesel cars and vans

2.2 You can only register one vehicle for the Wheelchair Accessible Vehicle grace period at any one time.

3.0 Registration

3.1 You must Register your vehicle with us to be eligible for the grace period. Your vehicle must be registered to you with the DVLA or EEA body.

3.2 You must complete the application process and provide proofs set out in clause 4.

3.3 Successful Registrations will be active from the point of Registration until 24 October 2027 (inclusive).
3.4 You must continue to pay the relevant ULEZ Charge(s) in respect of your vehicle until you receive confirmation in writing from us that your vehicle Registration for the grace period has been successful.

4.0 Proof

4.1 As part of the application process, you must provide colour images of the following document(s) as proof:

4.1.1 a copy of your DVLA vehicle registration document (V5C) or EEA equivalent in respect of the relevant vehicle; and

4.1.2 three images of your vehicle showing its adaptation:

  • one photograph showing the whole rear of the vehicle including clearly legible number plate of the vehicle; and
  • where the vehicle is adapted to be a wheelchair accessible vehicle:

- one photograph of the vehicle's permanent conversion for wheelchair access; and

- one photograph of the wheelchair securing system;

  • where the vehicle is adapted to enable use by wheelchair users: either

- two photographs of the swivel seat, one facing forwards and one sideways; or

- two photographs of the hydraulic or electronic hoist system, one showing it permanently attached to the vehicle and one showing it installed in the vehicle showing the interior of the vehicle for context;

  • where the vehicle is adapted to be driven by a disabled person:

-one photograph of the vehicle driving area, with the door open, showing the accelerator ring and the interior of the vehicle for context; and

-one photograph showing the accelerator ring attached to the steering wheel of the vehicle; and

4.1.3a photographic ID of you, showing your photograph and full name.

4.2 We will assess the eligibility of the vehicle for the grace period using the proof provided by you and our decision will be final and binding.

5.0 General

5.1 We may remove a registered vehicle from the Non-chargeable Register if any of the following happen:
5.1.1 you no longer meet the eligibility requirements as set out in these terms and conditions;
5.1.2 we believe that you have been acting fraudulently (e.g., you are benefitting from a Registration that you are no longer entitled to because you have ceased to be the registered keeper of the vehicle).
5.2 You cannot transfer your Registration to another vehicle or person.
5.3 If you cease to be eligible for the grace period in accordance with these terms and conditions, you must tell us immediately. You can do this by making an enquiry via your RUC account online, by calling our contact centre on 0343 222 222 or by writing to us at PO Box 552, Darlington, DL1 9TY.
5.4 You must contact us to remove the vehicle from the Non-chargeable Register immediately if you are no longer the registered keeper of the vehicle or if you register the vehicle with the DVLA as SORN.

6.0 Continuing eligibility checks

6.1 At any time after we receive an application for a Registration (including after we have notified you that your application has been accepted) we may ask you for proof of your eligibility and/or any other information about your vehicle being registered.

We will contact you requesting the information which you must provide and the date by which you must provide this.

If after reviewing the information provided, we decide that a registered vehicle is not or has ceased to be an eligible vehicle, or if you fail to provide requisite proof of eligibility within the stated time period, we will remove the vehicle from the Non-chargeable Register and the vehicle will become eligible for ULEZ Charges on such date as we tell you.

Effective until 26 January 2025

Road User Charging: General Terms and Conditions

These terms and conditions apply to the following schemes:

  • The Congestion Charging (CC) Scheme where it applies to the Registered Vehicle
  • The Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) Scheme Charge
  • The Low Emission Zone (LEZ) Scheme Charge

By registering for a Road User Charging Account you agree to accept these terms and conditions.

Glossary of terms

In these terms and conditions, the following words and phrases in bold will have the meanings shown next to them.

Account Holder - Business Account means a senior employee of the company who will hold the necessary authorisation to accept these terms and conditions on behalf of the company, and those terms and conditions associated to any additional Services added. The account holder will also act as the senior contact point between TfL and the company, and will be responsible for account issue resolution and for the purpose of these terms and conditions, is referred to as you.

Account Holder - Personal Account means the person in whose name the account is created, who agrees to these terms and condition and is referred to as you. You will be responsible for any account issue resolution.

Account User - means a person who has been nominated by you (or an authorised representative), to act as an authorised representative, and has access to, and the ability to manage the account on your behalf.

Charging Day for the Congestion Charge - means every Monday to Friday between 7am and 6pm and every weekend or Bank Holiday between 12 (noon) and 6 pm; with the exception of the following non-chargeable days (inclusive): Christmas Day (25 December), the immediately following New Year Bank Holiday and every day between them.

Charging Day for the Low Emission Zone Charge means every day of the year.

Charging Day for the Ultra Low Emission Zone Charge means every day of the year, except Christmas Day.

Charge - means (as applicable) any of the following:

  • Congestion Charge (CC)
  • Low Emission Zone (LEZ) Charge and the Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) Charge as payable under Article 7 of the ULEZ -LEZ Charging Scheme

Congestion Charging Scheme - means the Charging Scheme contained in the Schedule to the Greater London (Central Zone) Congestion Charging Order 2004 (as varied and amended).

Customer - means the person we open a Road User Charging account for.

Customer Account - means the same as Road User Charging Account.

Discount and Discounted - refers to a reduced rate vehicle registered (as applicable) for the CC, under Article 9 of the Congestion Charging Scheme.

Detrimental change - means a change to these terms and conditions that we feel could reasonably be said to be detrimental to you.

Mobile Payment App - means an App that belongs to TfL or its licensors to provide Pay to drive in London App Services.

Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) - means a charge made under a Charging Scheme imposed by Regulation 4 of the Road User Charging (Charges and Penalty Charges) (London) Regulations 2001/2285 ("2001 Regulations"), as amended.

Road User Charging Account - means the Business Account or Personal Account containing your details for the purposes of registering for a discount, paying a charge or for registering a vehicle's compliance status. This is identified using your unique account number.

ULEZ-LEZ Charging Scheme - means the charging Scheme for the ULEZ and LEZ as set out in the London Emission Zones Charging Scheme contained in the Schedule to the Greater London Low Emission Zone Charging Order 2006 (as varied and amended).

We, us, our - means Transport for London.

Working Days - means any day other than a Saturday or a Sunday, Good Friday, Christmas Day, New Year's Day and any other day that is a bank holiday or public holiday, in England and Wales.

You, your - means the person who agrees to these terms and conditions.

1.0 General

1.1 The full agreement
These terms and conditions, together with the information in our online Registration or postal Registration form make up the full agreement between you and us in relation to using your Road User Charging Account. You agreed to these terms and conditions by clicking the 'I accept' button when you registered online, by registering for an account over the phone or by sending us a Registration form by post. Nothing in these terms and conditions will replace or vary any of the terms, rights or responsibilities set out in either the Congestion Charging Scheme or the ULEZ-LEZ Charging Scheme.

1.2 Excluding the rights of anyone else
The Road User Charging account and the rights and responsibilities under these terms and conditions are for your and our benefit only and are not intended to benefit anyone else or be enforceable by anyone else. Both parties (TfL and you) can enforce the rights under these terms and conditions without the need for any permission from anyone else.

No person other than you or TfL shall have rights under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 to enforce any of these terms and conditions.

1.3 Changes to these terms and conditions

We may change these terms and conditions from time to time and if we do so we will provide information about the change(s) and the reasons for them on the TfL website. Where a change is a significant one we will notify you beforehand by email: a" significant change" is one we think might reasonably be considered to be to your detriment. However, if we have already held a public consultation on that significant change (for example where it is an increase in the level of any of the Charges or some other change to the Scheme(s), such as the ending of a discount or exemption) we will not contact you beforehand by email  but will instead simply post the information about the change on TfL's website.

1.4 If we fail to enforce a condition
If we fail to enforce any of our rights under these terms and conditions, it does not mean we will not enforce them in the future.

1.5 Confidentiality
Both parties (you and TfL) agree that neither of us will pass on any confidential information to anyone else unless we have to do so by law or are allowed to if we both agree.

1.6 Cost of phone calls

  • Calls from landlines are charged up to 9p per minute; calls from mobiles cost between 8p and 40p per minute
  • Calls from landlines and mobiles are included in free call packages, inclusive minutes and discount packages

1.7 Your responsibilities
You are responsible for:

  • Providing us with the correct details and notifying us of any changes to those details; reading and acting on all emails, letters, text and mobile app messages we send you;
  • Making sure that you set your mailbox settings for emails, including spam filters, so that you can receive emails from us; and
  • Making sure that you register the correct contact details with us and that you tell us if your contact details change.

We are not responsible if you fail to read and act on any messages, we have sent you.
1.7.2 You agree to receive communications from us electronically and, subject to your legal rights, agree that all agreements, notices, disclosures and other communications we send you electronically meet any legal requirement that they have to be in writing.
1.7.3 You agree not to send us material that are illegal, indecent, offensive, abusive, defamatory, menacing, or which would breach copyright, trademark, confidence, privacy or any other right. This also includes material which may contain software viruses, political campaigning, advertising for business, chain letters, mass mailings or 'spam'.
1.7.4 If you decide to register for any other Road User Charging service, for example for a discount or Auto Pay service to be linked to this Account, you agree that it is your responsibility to complete any additional registration processes or make any applicable payments.

1.8 Notices
1.8.1 Any notice we give under this agreement will be in writing to the address you have provided and include items delivered by hand, sent via the post and sent by email, or any other electronic transmission.
1.8.2 A notice or document will be deemed to be served in accordance with the following:

  • Delivered by hand, at the time of delivery
  • Posted, the ordinary course of posting by first- or second-class post
  • Sent by email, if the email or other electronic transmission is sent on a business day before 16:30 on that day, or in any other case, on the next business day after the day it was sent

1.8.3 English will be the language for all communications between us and you.
1.8.4 All notices will include your Road User Charging account number.
1.8.5 This section does not apply to PCNs which will be issued and served in accordance with the specific requirements of the 2001 Regulations.

1.9 Registering or using a payment card

We will make every effort to comply with the UK Card Association code of best practice.

1.9.1 You can register a payment card to an account. This means that we will store the payment card details which will make it easier for you to pay the Charge.
1.9.2 To register a payment card you must sign in to your online account or contact the contact centre. You will need to provide the following payment card details:

  • Card number
  • Card expiry date
  • Card valid from date [if applicable]
  • CVV/CSC/CVV2 number

We will check to ensure that the card information you have given us is valid.
1.9.3 If the payment card is registered successfully via your online account you will be immediately informed by a success message.
1.9.4 If the payment card is registered successfully via the contact centre agent you will be informed by a message at the end of the Interactive Voice Recognition service. Confirmation will be sent via your preferred communication channel, if requested.
1.9.5 If there are any problems and the card details you have supplied online cannot be validated you will be informed by a rejection message and given the opportunity to try again.
1.9.6 If there are any problems and the card details you have supplied via the Interactive Voice Recognition service cannot be validated you will be informed by a rejection message and given the opportunity to try again.
1.9.7 If you choose not to register a payment card on your account you will need to provide the card details every time you make a payment which ever payment channel is used.

1.10 Paying the Charge - payment by card
You can purchase a CC Charge at any time by credit or debit card payment during the 64 Working Days immediately before the Charging Day concerned and until midnight on the third consecutive day after the day of travel.
1.10.2 You can purchase a LEZ Charge and/or ULEZ Charge at any time by credit or debit card payment during the 64 Working Days immediately before the Charging Day concerned and until midnight on the third consecutive day after the day of travel.
1.10.3 When you make payment you are confirming that you are authorised to use that payment card.
1.10.4 If the card issuer refuses to authorise payment, we will tell you that the card has been rejected. However, we do not have to give you the reason for the refusal.
1.10.5 We may allow a payment to go ahead when we have not received authorisation from your card issuer (for example, if we cannot contact your card issuer at the time of the transaction). We will not be responsible if the card issuer then goes on to refuse to authorise the payment. We will not be responsible for your card issuer or bank charging you as a result of us processing the credit or debit card payment, or if the bank or card issuer refuses or delays their authorisation.
1.10.6 If you request a receipt, we will confirm that we have received your payment by sending an email, post or text message to you (whichever option you have chosen). If you do not receive a valid confirmation receipt, or have chosen not to receive a receipt, it is your responsibility to phone us or check the status of the payment online. If the payment has not been confirmed, you should pay the Charge in another way.
1.10.7 We can refuse your payment for any reasonable cause.

1.11 Paying the Charge - payment by cheque
You can purchase a CC, LEZ or ULEZ Charge by a cleared cheque up to 64 Working Days immediately before the Charging Day concerned. (You may not pay by cheque on or later than the day of travel in case the cheque does not clear).
1.11.2 You must allow at least 10 Working Days before your date of travel to allow time for the cheque to clear with your bank.
1.11.3 If your bank returns the cheque payment uncleared it will be invalid and you will have to make alternative arrangements to pay the Charge.
1.11.4 If you request a receipt, we will confirm that we have received your payment by sending an email, post or text message to you (whichever option you have chosen). If you do not receive a valid confirmation receipt, or have chosen not to receive a receipt, it is your responsibility to phone us or check the status of the payment online. If the payment has not been confirmed, you should pay the charge in another way.
1.11.5 We can refuse your payment for any reasonable cause.

1.12 Paying the Charge - payment by Mobile Payment App
You can purchase a Charge through a Mobile Payment App immediately before the Charging Day concerned, on the day of travel or until midnight on the third consecutive day after the day of travel.
1.12.2 When you make payment you are confirming that you are authorised to use that payment card.
1.12.3 If the card issuer refuses to authorise payment, we will tell you that the card has been rejected. However, we do not have to give you the reason for the refusal.
1.12.4 We may allow a payment to go ahead when we have not received authorisation from your card issuer (for example, if we cannot contact your card issuer at the time of the transaction). We will not be responsible if the card issuer then goes on to refuse to authorise the payment. We will not be responsible for your card issuer or bank charging you as a result of us processing the credit or debit card payment, or if the bank or card issuer refuses or delays their authorisation.
1.12.5 If you are paying via your Road User Charging Account, you will also receive a copy of your receipt in accordance with your account settings. As an anonymous payment we will confirm that we have received your payment by sending an email, or text message to you (whichever option you have chosen). If you do not receive a valid confirmation receipt, or have chosen not to receive a receipt, it is your responsibility to check the status of the payment. If the payment has not been confirmed, you should pay the Charge in another way.
1.12.6 We can refuse your payment for any reasonable cause.

1.13 Roles and responsibilities
The Account Holder may assign roles to individuals as stated below:

  • The Account Holder can add up to 5 Account Users to administer the account. It is the Account Holder's responsibility to ensure that the Account Users manage the account in accordance with the terms and conditions

1.14 Account Closure due to non-usage
Non-use of your Road User Charging Account for a continuous period of 25 months will be considered sufficient grounds on which your account may be closed by us.
1.14.2 The last date of activity will be determined by the last effective date of any discounts, payment services (Auto Pay) or paid charges associated with your account, or the last date on which you updated your personal details (whichever is latest).
1.14.3 If your last date of activity remains unchanged for a period of 25 months your account will be closed.
1.14.4 Once closed, there is no means of reactivating your account.

1.15 Penalty Charge Notice
If you do not pay the correct applicable CC, LEZ or ULEZ Charge [as required by you may incur a penalty charge notice (PCN).

1.16 Governing law
These terms and conditions will be governed exclusively by English law. Any disputes will be dealt with by the English courts.

Road User Charging: Accredited Breakdown Discount Registration Terms and Conditions

These terms and conditions apply to the Congestion Charging Scheme only and should be read in conjunction with the RUC: General Terms and Conditions.

Glossary of terms

In these terms and conditions, the following words and phrases in bold will have the meanings shown next to them. 

Annual Vehicle Registration Charge means the charge payable to us every year for each vehicle registered on your Discount.

Charging Day for the Congestion Charge means every Monday to Friday between 7am and 6pm and every weekend or Bank Holiday between 12 (noon) and 6 pm; with the exception of the following non-chargeable days (inclusive): Christmas Day (25 December), the immediately following New Year Bank Holiday and every day between them.

Discount and Discounted refers to a reduced rate vehicle registered under Article 9 of the Congestion Charging Scheme.

Registered Vehicle means any vehicle that you have registered to your Discount service.

Registration means providing information you must give us for the purposes of applying for a Discount, payment or other services we provide.

Registration Charge means the charge you pay to us to register a vehicle for a Congestion Charge Discount.

We, us means Transport for London.

You, means the person who agrees to these terms and conditions.

8.0 Eligibility
To be eligible for the Congestion Charging Accredited Breakdown Discount you must meet the following conditions:
8.0.1 You must be a Breakdown Organisation residing within the European Economic Area.
8.0.2 Your vehicles must be constructed, adapted or equipped to provide roadside assistance or recovery services.
8.0.3 The Breakdown Organisation must be accredited to BS EN ISO9001:2015 standard and must hold a valid PAS43 certificate.

8.1 Registration
You must register for the Discount by completing an online Registration. This must be renewed annually on provision of evidence that the eligibility criteria are met and on payment of the Annual Vehicle Registration Charge(s).
8.1.1 You must pay the Registration Charge to us for each vehicle you add as a Registered Vehicle. This charge is valid for a maximum of one year.
8.1.2 You will be invited to renew your Discount shortly before it expires. If you remain eligible for the Discount, you must pay us the Annual Vehicle Registration Charge(s) for all Registered Vehicle(s) on the PAS43 expiry date or Discount expiry date, whichever is the sooner.
8.1.3 If you remove your Registered Vehicle before the renewal date you will not be charged the Annual Vehicle Registration Charge.
8.1.4 We will not refund a Registration Charge or Annual Vehicle Registration Charge.

8.2 Proof
You must provide proof that you meet the condition in clause 8.0.
8.2.1 You must provide an A4 photocopy of your BS EN ISO9001:2015 certification and PAS43 certificate and one of the following documents:

  • Company headed note paper showing a company registration number.


  • A photocopy of a certificate of incorporation.

8.3 General
We may close your Discount if any of the following happen:
a) You no longer meet the Discount eligibility requirements (i.e. if you no longer meet the eligibility requirements as set out in the relevant Discount terms and conditions).
b) We believe that you have been acting fraudulently (i.e. you are benefitting from a Discount to which you are no longer entitled as set out in the terms and conditions that you have agreed to).
8.3.2 You cannot transfer your Discount to another person.
8.3.3 If you cease to be eligible for the Discount you must tell us immediately. You can sign in to your online account, write to us or call our contact centre.

8.4 Checking information
At any time after we receive an application for a Discount Registration (including after we have notified you that your application is accepted) we may ask you for proof of eligibility for the Discount and/or any information about your vehicles.
8.4.2 We will send you a letter requesting that information which you must provide by the date stated in that letter.
8.4.3 If as a result of checks of the information provided we decide that a registered vehicle is not or has ceased to be an eligible vehicle (including if you fail to provide requisite proof of eligibility), then:

  • For any application for which you have applied, we will tell you that it has been rejected.
  • For any Registration for which you are not (or are no longer) eligible, we will tell you that we will remove the Registered Vehicle on a date we tell you; or
  • For any Registered Vehicles that are not (or are no longer) eligible, whether or not as a result of any changes made, we will tell you that we will remove the vehicle's registration for the Discount on a date we tell you

Road User Charging: Auto Pay service Terms and Conditions

These terms and conditions apply to the Auto Pay service for:

  • The Congestion Charge (CC) Scheme
  • The Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) Charge Scheme; and
  • The Low Emission Zone (LEZ) Charge Scheme

These Terms and Conditions should be read in conjunction with the Road User Charging (RUC): General Terms and Conditions.

Glossary of terms

In these terms and conditions, the following words and phrases in bold will have the meanings shown next to them.

Account Holder - Business Account - means a senior employee of the company who will hold the necessary authorisation to accept these terms and conditions on behalf of the company, and those terms and conditions associated to any additional Services added. The account holder will also act as the senior contact point between TfL and the company and will be responsible for account issue resolution and for the purpose of these terms and conditions, is referred to as you.

Account Holder - Personal Account - means the person in whose name the account is created, who agrees to these terms and condition and is referred to as you. You will be responsible for any account issue resolution.

Account User - means a person who has been nominated by you (or an authorised representative), to act as an authorised representative on your account, and who has access to, and the ability to manage the account on your behalf.

Auto Pay service - means the service that automatically charges the account holder with a Charge when they use their vehicle in the Relevant Charging Zone(s) on a Charging Day during Charging Hours. The account holder is billed monthly and payments must be made for the service to remain active.

Billing Period - in relation to the Auto Pay service means one month or any other period we may decide and detail on our website. In each case the billing period will begin on the day that we accept an application to register for an Auto Pay service or any other day we may choose to accept. The first billing period may be shorter than one month depending on which day of the month has been chosen for us to produce your statement.

Charging Day for the Congestion Charge - means every Monday to Friday between 7am and 6pm and every weekend or Bank Holiday between 12 (noon) and 6 pm; with the exception of the following non-chargeable days (inclusive): Christmas Day (25 December), the immediately following New Year Bank Holiday and every day between them.

Charging Day for the Ultra Low Emission Zone - means every day of the year (24 hours), except Christmas Day.

Charging Day for Low Emission Zone- means every day of the year (24 hours).

Charging Zone - means the areas in which the Congestion Charge, Ultra Low Emission Zone Charge and the Low Emission Zone operate.

Congestion Charging Scheme - means the Charging Scheme contained in the Schedule to the Greater London (Central Zone) Congestion Charging Order 2004 (as varied and amended).

Direct Debit - means the agreement between you and us, for the purposes of taking CC, ULEZ and LEZ Auto Pay payments direct from your bank account.

Discount and Discounted - refers to a reduced rate vehicle registered (as applicable) for the CC under Article 9 of the Congestion Charging Scheme.

LEZ - means the Low Emission Zone (LEZ)

NHS Reimbursement Schemes - means the scheme that allows for refunds of Congestion Charge and ULEZ charge payments made when an eligible NHS employee (Congestion Charge only) or patient (Congestion Charge and ULEZ charge) makes an eligible journey.

Notification Statement - means the notice we send you telling you of the amount due for payment on the billing day. It contains a statement of the Charges that make up that amount.

Registered Auto Pay Card - means the agreement between you and us, allowing us to claim varying amounts as and when they become due for payment for the purposes of the Auto Pay service from the payment card you have provided to us for this purpose.

Registered Keeper - means the keeper of the vehicle as defined on the vehicle registration certificate issued by the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA).

Registered Vehicle - means any vehicle that you have registered to your Auto Pay service.

Registration - means providing information to us for the purposes of applying for a discount, payment or other Services we provide.

Relevant Charging Zone - means the specific geographical areas in which the following Schemes operate (as amended from time to time):

  • Congestion Charge: the central London Congestion Charge Zone as specifically defined in the Congestion Charging Scheme.
  • ULEZ Charge: the area within the boundary of Greater London as specifically defined in the ULEZ-LEZ Charging Scheme (which is the same as for the LEZ Charge)
  • LEZ Charge: the area within the boundary of Greater London of Greater London, also as specifically defined in the ULEZ-LEZ Charging Scheme (which is the same as for the ULEZ Charge).

Service - means a facility such as a discount or an alternative payment method available to you if you have an active customer account with us.

ULEZ - means the Ultra-Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) and ULEZ Charge

ULEZ-LEZ Charging Scheme - means the charging Scheme for the ULEZ and LEZ as set out in the London Emission Zones Charging Scheme contained in the Schedule to the Greater London Low Emission Zone Charging Order 2006 (as varied and amended).

We, us, our - means Transport for London.

Working Days - means any day other than a Saturday or a Sunday, Good Friday, Christmas Day, New Year's Day and any other day that is a bank holiday or public holiday, in England and Wales.

You, your - means the person who agrees to these terms and conditions.

10.0 Auto Pay - terms and conditions
Auto Pay is available for you to pay the Congestion Charge the ULEZ Charge and the LEZ charge.

10.1 Eligibility
To be eligible for an Auto Pay service you must meet the following conditions:
(a) You must be at least 18 years old.
(b) You must hold a UK bank account for the purposes of making Auto Pay payments. You can choose to pay by registered Auto Pay card or by Direct Debit.

10.2 Registration
You must register for the Auto Pay service by completing an online registration or postal registration form.
10.2.1 You can register for a:

  • Personal account (the account holder must be a named individual and that person is responsible for payment of any Charge(s) through the Auto Pay service)
  • Business Account - (The account must be set up in the name of the business, with a named individual as the account holder. The account holder is responsible for payment of any Charges through the Auto Pay service)

10.3 Paying CC, ULEZ and LEZ Charges
10.3.1 You must pay us the Charge(s) for each Registered Vehicle for every day of use or driving within the Relevant Charging Zone(s) on a Charging Day during Charging Hours.
10.3.2 There will be at least five Working Days between the date of the Notification Statement and when we take your payment.
10.3.3 If you dispute a Charge(s) you must still make payment of the full outstanding balance. If we decide that your dispute is valid, we will credit your Auto Pay service. Our decision will be final. Further information on disputing a Charge(s) can be found in section 10.8.
10.3.4 You must provide the vehicle registration number for each vehicle which you want to add on to your Auto Pay service by midnight on the day of travel.

10.4 Registering a payment card
We will make every effort to comply with the UK Card Association recurring card transactions code of best practice.
10.4.1 When you register a payment card, you confirm that you are authorised to use that card. We may check all credit and debit cards and they must be authorised by the card issuer.
10.4.2 If the card issuer refuses to authorise payment, we will tell you that the card has been rejected. However, we do not have to give you the reason for the refusal.
10.4.3 We may allow a payment to go ahead when we have not received authorisation from the card issuer (for example, if we cannot contact the card issuer at the time of the transaction). We will not be responsible if the card issuer then goes on to refuse to authorise the payment. We will not be responsible for your card issuer or bank charging you as a result of us processing the credit or debit card payment, or if the bank or card issuer refuses or delays their authorisation.
10.4.4 We can change how often we request registered Auto Pay card payments requests from your payment card. In the event that we do so we will notify you of the change via your preferred communication channel.

10.5 Registered Vehicles
10.5.1 You are responsible for giving us accurate and up-to-date vehicle information. You can do this online, by phone or by post.
10.5.2 We will not accept any responsibility for any information lost while it is being sent to us. You are responsible for the security of the information you provide until we receive it.
10.5.3 A vehicle can only be registered to one Auto Pay service at any one time. If your vehicle is registered to another Auto Pay service, then we will need to remove it from that service before we can register it to your Auto Pay. In order to do this, we will need proof that you are the Registered Keeper.
10.5.4 If you add a vehicle to the Auto Pay service online or by phone, the addition will take effect from the day we receive your request. If you remove a vehicle from the Auto Pay service, you will still be legally responsible for any Charge(s) incurred during the billing period that the registered vehicle was on your Auto Pay service.
10.5.5 If you ask us to remove a Registered Vehicle online or by phone, we will do so on the day you ask us to. You will be legally responsible for any Charge on the day we remove the vehicle if you drive the vehicle within the zone on that day.
10.5.6 If you send us a letter to add or remove a Registered Vehicle and we agree to the change, this will appear on your Auto Pay service within 10 Working Days of us receiving your request. We will let you know the date of the change by your preferred communication channel. Until you receive this you must continue to pay the daily Charge in another way.
10.5.7 You can register up to five vehicles on your Auto Pay service. Remember, you can register more vehicles to your Customer Account but only five of these are allowed to be Auto Pay Registered Vehicles.
10.5.8 If you are not the Registered Keeper for the vehicle(s) registered to the Auto Pay service, it is your responsibility to inform the Registered Keeper, or any other driver, that you are paying the Charge(s) and/or any Penalty Charge Notice(s) relating to that vehicle.

10.6 NHS Reimbursement Schemes
10.6.1 If you are eligible under the employee (Congestion charge) or patient (Congestion charge and ULEZ charge) NHS Reimbursement Schemes and have paid for a Congestion Charge or a ULEZ Charge using the Auto Pay service, your refund will be credited to your Auto Pay service once we have received notification from the relevant NHS trust. A credit can only be applied to an active Auto Pay service. The NHS Reimbursement Scheme applies to the Congestion Charging and Ultra Low Emission Zone schemes only, it does not apply to the Low Emission Zone scheme.

10.7 Notification Statements
We will tell you in your Notification Statement how much you owe us and when we will take the payment.
10.7.1 Your Notification Statement details your Auto Pay service registered vehicles that have been detected within the Relevant Charging Zone(s) during Charging Hours and have been processed within the relevant Billing Period.
10.7.2 There will be at least five working days between the date of the Notification Statement and when we take your payment from your registered card.
10.7.3 There will be at least five working days between the date of the Notification Statement and when we take your payment by Direct Debit.
10.7.4 Your payment will appear on your Auto Pay service account no later than seven Working Days after we take the payment.
10.7.5 If you have no vehicle detections or any other activity for two or more consecutive Billing Periods we will not send you a Notification Statement, but you can still view a blank/no charge statement online.
10.7.6 Images of your vehicle will not be retained for longer than is necessary to resolve any outstanding Charge disputes.
10.7.7 If you wish to dispute a Charge you need to do so within 60 days from the date of your statement containing the disputed Charge(s).
10.7.8 Due to processing times not all detections will appear in the current Notification Statement, where this happens the detections will appear in the next Billing Period.


10.8 Disputing a Charge(s)
10.8.1 If you dispute a Charge(s) you must:

  • Continue to make full payment of the outstanding balance.
  • Contact us by email or telephone within 60 days from the date of your statement containing the disputed Charge(s)

10.8.2 We will let you know the outcome of your Charge dispute via your preferred communication channel.
10.8.3 If we accept the dispute, we will credit your Auto Pay service within 10 Working Days at the value of the disputed Charge(s).
10.8.4 If we do not accept the dispute, we will let you know via your preferred communication channel. Our decision is final.
10.8.5 If you have an outstanding dispute, we will keep the images until this is resolved.

10.9 Grounds for suspension of the service
10.9.1 We may suspend the Auto Pay service if any of the following happen:

  • You fail to pay any amounts due, after we have sent you a request for payment
  • We have been unable to collect a registered Auto Pay card or Direct Debit payment
  • You do not meet the conditions in clause 10.1
  • You do not accept amendments to this agreement
  • You do not comply with the terms and conditions of this agreement

10.10 Pending suspension process
10.10.1 Prior to suspending your Auto Pay service we will send you a pending suspension notice via your preferred communication channel. This notice will explain the reason we intend to suspend the service and the date this will take effect.
10.10.2 You can still continue to drive into the relevant Charging Zone(s) and add charges to your Auto Pay service until the day of suspension.
10.10.3 We will not produce further Notification Statements or attempt to collect payment.
10.10.4 Beginning with the date on the pending suspension notice, you have five Working Days to contact us, to resolve the situation.
10.10.5 If you contact us during the five Working Days from the date of the pending suspension notice, you will need to pay the full outstanding balance on your Auto Pay service at that time.
10.10.6 When you pay the outstanding balance, your Auto Pay service will remain active and normal notification and collection cycles resume.
10.10.7 If you do not pay the full outstanding balance by the date stated on the pending suspension notice, your Auto Pay service will be suspended.

10.11 Suspension process
10.11.1 We will send you a suspension notice via your preferred communication channel confirming your Auto Pay service is suspended.
10.11.2 If you continue to drive into the relevant Charging Zone(s) from the date of suspension, no Charges will be debited to the Auto Pay service and you will have to find alternative ways to pay the relevant Charge(s) due. If you travel in the zone(s) without purchasing the relevant Charge(s), the Registered Keeper of the vehicle may receive a Penalty Charge Notice.
10.11.3 Beginning with the date on the suspension notice, you have five Working Days to contact us to resolve the situation.
10.11.4 If you contact us during the five Working Days from the date of suspension, you will be requested to pay the full outstanding balance on your Auto Pay service at that time.
10.11.5 When you pay the outstanding balance, your Auto Pay service will be reactivated and normal notification and collection cycles resume.
10.11.6 If you do not pay the full outstanding balance by the date on the suspension notice your Auto Pay service will be closed

10.12 Closure process
10.12.1 We will send you a closure notice via your preferred communication channel confirming your Auto Pay service is closed. This notice will request you make payment of the full outstanding balance.
10.12.2 If you continue to drive into the relevant Charging Zone(s) from the date of the closure notice, no Charges will be debited to the Auto Pay service and you will have to find alternative ways to pay the relevant Charge(s) due. If you travel in the zone(s) without purchasing the relevant Charge(s), the Registered Keeper of the vehicle may receive a Penalty Charge Notice.

10.13 Following closure of the service
10.13.1 Within the next Billing Period, You must pay us any money you still owe us or we will credit you with any money we may owe to you.
10.13.2 If we have closed your Auto Pay service because you owe us money, we may keep your records until the debt has been paid.
10.13.3 If you owe us money or have committed fraud, we may pass your details to law enforcement or debt collection agencies.
10.13.4 If you continue to drive into the relevant Charging Zone(s) following closure of your Auto Pay service you will need to pay the relevant Charge(s) in full, using another method of payment. The Registered Keeper of the vehicle is responsible for any Penalty Charge Notice issued as a result of not paying the relevant Charge(s).
10.13.5 You can request a new Auto Pay service. We reserve the right to refuse this request and our decision is final.
10.13.6 If you want to end your Auto Pay service, you must contact us by email, telephone or post and ask us to close your account. Your agreement will end when the final balance has been paid in full. We will send you a closing statement via your preferred communication channel.
10.13.7 We will keep your records for 13 months after we close an Auto Pay service (for whatever reason). After that period, we will only keep a summary of the information.

10.14 Disclaiming legal responsibility
10.14.1 We will not be responsible for any loss or damage you may suffer in relation to the Auto Pay service, except for direct loss or damage caused by our negligent acts or failure to act or if We break our responsibilities under the agreement.
10.14.2 Nothing in this clause limits our legal responsibility for causing death or personal injury as a result of negligence.
10.14.3 In no circumstances will we be responsible to you for indirect loss or loss or damage arising as a consequence of any action taken under these terms and conditions, or for loss of revenue, savings, profits or goodwill

Road User Charging: Blue Badge Discount Registration Terms and Conditions

These terms and conditions apply to the Congestion Charging Scheme only and should be read in conjunction with the RUC: General Terms and Conditions.

Glossary of terms

In these terms and conditions, the following words and phrases in bold will have the meanings shown next to them.

Charging Day for the Congestion Charge means every Monday to Friday between 7am and 6pm and every weekend or Bank Holiday between 12 (noon) and 6 pm; with the exception of the following non-chargeable days (inclusive): Christmas Day (25 December), the immediately following New Year Bank Holiday and every day between them.

Discount and Discounted refers to a reduced rate vehicle registered under Article 9 of the Congestion Charging Scheme.

Registered Vehicle means any vehicle that you have registered to your Discount service.

Registration means providing information you must give us for the purposes of applying for a Discount, payment or other services we provide.

Registration Charge means the charge you pay to us to register for a Congestion Charge Discount.

Renewal Charge means the charge you pay to us on expiry of your blue badge to renew the Discount. If you renew the Discount within 90 days of the Discount expiry date, no renewal charge is payable. If your Discount is renewed more than 90 days after your previous Discount expiry date you will need to pay the renewal charge.

We, us means Transport for London.

You, means the person who agrees to these terms and conditions.

2.0 Eligibility
To be eligible for the Congestion Charging Blue Badge Discount you must hold a valid UK or EU Blue Badge and meet all of the following conditions:

2.1 Registration
You must register for the Discount by completing an online registration or postal registration form, and renew this on expiry of your Blue Badge.
2.1.2 You must pay a Registration Charge.
2.1.3 You will be invited to renew your Discount shortly before it expires. If you remain eligible for the Discount you must provide proof and pay a Renewal Charge before the Discount expiry date to continue to benefit from the Discount. The Renewal Charge is waived if you renew your Discount within 90 days of it expiring.

2.2 Proof - Blue Badge
You must provide proof that you meet the condition in clause 2.0.
2.2.2 You must provide an A4 photocopy of both sides of the Blue Badge.

2.3 Proof - Blue Badge holder
If you are an individual Blue Badge holder you must provide proof that you are the person the Blue Badge is issued to.
2.3.1 You must provide A4 photocopies of one of the documents in the list below:

  • Department of Work and Pensions benefit entitlement letter (dated within the last 7 months)
  • Current passport
  • Current driving licence
  • Pension entitlement letter (dated within the last 7 months)
  • Birth certificate (same first and last names as the Blue Badge. Not a certificate of registration of birth)
  • Current bank or credit card statement (dated within the last 3 months)

2.4 Proof - Institutional Blue Badge holder
If you are registering on behalf of an organisation you must provide proof of the institution that the Blue Badge is issued to.
2.4.1 You must provide a letter on the institution's letter headed paper, stating the blue badge number and expiry date. The letter should be signed by a senior member of staff and should give their job title.

2.5 General - Blue Badge holder
If a vehicle you have nominated travels into the Congestion Charging Zone for purposes other than transporting the Blue Badge holder, the Charge must be paid.
2.5.2 You may have a maximum of two Registered Vehicles on your Discount. Only the last 2 vehicle registration marks [VRMs] nominated before midnight on the day of travel will be eligible for the Discount.
2.5.3 We may contact the issuing authority to confirm that the badge details are valid.
2.5.4 We may close your Discount if any of the following happen:
a) You no longer meet the Discount eligibility requirements (i.e. if you no longer meet the eligibility requirements as set out in the relevant Discount terms and conditions).
b) We believe that you have been acting fraudulently (e.g.. you are benefitting from a Discount to which you are no longer entitled as set out in the terms and conditions that you have agreed to).
2.5.5 You cannot transfer your Discount to another person.
2.5.6 If you cease to be eligible for the Discount you must tell us immediately. You can sign in to your online account, write to us or call our contact centre.

2.6 Checking information - Blue Badge holder
At any time after we receive an application for a Discount Registration (including after we have notified you that your application is accepted) we may ask you for proof of eligibility for the Discount and/or about your vehicle.
2.6.2 We will send you a letter requesting that information which you must provide by the date stated in that letter.
2.6.3 If as a result of checks of the information provided under clause 2.4 above we decide that a registered vehicle is not or has ceased to be an eligible vehicle (including if you fail to provide requisite proof of eligibility), then:

  • For any application for which you have applied, we will tell you that it has been rejected.
  • For any Registration for which you are not (or are no longer) eligible, we will tell you that we will remove the Registered Vehicle on a date we tell you; or
  • For any Registered Vehicles that are not (or are no longer) eligible, whether or not as a result of any changes made, we will tell you that we will remove your vehicle's registration for the Discount on a date we tell you.

Road User Charging: Cleaner Vehicle Discount Registration Terms and Conditions

These terms and conditions apply to the Congestion Charging Scheme only and should be read in conjunction with the General Terms and Conditions.

Glossary of terms

In these terms and conditions, the following words and phrases in bold will have the meanings shown next to them.

Annual Vehicle Registration Charge - means the charge payable to us every year for each vehicle registered on your Discount.

Charging Day for the Congestion Charge - means every Monday to Friday between 7am and 6pm and every weekend or Bank Holiday between 12 (noon) and 6 pm; with the exception of the following non-chargeable days (inclusive): Christmas Day (25 December), the immediately following New Year Bank Holiday and every day between them.

Discount and Discounted - refers to a reduced rate vehicle registered under Article 9 of the Congestion Charging Scheme Order.

Registered Vehicle - means any vehicle that you have registered to your Discount service.

Registration - means providing information you must give us for the purposes of applying for a Discount, payment or other services we provide.

Registration Charge - means the charge you pay to us to register for a Congestion Charge Discount.

We, us, our - means Transport for London.

You, your - means the person who agrees to these terms and conditions.

5.0 Eligibility - GB Registered Vehicle
To be eligible for the Congestion Charging Cleaner Vehicle Discount, you must meet all of the following conditions:

  • The vehicle must be registered with the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) and
  • The vehicle must have a fuel type of battery electric or hydrogen fuel cell 
  • The vehicle must be a Car (M1) or a Van (N1) (light goods vehicle not exceeding 3.5 tonnes gross vehicle weight).

5.1 Eligibility - Non GB Registered Vehicle
To be eligible for the Congestion Charging Cleaner Vehicle Discount, you must meet all of the following conditions:

  • The vehicle must be registered with any vehicle licensing agency within the European Economic Area and
  • The vehicle must have a fuel type of battery electric or hydrogen fuel cell 
  • The vehicle must be a Car or a Van (light goods vehicle not exceeding 3.5 tonnes gross vehicle weight)
  • 5.2 Registration
    You must register for the Discount by completing an online registration or postal registration form and renew this annually.
    5.2.1 You must pay a Registration Charge.
    5.2.2 You will be invited to renew your Discount shortly before it expires. If you remain eligible for the Discount you must pay an Annual Vehicle Registration Charge before the Discount expiry date to continue to benefit from the Discount.

5.3 Proof - GB Registered Vehicle
You must provide proof that the vehicle meets the conditions in clause 5.0.
5.3.1 You must provide an A4 photocopy of the document listed below:

  • A copy of your DVLA vehicle registration document (V5C) showing the fuel type as being Battery electric or hydrogen fuel cell 

5.4 Proof - Non GB Registered Vehicles
You must provide proof that the vehicle meets the conditions in clause 5.1.
5.4.1 You must provide an A4 photocopy of the document listed below:

  • Your vehicle registration document or equivalent that clearly shows the vehicle meets the Discount eligibility criteria.

5.5 General
5.5.1 We may close your Discount if any of the following happen:
a) You no longer meet the Discount eligibility requirements (e.g. if you no longer meet the eligibility requirements as set out in the relevant Discount terms and conditions).
b) We believe that you have been acting fraudulently (i.e. you are benefitting from a Discount to which you are no longer entitled as set out in the terms and conditions that you have agreed to).
5.5.2 You cannot transfer your Discount to another person.
5.5.3 If you cease to be eligible for the Discount or if you change your vehicle, you must tell us immediately. You can sign into your online account, write to us or call our contact centre.

5.6 Checking information
5.6.1 At any time after we receive an application for a Discount Registration (including after we have notified you that your application is accepted) we may ask you for proof of eligibility for the Discount and/or any other information about your vehicle being registered.
5.6.2 We will send you a letter requesting that information which you must provide by the date stated in that letter.
5.6.3 If as a result of checks of the information provided above we decide that a registered vehicle is not or has ceased to be an eligible vehicle (including if you fail to provide requisite proof of eligibility), then:

  • For any application for which you have applied, we will tell you that it has been rejected
  • For any Registration for which you are not (or are no longer) eligible, we will tell you that we will remove the Registered Vehicle on a date we tell you

Road User Charging: Fleet Auto Pay service Terms and Conditions

These terms and conditions apply to the Fleet Auto Pay service for the Congestion Charge (CC) Scheme, the Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) Charge Scheme and the Low Emission Zone (LEZ) Charge Scheme.

These Terms and Conditions should be read in conjunction with the Road User Charging (RUC): General Terms and Conditions.

Glossary of terms

In these terms and conditions, the following words and phrases in bold will have the meanings shown next to them.

Account Holder - Business Account means a senior employee of the company who will hold the necessary authorisation to accept these terms and conditions on behalf of the company, and those terms and conditions associated to any additional Services added. The Account Holder will also act as the senior contact point between TfL and the company and will be responsible for issue resolution and for the purpose of these terms and conditions, is referred to as you.

Account User - means a person who has been nominated by you (or an authorised representative), to act as an authorised representative, and has access to, and ability to manage the account on your behalf.

Ad-hoc Charge(s) - means you can pay a Congestion Charge a ULEZ Charge and a LEZ Charge at the full rate via your Fleet Auto Pay account for a limited number of non-Registered Vehicles.

Billing Period - in relation to Fleet Auto Pay means one month or any other period we may decide and give on our website. In each case the Billing Period will begin on the day that we accept an application to register for a Fleet Auto Pay service or any other day we may choose to accept. The first Billing Period may be shorter than one month depending on which day of the month has been chosen by us to produce your statement.

Charge(s) - means (as applicable) any of the following:

  • The Congestion Charge (CC) as payable under Articles 4 and 6 of the Congestion Charging Scheme Order, or
  • The Low Emission Zone (LEZ) Charge and the Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) Charge as respectively payable under Article 7 of the ULEZ-LEZ Charging Scheme.

Charging Day for the Congestion Charge - means every Monday to Friday between 7am and 6pm and every weekend or Bank Holiday between 12 (noon) and 6 pm; with the exception of the following non-chargeable days (inclusive): Christmas Day (25 December), the immediately following New Year Bank Holiday and every day between them.

Charging Day for the Ultra Low Emission Zone - means every day of the year (24 hours), except Christmas Day.

Charging Day for Low Emission Zone- means every day of the year (24 hours).

Congestion Charging Scheme - means the Charging Scheme in the Schedule to the Greater London (Central Zone) Congestion Charging Order 2004, (as varied and amended).

Direct Debit - means the agreement between you and us, for the purposes of taking CC, ULEZ and LEZ Fleet Auto Pay payments direct from your bank account.

Discount and Discounted - refers to a reduced rate vehicle registered (as applicable) for the CC under Article 9 of the Congestion Charging Scheme.

Fleet Auto Pay service - means the service that automatically charges the Fleet Operator when they use a Registered Vehicle in a Relevant Charging Zone during Charging Hours. The Fleet Operator is billed monthly, and payments must be made for the service to remain active.

Fleet Operator - means the organisation accepting these Terms and Conditions as stated in the Declaration.

LEZ - means the Low Emission Zone (LEZ)

Notification Statement - means the notice we send you telling you the amount due for payment on the billing day. It contains a statement of the charges that make up that amount.

Registered Keeper - means:

  • For a vehicle registered in the United Kingdom, the person whose name the vehicle is registered in under the Vehicle Excise and Registration Act 1994; or
  • For any other vehicle, the person who keeps the vehicle

Registered Vehicle - means any vehicle bearing a unique Vehicle Registration Mark (VRM) that you have registered to your Fleet Auto Pay service.

Registration - means providing information you must give us for the purposes of applying for a Discount, payment or other Services We provide.

Relevant Charging Zone - means the specific geographical areas in which the following Schemes operate (as amended from time to time)

  • Congestion Charge: the central London Congestion Charge Zone as specifically defined in the Congestion Charging Scheme
  • ULEZ Charge: the area within the boundary of Greater London as specifically defined in the ULEZ-LEZ Charging Scheme (which is the same as for the LEZ Charge);
  • LEZ Charge: LEZ Charge: the area of Greater London, also as specifically defined in the ULEZ-LEZ Charging Scheme (which is the same as for the ULEZ Charge).

Service - means a facility available to you if you have an active customer account with us.

ULEZ - means the Ultra-Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) and ULEZ Charge.

ULEZ-LEZ Charging Scheme - means the charging Scheme for the ULEZ and LEZ as set out in the London Emission Zones Charging Scheme contained in the Schedule to the Greater London Low Emission Zone Charging Order 2006 (as varied and amended).

We, us, our - means Transport for London.

Working Days - means any day other than a Saturday or a Sunday, Good Friday, Christmas Day, New Year's Day and any other day that is a bank holiday or public holiday, in England and Wales.

You, your - means the person who agrees to these terms and conditions.

11.0 Fleet Auto Pay service - terms and conditions
Fleet Auto Pay is available for you to pay the Congestion Charge the ULEZ Charge and the LEZ charge.

11.1 Eligibility for a Fleet Auto Pay service
To be eligible for a Fleet Auto Pay service you must meet the following conditions:
(a) You must have and register a fleet of six or more vehicles.
(b) Your vehicles must be controlled and managed by you or a Fleet Operator and used principally for the purposes of a business or by a person to whom the Fleet Operator is a contractor.
(c) You must hold a UK bank account for the purposes of making Fleet Auto Pay payments by Direct Debit

11.2 Registration
You must register for the Fleet Auto Pay service by completing an online Registration.
11.2.1 You must register a Business Account. (The account must be set up in the name of the business, with a named individual as the Account Holder. The Account Holder is responsible for payment of any charges through the Fleet Auto Pay service).

11.3 Paying CC, ULEZ and LEZ Charges
11.3.1 You must pay us the Charge(s) for each Registered Vehicle (and where applicable the Ad-hoc charges) for every day of use or driving within a the Relevant Charging Zone (s) during Charging Hours.
11.3.2 There will be at least five Working Days between the date of the Notification Statement and when we take your payment by Direct Debit.
11.3.3 If you dispute a Charge(s) you must still make payment of the full outstanding balance. If we decide that your dispute is valid, we will credit your Fleet Auto Pay account. Our decision will be final. Further information on disputing a Charge(s) can be found in section 11.6.
11.3.4 You must provide the vehicle registration number for each vehicle for which you want to add an Ad-hoc Charge(s) by midnight on the day of travel.
11.3.5 The number of Ad-hoc Charge(s) that you may add each Billing Period is limited to the number of Registered Vehicles on your Fleet Auto Pay account e.g. if you have 50 Registered Vehicles, then 50 Ad-hoc Charge(s) may be added in any Billing Period. When paying an ad hoc Congestion Charge if the vehicle does not meet the emissions standards for the ULEZ or the LEZ then you will automatically be charged the ULEZ Charge and/or LEZ Charge (as applicable) which will utilise an additional ad hoc charge from your allowance.
11.3.6 You may add Ad-hoc Charge(s) on the same day of travel or for a date in the future (maximum 64 Working Days in advance).

11.4 Registered Vehicles
11.4.1 You are responsible for giving us accurate and up-to-date vehicle information. You can do this online, by phone or by post.
11.4.2 We will not accept any responsibility for any information lost while it is being sent. You are responsible for the security of the information you provide until we receive it.
11.4.3 A vehicle can only be registered to one Fleet Auto Pay service at any one time. If you attempt to register a vehicle on more than one Fleet Auto Pay service, then preference will be given to the Registered Keeper of the vehicle.
11.4.4 If you add a vehicle to the Fleet Auto Pay online, or by phone, it will apply from the day we receive your request. If you remove a vehicle from the Fleet Auto Pay service, you will still be responsible for any Charge(s) during the Billing Period that the Registered Vehicle was on your Fleet Auto Pay service.
11.4.5 If you remove a Registered Vehicle online, it will be removed on that day. You will be responsible for the Charge(s) on the day you remove the vehicle if this vehicle is driven within the zone(s) on that day.
11.4.6 If you send us a letter to make a change to a Registered Vehicle and we agree to the change, this will appear on your Fleet Auto Pay service within 10 Working Days of us receiving your request. We will let you know the date of the change via email. Until you receive this you must continue to pay the daily Charge in another way.
11.4.7 You must maintain a fleet of six or more vehicles on your Fleet Auto Pay.
11.4.8 If you are not the Registered Keeper for the vehicle(s) attached to the Fleet Auto Pay, it is your responsibility to inform the Registered Keeper, or any other driver, that you are paying the Charge and/or any Penalty Charge Notices relating to that vehicle.

11.5 Notification Statements
We will tell you in your Notification Statement how much you owe us and when we will take payment.
11.5.1 Your Notification Statement details Fleet Auto Pay Registered Vehicles detected within the Charging Zone(s) during Charging Hours that have been processed within the relevant Billing Period.
11.5.2 There will be five Working Days between the date of the Notification Statement and when we take your payment by Direct Debit.
11.5.3 Your payment will appear on your Fleet Auto Pay account no later than seven Working Days after we take payment.
11.5.4 If you have no vehicle detections or any other activity for two or more consecutive Billing Periods We will not send you a Notification Statement.
11.5.5 Images of your vehicle will not be retained for longer than is necessary to resolve any outstanding Charge disputes.
11.5.6 We may decide not investigate any dispute that is not made within a reasonable period of the date of the payment that include the disputed Charge(s).
11.5.7 Due to processing times not all detections will appear in the current Notification Statement, where this happens the detections will appear in the next Billing Period.

11.6 Disputing a Charge(s)
11.6.1 If you dispute a Charge(s) you must:

  • Continue to make full payment of the outstanding balance.
  • Contact us by email or telephone within 60 days from the date of your statement containing the disputed Charge(s).

11.6.2 We will let you know the outcome of your Charge dispute.
11.6.3 If we accept the dispute, we will credit your Fleet Auto Pay account within 10 Working Days at the value of the disputed Charges.
11.6.4 If we do not accept the dispute, we will let you know via email. Our decision is final.
11.6.5 If you have an outstanding dispute, we will keep the images until we have resolved the query.

11.7 Grounds for suspension of the service
We may suspend the Fleet Auto Pay service if any of the following happen:

  • You fail to pay any amounts due, after we have sent you a request for payment.
  • We have been unable to collect a Direct Debit payment.
  • We carry out validation checks and decide that your vehicles are not eligible.
  • You do not meet any of the conditions in clause 11.1.
  • You do not accept amendments to this agreement.
  • You do not comply with the terms and conditions of this agreement.

11.8 Pending suspension process
11.8.1 Prior to suspending your Fleet Auto Pay service we will send you a pending suspension notice via email. This notice will explain the reason we intend to suspend the service and the date this will take effect.
11.8.2 You can still continue to drive into the relevant Charging Zone(s) and add Charges to your Fleet Auto Pay service until the day of suspension.
11.8.3 We will not produce further Notification Statements or attempt to collect payment.
11.8.4 Beginning with the date on the pending suspension notice, you have five Working Days to contact us, to resolve the situation.
11.8.5 If you contact us during the five Working Days from the date of the pending suspension notice, you will need to pay the full outstanding balance on your Fleet Auto Pay service at that time.
11.8.6 When you pay the outstanding balance, your Fleet Auto Pay service will remain active and normal notification and collection cycles resume.
11.8.7 If you do not pay the full outstanding balance by the date stated on the pending suspension notice, your Fleet Auto Pay service will be suspended.

11.9 Suspension process

11.9.1 We will send you a suspension notice via email confirming your Fleet Auto Pay service is suspended.
11.9.2 If you continue to drive into the relevant Charging Zone(s) from the date of suspension, no Charge(s) will be debited to the Fleet Auto Pay and you will have to find alternative ways to pay the Charge(s). If you travel in the zone without purchasing a relevant Charge(s) the Registered Keeper of the vehicle may receive a Penalty Charge Notice.
11.9.3 Beginning with the date on the suspension notice, you have five Working Days to contact us to resolve the situation.
11.9.4 If you contact us during the five Working Days from the date of suspension, you will be requested to pay the full outstanding balance on your Fleet Auto Pay service at that time.
11.9.5 When you pay the outstanding balance, your Fleet Auto Pay service will be reactivated and normal notification and collection cycles resume.
11.9.6 If you do not pay the full outstanding balance by the date on the suspension notice your Fleet Auto Pay service will be closed

11.10 Closure process
11.10.1 We will send you a closure notice via email confirming your Fleet Auto Pay service is closed. This notice will request you make payment of the full outstanding balance.
11.10.2 If you continue to drive into the relevant Charging Zone(s) from the date of the closure notice, no Charge(s) will be debited to the Fleet Auto Pay and you will have to find alternative ways to pay the Charge. If you travel in the zone without purchasing a relevant Charge(s) the Registered Keeper of the vehicle may receive a Penalty Charge Notice.

11.11 Following closure of the service
11.11.1 Within the next Billing Period, You must pay us any money you still owe us or we will credit you with any money we may owe you.
11.11.2 If we have closed your Fleet Auto Pay service because you owe us money, we may keep your records until the debt has been paid.
11.11.3 If you owe us money or have committed fraud, we may pass your details to law enforcement or debt collection agencies.
11.11.4 If you continue to drive into the relevant Charging Zone(s) following closure of your Fleet Auto Pay service you will need to pay the relevant Charge(s) in full, using another method of payment. The Registered Keeper of the vehicle is responsible for any Penalty Charge Notice issued as a result of not paying the Charge(s).
11.11.6 If you want to end your Fleet Auto Pay service, you must contact us in writing and ask us to close your account. Your agreement will end when the final balance has been paid in full. We will send you a closing statement via email.

11.11.7 We will keep your records for 13 months after we close a Fleet Auto Pay service (for whatever reason). After that period, we will only keep a summary of the information.

11.12 Termination
11.12.1 We reserve the right at any time to withdraw the Fleet Auto Pay service.
11.12.2 Prior to terminating your Fleet Auto Pay service we will send you a termination notice via email. This notice will explain the reason we intend to terminate the service and the date this will take effect (in circumstance of termination due to fraud, we will terminate the service immediately).
11.12.3 You can still continue to drive into the relevant Charging Zone(s) and add usage Charges to your Fleet Auto Pay service until the day of termination.
11.12.4 We will not produce further Notification Statements or attempt to collect payment.
11.12.5 If you object to the termination of your Fleet Auto Pay service, beginning with the date on the termination notice, you have five Working Days to contact us.
11.12.6 If you contact us during the five Working Days from the date of the termination notice, you will need to pay the full outstanding balance on your Fleet Auto Pay at that time.
11.12.7 If we do not accept your objection we will let you know via email. Our decision is final.
11.12.8 If you continue to drive into the relevant Charging Zone(s) from the date of the termination notice, no Charge(s) will be debited to the Fleet Auto Pay and you will have to find alternative ways to pay the Charge. If you travel in the zone without purchasing a Charge the Registered Keeper of the vehicle may receive a Penalty Charge Notice.
11.12.9 If the service is terminated due to fraud, we may close, bar or permanently ban any or all other Fleet Auto Pay Services held by the Fleet Operator or any member of the Group.

11.13 Relationship
11.13.1 We and the Fleet Operator acknowledge that the agreement does not constitute, create or give effect to:

  • Joint ventures
  • Pooling arrangements
  • Principal/agency relationships
  • Partnership
  • Formal business arrangement

The Fleet Auto Pay service does not allow either party to enter into any formal business partnership of any kind, without the other parties' express written permission. You, your agents, employees or contractors cannot at any time claim to be our employee.
11.13.2 You must maintain high standards of business ethics and practices. You should conduct yourself in such a way as to not bring yourself, other stakeholders, TfL or the Congestion/ ULEZ-LEZ Charging Schemes into disrepute.
11.13.3 Both parties should ensure that they make all reasonable efforts to be cooperative and work together, to ensure that the Congestion/ ULEZ-LEZ Charging Schemes and the Fleet Auto Pay service operate efficiently.
11.13.4 You must notify us immediately in writing if and when you become aware of any conflicts of interests in relation to your Fleet Auto Pay.
11.13.5 You must notify us in writing of any change of Account Holder. This letter must confirm:  

  • The name of the new Account Holder
  • The signature of the new Account Holder
  • A witness to the signature of the new Account Holder (the witness must be a senior member of the Fleet Operator, or at least the equivalent position to the Account Holder, and must verify the identity of the new Account Holder)

11.13.6 You can add up to 5 Account Users to administer the Account. It is your responsibility to ensure that the Account Users manage the Account in accordance with the terms and conditions.

11.14 Disclaiming legal responsibility
11.14.1 We will not be responsible for any loss or damage you may suffer in relation to the Fleet Auto Pay service, except for direct loss or damage caused by our negligent acts or failure to act or if We break our responsibilities under the agreement.
11.14.2 Nothing in this clause limits our legal responsibility for causing death or personal injury as a result of negligence.
11.14.3 In no circumstances will we be responsible to you for indirect loss or loss or damage arising as a consequence of any action taken under these terms and conditions, or for loss of revenue, savings, profits or goodwill

Road User Charging: Showman's Discount Registration Terms and Conditions

Please read the following terms and conditions carefully when registering with us.

They should be read in conjunction with the RUC: General Terms and Conditions and apply to the:

  • Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) and ULEZ Charge
  • Low Emission Zone (LEZ) and LEZ Charge

By Registering and using any of our services, you agree to accept these terms and conditions.

Glossary of terms

In these terms and conditions, the following words and phrases in bold will have the meanings shown next to them.

Non-chargeable Register - means the register kept by us of vehicles that are Low Emission Zone (LEZ) and Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) non-chargeable vehicles under Article 5(1) of the London Emission Zones Charging Scheme.

Eligible Vehicle - refers to a vehicle that fulfils the criteria in clause 9.0.

Non-chargeable Vehicle - refers to a vehicle registered under Article 5 or Article 11 of the London Emission Zones Charging Scheme.

Registered vehicle - refers to a vehicle that has been entered into the Non-chargeable Register.

Registration - means providing information you must give us for the purposes of applying for an exemption, discount, payment or other services we provide.

We, us, our - means Transport for London.

You, your - means the person who agrees to these terms and conditions.

9.0 Eligibility
To be eligible for the vehicle to be included in the Non-chargeable Register, it must fulfil all of the following criteria:
a) The vehicle must be registered in the name of a person following the business of a travelling Showman.
b) It must be used solely by that person for the purposes of running their business and no other purpose.
c) It must be permanently fitted with either: special equipment, a special body or a superstructure that forms part of the equipment used during the performance of the show.

9.1 Registration
You must apply to register your vehicle to be included in the Non-chargeable Register by completing an online enquiry form or send the required documentation by post.
9.1.1 There is no charge to register.

9.2 Proof
You must provide proof that you meet the conditions in clause 9.0.
9.2.1 You must provide an A4 photocopy of the documents listed below:

  • A copy of your DVLA vehicle Registration document (V5c) or a copy of your vehicle registration document issued by your vehicle licensing agency and
  • A minimum of four photographs of the vehicle, one from each angle: front, back and both sides; also where relevant additional photographs of the vehicle body interior to show internal structure and adaptations or any specialised equipment fitted inside or underneath the vehicle.

Note: The photographs must be of a quality to allow us to assess whether the vehicle meets the criteria for specialist construction set out above and the vehicle registration mark (VRM) or number plate must be visible in one of the photographs.

If there is any specialised equipment fitted inside or underneath the vehicle, a photograph to show this should also be provided.

9.3 General
We may remove a registered vehicle from the Non-chargeable Register if any of the following happen:
a) You no longer meet the eligibility requirements detailed in clause 9.0.
b) We believe that you have been acting fraudulently (eg you are benefitting from the registration that you are no longer entitled as set out in the terms and conditions that you have agreed to).
9.3.1 You cannot transfer your registration to another vehicle or person (the person you transferred it to must make a new application for registration).
9.3.2 If you cease to be eligible, you must tell us immediately. You can sign in to your online account, write to us or call our contact centre.
9.3.3 If you no longer own the vehicle, you must contact us to remove the vehicle from the Non-chargeable Register.
9.3.4 If you register the vehicle with the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) as Statutory Off Road Notification (SORN), you must contact us to remove the vehicle from the Non-chargeable Register.

9.4 Checking information
At any time after we receive an application for a Registration (including after we have notified you that your application is accepted and the vehicle is entered into the Non-chargeable Register) we may ask you for proof of eligibility and/or any other information about the vehicle.
9.4.2 We will send you a letter requesting that information which you must provide by the date stated in that letter.
9.4.3 If as a result of checks of the information provided above we decide that a registered vehicle is not or has ceased to be an Eligible Vehicle (including if you fail to provide requisite proof of eligibility), then:

  • For any application for which you have applied, we will tell you that it has been rejected.
  • For any Registration for which you are not (or are no longer) eligible, we will tell you that we will remove the Registered Vehicle on a date we tell you; or
  • For any Registered Vehicles that are not (or are no longer) eligible, whether or not as a result of any changes made, we will tell you that we will remove the vehicle from the Non-chargeable Register on a date we tell you.

Road User Charging: Motor Tricycle Discount Registration Terms and Conditions

These terms and conditions apply to the Congestion Charging Scheme only and should be read in conjunction with the RUC: General Terms and Conditions.

Glossary of terms

In these terms and conditions, the following words and phrases in bold will have the meanings shown next to them.

Annual Vehicle Registration Charge - means the charge payable to us every year for each vehicle registered on your Discount.

Charging Day for the Congestion Charge - means every Monday to Friday between 7am and 6pm and every weekend or Bank Holiday between 12 (noon) and 6 pm; with the exception of the following non-chargeable days (inclusive): Christmas Day (25 December), the immediately following New Year Bank Holiday and every day between them.

Discount and Discounted - refers to a reduced rate vehicle registered under Article 9 of the Congestion Charging Scheme.

Registered Vehicle - means any vehicle that you have registered to your Discount service.

Registration - means providing information you must give us for the purposes of applying for a Discount, payment or other services we provide.

Registration Charge - means the charge you pay to us to register for a Congestion Charge Discount.

We, us, our - means Transport for London.

You, your - means the person who agrees to these terms and conditions.

6.0 Eligibility

To be eligible for the Motor Tricycle Discount you must meet all of the following conditions:

  1. The vehicle must be registered with the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) or with any vehicle licensing agency within the European Economic Area, and
  2. The vehicle must be a motor tricycle that is one metre or less wide, and two metres or less long.

6.1 Registration
You must register for the Discount by completing an online Registration or postal Registration form and renew this annually.
6.1.1 You must pay a Registration Charge.
6.1.2 You will be invited to renew your Discount shortly before it expires. If you remain eligible for the Discount you must pay an Annual Vehicle Registration Charge before the Discount expiry date to continue to benefit from the Discount.

6.2 Proof
You must provide proof that you meet the conditions in clause 6.0.
6.2.1 You must provide an A4 photocopy of the document(s) listed below:

  • A copy of your DVLA vehicle registration document (V5C) or a copy of your vehicle registration document issued by your vehicle licensing agency and
  • Four photographs of your motor tricycle (front, back and both sides). One of these photographs must show the vehicle registration mark (VRM).

6.3 General
6.3.1 We may close your Discount if any of the following happen:
a) You no longer meet the Discount eligibility requirements (i.e. if you no longer meet the eligibility requirements as set out in the relevant Discount terms and conditions).
b) We believe that you have been acting fraudulently (i.e. you are benefitting from a Discount to which you are no longer entitled as set out in the terms and conditions that you have agreed to).
6.3.2 You cannot transfer your Discount to another person.
6.3.3 If you cease to be eligible for the Discount or if you change your vehicle, you must tell us immediately. You can sign into your online account, write to us or call our contact centre.

6.4 Checking information
6.4.1 At any time after we receive an application for a Discount Registration (including after we have notified you that your application is accepted) we may ask you for proof of eligibility for the Discount and/or about your vehicle.
6.4.2 We will send you a letter requesting that information which you must provide by the date stated in that letter.
6.4.3 If as a result of checks of the information provided we decide that a registered vehicle is not or has ceased to be an eligible vehicle (including if you fail to provide requisite proof of eligibility), then:

  • For any application for which you have applied, we will tell you that it has been rejected.
  • For any Registration for which you are not (or are no longer) eligible, we will tell you that we will remove the Registered Vehicle on a date we tell you; or
  • For any Registered Vehicles that are not (or are no longer) eligible, whether or not as a result of any changes made, we will tell you that we will remove your vehicle's registration for the Discount on a date we tell you.

Road User Charging: Vehicles with Nine or more Seats Discount Registration Terms and Conditions

These terms and conditions apply to the Congestion Charging Scheme only and should be read in conjunction with the RUC: General Terms and Conditions.

Glossary of terms

In these terms and conditions, the following words and phrases in bold will have the meanings shown next to them.

Annual Vehicle Registration Charge means the charge payable to us every year for each vehicle registered on your Discount.

Charging Day for the Congestion Charge - means every Monday to Friday between 7am and 6pm and every weekend or Bank Holiday between 12 (noon) and 6 pm; with the exception of the following non-chargeable days (inclusive): Christmas Day (25 December), the immediately following New Year Bank Holiday and every day between them.

Discount and Discounted - refers to a reduced rate vehicle registered under Article 9 of the Congestion Charging Scheme.

Registered Vehicle - means any vehicle that you have registered to your Discount service.

Registration - means providing information you must give us for the purposes of applying for a Discount, payment or other services we provide.

Registration Charge - means the charge you pay to us to register for a Congestion Charge Discount.

We, us, our - means Transport for London.

You, your - means the person who agrees to these terms and conditions.

4.0 Eligibility - GB registered
To be eligible for the Congestion Charging Vehicles with Nine or more Seats Discount you must meet all of the following conditions:

  1. The vehicle must be registered with the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) and
  2. The vehicle must be a passenger carrying vehicle with Nine or more Seats (including the driver's seat)

4.1 Eligibility - Non GB registered
To be eligible for the Vehicles with Nine or more Seats Discount you must meet all of the following conditions:
a) The vehicle must be registered with any vehicle licensing agency within the European Economic Area and
b) The vehicle must be a passenger carrying vehicle with Nine or more Seats (including the driver's seat).

4.2 Registration
You must register for the Discount by completing an online Registration or postal Registration form, and renew this annually.
4.2.1 You must pay a Registration Charge.
4.2.2 You will be invited to renew your Discount shortly before it expires. If you remain eligible for the Discount you must pay an Annual Vehicle Registration Charge before the Discount expiry date to continue to benefit from the Discount.

4.3 Proof - GB registered
You must provide proof that the vehicle meets the conditions in clause 4.0.
4.3.1 You must provide an A4 photocopy of the document(s) listed below:

  • A copy of your DVLA vehicle registration document (V5C) and
  • Proof that clearly shows the number of seats in the vehicle

4.4 Proof - Non GB registered
You must provide proof that the vehicle meets the conditions in clause 4.1.
4.4.1 You must provide an A4 photocopy of the document(s) listed below:

  • A copy of your vehicle registration document issued by your vehicle licensing agency and
  • Proof that clearly shows the number of seats in the vehicle

4.5 General
We may close your Discount if any of the following happen:
a) You no longer meet the Discount eligibility requirements (i.e. if you no longer meet the eligibility requirements as set out in the relevant Discount terms and conditions).
b) We believe that you have been acting fraudulently (e.g. you are benefitting from a Discount to which you are no longer entitled as set out in the terms and conditions that you have agreed to).
4.5.2 You cannot transfer your Discount to another person.
4.5.3 If you cease to be eligible for the Discount or if you change your vehicle, you must tell us immediately. You can sign in to your online account, write to us or call our contact centre.

4.6 Checking information
At any time after we receive an application for a Discount Registration (including after we have notified you that your application is accepted) we may ask you for proof of eligibility for the Discount and/or about your vehicle.
4.6.2 We will send you a letter requesting that information which you must provide by the date stated in that letter.
4.6.3 If as a result of checks of the information provided above we decide that a registered vehicle is not or has ceased to be an eligible vehicle (including if you fail to provide requisite proof of eligibility), then:

  • For any application for which you have applied, we will tell you that it has been rejected.
  • For any Registration for which you are not (or are no longer) eligible, we will tell you that we will remove the Registered Vehicle on a date we tell you; or
  • For any Registered Vehicles that are not (or are no longer) eligible, whether or not as a result of any changes made, we will tell you that we will remove the vehicle's registration for the Discount on a date we tell you.

Road User Charging: Residents' Discount Registration Terms and Conditions

These terms and conditions should be read in conjunction with the RUC: General Terms and Conditions and apply to:

  • The Congestion Charging Scheme only

Glossary of terms

In these terms and conditions, the following words and phrases in bold will have the meanings shown next to them.

Annual Renewal Charge - means the charge payable to us every year to renew a Discount.

Charge means the following:

  • Congestion Charge (CC)

Charging day for the Congestion Charge - means every Monday to Friday between 7am and 6pm and every weekend or Bank Holiday between 12 (noon) and 6 pm; with the exception of the following non-chargeable days (inclusive): Christmas Day (25 December), the immediately following New Year Bank Holiday and every day between them.

Discount and Discounted - refers to a reduced rate vehicle registered under Article 9 of the Congestion Charging Scheme Order.

NHS Reimbursement Schemes means the schemes that allows for refunds of Charge payments made when an eligible NHS employee or patient makes an eligible journey.

Registered Vehicle means any vehicle that you have registered to your Discount service.

Registration means providing information you must give us for the purposes of applying for a Discount, payment or other services we provide.

Registration Charge means the charge you pay to us to register for a Congestion Charge Discount.

Resident means someone who has registered with us under Annex 3 of the Congestion Charging Scheme.

Residents' Discount Zone means the area comprising the Congestion Charging Zone, plus some additional postcodes on the boundary of the Congestion Charging Zone where vehicular access to the property requires the resident to drive into the zone. There is an interactive map and a postcode checker on our website

We, us, our - means Transport for London.

You, your - means the person who agrees to these terms and conditions.

3.0 Requirements for the Residents' Discount
To qualify for the Congestion Charging Residents' Discount, you must meet all of the following conditions:
a) You must be at least 17 years old
b) Your main or permanent home must be in the Residents' Discount Zone, and you must be able to prove that the property in which you live is for residential purposes
c) Your name must be shown on either the parliamentary or local government Electoral Register, unless for other reasons not connected to where you live you're unable to vote or there's not been enough time for you to be included in the register yet
d) You must normally be present at those premises during at least 4 nights a week and for a period of at least 13 weeks
e) Your application for the Congestion Charge Residents Discount was received by us and the conditions set out at (a) to (d) above (inclusive) continue to be met at the time you apply for a renewal of your Discount

3.1 Requirements for Residents' vehicle
To register a vehicle for a Residents' Discount:
a) Your vehicle must be registered with the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) in your name and at the address for which you are applying for the Discount.


b) You can register a company car [if it is for your sole use only]


c) You can register a vehicle that has been leased to you [if it is for your sole use only]

3.1.1 You can register one vehicle for a Residents' Discount
3.1.2 Your vehicle must be constructed or adapted for the carriage of people and their luggage or for the carriage of goods or burden of any description providing the height of the vehicle is no more than 2.44 meters
3.1.3 If you live in the Residents' Discount Zone and don't own a vehicle, you can still register for the Discount if you occasionally use a hire or recognised car club vehicle. Refer to clause 8.4.

3.2 Requirements for Residents' occasional use of hire cars
To hire or use a courtesy vehicle for a Resident's Discount:
a) The vehicle must be registered to a recognised hire or courtesy vehicle company
b) The vehicle can only be used for a maximum of 30 days in a row
c) You must let us know the details of the hire/courtesy vehicle before you use it
d) You must pay the full Charge while using this vehicle
e) At the end of the hire period, you must contact us to arrange a refund of 90 % of Charges paid for this vehicle registration number during this time

3.3 Registration
You must register for the Discount by completing an online Registration or postal Registration form, and renew this annually.
3.3.1 You must pay a Registration Charge.
3.3.2 You will be invited to renew your Discount shortly before it expires. If you remain eligible for the Discount you must provide proof and pay an Annual Renewal Charge before the Discount expiry date to continue to benefit from the Discount.

3.4 Proof - Residency
You must provide proof that you meet the conditions in clause 3.0.
3.4.1 You must provide photocopies of two proofs in your name and at the address for which you are applying for the Discount from the following list:

  • A valid Residents' on-street parking permit.
  • A current council tax bill
  • Your income support entitlement letter (dated within the last 7 months)
  • Your bank or credit card statement (dated within the last 3 months)
  • A formal tenancy agreement or housing association rent document (dated within the last 12 months)
  • A current utility bill for example gas, water, or electricity bill but not a mobile phone bill (dated in the last 3 months)
  • Your driving licence

3.5 Proof - Residents' Vehicle
You must provide proof that you meet the conditions in clause 3.1.
3.5.1 To register your own private vehicle you need to provide a copy of the vehicle's registration document (V5C).

Note: The vehicle needs to be registered with the DVLA in your name and at the address for which you are applying for the Discount.
3.5.2 To register a company car or a lease vehicle you need to provide a copy of one of the following:

  • An A4 photocopy of your vehicle lease document


  • An A4 photocopy of a company car authorisation letter, which should be on headed paper saying that the vehicle, is for your sole use only


  • Where the company car is provided by a lease company both an A4 photocopy of your company's vehicle lease document and an A4 photocopy of a company car authorisation letter needs to be provided. The letter should be on headed paper saying that the car is for your sole use only and the vehicle must be registered in the company name or lease company name with the DVLA

3.6 NHS Reimbursement Schemes
If you are eligible under the employee or patient NHS Reimbursement Schemes and you have paid a Charge using your Resident's account, we can refund it under the relevant NHS Reimbursement Scheme.

3.7 General
As a Resident you can park in the Congestion Charging Zone without paying the daily Charge providing:
a) You have a resident's parking permit and park in a resident's parking bay and you don't move the vehicle during charging hours.
b) You don't park on a public road during charging hours.
3.7.2 We may close your Discount if any of the following happen:
a) You no longer meet the Discount eligibility requirements (i.e. if you no longer meet the eligibility requirements as set out in the relevant Discount terms and conditions)
b) We believe that you have been acting fraudulently (i.e. you are benefitting from a Discount to which you are no longer entitled as set out in the terms and conditions that you have agreed to)
3.7.3 You cannot transfer your Discount to another person.
3.7.4 If you cease to be eligible for the Discount, move home or if you change your vehicle, you must tell us immediately. You can sign in to your online account, write to us or call our contact centre.

3.8 Checking information
At any time after we receive an application for a Discount Registration (including after we have notified you that your application is accepted) we may ask you for proof of eligibility for the Discount and/or about your vehicle.
3.8.2 We will send you a letter requesting that information which you must provide by the date stated in that letter.
3.8.3 If as a result of checks of the information provided above we decide that a registered vehicle is not or has ceased to be an eligible vehicle (including if you fail to provide requisite proof of eligibility), then:

For any application for which you have applied, we will tell you that it has been rejected.

For any Registration for which you are not (or are no longer) eligible, we will tell you that we will remove the Registered Vehicle on a date we tell you; or

For any Registered Vehicles that are not (or are no longer) eligible, whether or not as a result of any changes made, we will tell you that we will remove the vehicle's registration for the Discount on a date we tell you.

Road User Charging: Roadside Recovery Vehicle Discount Registration Terms and Conditions

These terms and conditions apply to the Congestion Charging Scheme only and should be read in conjunction with the RUC: General Terms and Conditions.

Glossary of terms

In these terms and conditions, the following words and phrases in bold will have the meanings shown next to them.

Annual Vehicle Registration Charge - means the charge payable to us every year for each vehicle registered on your Discount.

Charging Day for the Congestion Charge - means every Monday to Friday between 7am and 6pm and every weekend or Bank Holiday between 12 (noon) and 6 pm; with the exception of the following non-chargeable days (inclusive): Christmas Day (25 December), the immediately following New Year Bank Holiday and every day between them.

Discount and Discounted - refers to a reduced rate vehicle registered under Article 9 of the Congestion Charging Scheme.

Registered Vehicle - means any vehicle that you have registered to your Discount service.

Registration - means providing information you must give us for the purposes of applying for a Discount, payment or other services we provide.

Registration Charge - means the charge you pay to us to register a vehicle for a Congestion Charge Discount.

We, us means Transport for London.

You, means the person who agrees to these terms and conditions.

7.0 Eligibility
To be eligible for the Congestion Charging Roadside Recovery Vehicle Discount you must meet all of the following conditions:

  • The vehicle must be registered with the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) or with any vehicle licensing agency within the European Economic Area and
  • The vehicle must have a taxation class of 'Recovery Vehicle'

7.1 Registration
You must register for the Discount by completing an online registration or postal registration form, and renew this annually.
7.1.1 You must pay a Registration Charge.
7.1.2 You will be invited to renew your Discount shortly before it expires. If you remain eligible for the Discount you must pay an Annual Vehicle Registration Charge before the Discount expiry date to continue to benefit from the Discount.

7.2 Proof
You must provide proof that you meet the conditions in clause 7.0.
7.2.1 You must provide an A4 photocopy of the document listed below:

  • A copy of the DVLA vehicle registration document (V5C) or if the vehicle is registered outside the UK, the vehicle registration document issued by the vehicle licensing agency

7.3 General
We may close your Discount if any of the following happen:
a) You no longer meet the Discount eligibility requirements (i.e. if you no longer meet the eligibility requirements as set out in the relevant Discount terms and conditions).
b) We believe that you have been acting fraudulently (i.e. you are benefitting from a Discount to which you are no longer entitled as set out in the terms and conditions that you have agreed to).
7.3.2 You cannot transfer your Discount to another person.
7.3.3 If you cease to be eligible for the Discount or if you change your vehicle, you must tell us immediately. You can sign in to your online account, write to us or call our contact centre.

7.4 Checking information
At any time after we receive an application for a Discount Registration (including after we have notified you that your application is accepted) we may ask you for proof of eligibility for the Discount and/or about your vehicle.
7.4.2 We will send you a letter requesting that information which you must provide by the date stated in that letter.
7.4.3 If as a result of checks of the information provided above we decide that a registered vehicle is not or has ceased to be an eligible vehicle (including if you fail to provide requisite proof of eligibility), then:

  • For any application for which you have applied, we will tell you that it has been rejected
  • For any Registration for which you are not (or are no longer) eligible, we will tell you that we will remove the Registered Vehicle on a date we tell you; or
  • For any Registered Vehicles that are not (or are no longer) eligible, whether or not as a result of any changes made, we will tell you that we will remove your vehicle's registration for the Discount on a date we tell you

Road User Charging: Ultra-Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) & Low Emission Zone (LEZ) Compliance Registration Terms and Conditions

These terms and conditions apply to the Ultra-Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) and Low Emission Zone (LEZ) Schemes only and should be read in conjunction with the Road User Charging (RUC): General Terms and Conditions.

Glossary of terms

In these terms and conditions, the following words and phrases in bold will have the meanings shown next to them.

ULEZ-LEZ Charging Scheme - means the charging Scheme for the ULEZ and LEZ as set out in the London Emission Zones Charging Scheme contained in the Schedule to the Greater London Low Emission Zone Charging Order 2006 (as varied).

Registration - means providing information you must give us for the purpose of updating our vehicle compliance data base.

We, us, our - means Transport for London.

You, your - means the person who agrees to these terms and conditions.

12.0 Compliance
12.01 The Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) and ULEZ Charge apply to diesel and petrol vehicles that do not meet:

  • Euro 3 for motorcycles, mopeds, motorised tricycles and quadricycles
  • Euro 4 for petrol cars, vans, and minibuses
  • Euro 6 for diesel cars, vans, and minibuses
  • Euro VI for buses, and coaches and heavy goods vehicles

12.02 The following vehicle type(s) is non-chargeable from the Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) and ULEZ Charge:

  • Vehicles not constructed or adapted for general use on roads
  • Vehicles with a historic tax class and those constructed before 1st January 1973
  • Agricultural vehicles
  • Taxis licensed with TfL
  • Vehicles belonging to, or being used by, her Majesty's Forces
  • Visiting forces vehicles

12.03 The Low Emission Zone (LEZ) and LEZ Charge applies to diesel vehicles that do not meet:

Euro IV for:

  • Articulated lorries, lorries, Flatbed lorries over 3.5 tonnes gross vehicle weight and coaches over 5 tonnes gross vehicle weight

Euro 3/III for:

  • Larger vans 1.205 tonnes unladen to 3.5 gross vehicle weight
  • Minibuses 5 tonnes or less gross vehicle weight
  • Smaller vans 1.205 tonnes unladen to 3.5 gross vehicle weight
  • Horseboxes over 1.205 tonnes unladen vehicle weight
  • Motorised caravans over 2.5 tonnes gross vehicle weight
  • Light 4x4 utilities 1.205 tonnes unladen to 3.5 gross vehicle weights
  • Pickups 1.205 tonnes unladen to 3.5 gross vehicle weight

12.04 The following vehicle type(s) is non-chargeable from the Low Emission Zone (LEZ) and LEZ Charge:

  • Vehicles not constructed or adapted for general use on roads
  • Vehicles with a historic tax class and those constructed before 1st January 1973
  • Agricultural vehicles
  • Taxis licensed with TfL
  • Vehicles belonging to, or being used by, her Majesty's Forces
  • Visiting forces vehicles

12.1 Registration
You must register your vehicle with us if your vehicle is registered outside of the UK or you believe the information we hold is incorrect and your vehicle does meet the required standard or is non-chargeable.
12.1.1 You must complete an online enquiry form and provide relevant proofs.
12.1.2 You do not have to pay a registration fee.
12.1.3 You do not need to renew, the registration has no expiry date.
12.1.4 You must continue to pay the relevant daily charge(s) until you receive confirmation in writing from us.

12.2 Proof
You must provide proof that the vehicle meets the conditions in clause 12.0.
12.2.2 Diesel vehicles: Low Emission Zone and Ultra Low Emission Zone

You must provide an A4 photocopy of the document(s) listed below:

  • A copy of your DVLA vehicle registration document (V5C) or foreign equivalent and a copy of the vehicle's conformity certificate


A signed letter from the vehicle manufacturer's homologation department containing the following vehicle information:

  • Vehicle registration mark (VRM)
  • Vehicle identification number (VIN)
  • Euro standard the vehicle was manufactured to
  • Fuel Type
  • Nitrogen Oxides (NOx) value AND
  • Particulate matter (PM) value

12.2.3 Petrol vehicles: Ultra Low Emission Zone only
You must provide an A4 photocopy of the document(s) listed below:

  • A copy of your DVLA vehicle registration document (V5C) or foreign equivalent and a copy of the vehicle's conformity certificate


A signed letter from the vehicle manufacturer's homologation department containing the following vehicle information:

  • Vehicle registration mark (VRM)
  • Vehicle identification number (VIN)
  • Euro standard the vehicle was manufactured to
  • Fuel type
  • Nitrogen Oxides (NOx) value

12.2.4 Clean Vehicle Retrofit Accreditation Scheme (CVRAS).
You must provide proof that the vehicle is fitted with Ultra Low Emission Zone emissions reduction technology that has been certified by the government's Clean Vehicle Retrofit Accreditation Scheme (CVRAS). You must provide an A4 photocopy of the document detailed below:

  • An A4 photocopy of the CVRAS certificate

12.2.5 Abatement equipment
You must provide proof that the vehicle is fitted with Low Emission Zone approved abatement equipment. You must provide an A4 photocopy of the document detailed below:

  • An A4 photocopy of the DVSA Low Emission certificate (LEC)

12.3 Checking information
At any time after we receive an application for a Compliance Registration (including after we have notified you that your application is accepted) we may ask you for proof of compliance eligibility and/or any other information about your vehicle being registered.
12.3.2 We will send you a letter requesting that information which you must provide by the date stated in that letter.
12.3.3 If as a result of checks of the information provided above we decide that a registered vehicle is not or has ceased to be an eligible vehicle (including if you fail to provide requisite proof of eligibility), then:

  • For any application for which you have applied, we will tell you that it has been rejected.
  • For any Registration for which you are not (or are no longer) eligible, we will tell you that we will remove the registered vehicle on a date we tell you.

Effective from 23 March 2023

Registration Terms and Conditions

These terms and conditions apply to the Disabled Benefits grace period for the Ultra-Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) Scheme only and should be read in conjunction with the Road User Charging (RUC): General Terms and Conditions. You will be eligible for the Disabled Benefits grace period only if you comply with all the requirements below.

1.0 Defined terms

In these terms and conditions, the following words have the meanings set out below:

Applicable Disabled Benefit means one of the following benefits received by the applicant at the point of Registration and then continuously while their vehicle is registered for the grace period:

  • Standard or enhanced mobility rate of Personal Independence Payment;
  • Higher mobility rate of Disability Living Allowance;
  • Higher mobility rate of Child Disability Payment;
  • War Pensioners' Mobility Supplement;
  • Armed Forces Independence Payment;
  • Standard or enhanced rate of Adult Disability Payment

Applicable Medical Criteria means that the applicant can provide evidence that they:

  • Have a child under the age of three with a medical condition that means the child always needs to be accompanied by bulky medical equipment
  • Have a child under the age of three with a medical condition that means the child must always be kept near a vehicle in case they need emergency medical treatment
  • Have a terminal illness, which means they cannot walk or find walking very difficult
  • Are registered blind (severely sight impaired)

Applicant means an individual who is in receipt of an Applicable Disabled Benefit or who fulfils the Applicable Medical Criteria

DVLA means the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency.

EEA means European Economic Area.

Nominated Driver means an individual whose vehicle is used solely for the personal needs of the disabled applicant.

Non-chargeable Register means our register of vehicles which do not attract the ULEZ Charge.

Register, Registration means providing information and evidence you must give us for the purpose of updating our vehicle compliance database. You do not have to pay a Registration fee.

RUC Account means the RUC account you are required to have to submit and manage your Registration.

SORN means Statutory Off-Road Notification.

ULEZ means the Ultra-Low Emission Zone

ULEZ Charge means the charge(s) imposed by the ULEZ Charging Scheme.

ULEZ Charging Scheme means the charging scheme for the ULEZ as set out in the London Emission Zones Charging Scheme contained in the Schedule to the Greater London Low Emission Zone Charging Order 2006 (as varied).

We, us, our means Transport for London.

You, your means the person who agrees to these terms and conditions.

2.0 The vehicle

The vehicle you are applying with must be either a car (body type M1) or a light van (body type N1 with a gross vehicle weight of 3.5 tonnes or less) and must be non-compliant with the ULEZ emissions standards. The ULEZ and ULEZ Charge apply to diesel and petrol cars and vans that do not meet:

  • Euro 4 standard for petrol cars and vans
  • Euro 6 standard for diesel cars and vans

You can only register one vehicle for the Disabled Benefits grace period at any one time.

3.0 Registration

3.1 You must Register your vehicle with us in order to be eligible for the grace period. Your vehicle must be registered with the DVLA or equivalent EEA body to you as the Applicant or to your Nominated Driver.

3.2 You must complete the application process and provide the proofs set out in clause

3.3 Successful Registrations will be active from the point of Registration until 24 October 2027 (inclusive).

3.4 You must continue to pay the relevant ULEZ Charge(s) in respect of your vehicle until you receive confirmation in writing from us that your vehicle Registration for the grace period has been successful.

4.0 Proof

4.1 As part of the application process, you must provide colour images of the following document(s) as proof:

4.1.1 a copy of your vehicle registration document (V5C) or EEA equivalent in respect of the relevant vehicle; and
4.1.2 a photo ID of you, showing your photo and full name; and
4.1.3 a benefit award letter (not more than 12 months old) showing that you are in receipt of an Applicable Disabled Benefit; or a letter on headed paper signed by a general practitioner confirming your child's medical condition and age, or a SR1 form [previously called a DS1500 form] confirming you are terminally ill, or a certificate of vision impairment confirming you are registered blind (severely sight impaired)
4.1.4 where the registered keeper of the relevant vehicle is the applicant's Nominated Driver, a letter signed by both the Applicant and the Nominated Driver confirming that the vehicle is used solely for the personal needs of the disabled person.

4.2 We will assess the eligibility of the vehicle for the grace period using the proof provided by you and our decision will be final and binding.

5.0 General

5.1 We may remove a registered vehicle from the Non-chargeable Register if any of the following happen:

5.1.1 you no longer meet the eligibility requirements as set out in these terms and conditions;

5.1.2 we believe that you have been acting fraudulently (e.g. you are benefitting from a Registration that you are no longer entitled to). For example, where you have ceased to be the registered keeper of the vehicle or in the case of a Nominated Driver, where they no longer use the vehicle solely for the personal use of the applicant, or the Applicant is no longer in receipt of an eligible benefit.

5.2 You cannot transfer your Registration to another vehicle or person.

5.3 If you cease to be eligible for the grace period in accordance with these terms and conditions, you must tell us immediately. You can do this by making an enquiry via your RUC account online, by calling our contact centre on 0343 222 2222 or by writing to us at PO Box 552, Darlington, DL1 9TY.

5.4 You must contact us to remove the vehicle from the Non-chargeable Register immediately if you (or your Nominated Driver) no longer own the vehicle or if you (or your Nominated Driver) register the vehicle with the DVLA as SORN.

6.0 Continuing eligibility checks

6.1 At any time after we receive an application for a Registration (including after we have notified you that your application has been accepted) we may ask you for proof of your eligibility and/or any further confirmation of your disability benefit award or confirmation that you fulfil the Applicable Medical Criteria. We will contact you requesting the information which you must provide and the date by which you must provide this.

6.2 If after reviewing the information provided we decide that an applicant is not eligible for the grace period for their vehicle or if you fail to provide requisite proof of eligibility within the stated time we will remove the vehicle from the Non-chargeable Register and the vehicle will become eligible for ULEZ Charges on such date as we tell you.

Terms and conditions effective from 30 January 2023 until 23 March 2023

Registration Terms and Conditions

These terms and conditions apply to the Disabled Benefits grace period for the Ultra-Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) Scheme only and should be read in conjunction with the Road User Charging (RUC): General Terms and Conditions. You will be eligible for the Disabled Benefits grace period only if you comply with all the requirements below.

1.0 Defined terms

In these terms and conditions, the following words have the meanings set out below:

Applicable Disabled Benefit means one of the following benefits received by the applicant at the point of Registration and then continuously while their vehicle is registered for the grace period:

  • Standard or enhanced mobility rate of Personal Independence Payment;
  • Higher mobility rate of Disability Living Allowance;
  • War Pensioners' Mobility Supplement;
  • Armed Forces Independence Payment;
  • Standard or enhanced rate of Adult Disability Payment

DVLA means the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency.

EEA means European Economic Area.

Nominated Driver means an individual whose vehicle is used solely for the personal needs of the disabled applicant.

Non-chargeable Register means our register of vehicles which do not attract the ULEZ Charge.

Register, Registration means providing information and evidence you must give us for the purpose of updating our vehicle compliance database. You do not have to pay a Registration fee.

RUC Account means the RUC account you are required to have to submit and manage your Registration.

SORN means Statutory Off-Road Notification.

ULEZ means the Ultra-Low Emission Zone.

ULEZ Charge means the charge(s) imposed by the ULEZ Charging Scheme.

ULEZ Charging Scheme means the charging scheme for the ULEZ as set out in the London Emission Zones Charging Scheme contained in the Schedule to the Greater London Low Emission Zone Charging Order 2006 (as varied).

We, us, our means Transport for London.

You, your means the person who agrees to these terms and conditions.

2.0 The vehicle

The vehicle you are applying with must be either a car (body type M1) or a light van (body type N1 with a gross vehicle weight of 3.5 tonnes or less) and must be non-compliant with the ULEZ emissions standards. The ULEZ and ULEZ Charge apply to diesel and petrol cars and vans that do not meet:

  • Euro 4 standard for petrol cars and vans
  • Euro 6 standard for diesel cars and vans

You can only register one vehicle for the Disabled Benefits grace period at any one time.

3.0 Registration

3.1 You must Register your vehicle with us in order to be eligible for the grace period. Your vehicle must be registered with the DVLA or equivalent EEA body to you as the recipient of an Applicable Disabled Benefit or to your Nominated Driver.

3.2 You must complete the application process and provide the proofs set out in clause

3.3 Successful Registrations will be active from the point of Registration until 24 October 2027 (inclusive).

3.4 You must continue to pay the relevant ULEZ Charge(s) in respect of your vehicle until you receive confirmation in writing from us that your vehicle Registration for the grace period has been successful.

4.0 Proof

4.1 As part of the application process, you must provide colour images of the following document(s) as proof:

4.1.1 a copy of your vehicle registration document (V5C) or EEA equivalent in respect of the relevant vehicle; and
4.1.2 a photo ID of you, showing your photo and full name; and
4.1.3 a benefit award letter (not more than 12 months old) showing that you are in receipt of an Applicable Disabled Benefit; and
4.1.4 where the registered keeper of the relevant vehicle is the applicant's Nominated Driver, a letter signed by both the applicant and the Nominated Driver confirming that the vehicle is used solely for the personal needs of the disabled person.

4.2 We will assess the eligibility of the vehicle for the grace period using the proof provided by you and our decision will be final and binding.

5.0 General

5.1 We may remove a registered vehicle from the Non-chargeable Register if any of the following happen:

5.1.1 you no longer meet the eligibility requirements as set out in these terms and conditions;

5.1.2 we believe that you have been acting fraudulently (e.g. you are benefitting from a Registration that you are no longer entitled to). For example where you have ceased to be the registered keeper of the vehicle or in the case of a Nominated Driver, where they no longer use the vehicle solely for the personal use of the applicant, or the applicant is no longer in receipt on an eligible benefit.

5.2 You cannot transfer your Registration to another vehicle or person.

5.3 If you cease to be eligible for the grace period in accordance with these terms and conditions, you must tell us immediately. You can do this by making an enquiry via your RUC account online, by calling our contact centre on 0343 222 2222 or by writing to us at PO Box 552, Darlington, DL1 9TY.

5.4 You must contact us to remove the vehicle from the Non-chargeable Register immediately if you (or your Nominated Driver) no longer own the vehicle or if you (or your Nominated Driver) register the vehicle with the DVLA as SORN.

6.0 Continuing eligibility checks

6.1 At any time after we receive an application for a Registration (including after we have notified you that your application has been accepted) we may ask you for proof of your eligibility and/or any further confirmation of your disability benefit award. We will contact you requesting the information which you must provide and the date by which you must provide this.

6.2 If after reviewing the information provided we decide that an applicant is not eligible for the grace period for their vehicle or if you fail to provide requisite proof of eligibility within the stated time we will remove the vehicle from the Non-chargeable Register and the vehicle will become eligible for ULEZ Charges on such date as we tell you.

Registration Terms and Conditions

These terms and conditions apply to the Wheelchair Accessible Vehicles grace period for the Ultra-Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) Scheme only and should be read in conjunction with the Road User Charging (RUC): General Terms and Conditions. You will be eligible for the Wheelchair Accessible Vehicles grace period only if you comply with all the requirements below.

1.0 Defined terms

In these terms and conditions, the following words have the meanings set out below:

DVLA means the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency.

EEA means European Economic Area.

Non-chargeable Register means our register of vehicles which do not attract the ULEZ Charge.

Register, Registration means providing information and evidence you must give us for the purpose of updating our vehicle compliance database. You do not have to pay a Registration fee.

ULEZ means the Ultra-Low Emission Zone.

ULEZ Charge means the charge(s) imposed by the ULEZ Charging Scheme.

ULEZ Charging Scheme means the charging scheme for the ULEZ as set out in the London Emission Zones Charging Scheme contained in the Schedule to the Greater London Low Emission Zone Charging Order 2006 (as varied).

We, us, our means Transport for London.

Wheelchair Accessible Vehicle means a wheelchair accessible car or van that has been converted by mobility experts to allow a disabled person to access the vehicle as the driver or passenger. The vehicle must be fitted with one or more of the following adaptations:

  • a permanently fitted foldable ramp or a powered lift allowing the wheelchair user to enter the vehicle;
  • an electric or hydraulic wheelchair hoist to lift a person or wheelchair into the vehicle;
  • a swivel seat on either the passenger or driver side of the vehicle; and/or
  • an accelerator ring permanently fitted to the steering wheel of the vehicle

You, your means the person who agrees to these terms and conditions.

2.0 The vehicle

2.1 The vehicle you are applying with must be a Wheelchair Accessible Vehicle that is either a car (body type M1) or a light van (body type N1 with a gross vehicle weight of 3.5 tonnes or less) and must be non-compliant with the ULEZ emissions standards. The ULEZ and ULEZ Charge apply to diesel and petrol Wheelchair Accessible Vehicles that do not meet:

  • Euro 4 standard for petrol cars and vans
  • Euro 6 standard for diesel cars and vans

2.2 You can only register one vehicle for the Wheelchair Accessible Vehicle grace period at any one time.

3.0 Registration

3.1 You must Register your vehicle with us to be eligible for the grace period. Your vehicle must be registered to you with the DVLA or EEA body.

3.2 You must complete the application process and provide proofs set out in clause 4.

3.3 Successful Registrations will be active from the point of Registration until 24 October 2027 (inclusive).
3.4 You must continue to pay the relevant ULEZ Charge(s) in respect of your vehicle until you receive confirmation in writing from us that your vehicle Registration for the grace period has been successful.

4.0 Proof

4.1 As part of the application process, you must provide colour images of the following document(s) as proof:

4.1.1 a copy of your DVLA vehicle registration document (V5C) or EEA equivalent in respect of the relevant vehicle; and

4.1.2 three images of your vehicle showing its adaptation:

  • one photograph showing the whole rear of the vehicle including clearly legible number plate of the vehicle; and
  • where the vehicle is adapted to be a wheelchair accessible vehicle:

- one photograph of the vehicle's permanent conversion for wheelchair access; and

- one photograph of the wheelchair securing system;

  • where the vehicle is adapted to enable use by wheelchair users: either

- two photographs of the swivel seat, one facing forwards and one sideways; or

- two photographs of the hydraulic or electronic hoist system, one showing it permanently attached to the vehicle and one showing it installed in the vehicle showing the interior of the vehicle for context;

  • where the vehicle is adapted to be driven by a disabled person:

-one photograph of the vehicle driving area, with the door open, showing the accelerator ring and the interior of the vehicle for context; and

-one photograph showing the accelerator ring attached to the steering wheel of the vehicle; and

4.1.3a photographic ID of you, showing your photograph and full name.

4.2 We will assess the eligibility of the vehicle for the grace period using the proof provided by you and our decision will be final and binding.

5.0 General

5.1 We may remove a registered vehicle from the Non-chargeable Register if any of the following happen:
5.1.1 you no longer meet the eligibility requirements as set out in these terms and conditions;
5.1.2 we believe that you have been acting fraudulently (e.g., you are benefitting from a Registration that you are no longer entitled to because you have ceased to be the registered keeper of the vehicle).
5.2 You cannot transfer your Registration to another vehicle or person.
5.3 If you cease to be eligible for the grace period in accordance with these terms and conditions, you must tell us immediately. You can do this by making an enquiry via your RUC account online, by calling our contact centre on 0343 222 222 or by writing to us at PO Box 552, Darlington, DL1 9TY.
5.4 You must contact us to remove the vehicle from the Non-chargeable Register immediately if you are no longer the registered keeper of the vehicle or if you register the vehicle with the DVLA as SORN.

6.0 Continuing eligibility checks

6.1 At any time after we receive an application for a Registration (including after we have notified you that your application has been accepted) we may ask you for proof of your eligibility and/or any other information about your vehicle being registered.

We will contact you requesting the information which you must provide and the date by which you must provide this.

If after reviewing the information provided, we decide that a registered vehicle is not or has ceased to be an eligible vehicle, or if you fail to provide requisite proof of eligibility within the stated time period, we will remove the vehicle from the Non-chargeable Register and the vehicle will become eligible for ULEZ Charges on such date as we tell you.

Registration Terms and Conditions

These terms and conditions apply to the Business and Charity short term grace period for the Ultra-Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) Scheme only and should be read in conjunction with the Road User Charging (RUC): General Terms and Conditions. You will be eligible for the Business and Charity short term grace period only if you comply with all the requirements below.

1.0 Defined terms

In these terms and conditions, the following words have the meanings set out below: 

Charity means an entity registered with the Charity Commission (being an active charity).

CVRAS means the Clean Vehicle Retrofit Accreditation Scheme.

CVRAS Retrofit Invoice means the invoice issued by the CVRAS approved company detailing the date the Retrofit was ordered and the date the works will be carried out to retrofit the Recipient's Vehicle.

DVLA means the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency.

Greater London means the area of London within the thirty-two London Boroughs and City of London boundaries.

Light Van means the Recipient's pre-Euro 6 light diesel van (or pre-Euro 4 petrol van) as specified in category N1 as defined by United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, body type should reference van and the revenue weight must be 3.5 tonnes or less.

Microbusiness means a business having 10 employees or fewer and satisfying one or more of the following requirements in each of the current and preceding financial years:

  • turnover of not more than £632,000; and/or
  • balance sheet total of not more than £316,000; and
  • registered with Companies House (as an active company) or VAT registered

Minibus means the Recipient's Pre-Euro 6 minibus as specified in category M2 as defined in United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, body type must be minibus, revenue weight must be 5 tonnes or less and number of seats must be nine or more.

Non-chargeable Register means our register of vehicles which do not attract the ULEZ Charge. 

Purchase Invoice means an invoice issued by a vehicle dealership or manufacturer confirming the date the newly manufactured vehicle was ordered and the date it will be available for collection or delivery to the purchaser.

Register, Registration means providing information and evidence you must give us for the purpose of updating our vehicle compliance database. You do not have to pay a Registration fee. 

Retrofit or Retrofitted means the fitting of aftermarket vehicle emission reduction systems to a light van or minibus to comply with CVRAS emissions standards. Such fitting services are provided by an organisation on the CVRAS register.

RUC means Road User Charging.

RUC Account means the RUC account you are required to have to submit and manage your Registration.
Sole Trader means a self-employed person who owns and operates a business as an individual. There is no legal distinction between the owner and the business.

Small Business means a business having fewer than 50 employees and satisfying one or more of the following requirements in each of the current and preceding financial years:

  • An annual turnover of not more than £10.2 million and/or
  • a balance sheet total of not more than £5.1 million and
  • registered with Companies House (as an active company) or VAT registered.

ULEZ means the Ultra-Low Emission Zone. 

ULEZ Charge means the charge(s) imposed by the ULEZ Charging Scheme.  

ULEZ Charging Scheme means the charging scheme for the ULEZ as set out in the London Emission Zones Charging Scheme contained in the Schedule to the Greater London Low Emission Zone Charging Order 2006 (as varied).

V5C Registration Document, also known as the vehicle log book, containing the details of a Vehicle. 

We, us, our means Transport for London.

You, your means the person who agrees to these terms and conditions.

2.0 The applicant and vehicle

2.1 An applicant must be one of the following organisations:

  • A Small Business or a Microbusiness registered with Companies House (or VAT registered) at an address inside Greater London
  • A Charity registered with the Charity Commission at an address inside Greater London
  • A Sole Trader with an operating address inside Greater London

Where an Organisation is registered with Companies House (or VAT registered) or a Charity is registered with the Charity Commission at an address outside Greater London, they will need to prove that they have an operating address within Greater London. 

2.2 The vehicle you are applying with must be a Light Van or Minibus and must be non-compliant with the ULEZ emissions standards. The ULEZ and ULEZ Charge apply to Light Vans and Minibuses that do not meet:

  • Euro 4 standard for petrol Light Vans and Minibuses
  • Euro 6 standard for diesel Light Vans and Minibuses

2.3 The applicant must be able to demonstrate, by the submission of a Purchase Invoice or CVRAS Retrofit Invoice, that they intend to replace their non-compliant vehicle with a newly manufactured ULEZ compliant vehicle of the same body type or Retrofit their current vehicle to be ULEZ compliant.  

3.0 Registration

3.1 You must Register your vehicle with us to be eligible for the grace period.  Your vehicle must be registered with the DVLA to:

  • the Small Business, Microbusiness, Charity or Sole Trader; or 
  • in the case of a Microbusiness or Small Business, to a director or employee; or 
  • in the case of a Charity, to a trustee or to an employee.

3.2 To register your vehicle for the grace period you must have ordered a newly manufactured replacement vehicle or booked your ULEZ non-compliant vehicle Retrofit before 29 August 2023.

3.3 You must complete the application process and provide proofs set out in clause 4. 

3.4 Successful Registrations will be active as follows:

  • Where the application is approved prior to 29 August 2023, the grace period will apply from 29 August 2023 and will end on the date identified on the Purchase Invoice as the collection/delivery date of a new vehicle to the applicant or, in the case of Retrofit of the vehicle, on the date identified on the CVRAS Retrofit Invoice of the Retrofit installation. 
  • Where the application is approved on 29 August 2023 or thereafter, the grace period will apply from the date of application approval and will end on the date identified on the Purchase Invoice as the collection/delivery date of a new vehicle to the applicant or, in the case of Retrofit of the vehicle, on the date identified on the CVRAS Retrofit Invoice of the Retrofit installation. 

3.5 Where a vehicle is being replaced by a new vehicle the grace period will not extend beyond 29 February 2024.

3.6 Where a vehicle is being Retrofitted the grace period will not extend beyond 29 November 2023.

3.7 You must continue to pay the relevant ULEZ Charge(s) in respect of your vehicle until you receive confirmation in writing from us that your vehicle Registration for the grace period has been successful. Failure to pay the relevant charge may result in a Penalty Charge Notice being issued. 

4.0 Proof

4.1 As part of the application process, you must provide colour images of the following document(s) as proof:

4.1.1 a copy of your DVLA vehicle registration document (V5C) in respect of the relevant vehicle; and 

4.1.2 where the vehicle is being replaced by a newly manufactured ULEZ compliant vehicle of the same body type - a Purchase Invoice which is acceptable to TfL; or

4.1.3 where the vehicle is being Retrofitted to meet CVRAS emissions standards - a CVRAS Retrofit Invoice (or a letter from the CVRAS fitter on headed paper) confirming the order and delivery date which is acceptable to TfL; and 

4.1.4 photographic ID showing the photograph and full name of the applicant; and 

4.1.5 where the vehicle for which the grace period is being applied for is registered to an authorised employee, director of a Small Business or Microbusiness or to the trustee of a Charity, then documentary evidence in the form of a letter detailing proof of employment on the organisation's letter head paper; and 

4.1.6 where a Small Business or Microbusiness is registered with Companies House (or VAT registered) or a Charity is registered with the Charity Commission at an address outside Greater London, proof of an operating address within Greater London. 

4.2 We will assess the eligibility of the vehicle for the grace period using the proof provided by you and our decision will be final and binding.

5.0 General

5.1 We may remove a registered vehicle from the Non-chargeable Register if any of the following happen:

5.1.1 you no longer meet the eligibility requirements as set out in these terms and conditions;

5.1.2 we believe that you have been acting fraudulently (e.g. you are benefitting from a Registration that you are no longer entitled to because you have ceased to be the registered keeper of the vehicle). 

5.2 You cannot transfer your Registration to another vehicle or person.

5.3 If you cease to be eligible for the grace period in accordance with these terms and conditions, you must tell us immediately. You can do this by making an enquiry via your RUC account online, by calling our contact centre on 0343 222 222 or by writing to us at PO Box 552, Darlington, DL1 9TY. 

5.4 You must contact us to remove the vehicle from the Non-chargeable Register immediately if you are no longer the registered keeper.

6.0 Continuing eligibility checks 

6.1 At any time after we receive an application for a Registration (including after we have notified you that your application has been accepted) we may ask you for proof of your eligibility and/or any other information about your vehicle being registered.  We will contact you requesting the information which you must provide and the date by which you must provide this.

6.2 If after reviewing the information provided, we decide that a registered vehicle is not or has ceased to be an eligible vehicle, or if you fail to provide requisite proof of eligibility within the stated time period, we will remove the vehicle from the Non-chargeable Register and the vehicle will become eligible for ULEZ Charges on such date as we tell you.

Registration Terms and Conditions

These terms and conditions apply to the Business and Charity short term grace period for the Ultra-Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) Scheme only and should be read in conjunction with the Road User Charging (RUC): General Terms and Conditions. You will be eligible for the Business and Charity short term grace period only if you comply with all the requirements below.

1.0 Defined terms

In these terms and conditions, the following words have the meanings set out below: 

Charity means an entity registered with the Charity Commission (being an active charity).

CVRAS means the Clean Vehicle Retrofit Accreditation Scheme.

CVRAS Retrofit Invoice means the invoice issued by the CVRAS approved company detailing the date the Retrofit was ordered and the date the works will be carried out to retrofit the Recipient's Vehicle.

DVLA means the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency.

Greater London means the area of London within the thirty-two London Boroughs and City of London boundaries.

Light Van means the Recipient's pre-Euro 6 light diesel van (or pre-Euro 4 petrol van) as specified in category N1 as defined by United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, body type should reference van and the revenue weight must be 3.5 tonnes or less.

Microbusiness means a business having 10 employees or fewer and satisfying one or more of the following requirements in each of the current and preceding financial years:

  • turnover of not more than £632,000; and/or
  • balance sheet total of not more than £316,000; and
  • registered with Companies House (as an active company) or VAT registered

Minibus means the Recipient's Pre-Euro 6 minibus as specified in category M2 as defined in United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, body type must be minibus, revenue weight must be 5 tonnes or less and number of seats must be nine or more.

Non-chargeable Register means our register of vehicles which do not attract the ULEZ Charge. 

Purchase Invoice means an invoice issued by a vehicle dealership or manufacturer confirming the date the newly manufactured vehicle was ordered and the date it will be available for collection or delivery to the purchaser.

Register, Registration means providing information and evidence you must give us for the purpose of updating our vehicle compliance database. You do not have to pay a Registration fee. 

Retrofit or Retrofitted means the fitting of aftermarket vehicle emission reduction systems to a light van or minibus to comply with CVRAS emissions standards. Such fitting services are provided by an organisation on the CVRAS register.

RUC means Road User Charging.

RUC Account means the RUC account you are required to have to submit and manage your Registration.
Sole Trader means a self-employed person who owns and operates a business as an individual. There is no legal distinction between the owner and the business.

Small Business means a business having fewer than 50 employees and satisfying one or more of the following requirements in each of the current and preceding financial years:

  • An annual turnover of not more than £10.2 million and/or
  • a balance sheet total of not more than £5.1 million and
  • registered with Companies House (as an active company) or VAT registered.

ULEZ means the Ultra-Low Emission Zone. 

ULEZ Charge means the charge(s) imposed by the ULEZ Charging Scheme.  

ULEZ Charging Scheme means the charging scheme for the ULEZ as set out in the London Emission Zones Charging Scheme contained in the Schedule to the Greater London Low Emission Zone Charging Order 2006 (as varied).

V5C Registration Document, also known as the vehicle log book, containing the details of a Vehicle. 

We, us, our means Transport for London.

You, your means the person who agrees to these terms and conditions.

2.0 The applicant and vehicle

2.1 An applicant must be one of the following organisations:

  • A Small Business or a Microbusiness registered with Companies House (or VAT registered) at an address inside Greater London
  • A Charity registered with the Charity Commission at an address inside Greater London
  • A Sole Trader with an operating address inside Greater London

Where an Organisation is registered with Companies House (or VAT registered) or a Charity is registered with the Charity Commission at an address outside Greater London, they will need to prove that they have an operating address within Greater London. 

2.2 The vehicle you are applying with must be a Light Van or Minibus and must be non-compliant with the ULEZ emissions standards. The ULEZ and ULEZ Charge apply to Light Vans and Minibuses that do not meet:

  • Euro 4 standard for petrol Light Vans and Minibuses
  • Euro 6 standard for diesel Light Vans and Minibuses

2.3 The applicant must be able to demonstrate, by the submission of a Purchase Invoice or CVRAS Retrofit Invoice, that they intend to replace their non-compliant vehicle with a newly manufactured ULEZ compliant vehicle of the same body type or Retrofit their current vehicle to be ULEZ compliant.  

3.0 Registration

3.1 You must Register your vehicle with us to be eligible for the grace period.  Your vehicle must be registered with the DVLA to:

  • the Small Business, Microbusiness, Charity or Sole Trader; or 
  • in the case of a Microbusiness or Small Business, to a director or employee; or 
  • in the case of a Charity, to a trustee or to an employee.

3.2 To register your vehicle for the grace period you must have ordered a newly manufactured replacement vehicle or booked your ULEZ non-compliant vehicle Retrofit before 29 November 2023.

3.3 You must complete the application process and provide proofs set out in clause 4. 

3.4 Successful Registrations will be active as follows:

  • Where the application is approved prior to 29 August 2023, the grace period will apply from 29 August 2023 and will end on the date identified on the Purchase Invoice as the collection/delivery date of a new vehicle to the applicant or, in the case of Retrofit of the vehicle, on the date identified on the CVRAS Retrofit Invoice of the Retrofit installation. 
  • Where the application is approved on 29 August 2023 or thereafter, the grace period will apply from the date of application approval and will end on the date identified on the Purchase Invoice as the collection/delivery date of a new vehicle to the applicant or, in the case of Retrofit of the vehicle, on the date identified on the CVRAS Retrofit Invoice of the Retrofit installation. 

3.5 Where a vehicle is being replaced by a new vehicle the grace period will not extend beyond 29 May 2024.

3.6 Where a vehicle is being Retrofitted the grace period will not extend beyond 29 May 2024.

3.7 You must continue to pay the relevant ULEZ Charge(s) in respect of your vehicle until you receive confirmation in writing from us that your vehicle Registration for the grace period has been successful. Failure to pay the relevant charge may result in a Penalty Charge Notice being issued. 

4.0 Proof

4.1 As part of the application process, you must provide colour images of the following document(s) as proof:

4.1.1 a copy of your DVLA vehicle registration document (V5C) in respect of the relevant vehicle; and 

4.1.2 where the vehicle is being replaced by a newly manufactured ULEZ compliant vehicle of the same body type - a Purchase Invoice which is acceptable to TfL; or

4.1.3 where the vehicle is being Retrofitted to meet CVRAS emissions standards - a CVRAS Retrofit Invoice (or a letter from the CVRAS fitter on headed paper) confirming the order and delivery date which is acceptable to TfL; and 

4.1.4 photographic ID showing the photograph and full name of the applicant; and 

4.1.5 where the vehicle for which the grace period is being applied for is registered to an authorised employee, director of a Small Business or Microbusiness or to the trustee of a Charity, then documentary evidence in the form of a letter detailing proof of employment on the organisation's letter head paper; and 

4.1.6 where a Small Business or Microbusiness is registered with Companies House (or VAT registered) or a Charity is registered with the Charity Commission at an address outside Greater London, proof of an operating address within Greater London. 

4.2 We will assess the eligibility of the vehicle for the grace period using the proof provided by you and our decision will be final and binding.

5.0 General

5.1 We may remove a registered vehicle from the Non-chargeable Register if any of the following happen:

5.1.1 you no longer meet the eligibility requirements as set out in these terms and conditions;

5.1.2 we believe that you have been acting fraudulently (e.g. you are benefitting from a Registration that you are no longer entitled to because you have ceased to be the registered keeper of the vehicle). 

5.2 You cannot transfer your Registration to another vehicle or person.

5.3 If you cease to be eligible for the grace period in accordance with these terms and conditions, you must tell us immediately. You can do this by making an enquiry via your RUC account online, by calling our contact centre on 0343 222 222 or by writing to us at PO Box 552, Darlington, DL1 9TY. 

5.4 You must contact us to remove the vehicle from the Non-chargeable Register immediately if you are no longer the registered keeper.

6.0 Continuing eligibility checks 

6.1 At any time after we receive an application for a Registration (including after we have notified you that your application has been accepted) we may ask you for proof of your eligibility and/or any other information about your vehicle being registered.  We will contact you requesting the information which you must provide and the date by which you must provide this.

6.2 If after reviewing the information provided, we decide that a registered vehicle is not or has ceased to be an eligible vehicle, or if you fail to provide requisite proof of eligibility within the stated time period, we will remove the vehicle from the Non-chargeable Register and the vehicle will become eligible for ULEZ Charges on such date as we tell you.

Effective until 29 January 2023

Road User Charging: General Terms and Conditions

These terms and conditions apply to the following schemes:

  • The Congestion Charging (CC) Scheme where it applies to the Registered Vehicle
  • The Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) Scheme Charge
  • The Low Emission Zone (LEZ) Scheme Charge

By registering for a Road User Charging Account you agree to accept these terms and conditions.

Glossary of terms

In these terms and conditions, the following words and phrases in bold will have the meanings shown next to them.

Account Holder - Business Account means a senior employee of the company who will hold the necessary authorisation to accept these terms and conditions on behalf of the company, and those terms and conditions associated to any additional Services added. The account holder will also act as the senior contact point between TfL and the company, and will be responsible for account issue resolution and for the purpose of these terms and conditions, is referred to as you.

Account Holder - Personal Account means the person in whose name the account is created, who agrees to these terms and condition and is referred to as you. You will be responsible for any account issue resolution.

Account User - means a person who has been nominated by you (or an authorised representative), to act as an authorised representative, and has access to, and the ability to manage the account on your behalf.

Charging Day for the Congestion Charge - means every Monday to Friday between 7am and 6pm and every weekend or Bank Holiday between 12 (noon) and 6 pm; with the exception of the following non-chargeable days (inclusive): Christmas Day (25 December), the immediately following New Year Bank Holiday and every day between them.

Charging Day for the Low Emission Zone Charge means every day of the year.

Charging Day for the Ultra Low Emission Zone Charge means every day of the year, except Christmas Day.

Charge - means (as applicable) any of the following:

  • Congestion Charge (CC)
  • Low Emission Zone (LEZ) Charge and the Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) Charge as payable under Article 7 of the ULEZ -LEZ Charging Scheme

Congestion Charging Scheme - means the Charging Scheme contained in the Schedule to the Greater London (Central Zone) Congestion Charging Order 2004 (as varied and amended).

Customer - means the person we open a Road User Charging account for.

Customer Account - means the same as Road User Charging Account.

Discount and Discounted - refers to a reduced rate vehicle registered (as applicable) for the CC, under Article 9 of the Congestion Charging Scheme.

Detrimental change - means a change to these terms and conditions that we feel could reasonably be said to be detrimental to you.

Mobile Payment App - means an App that belongs to TfL or its licensors to provide Pay to drive in London App Services.

Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) - means a charge made under a Charging Scheme imposed by Regulation 4 of the Road User Charging (Charges and Penalty Charges) (London) Regulations 2001/2285 ("2001 Regulations"), as amended.

Road User Charging Account - means the Business Account or Personal Account containing your details for the purposes of registering for a discount, paying a charge or for registering a vehicle's compliance status. This is identified using your unique account number.

ULEZ-LEZ Charging Scheme - means the charging Scheme for the ULEZ and LEZ as set out in the London Emission Zones Charging Scheme contained in the Schedule to the Greater London Low Emission Zone Charging Order 2006 (as varied and amended).

We, us, our - means Transport for London.

Working Days - means any day other than a Saturday or a Sunday, Good Friday, Christmas Day, New Year's Day and any other day that is a bank holiday or public holiday, in England and Wales.

You, your - means the person who agrees to these terms and conditions.

1.0 General

1.1 The full agreement
These terms and conditions, together with the information in our online Registration or postal Registration form make up the full agreement between you and us in relation to using your Road User Charging Account. You agreed to these terms and conditions by clicking the 'I accept' button when you registered online, by registering for an account over the phone or by sending us a Registration form by post. Nothing in these terms and conditions will replace or vary any of the terms, rights or responsibilities set out in either the Congestion Charging Scheme or the ULEZ-LEZ Charging Scheme.

1.2 Excluding the rights of anyone else
The Road User Charging account and the rights and responsibilities under these terms and conditions are for your and our benefit only and are not intended to benefit anyone else or be enforceable by anyone else. Both parties (TfL and you) can enforce the rights under these terms and conditions without the need for any permission from anyone else.

No person other than you or TfL shall have rights under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 to enforce any of these terms and conditions.

1.3 Changes to these terms and conditions

We may change these terms and conditions from time to time and if we do so we will provide information about the change(s) and the reasons for them on the TfL website. Where a change is a significant one we will notify you beforehand by email: a" significant change" is one we think might reasonably be considered to be to your detriment. However, if we have already held a public consultation on that significant change (for example where it is an increase in the level of any of the Charges or some other change to the Scheme(s), such as the ending of a discount or exemption) we will not contact you beforehand by email  but will instead simply post the information about the change on TfL's website.

1.4 If we fail to enforce a condition
If we fail to enforce any of our rights under these terms and conditions, it does not mean we will not enforce them in the future.

1.5 Confidentiality
Both parties (you and TfL) agree that neither of us will pass on any confidential information to anyone else unless we have to do so by law or are allowed to if we both agree.

1.6 Cost of phone calls

  • Calls from landlines are charged up to 9p per minute; calls from mobiles cost between 8p and 40p per minute
  • Calls from landlines and mobiles are included in free call packages, inclusive minutes and discount packages

1.7 Your responsibilities
You are responsible for:

  • Providing us with the correct details and notifying us of any changes to those details; reading and acting on all emails, letters, text and mobile app messages we send you;
  • Making sure that you set your mailbox settings for emails, including spam filters, so that you can receive emails from us; and
  • Making sure that you register the correct contact details with us and that you tell us if your contact details change.

We are not responsible if you fail to read and act on any messages, we have sent you.
1.7.2 You agree to receive communications from us electronically and, subject to your legal rights, agree that all agreements, notices, disclosures and other communications we send you electronically meet any legal requirement that they have to be in writing.
1.7.3 You agree not to send us material that are illegal, indecent, offensive, abusive, defamatory, menacing, or which would breach copyright, trademark, confidence, privacy or any other right. This also includes material which may contain software viruses, political campaigning, advertising for business, chain letters, mass mailings or 'spam'.
1.7.4 If you decide to register for any other Road User Charging service, for example for a discount or Auto Pay service to be linked to this Account, you agree that it is your responsibility to complete any additional registration processes or make any applicable payments.

1.8 Notices
1.8.1 Any notice we give under this agreement will be in writing to the address you have provided and include items delivered by hand, sent via the post and sent by email, or any other electronic transmission.
1.8.2 A notice or document will be deemed to be served in accordance with the following:

  • Delivered by hand, at the time of delivery
  • Posted, the ordinary course of posting by first- or second-class post
  • Sent by email, if the email or other electronic transmission is sent on a business day before 16:30 on that day, or in any other case, on the next business day after the day it was sent

1.8.3 English will be the language for all communications between us and you.
1.8.4 All notices will include your Road User Charging account number.
1.8.5 This section does not apply to PCNs which will be issued and served in accordance with the specific requirements of the 2001 Regulations.

1.9 Registering or using a payment card

We will make every effort to comply with the UK Card Association code of best practice.

1.9.1 You can register a payment card to an account. This means that we will store the payment card details which will make it easier for you to pay the Charge.
1.9.2 To register a payment card you must sign in to your online account or contact the contact centre. You will need to provide the following payment card details:

  • Card number
  • Card expiry date
  • Card valid from date [if applicable]
  • CVV/CSC/CVV2 number

We will check to ensure that the card information you have given us is valid.
1.9.3 If the payment card is registered successfully via your online account you will be immediately informed by a success message.
1.9.4 If the payment card is registered successfully via the contact centre agent you will be informed by a message at the end of the Interactive Voice Recognition service. Confirmation will be sent via your preferred communication channel, if requested.
1.9.5 If there are any problems and the card details you have supplied online cannot be validated you will be informed by a rejection message and given the opportunity to try again.
1.9.6 If there are any problems and the card details you have supplied via the Interactive Voice Recognition service cannot be validated you will be informed by a rejection message and given the opportunity to try again.
1.9.7 If you choose not to register a payment card on your account you will need to provide the card details every time you make a payment which ever payment channel is used.

1.10 Paying the Charge - payment by card
You can purchase a CC Charge at any time by credit or debit card payment during the 64 Working Days immediately before the Charging Day concerned and until midnight on the third consecutive day after the day of travel.
1.10.2 You can purchase a LEZ Charge and/or ULEZ Charge at any time by credit or debit card payment during the 64 Working Days immediately before the Charging Day concerned and until midnight on the third consecutive day after the day of travel.
1.10.3 When you make payment you are confirming that you are authorised to use that payment card.
1.10.4 If the card issuer refuses to authorise payment, we will tell you that the card has been rejected. However, we do not have to give you the reason for the refusal.
1.10.5 We may allow a payment to go ahead when we have not received authorisation from your card issuer (for example, if we cannot contact your card issuer at the time of the transaction). We will not be responsible if the card issuer then goes on to refuse to authorise the payment. We will not be responsible for your card issuer or bank charging you as a result of us processing the credit or debit card payment, or if the bank or card issuer refuses or delays their authorisation.
1.10.6 If you request a receipt, we will confirm that we have received your payment by sending an email, post or text message to you (whichever option you have chosen). If you do not receive a valid confirmation receipt, or have chosen not to receive a receipt, it is your responsibility to phone us or check the status of the payment online. If the payment has not been confirmed, you should pay the Charge in another way.
1.10.7 We can refuse your payment for any reasonable cause.

1.11 Paying the Charge - payment by cheque
You can purchase a CC, LEZ or ULEZ Charge by a cleared cheque up to 64 Working Days immediately before the Charging Day concerned. (You may not pay by cheque on or later than the day of travel in case the cheque does not clear).
1.11.2 You must allow at least 10 Working Days before your date of travel to allow time for the cheque to clear with your bank.
1.11.3 If your bank returns the cheque payment uncleared it will be invalid and you will have to make alternative arrangements to pay the Charge.
1.11.4 If you request a receipt, we will confirm that we have received your payment by sending an email, post or text message to you (whichever option you have chosen). If you do not receive a valid confirmation receipt, or have chosen not to receive a receipt, it is your responsibility to phone us or check the status of the payment online. If the payment has not been confirmed, you should pay the charge in another way.
1.11.5 We can refuse your payment for any reasonable cause.

1.12 Paying the Charge - payment by Mobile Payment App
You can purchase a Charge through a Mobile Payment App immediately before the Charging Day concerned, on the day of travel or until midnight on the third consecutive day after the day of travel.
1.12.2 When you make payment you are confirming that you are authorised to use that payment card.
1.12.3 If the card issuer refuses to authorise payment, we will tell you that the card has been rejected. However, we do not have to give you the reason for the refusal.
1.12.4 We may allow a payment to go ahead when we have not received authorisation from your card issuer (for example, if we cannot contact your card issuer at the time of the transaction). We will not be responsible if the card issuer then goes on to refuse to authorise the payment. We will not be responsible for your card issuer or bank charging you as a result of us processing the credit or debit card payment, or if the bank or card issuer refuses or delays their authorisation.
1.12.5 If you are paying via your Road User Charging Account, you will also receive a copy of your receipt in accordance with your account settings. As an anonymous payment we will confirm that we have received your payment by sending an email, or text message to you (whichever option you have chosen). If you do not receive a valid confirmation receipt, or have chosen not to receive a receipt, it is your responsibility to check the status of the payment. If the payment has not been confirmed, you should pay the Charge in another way.
1.12.6 We can refuse your payment for any reasonable cause.

1.13 Roles and responsibilities
The Account Holder may assign roles to individuals as stated below:

  • The Account Holder can add up to 5 Account Users to administer the account. It is the Account Holder's responsibility to ensure that the Account Users manage the account in accordance with the terms and conditions

1.14 Account Closure due to non-usage
Non-use of your Road User Charging Account for a continuous period of 25 months will be considered sufficient grounds on which your account may be closed by us.
1.14.2 The last date of activity will be determined by the last effective date of any discounts, payment services (Auto Pay) or paid charges associated with your account, or the last date on which you updated your personal details (whichever is latest).
1.14.3 If your last date of activity remains unchanged for a period of 25 months your account will be closed.
1.14.4 Once closed, there is no means of reactivating your account.

1.15 Penalty Charge Notice
If you do not pay the correct applicable CC, LEZ or ULEZ Charge [as required by you may incur a penalty charge notice (PCN).

1.16 Governing law
These terms and conditions will be governed exclusively by English law. Any disputes will be dealt with by the English courts.

Road User Charging: Accredited Breakdown Discount Registration Terms and Conditions

These terms and conditions apply to the Congestion Charging Scheme only and should be read in conjunction with the RUC: General Terms and Conditions.

Glossary of terms

In these terms and conditions, the following words and phrases in bold will have the meanings shown next to them.

Annual Vehicle Registration Charge means the charge payable to us every year for each vehicle registered on your Discount.

Charging Day for the Congestion Charge means every Monday to Friday between 7am and 6pm and every weekend or Bank Holiday between 12 (noon) and 6 pm; with the exception of the following non-chargeable days (inclusive): Christmas Day (25 December), the immediately following New Year Bank Holiday and every day between them.

Discount and Discounted refers to a reduced rate vehicle registered under Article 9 of the Congestion Charging Scheme.

Registered Vehicle means any vehicle that you have registered to your Discount service.

Registration means providing information you must give us for the purposes of applying for a Discount, payment or other services we provide.

Registration Charge means the charge you pay to us to register a vehicle for a Congestion Charge Discount.

We, us means Transport for London.

You, means the person who agrees to these terms and conditions.

8.0 Eligibility
To be eligible for the Congestion Charging Accredited Breakdown Discount you must meet the following conditions:
8.0.1 You must be a Breakdown Organisation residing within the European Economic Area.
8.0.2 Your vehicles must be constructed, adapted or equipped to provide roadside assistance or recovery services.
8.0.3 The Breakdown Organisation must be accredited to BS EN ISO9001:2015 standard and must hold a valid PAS43 certificate.

8.1 Registration
You must register for the Discount by completing an online Registration. This must be renewed annually on provision of evidence that the eligibility criteria are met and on payment of the Annual Vehicle Registration Charge(s).
8.1.1 You must pay the Registration Charge to us for each vehicle you add as a Registered Vehicle. This charge is valid for a maximum of one year.
8.1.2 You will be invited to renew your Discount shortly before it expires. If you remain eligible for the Discount, you must pay us the Annual Vehicle Registration Charge(s) for all Registered Vehicle(s) on the PAS43 expiry date or Discount expiry date, whichever is the sooner.
8.1.3 If you remove your Registered Vehicle before the renewal date you will not be charged the Annual Vehicle Registration Charge.
8.1.4 We will not refund a Registration Charge or Annual Vehicle Registration Charge.

8.2 Proof
You must provide proof that you meet the condition in clause 8.0.
8.2.1 You must provide an A4 photocopy of your BS EN ISO9001:2015 certification and PAS43 certificate and one of the following documents:

  • Company headed note paper showing a company registration number.


  • A photocopy of a certificate of incorporation.

8.3 General
We may close your Discount if any of the following happen:
a) You no longer meet the Discount eligibility requirements (i.e. if you no longer meet the eligibility requirements as set out in the relevant Discount terms and conditions).
b) We believe that you have been acting fraudulently (i.e. you are benefitting from a Discount to which you are no longer entitled as set out in the terms and conditions that you have agreed to).
8.3.2 You cannot transfer your Discount to another person.
8.3.3 If you cease to be eligible for the Discount you must tell us immediately. You can sign in to your online account, write to us or call our contact centre.

8.4 Checking information
At any time after we receive an application for a Discount Registration (including after we have notified you that your application is accepted) we may ask you for proof of eligibility for the Discount and/or any information about your vehicles.
8.4.2 We will send you a letter requesting that information which you must provide by the date stated in that letter.
8.4.3 If as a result of checks of the information provided we decide that a registered vehicle is not or has ceased to be an eligible vehicle (including if you fail to provide requisite proof of eligibility), then:

  • For any application for which you have applied, we will tell you that it has been rejected.
  • For any Registration for which you are not (or are no longer) eligible, we will tell you that we will remove the Registered Vehicle on a date we tell you; or
  • For any Registered Vehicles that are not (or are no longer) eligible, whether or not as a result of any changes made, we will tell you that we will remove the vehicle's registration for the Discount on a date we tell you

Road User Charging: Auto Pay service Terms and Conditions

These terms and conditions apply to the Auto Pay service for:

  • The Congestion Charge (CC) Scheme
  • The Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) Charge Scheme; and
  • The Low Emission Zone (LEZ) Charge Scheme

These Terms and Conditions should be read in conjunction with the Road User Charging (RUC): General Terms and Conditions.

Glossary of terms

In these terms and conditions, the following words and phrases in bold will have the meanings shown next to them.

Account Holder - Business Account - means a senior employee of the company who will hold the necessary authorisation to accept these terms and conditions on behalf of the company, and those terms and conditions associated to any additional Services added. The account holder will also act as the senior contact point between TfL and the company and will be responsible for account issue resolution and for the purpose of these terms and conditions, is referred to as you.

Account Holder - Personal Account - means the person in whose name the account is created, who agrees to these terms and condition and is referred to as you. You will be responsible for any account issue resolution.

Account User - means a person who has been nominated by you (or an authorised representative), to act as an authorised representative on your account, and who has access to, and the ability to manage the account on your behalf.

Annual Vehicle Registration Charge - means the fee or charge payable to us every year for each vehicle registered on your Auto Pay service. The current amount can be found at

Auto Pay service - means the service that automatically charges the account holder with a Charge when they use their vehicle in the Relevant Charging Zone(s) on a Charging Day during Charging Hours. The account holder is billed monthly and payments must be made for the service to remain active.

Billing Period - in relation to the Auto Pay service means one month or any other period we may decide and detail on our website. In each case the billing period will begin on the day that we accept an application to register for an Auto Pay service or any other day we may choose to accept. The first billing period may be shorter than one month depending on which day of the month has been chosen for us to produce your statement.

Charging Day for the Congestion Charge - means every Monday to Friday between 7am and 6pm and every weekend or Bank Holiday between 12 (noon) and 6 pm; with the exception of the following non-chargeable days (inclusive): Christmas Day (25 December), the immediately following New Year Bank Holiday and every day between them.

Charging Day for the Ultra Low Emission Zone - means every day of the year (24 hours), except Christmas Day.

Charging Day for Low Emission Zone- means every day of the year (24 hours).

Charging Zone - means the areas in which the Congestion Charge, Ultra Low Emission Zone Charge and the Low Emission Zone operate.

Congestion Charging Scheme - means the Charging Scheme contained in the Schedule to the Greater London (Central Zone) Congestion Charging Order 2004 (as varied and amended).

Direct Debit - means the agreement between you and us, for the purposes of taking CC, ULEZ and LEZ Auto Pay payments direct from your bank account.

Discount and Discounted - refers to a reduced rate vehicle registered (as applicable) for the CC under Article 9 of the Congestion Charging Scheme.

LEZ - means the Low Emission Zone (LEZ)

NHS Reimbursement Schemes - means the scheme that allows for refunds of Congestion Charge and ULEZ charge payments made when an eligible NHS employee (Congestion Charge only) or patient (Congestion Charge and ULEZ charge) makes an eligible journey.

Notification Statement - means the notice we send you telling you of the amount due for payment on the billing day. It contains a statement of the Charges that make up that amount.

Registered Auto Pay Card - means the agreement between you and us, allowing us to claim varying amounts as and when they become due for payment for the purposes of the Auto Pay service from the payment card you have provided to us for this purpose.

Registered Keeper - means the keeper of the vehicle as defined on the vehicle registration certificate issued by the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA).

Registered Vehicle - means any vehicle that you have registered to your Auto Pay service.

Registration - means providing information to us for the purposes of applying for a discount, payment or other Services we provide.

Registration Charge - means the fee or charge you pay to us to register a vehicle for an Auto Pay service. The current amount can be found at

Relevant Charging Zone - means the specific geographical areas in which the following Schemes operate (as amended from time to time):

  • Congestion Charge: the central London Congestion Charge Zone as specifically defined in the Congestion Charging Scheme.
  • ULEZ Charge: The area of Inner London (generally) up to (but not including) the North-South Circular roads, as specifically defined in the ULEZ-LEZ Charging Scheme.
  • LEZ Charge: the area of Greater London, also as specifically defined in the ULEZ-LEZ Charging Scheme.

Service - means a facility such as a discount or an alternative payment method available to you if you have an active customer account with us.

ULEZ - means the Ultra-Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) and ULEZ Charge

ULEZ-LEZ Charging Scheme - means the charging Scheme for the ULEZ and LEZ as set out in the London Emission Zones Charging Scheme contained in the Schedule to the Greater London Low Emission Zone Charging Order 2006 (as varied and amended).

We, us, our - means Transport for London.

Working Days - means any day other than a Saturday or a Sunday, Good Friday, Christmas Day, New Year's Day and any other day that is a bank holiday or public holiday, in England and Wales.

You, your - means the person who agrees to these terms and conditions.

10.0 Auto Pay - terms and conditions
Auto Pay is available for you to pay the Congestion Charge the ULEZ Charge and the LEZ charge.

10.1 Eligibility
To be eligible for an Auto Pay service you must meet the following conditions:
(a) You must be at least 18 years old.
(b) You must hold a UK bank account for the purposes of making Auto Pay payments. You can choose to pay by registered Auto Pay card or by Direct Debit.

10.2 Registration and Registration Charges
You must register for the Auto Pay service by completing an online registration or postal registration form.
10.2.1 You can register for a:

  • Personal account (the account holder must be a named individual and that person is responsible for payment of any Charge(s) through the Auto Pay service)
  • Business Account - (The account must be set up in the name of the business, with a named individual as the account holder. The account holder is responsible for payment of any Charges through the Auto Pay service)

10.2.2 You can register up to five Registered Vehicles on your Auto Pay account. You must pay a Registration Charge to us for each vehicle you add as a Registered Vehicle. This charge is valid for one year from the date you register the vehicle.
10.2.3 The Registration Charge(s) will appear on your first Auto Pay Notification Statement.
10.2.4 You must pay to renew each Registered Vehicle on the anniversary of when it was added to your Auto Pay service as a registered vehicle. The Annual Vehicle Registration Charge(s) will appear on the first Notification Statement following the renewal date. The charge is then valid for a further year.
10.2.5 If you remove your vehicle from your Auto Pay service before the renewal date you will not be charged the Annual Vehicle Registration Charge.
10.2.6 We will not refund a Registration Charge or Annual Vehicle Registration Charge.

10.3 Paying CC, ULEZ and LEZ Charges
10.3.1 You must pay us the Charge(s) for each Registered Vehicle for every day of use or driving within the Relevant Charging Zone(s) on a Charging Day during Charging Hours.
10.3.2 There will be at least five Working Days between the date of the Notification Statement and when we take your payment.
10.3.3 If you dispute a Charge(s) you must still make payment of the full outstanding balance. If we decide that your dispute is valid, we will credit your Auto Pay service. Our decision will be final. Further information on disputing a Charge(s) can be found in section 10.8.
10.3.4 You must provide the vehicle registration number for each vehicle which you want to add on to your Auto Pay service by midnight on the day of travel.

10.4 Registering a payment card
We will make every effort to comply with the UK Card Association recurring card transactions code of best practice.
10.4.1 When you register a payment card, you confirm that you are authorised to use that card. We may check all credit and debit cards and they must be authorised by the card issuer.
10.4.2 If the card issuer refuses to authorise payment, we will tell you that the card has been rejected. However, we do not have to give you the reason for the refusal.
10.4.3 We may allow a payment to go ahead when we have not received authorisation from the card issuer (for example, if we cannot contact the card issuer at the time of the transaction). We will not be responsible if the card issuer then goes on to refuse to authorise the payment. We will not be responsible for your card issuer or bank charging you as a result of us processing the credit or debit card payment, or if the bank or card issuer refuses or delays their authorisation.
10.4.4 We can change how often we request registered Auto Pay card payments requests from your payment card. In the event that we do so we will notify you of the change via your preferred communication channel.

10.5 Registered Vehicles
10.5.1 You are responsible for giving us accurate and up-to-date vehicle information. You can do this online, by phone or by post.
10.5.2 We will not accept any responsibility for any information lost while it is being sent to us. You are responsible for the security of the information you provide until we receive it.
10.5.3 A vehicle can only be registered to one Auto Pay service at any one time. If your vehicle is registered to another Auto Pay service, then we will need to remove it from that service before we can register it to your Auto Pay. In order to do this, we will need proof that you are the Registered Keeper.
10.5.4 If you add a vehicle to the Auto Pay service online or by phone, the addition will take effect from the day we receive your request. If you remove a vehicle from the Auto Pay service, you will still be legally responsible for any Charge(s) incurred during the billing period that the registered vehicle was on your Auto Pay service.
10.5.5 If you ask us to remove a Registered Vehicle online or by phone, we will do so on the day you ask us to. You will be legally responsible for any Charge on the day we remove the vehicle if you drive the vehicle within the zone on that day.
10.5.6 If you send us a letter to add or remove a Registered Vehicle and we agree to the change, this will appear on your Auto Pay service within 10 Working Days of us receiving your request. We will let you know the date of the change by your preferred communication channel. Until you receive this you must continue to pay the daily Charge in another way.
10.5.7 You can register up to five vehicles on your Auto Pay service. Remember, you can register more vehicles to your Customer Account but only five of these are allowed to be Auto Pay Registered Vehicles.
10.5.8 If you are not the Registered Keeper for the vehicle(s) registered to the Auto Pay service, it is your responsibility to inform the Registered Keeper, or any other driver, that you are paying the Charge(s) and/or any Penalty Charge Notice(s) relating to that vehicle.

10.6 NHS Reimbursement Schemes
10.6.1 If you are eligible under the employee (Congestion charge) or patient (Congestion charge and ULEZ charge) NHS Reimbursement Schemes and have paid for a Congestion Charge or a ULEZ Charge using the Auto Pay service, your refund will be credited to your Auto Pay service once we have received notification from the relevant NHS trust. A credit can only be applied to an active Auto Pay service. The NHS Reimbursement Scheme applies to the Congestion Charging and Ultra Low Emission Zone schemes only, it does not apply to the Low Emission Zone scheme.

10.7 Notification Statements
We will tell you in your Notification Statement how much you owe us and when we will take the payment.
10.7.1 Your Notification Statement details your Auto Pay service registered vehicles that have been detected within a the Relevant Charging Zone(s) during Charging Hours and have been processed within the relevant Billing Period.
10.7.2 There will be at least five working days between the date of the Notification Statement and when we take your payment from your registered card.
10.7.3 There will be at least five working days between the date of the Notification Statement and when we take your payment by Direct Debit.
10.7.4 Your payment will appear on your Auto Pay service account no later than seven Working Days after we take the payment.
10.7.5 If you have no vehicle detections or any other activity for two or more consecutive Billing Periods we will not send you a Notification Statement, but you can still view a blank/no charge statement online.
10.7.6 Images of your vehicle will not be retained for longer than is necessary to resolve any outstanding Charge disputes.
10.7.7 If you wish to dispute a Charge you need to do so within 60 days from the date of your statement containing the disputed Charge(s).
10.7.8 Due to processing times not all detections will appear in the current Notification Statement, where this happens the detections will appear in the next Billing Period.


10.8 Disputing a Charge(s)
10.8.1 If you dispute a Charge(s) you must:

  • Continue to make full payment of the outstanding balance.
  • Contact us by email or telephone within 60 days from the date of your statement containing the disputed Charge(s)

10.8.2 We will let you know the outcome of your Charge dispute via your preferred communication channel.
10.8.3 If we accept the dispute, we will credit your Auto Pay service within 10 Working Days at the value of the disputed Charge(s).
10.8.4 If we do not accept the dispute, we will let you know via your preferred communication channel. Our decision is final.
10.8.5 If you have an outstanding dispute, we will keep the images until this is resolved.

10.9 Grounds for suspension of the service
10.9.1 We may suspend the Auto Pay service if any of the following happen:

  • You fail to pay any amounts due, after we have sent you a request for payment
  • We have been unable to collect a registered Auto Pay card or Direct Debit payment
  • You do not meet the conditions in clause 10.1
  • You do not accept amendments to this agreement
  • You do not comply with the terms and conditions of this agreement

10.10 Pending suspension process
10.10.1 Prior to suspending your Auto Pay service we will send you a pending suspension notice via your preferred communication channel. This notice will explain the reason we intend to suspend the service and the date this will take effect.
10.10.2 You can still continue to drive into the relevant Charging Zone(s) and add charges to your Auto Pay service until the day of suspension.
10.10.3 We will not produce further Notification Statements or attempt to collect payment.
10.10.4 Beginning with the date on the pending suspension notice, you have five Working Days to contact us, to resolve the situation.
10.10.5 If you contact us during the five Working Days from the date of the pending suspension notice, you will need to pay the full outstanding balance on your Auto Pay service at that time.
10.10.6 When you pay the outstanding balance, your Auto Pay service will remain active and normal notification and collection cycles resume.
10.10.7 If you do not pay the full outstanding balance by the date stated on the pending suspension notice, your Auto Pay service will be suspended.

10.11 Suspension process
10.11.1 We will send you a suspension notice via your preferred communication channel confirming your Auto Pay service is suspended.
10.11.2 If you continue to drive into the relevant Charging Zone(s) from the date of suspension, no Charges will be debited to the Auto Pay service and you will have to find alternative ways to pay the relevant Charge(s) due. If you travel in the zone(s) without purchasing the relevant Charge(s), the Registered Keeper of the vehicle may receive a Penalty Charge Notice.
10.11.3 Beginning with the date on the suspension notice, you have five Working Days to contact us to resolve the situation.
10.11.4 If you contact us during the five Working Days from the date of suspension, you will be requested to pay the full outstanding balance on your Auto Pay service at that time.
10.11.5 When you pay the outstanding balance, your Auto Pay service will be reactivated and normal notification and collection cycles resume.
10.11.6 If you do not pay the full outstanding balance by the date on the suspension notice your Auto Pay service will be closed

10.12 Closure process
10.12.1 We will send you a closure notice via your preferred communication channel confirming your Auto Pay service is closed. This notice will request you make payment of the full outstanding balance.
10.12.2 If you continue to drive into the relevant Charging Zone(s) from the date of the closure notice, no Charges will be debited to the Auto Pay service and you will have to find alternative ways to pay the relevant Charge(s) due. If you travel in the zone(s) without purchasing the relevant Charge(s), the Registered Keeper of the vehicle may receive a Penalty Charge Notice.

10.13 Following closure of the service
10.13.1 Within the next Billing Period, You must pay us any money you still owe us or we will credit you with any money we may owe to you.
10.13.2 If we have closed your Auto Pay service because you owe us money, we may keep your records until the debt has been paid.
10.13.3 If you owe us money or have committed fraud, we may pass your details to law enforcement or debt collection agencies.
10.13.4 If you continue to drive into the relevant Charging Zone(s) following closure of your Auto Pay service you will need to pay the relevant Charge(s) in full, using another method of payment. The Registered Keeper of the vehicle is responsible for any Penalty Charge Notice issued as a result of not paying the relevant Charge(s).
10.13.5 You can request a new Auto Pay service, which will be subject to the same Registration and Registration Charges detailed in 10.2. You must register a valid payment method and pay a £10 Registration Charge for every vehicle you add as a Registered Vehicle. The Registration Charge(s) will appear on your first Notification Statement issued 10 Working Days following the date of the activation of the service. We reserve the right to refuse this request and our decision is final.
10.13.6 If you want to end your Auto Pay service, you must contact us by email, telephone or post and ask us to close your account. Your agreement will end when the final balance has been paid in full. We will send you a closing statement via your preferred communication channel.
10.13.7 We will keep your records for 13 months after we close an Auto Pay service (for whatever reason). After that period, we will only keep a summary of the information.

10.14 Disclaiming legal responsibility
10.14.1 We will not be responsible for any loss or damage you may suffer in relation to the Auto Pay service, except for direct loss or damage caused by our negligent acts or failure to act or if We break our responsibilities under the agreement.
10.14.2 Nothing in this clause limits our legal responsibility for causing death or personal injury as a result of negligence.
10.14.3 In no circumstances will we be responsible to you for indirect loss or loss or damage arising as a consequence of any action taken under these terms and conditions, or for loss of revenue, savings, profits or goodwill

Road User Charging: Blue Badge Discount Registration Terms and Conditions

These terms and conditions apply to the Congestion Charging Scheme only and should be read in conjunction with the RUC: General Terms and Conditions.

Glossary of terms

In these terms and conditions, the following words and phrases in bold will have the meanings shown next to them.

Charging Day for the Congestion Charge means every Monday to Friday between 7am and 6pm and every weekend or Bank Holiday between 12 (noon) and 6 pm; with the exception of the following non-chargeable days (inclusive): Christmas Day (25 December), the immediately following New Year Bank Holiday and every day between them.

Discount and Discounted refers to a reduced rate vehicle registered under Article 9 of the Congestion Charging Scheme.

Registered Vehicle means any vehicle that you have registered to your Discount service.

Registration means providing information you must give us for the purposes of applying for a Discount, payment or other services we provide.

Registration Charge means the charge you pay to us to register for a Congestion Charge Discount.

Renewal Charge means the charge you pay to us on expiry of your blue badge to renew the Discount. If you renew the Discount within 90 days of the Discount expiry date, no renewal charge is payable. If your Discount is renewed more than 90 days after your previous Discount expiry date you will need to pay the renewal charge.

We, us means Transport for London.

You, means the person who agrees to these terms and conditions.

2.0 Eligibility
To be eligible for the Congestion Charging Blue Badge Discount you must hold a valid UK or EU Blue Badge and meet all of the following conditions:

2.1 Registration
You must register for the Discount by completing an online registration or postal registration form, and renew this on expiry of your Blue Badge.
2.1.2 You must pay a Registration Charge.
2.1.3 You will be invited to renew your Discount shortly before it expires. If you remain eligible for the Discount you must provide proof and pay a Renewal Charge before the Discount expiry date to continue to benefit from the Discount. The Renewal Charge is waived if you renew your Discount within 90 days of it expiring.

2.2 Proof - Blue Badge
You must provide proof that you meet the condition in clause 2.0.
2.2.2 You must provide an A4 photocopy of both sides of the Blue Badge.

2.3 Proof - Blue Badge holder
If you are an individual Blue Badge holder you must provide proof that you are the person the Blue Badge is issued to.
2.3.1 You must provide A4 photocopies of one of the documents in the list below:

  • Department of Work and Pensions benefit entitlement letter (dated within the last 7 months)
  • Current passport
  • Current driving licence
  • Pension entitlement letter (dated within the last 7 months)
  • Birth certificate (same first and last names as the Blue Badge. Not a certificate of registration of birth)
  • Current bank or credit card statement (dated within the last 3 months)

2.4 Proof - Institutional Blue Badge holder
If you are registering on behalf of an organisation you must provide proof of the institution that the Blue Badge is issued to.
2.4.1 You must provide a letter on the institution's letter headed paper, stating the blue badge number and expiry date. The letter should be signed by a senior member of staff and should give their job title.

2.5 General - Blue Badge holder
If a vehicle you have nominated travels into the Congestion Charging Zone for purposes other than transporting the Blue Badge holder, the Charge must be paid.
2.5.2 You may have a maximum of two Registered Vehicles on your Discount. Only the last 2 vehicle registration marks [VRMs] nominated before midnight on the day of travel will be eligible for the Discount.
2.5.3 We may contact the issuing authority to confirm that the badge details are valid.
2.5.4 We may close your Discount if any of the following happen:
a) You no longer meet the Discount eligibility requirements (i.e. if you no longer meet the eligibility requirements as set out in the relevant Discount terms and conditions).
b) We believe that you have been acting fraudulently (e.g.. you are benefitting from a Discount to which you are no longer entitled as set out in the terms and conditions that you have agreed to).
2.5.5 You cannot transfer your Discount to another person.
2.5.6 If you cease to be eligible for the Discount you must tell us immediately. You can sign in to your online account, write to us or call our contact centre.

2.6 Checking information - Blue Badge holder
At any time after we receive an application for a Discount Registration (including after we have notified you that your application is accepted) we may ask you for proof of eligibility for the Discount and/or about your vehicle.
2.6.2 We will send you a letter requesting that information which you must provide by the date stated in that letter.
2.6.3 If as a result of checks of the information provided under clause 2.4 above we decide that a registered vehicle is not or has ceased to be an eligible vehicle (including if you fail to provide requisite proof of eligibility), then:

  • For any application for which you have applied, we will tell you that it has been rejected.
  • For any Registration for which you are not (or are no longer) eligible, we will tell you that we will remove the Registered Vehicle on a date we tell you; or
  • For any Registered Vehicles that are not (or are no longer) eligible, whether or not as a result of any changes made, we will tell you that we will remove your vehicle's registration for the Discount on a date we tell you.

Road User Charging: Cleaner Vehicle Discount Registration Terms and Conditions

These terms and conditions apply to the Congestion Charging Scheme only and should be read in conjunction with the General Terms and Conditions.

Glossary of terms

In these terms and conditions, the following words and phrases in bold will have the meanings shown next to them.

Annual Vehicle Registration Charge - means the charge payable to us every year for each vehicle registered on your Discount.

Charging Day for the Congestion Charge - means every Monday to Friday between 7am and 6pm and every weekend or Bank Holiday between 12 (noon) and 6 pm; with the exception of the following non-chargeable days (inclusive): Christmas Day (25 December), the immediately following New Year Bank Holiday and every day between them.

Discount and Discounted - refers to a reduced rate vehicle registered under Article 9 of the Congestion Charging Scheme Order.

Registered Vehicle - means any vehicle that you have registered to your Discount service.

Registration - means providing information you must give us for the purposes of applying for a Discount, payment or other services we provide.

Registration Charge - means the charge you pay to us to register for a Congestion Charge Discount.

We, us, our - means Transport for London.

You, your - means the person who agrees to these terms and conditions.

5.0 Eligibility - GB Registered Vehicle
To be eligible for the Congestion Charging Cleaner Vehicle Discount, you must meet all of the following conditions:

  • The vehicle must be registered with the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) and
  • The vehicle must have a fuel type of battery electric or hydrogen fuel cell 
  • The vehicle must be a Car (M1) or a Van (N1) (light goods vehicle not exceeding 3.5 tonnes gross vehicle weight).

5.1 Eligibility - Non GB Registered Vehicle
To be eligible for the Congestion Charging Cleaner Vehicle Discount, you must meet all of the following conditions:

  • The vehicle must be registered with any vehicle licensing agency within the European Economic Area and
  • The vehicle must have a fuel type of battery electric or hydrogen fuel cell 
  • The vehicle must be a Car or a Van (light goods vehicle not exceeding 3.5 tonnes gross vehicle weight)
  • 5.2 Registration
    You must register for the Discount by completing an online registration or postal registration form and renew this annually.
    5.2.1 You must pay a Registration Charge.
    5.2.2 You will be invited to renew your Discount shortly before it expires. If you remain eligible for the Discount you must pay an Annual Vehicle Registration Charge before the Discount expiry date to continue to benefit from the Discount.

5.3 Proof - GB Registered Vehicle
You must provide proof that the vehicle meets the conditions in clause 5.0.
5.3.1 You must provide an A4 photocopy of the document listed below:

  • A copy of your DVLA vehicle registration document (V5C) showing the fuel type as being Battery electric or hydrogen fuel cell 

5.4 Proof - Non GB Registered Vehicles
You must provide proof that the vehicle meets the conditions in clause 5.1.
5.4.1 You must provide an A4 photocopy of the document listed below:

  • Your vehicle registration document or equivalent that clearly shows the vehicle meets the Discount eligibility criteria.

5.5 General
5.5.1 We may close your Discount if any of the following happen:
a) You no longer meet the Discount eligibility requirements (e.g. if you no longer meet the eligibility requirements as set out in the relevant Discount terms and conditions).
b) We believe that you have been acting fraudulently (i.e. you are benefitting from a Discount to which you are no longer entitled as set out in the terms and conditions that you have agreed to).
5.5.2 You cannot transfer your Discount to another person.
5.5.3 If you cease to be eligible for the Discount or if you change your vehicle, you must tell us immediately. You can sign into your online account, write to us or call our contact centre.

5.6 Checking information
5.6.1 At any time after we receive an application for a Discount Registration (including after we have notified you that your application is accepted) we may ask you for proof of eligibility for the Discount and/or any other information about your vehicle being registered.
5.6.2 We will send you a letter requesting that information which you must provide by the date stated in that letter.
5.6.3 If as a result of checks of the information provided above we decide that a registered vehicle is not or has ceased to be an eligible vehicle (including if you fail to provide requisite proof of eligibility), then:

  • For any application for which you have applied, we will tell you that it has been rejected
  • For any Registration for which you are not (or are no longer) eligible, we will tell you that we will remove the Registered Vehicle on a date we tell you

Road User Charging: Fleet Auto Pay service Terms and Conditions

These terms and conditions apply to the Fleet Auto Pay service for the Congestion Charge (CC) Scheme, the Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) Charge Scheme and the Low Emission Zone (LEZ) Charge Scheme.

These Terms and Conditions should be read in conjunction with the Road User Charging (RUC): General Terms and Conditions.

Glossary of terms

In these terms and conditions, the following words and phrases in bold will have the meanings shown next to them.

Account Holder - Business Account means a senior employee of the company who will hold the necessary authorisation to accept these terms and conditions on behalf of the company, and those terms and conditions associated to any additional Services added. The Account Holder will also act as the senior contact point between TfL and the company and will be responsible for issue resolution and for the purpose of these terms and conditions, is referred to as you.

Account User - means a person who has been nominated by you (or an authorised representative), to act as an authorised representative, and has access to, and ability to manage the account on your behalf.

Ad-hoc Charge(s) - means you can pay a Congestion Charge a ULEZ Charge and a LEZ Charge at the full rate via your Fleet Auto Pay account for a limited number of non-Registered Vehicles.

Annual Vehicle Registration Charge - means the fee or charge payable to us every year for each vehicle registered on your Fleet Auto Pay service. The current amount can be found at

Billing Period - in relation to Fleet Auto Pay means one month or any other period we may decide and give on our website. In each case the Billing Period will begin on the day that we accept an application to register for a Fleet Auto Pay service or any other day we may choose to accept. The first Billing Period may be shorter than one month depending on which day of the month has been chosen by us to produce your statement.

Charge(s) - means (as applicable) any of the following:

  • The Congestion Charge (CC) as payable under Articles 4 and 6 of the Congestion Charging Scheme Order, or
  • The Low Emission Zone (LEZ) Charge and the Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) Charge as respectively payable under Article 7 of the ULEZ-LEZ Charging Scheme.

Charging Day for the Congestion Charge - means every Monday to Friday between 7am and 6pm and every weekend or Bank Holiday between 12 (noon) and 6 pm; with the exception of the following non-chargeable days (inclusive): Christmas Day (25 December), the immediately following New Year Bank Holiday and every day between them.

Charging Day for the Ultra Low Emission Zone - means every day of the year (24 hours), except Christmas Day.

Charging Day for Low Emission Zone- means every day of the year (24 hours).

Congestion Charging Scheme - means the Charging Scheme in the Schedule to the Greater London (Central Zone) Congestion Charging Order 2004, (as varied and amended).

Direct Debit - means the agreement between you and us, for the purposes of taking CC, ULEZ and LEZ Fleet Auto Pay payments direct from your bank account.

Discount and Discounted - refers to a reduced rate vehicle registered (as applicable) for the CC under Article 9 of the Congestion Charging Scheme.

Fleet Auto Pay service - means the service that automatically charges the Fleet Operator when they use a Registered Vehicle in a Relevant Charging Zone during Charging Hours. The Fleet Operator is billed monthly, and payments must be made for the service to remain active.

Fleet Operator - means the organisation accepting these Terms and Conditions as stated in the Declaration.

LEZ - means the Low Emission Zone (LEZ)

Notification Statement - means the notice we send you telling you the amount due for payment on the billing day. It contains a statement of the charges that make up that amount.

Registered Keeper - means:

  • For a vehicle registered in the United Kingdom, the person whose name the vehicle is registered in under the Vehicle Excise and Registration Act 1994; or
  • For any other vehicle, the person who keeps the vehicle

Registered Vehicle - means any vehicle bearing a unique Vehicle Registration Mark (VRM) that you have registered to your Fleet Auto Pay service.

Registration - means providing information you must give us for the purposes of applying for a Discount, payment or other Services We provide.

Registration Charge - means the charge you pay to us to register a vehicle for the Fleet Auto Pay service. The current amount can be found at

Relevant Charging Zone - means the specific geographical areas in which the following Schemes operate (as amended from time to time)

  • Congestion Charge: the central London Congestion Charge Zone as specifically defined in the Congestion Charging Scheme
  • ULEZ Charge: The area of Inner London (generally) up to (but not including) the North-South Circular roads, as specifically defined in the ULEZ-LEZ Charging Scheme;
  • LEZ Charge: the area of Greater London, also as specifically defined in the ULEZ-LEZ Charging Scheme

Service - means a facility available to you if you have an active customer account with us.

ULEZ - means the Ultra-Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) and ULEZ Charge, which operates in the same central London area as the Congestion Charge.

ULEZ-LEZ Charging Scheme - means the charging Scheme for the ULEZ and LEZ as set out in the London Emission Zones Charging Scheme contained in the Schedule to the Greater London Low Emission Zone Charging Order 2006 (as varied and amended).

We, us, our - means Transport for London.

Working Days - means any day other than a Saturday or a Sunday, Good Friday, Christmas Day, New Year's Day and any other day that is a bank holiday or public holiday, in England and Wales.

You, your - means the person who agrees to these terms and conditions.

11.0 Fleet Auto Pay service - terms and conditions
Fleet Auto Pay is available for you to pay the Congestion Charge the ULEZ Charge and the LEZ charge.

11.1 Eligibility for a Fleet Auto Pay service
To be eligible for a Fleet Auto Pay service you must meet the following conditions:
(a) You must have and register a fleet of six or more vehicles.
(b) Your vehicles must be controlled and managed by you or a Fleet Operator and used principally for the purposes of a business or by a person to whom the Fleet Operator is a contractor.
(c) You must hold a UK bank account for the purposes of making Fleet Auto Pay payments by Direct Debit

11.2 Registration and Registration Charges
You must register for the Fleet Auto Pay service by completing an online Registration.
11.2.1 You must register a Business Account. (The account must be set up in the name of the business, with a named individual as the Account Holder. The Account Holder is responsible for payment of any charges through the Fleet Auto Pay service).
11.2.2 You must pay the first Annual Vehicle Registration Charge to us for each vehicle you add as a Registered Vehicle. This charge is valid for one year from the date you register the vehicle.
11.2.3 The first Annual Vehicle Registration Charge will appear on your first Fleet Auto Pay Notification Statement.
11.2.4 You must pay to renew each Registered Vehicle on the anniversary of when it was added to your Fleet Auto Pay as a Registered Vehicle. The Registration Charge(s) will appear on the first Notification Statement following the renewal date. The charge is valid for a further year.
11.2.5 If you remove your vehicle from your Fleet Auto Pay account before the renewal date you will not be charged the Annual Vehicle Registration Charge.
11.2.6 We will not refund Annual Vehicle Registration Charges.

11.3 Paying CC, ULEZ and LEZ Charges
11.3.1 You must pay us the Charge(s) for each Registered Vehicle (and where applicable the Ad-hoc charges) for every day of use or driving within a the Relevant Charging Zone (s) during Charging Hours.
11.3.2 There will be at least five Working Days between the date of the Notification Statement and when we take your payment by Direct Debit.
11.3.3 If you dispute a Charge(s) you must still make payment of the full outstanding balance. If we decide that your dispute is valid, we will credit your Fleet Auto Pay account. Our decision will be final. Further information on disputing a Charge(s) can be found in section 11.6.
11.3.4 You must provide the vehicle registration number for each vehicle for which you want to add an Ad-hoc Charge(s) by midnight on the day of travel.
11.3.5 The number of Ad-hoc Charge(s) that you may add each Billing Period is limited to the number of Registered Vehicles on your Fleet Auto Pay account e.g. if you have 50 Registered Vehicles, then 50 Ad-hoc Charge(s) may be added in any Billing Period. When paying an ad hoc Congestion Charge if the vehicle does not meet the emissions standards for the ULEZ or the LEZ then you will automatically be charged the ULEZ Charge and/or LEZ Charge (as applicable) which will utilise an additional ad hoc charge from your allowance.
11.3.6 You may add Ad-hoc Charge(s) on the same day of travel or for a date in the future (maximum 64 Working Days in advance).

11.4 Registered Vehicles
11.4.1 You are responsible for giving us accurate and up-to-date vehicle information. You can do this online, by phone or by post.
11.4.2 We will not accept any responsibility for any information lost while it is being sent. You are responsible for the security of the information you provide until we receive it.
11.4.3 A vehicle can only be registered to one Fleet Auto Pay service at any one time. If you attempt to register a vehicle on more than one Fleet Auto Pay service, then preference will be given to the Registered Keeper of the vehicle.
11.4.4 If you add a vehicle to the Fleet Auto Pay online, or by phone, it will apply from the day we receive your request. If you remove a vehicle from the Fleet Auto Pay service, you will still be responsible for any Charge(s) during the Billing Period that the Registered Vehicle was on your Fleet Auto Pay service.
11.4.5 If you remove a Registered Vehicle online, it will be removed on that day. You will be responsible for the Charge(s) on the day you remove the vehicle if this vehicle is driven within the zone(s) on that day.
11.4.6 If you send us a letter to make a change to a Registered Vehicle and we agree to the change, this will appear on your Fleet Auto Pay service within 10 Working Days of us receiving your request. We will let you know the date of the change via email. Until you receive this you must continue to pay the daily Charge in another way.
11.4.7 You must maintain a fleet of six or more vehicles on your Fleet Auto Pay.
11.4.8 If you are not the Registered Keeper for the vehicle(s) attached to the Fleet Auto Pay, it is your responsibility to inform the Registered Keeper, or any other driver, that you are paying the Charge and/or any Penalty Charge Notices relating to that vehicle.

11.5 Notification Statements
We will tell you in your Notification Statement how much you owe us and when we will take payment.
11.5.1 Your Notification Statement details Fleet Auto Pay Registered Vehicles detected within the Charging Zone(s) during Charging Hours that have been processed within the relevant Billing Period.
11.5.2 There will be five Working Days between the date of the Notification Statement and when we take your payment by Direct Debit.
11.5.3 Your payment will appear on your Fleet Auto Pay account no later than seven Working Days after we take payment.
11.5.4 If you have no vehicle detections or any other activity for two or more consecutive Billing Periods We will not send you a Notification Statement.
11.5.5 Images of your vehicle will not be retained for longer than is necessary to resolve any outstanding Charge disputes.
11.5.6 We may decide not investigate any dispute that is not made within a reasonable period of the date of the payment that include the disputed Charge(s).
11.5.7 Due to processing times not all detections will appear in the current Notification Statement, where this happens the detections will appear in the next Billing Period.

11.6 Disputing a Charge(s)
11.6.1 If you dispute a Charge(s) you must:

  • Continue to make full payment of the outstanding balance.
  • Contact us by email or telephone within 60 days from the date of your statement containing the disputed Charge(s).

11.6.2 We will let you know the outcome of your Charge dispute.
11.6.3 If we accept the dispute, we will credit your Fleet Auto Pay account within 10 Working Days at the value of the disputed Charges.
11.6.4 If we do not accept the dispute, we will let you know via email. Our decision is final.
11.6.5 If you have an outstanding dispute, we will keep the images until we have resolved the query.

11.7 Grounds for suspension of the service
We may suspend the Fleet Auto Pay service if any of the following happen:

  • You fail to pay any amounts due, after we have sent you a request for payment.
  • We have been unable to collect a Direct Debit payment.
  • We carry out validation checks and decide that your vehicles are not eligible.
  • You do not meet any of the conditions in clause 11.1.
  • You do not accept amendments to this agreement.
  • You do not comply with the terms and conditions of this agreement.

11.8 Pending suspension process
11.8.1 Prior to suspending your Fleet Auto Pay service we will send you a pending suspension notice via email. This notice will explain the reason we intend to suspend the service and the date this will take effect.
11.8.2 You can still continue to drive into the relevant Charging Zone(s) and add Charges to your Fleet Auto Pay service until the day of suspension.
11.8.3 We will not produce further Notification Statements or attempt to collect payment.
11.8.4 Beginning with the date on the pending suspension notice, you have five Working Days to contact us, to resolve the situation.
11.8.5 If you contact us during the five Working Days from the date of the pending suspension notice, you will need to pay the full outstanding balance on your Fleet Auto Pay service at that time.
11.8.6 When you pay the outstanding balance, your Fleet Auto Pay service will remain active and normal notification and collection cycles resume.
11.8.7 If you do not pay the full outstanding balance by the date stated on the pending suspension notice, your Fleet Auto Pay service will be suspended.

11.9 Suspension process

11.9.1 We will send you a suspension notice via email confirming your Fleet Auto Pay service is suspended.
11.9.2 If you continue to drive into the relevant Charging Zone(s) from the date of suspension, no Charge(s) will be debited to the Fleet Auto Pay and you will have to find alternative ways to pay the Charge(s). If you travel in the zone without purchasing a relevant Charge(s) the Registered Keeper of the vehicle may receive a Penalty Charge Notice.
11.9.3 Beginning with the date on the suspension notice, you have five Working Days to contact us to resolve the situation.
11.9.4 If you contact us during the five Working Days from the date of suspension, you will be requested to pay the full outstanding balance on your Fleet Auto Pay service at that time.
11.9.5 When you pay the outstanding balance, your Fleet Auto Pay service will be reactivated and normal notification and collection cycles resume.
11.9.6 If you do not pay the full outstanding balance by the date on the suspension notice your Fleet Auto Pay service will be closed

11.10 Closure process
11.10.1 We will send you a closure notice via email confirming your Fleet Auto Pay service is closed. This notice will request you make payment of the full outstanding balance.
11.10.2 If you continue to drive into the relevant Charging Zone(s) from the date of the closure notice, no Charge(s) will be debited to the Fleet Auto Pay and you will have to find alternative ways to pay the Charge. If you travel in the zone without purchasing a relevant Charge(s) the Registered Keeper of the vehicle may receive a Penalty Charge Notice.

11.11 Following closure of the service
11.11.1 Within the next Billing Period, You must pay us any money you still owe us or we will credit you with any money we may owe you.
11.11.2 If we have closed your Fleet Auto Pay service because you owe us money, we may keep your records until the debt has been paid.
11.11.3 If you owe us money or have committed fraud, we may pass your details to law enforcement or debt collection agencies.
11.11.4 If you continue to drive into the relevant Charging Zone(s) following closure of your Fleet Auto Pay service you will need to pay the relevant Charge(s) in full, using another method of payment. The Registered Keeper of the vehicle is responsible for any Penalty Charge Notice issued as a result of not paying the Charge(s).
11.11.5 You can request a new Fleet Auto Pay service, which will be subject to the same Registration and Registration Charges detailed in 11.2. You must register a valid payment method and pay a £10 administration charge for every vehicle you add as a Registered Vehicle, the administration charge(s) will appear on your first notification statement issued 10 working days following the date of the activation of the service. We reserve the right to refuse this request and our decision is final.
11.11.6 If you want to end your Fleet Auto Pay service, you must contact us in writing and ask us to close your account. Your agreement will end when the final balance has been paid in full. We will send you a closing statement via email.

11.11.7 We will keep your records for 13 months after we close a Fleet Auto Pay service (for whatever reason). After that period, we will only keep a summary of the information.

11.12 Termination
11.12.1 We reserve the right at any time to withdraw the Fleet Auto Pay service.
11.12.2 Prior to terminating your Fleet Auto Pay service we will send you a termination notice via email. This notice will explain the reason we intend to terminate the service and the date this will take effect (in circumstance of termination due to fraud, we will terminate the service immediately).
11.12.3 You can still continue to drive into the relevant Charging Zone(s) and add usage Charges to your Fleet Auto Pay service until the day of termination.
11.12.4 We will not produce further Notification Statements or attempt to collect payment.
11.12.5 If you object to the termination of your Fleet Auto Pay service, beginning with the date on the termination notice, you have five Working Days to contact us.
11.12.6 If you contact us during the five Working Days from the date of the termination notice, you will need to pay the full outstanding balance on your Fleet Auto Pay at that time.
11.12.7 If we do not accept your objection we will let you know via email. Our decision is final.
11.12.8 If you continue to drive into the relevant Charging Zone(s) from the date of the termination notice, no Charge(s) will be debited to the Fleet Auto Pay and you will have to find alternative ways to pay the Charge. If you travel in the zone without purchasing a Charge the Registered Keeper of the vehicle may receive a Penalty Charge Notice.
11.12.9 If the service is terminated due to fraud, we may close, bar or permanently ban any or all other Fleet Auto Pay Services held by the Fleet Operator or any member of the Group.

11.13 Relationship
11.13.1 We and the Fleet Operator acknowledge that the agreement does not constitute, create or give effect to:

  • Joint ventures
  • Pooling arrangements
  • Principal/agency relationships
  • Partnership
  • Formal business arrangement

The Fleet Auto Pay service does not allow either party to enter into any formal business partnership of any kind, without the other parties' express written permission. You, your agents, employees or contractors cannot at any time claim to be our employee.
11.13.2 You must maintain high standards of business ethics and practices. You should conduct yourself in such a way as to not bring yourself, other stakeholders, TfL or the Congestion/ ULEZ-LEZ Charging Schemes into disrepute.
11.13.3 Both parties should ensure that they make all reasonable efforts to be cooperative and work together, to ensure that the Congestion/ ULEZ-LEZ Charging Schemes and the Fleet Auto Pay service operate efficiently.
11.13.4 You must notify us immediately in writing if and when you become aware of any conflicts of interests in relation to your Fleet Auto Pay.
11.13.5 You must notify us in writing of any change of Account Holder. This letter must confirm:  

  • The name of the new Account Holder
  • The signature of the new Account Holder
  • A witness to the signature of the new Account Holder (the witness must be a senior member of the Fleet Operator, or at least the equivalent position to the Account Holder, and must verify the identity of the new Account Holder)

11.13.6 You can add up to 5 Account Users to administer the Account. It is your responsibility to ensure that the Account Users manage the Account in accordance with the terms and conditions.

11.14 Disclaiming legal responsibility
11.14.1 We will not be responsible for any loss or damage you may suffer in relation to the Fleet Auto Pay service, except for direct loss or damage caused by our negligent acts or failure to act or if We break our responsibilities under the agreement.
11.14.2 Nothing in this clause limits our legal responsibility for causing death or personal injury as a result of negligence.
11.14.3 In no circumstances will we be responsible to you for indirect loss or loss or damage arising as a consequence of any action taken under these terms and conditions, or for loss of revenue, savings, profits or goodwill

Road User Charging: Showman's Discount Registration Terms and Conditions

Please read the following terms and conditions carefully when registering with us.

They should be read in conjunction with the RUC: General Terms and Conditions and apply to the:

  • Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) and ULEZ Charge
  • Low Emission Zone (LEZ) and LEZ Charge

By Registering and using any of our services, you agree to accept these terms and conditions.

Glossary of terms

In these terms and conditions, the following words and phrases in bold will have the meanings shown next to them.

Non-chargeable Register - means the register kept by us of vehicles that are Low Emission Zone (LEZ) and Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) non-chargeable vehicles under Article 5(1) of the London Emission Zones Charging Scheme.

Eligible Vehicle - refers to a vehicle that fulfils the criteria in clause 9.0.

Non-chargeable Vehicle - refers to a vehicle registered under Article 5 or Article 11 of the London Emission Zones Charging Scheme.

Registered vehicle - refers to a vehicle that has been entered into the Non-chargeable Register.

Registration - means providing information you must give us for the purposes of applying for an exemption, discount, payment or other services we provide.

We, us, our - means Transport for London.

You, your - means the person who agrees to these terms and conditions.

9.0 Eligibility
To be eligible for the vehicle to be included in the Non-chargeable Register, it must fulfil all of the following criteria:
a) The vehicle must be registered in the name of a person following the business of a travelling Showman.
b) It must be used solely by that person for the purposes of running their business and no other purpose.
c) It must be permanently fitted with either: special equipment, a special body or a superstructure that forms part of the equipment used during the performance of the show.

9.1 Registration
You must apply to register your vehicle to be included in the Non-chargeable Register by completing an online enquiry form or send the required documentation by post.
9.1.1 There is no charge to register.

9.2 Proof
You must provide proof that you meet the conditions in clause 9.0.
9.2.1 You must provide an A4 photocopy of the documents listed below:

  • A copy of your DVLA vehicle Registration document (V5c) or a copy of your vehicle registration document issued by your vehicle licensing agency and
  • A minimum of four photographs of the vehicle, one from each angle: front, back and both sides; also where relevant additional photographs of the vehicle body interior to show internal structure and adaptations or any specialised equipment fitted inside or underneath the vehicle.

Note: The photographs must be of a quality to allow us to assess whether the vehicle meets the criteria for specialist construction set out above and the vehicle registration mark (VRM) or number plate must be visible in one of the photographs.

If there is any specialised equipment fitted inside or underneath the vehicle, a photograph to show this should also be provided.

9.3 General
We may remove a registered vehicle from the Non-chargeable Register if any of the following happen:
a) You no longer meet the eligibility requirements detailed in clause 9.0.
b) We believe that you have been acting fraudulently (eg you are benefitting from the registration that you are no longer entitled as set out in the terms and conditions that you have agreed to).
9.3.1 You cannot transfer your registration to another vehicle or person (the person you transferred it to must make a new application for registration).
9.3.2 If you cease to be eligible, you must tell us immediately. You can sign in to your online account, write to us or call our contact centre.
9.3.3 If you no longer own the vehicle, you must contact us to remove the vehicle from the Non-chargeable Register.
9.3.4 If you register the vehicle with the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) as Statutory Off Road Notification (SORN), you must contact us to remove the vehicle from the Non-chargeable Register.

9.4 Checking information
At any time after we receive an application for a Registration (including after we have notified you that your application is accepted and the vehicle is entered into the Non-chargeable Register) we may ask you for proof of eligibility and/or any other information about the vehicle.
9.4.2 We will send you a letter requesting that information which you must provide by the date stated in that letter.
9.4.3 If as a result of checks of the information provided above we decide that a registered vehicle is not or has ceased to be an Eligible Vehicle (including if you fail to provide requisite proof of eligibility), then:

  • For any application for which you have applied, we will tell you that it has been rejected.
  • For any Registration for which you are not (or are no longer) eligible, we will tell you that we will remove the Registered Vehicle on a date we tell you; or
  • For any Registered Vehicles that are not (or are no longer) eligible, whether or not as a result of any changes made, we will tell you that we will remove the vehicle from the Non-chargeable Register on a date we tell you.

Road User Charging: Motor Tricycle Discount Registration Terms and Conditions

These terms and conditions apply to the Congestion Charging Scheme only and should be read in conjunction with the RUC: General Terms and Conditions.

Glossary of terms

In these terms and conditions, the following words and phrases in bold will have the meanings shown next to them.

Annual Vehicle Registration Charge - means the charge payable to us every year for each vehicle registered on your Discount.


Charging Day for the Congestion Charge - means every Monday to Friday between 7am and 6pm and every weekend or Bank Holiday between 12 (noon) and 6 pm; with the exception of the following non-chargeable days (inclusive): Christmas Day (25 December), the immediately following New Year Bank Holiday and every day between them.


Discount and Discounted - refers to a reduced rate vehicle registered under Article 9 of the Congestion Charging Scheme.

Registered Vehicle - means any vehicle that you have registered to your Discount service.

Registration - means providing information you must give us for the purposes of applying for a Discount, payment or other services we provide.

Registration Charge - means the charge you pay to us to register for a Congestion Charge Discount.

We, us, our - means Transport for London.

You, your - means the person who agrees to these terms and conditions.

6.0 Eligibility

To be eligible for the Motor Tricycle Discount you must meet all of the following conditions:

  1. The vehicle must be registered with the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) or with any vehicle licensing agency within the European Economic Area, and
  2. The vehicle must be a motor tricycle that is one metre or less wide, and two metres or less long.

6.1 Registration
You must register for the Discount by completing an online Registration or postal Registration form and renew this annually.
6.1.1 You must pay a Registration Charge.
6.1.2 You will be invited to renew your Discount shortly before it expires. If you remain eligible for the Discount you must pay an Annual Vehicle Registration Charge before the Discount expiry date to continue to benefit from the Discount.

6.2 Proof
You must provide proof that you meet the conditions in clause 6.0.
6.2.1 You must provide an A4 photocopy of the document(s) listed below:

  • A copy of your DVLA vehicle registration document (V5C) or a copy of your vehicle registration document issued by your vehicle licensing agency and
  • Four photographs of your motor tricycle (front, back and both sides). One of these photographs must show the vehicle registration mark (VRM).

6.3 General
6.3.1 We may close your Discount if any of the following happen:
a) You no longer meet the Discount eligibility requirements (i.e. if you no longer meet the eligibility requirements as set out in the relevant Discount terms and conditions).
b) We believe that you have been acting fraudulently (i.e. you are benefitting from a Discount to which you are no longer entitled as set out in the terms and conditions that you have agreed to).
6.3.2 You cannot transfer your Discount to another person.
6.3.3 If you cease to be eligible for the Discount or if you change your vehicle, you must tell us immediately. You can sign into your online account, write to us or call our contact centre.

6.4 Checking information
6.4.1 At any time after we receive an application for a Discount Registration (including after we have notified you that your application is accepted) we may ask you for proof of eligibility for the Discount and/or about your vehicle.
6.4.2 We will send you a letter requesting that information which you must provide by the date stated in that letter.
6.4.3 If as a result of checks of the information provided we decide that a registered vehicle is not or has ceased to be an eligible vehicle (including if you fail to provide requisite proof of eligibility), then:

  • For any application for which you have applied, we will tell you that it has been rejected.
  • For any Registration for which you are not (or are no longer) eligible, we will tell you that we will remove the Registered Vehicle on a date we tell you; or
  • For any Registered Vehicles that are not (or are no longer) eligible, whether or not as a result of any changes made, we will tell you that we will remove your vehicle's registration for the Discount on a date we tell you.

Road User Charging: Vehicles with Nine or more Seats Discount Registration Terms and Conditions

These terms and conditions apply to the Congestion Charging Scheme only and should be read in conjunction with the RUC: General Terms and Conditions.

Glossary of terms

In these terms and conditions, the following words and phrases in bold will have the meanings shown next to them.

Annual Vehicle Registration Charge means the charge payable to us every year for each vehicle registered on your Discount.

Charging Day for the Congestion Charge - means every Monday to Friday between 7am and 6pm and every weekend or Bank Holiday between 12 (noon) and 6 pm; with the exception of the following non-chargeable days (inclusive): Christmas Day (25 December), the immediately following New Year Bank Holiday and every day between them.

Discount and Discounted - refers to a reduced rate vehicle registered under Article 9 of the Congestion Charging Scheme.

Registered Vehicle - means any vehicle that you have registered to your Discount service.

Registration - means providing information you must give us for the purposes of applying for a Discount, payment or other services we provide.

Registration Charge - means the charge you pay to us to register for a Congestion Charge Discount.

We, us, our - means Transport for London.

You, your - means the person who agrees to these terms and conditions.

4.0 Eligibility - GB registered
To be eligible for the Congestion Charging Vehicles with Nine or more Seats Discount you must meet all of the following conditions:

  1. The vehicle must be registered with the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) and
  2. The vehicle must be a passenger carrying vehicle with Nine or more Seats (including the driver's seat)

4.1 Eligibility - Non GB registered
To be eligible for the Vehicles with Nine or more Seats Discount you must meet all of the following conditions:
a) The vehicle must be registered with any vehicle licensing agency within the European Economic Area and
b) The vehicle must be a passenger carrying vehicle with Nine or more Seats (including the driver's seat).

4.2 Registration
You must register for the Discount by completing an online Registration or postal Registration form, and renew this annually.
4.2.1 You must pay a Registration Charge.
4.2.2 You will be invited to renew your Discount shortly before it expires. If you remain eligible for the Discount you must pay an Annual Vehicle Registration Charge before the Discount expiry date to continue to benefit from the Discount.

4.3 Proof - GB registered
You must provide proof that the vehicle meets the conditions in clause 4.0.
4.3.1 You must provide an A4 photocopy of the document(s) listed below:

  • A copy of your DVLA vehicle registration document (V5C) and
  • Proof that clearly shows the number of seats in the vehicle

4.4 Proof - Non GB registered
You must provide proof that the vehicle meets the conditions in clause 4.1.
4.4.1 You must provide an A4 photocopy of the document(s) listed below:

  • A copy of your vehicle registration document issued by your vehicle licensing agency and
  • Proof that clearly shows the number of seats in the vehicle

4.5 General
We may close your Discount if any of the following happen:
a) You no longer meet the Discount eligibility requirements (i.e. if you no longer meet the eligibility requirements as set out in the relevant Discount terms and conditions).
b) We believe that you have been acting fraudulently (e.g. you are benefitting from a Discount to which you are no longer entitled as set out in the terms and conditions that you have agreed to).
4.5.2 You cannot transfer your Discount to another person.
4.5.3 If you cease to be eligible for the Discount or if you change your vehicle, you must tell us immediately. You can sign in to your online account, write to us or call our contact centre.

4.6 Checking information
At any time after we receive an application for a Discount Registration (including after we have notified you that your application is accepted) we may ask you for proof of eligibility for the Discount and/or about your vehicle.
4.6.2 We will send you a letter requesting that information which you must provide by the date stated in that letter.
4.6.3 If as a result of checks of the information provided above we decide that a registered vehicle is not or has ceased to be an eligible vehicle (including if you fail to provide requisite proof of eligibility), then:

  • For any application for which you have applied, we will tell you that it has been rejected.
  • For any Registration for which you are not (or are no longer) eligible, we will tell you that we will remove the Registered Vehicle on a date we tell you; or
  • For any Registered Vehicles that are not (or are no longer) eligible, whether or not as a result of any changes made, we will tell you that we will remove the vehicle's registration for the Discount on a date we tell you.

Road User Charging: Residents' Discount Registration Terms and Conditions

These terms and conditions should be read in conjunction with the RUC: General Terms and Conditions and apply to:

  • The Congestion Charging Scheme only

Glossary of terms

In these terms and conditions, the following words and phrases in bold will have the meanings shown next to them.

Annual Renewal Charge - means the charge payable to us every year to renew a Discount.

Charge means the following:

  • Congestion Charge (CC)

Charging day for the Congestion Charge - means every Monday to Friday between 7am and 6pm and every weekend or Bank Holiday between 12 (noon) and 6 pm; with the exception of the following non-chargeable days (inclusive): Christmas Day (25 December), the immediately following New Year Bank Holiday and every day between them.

Discount and Discounted - refers to a reduced rate vehicle registered under Article 9 of the Congestion Charging Scheme Order.

NHS Reimbursement Schemes means the schemes that allows for refunds of Charge payments made when an eligible NHS employee or patient makes an eligible journey.

Registered Vehicle means any vehicle that you have registered to your Discount service.

Registration means providing information you must give us for the purposes of applying for a Discount, payment or other services we provide.

Registration Charge means the charge you pay to us to register for a Congestion Charge Discount.

Resident means someone who has registered with us under Annex 3 of the Congestion Charging Scheme.

Residents' Discount Zone means the area comprising the Congestion Charging Zone, plus some additional postcodes on the boundary of the Congestion Charging Zone where vehicular access to the property requires the resident to drive into the zone. There is an interactive map and a postcode checker on our website

We, us, our - means Transport for London.

You, your - means the person who agrees to these terms and conditions.

3.0 Requirements for the Residents' Discount
To qualify for the Congestion Charging Residents' Discount, you must meet all of the following conditions:
a) You must be at least 17 years old
b) Your main or permanent home must be in the Residents' Discount Zone, and you must be able to prove that the property in which you live is for residential purposes
c) Your name must be shown on either the parliamentary or local government Electoral Register, unless for other reasons not connected to where you live you're unable to vote or there's not been enough time for you to be included in the register yet
d) You must normally be present at those premises during at least 4 nights a week and for a period of at least 13 weeks
e) Your application for the Congestion Charge Residents Discount was received by us and the conditions set out at (a) to (d) above (inclusive) continue to be met at the time you apply for a renewal of your Discount

3.1 Requirements for Residents' vehicle
To register a vehicle for a Residents' Discount:
a) Your vehicle must be registered with the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) in your name and at the address for which you are applying for the Discount.


b) You can register a company car [if it is for your sole use only]


c) You can register a vehicle that has been leased to you [if it is for your sole use only]

3.1.1 You can register one vehicle for a Residents' Discount
3.1.2 Your vehicle must be constructed or adapted for the carriage of people and their luggage or for the carriage of goods or burden of any description providing the height of the vehicle is no more than 2.44 meters
3.1.3 If you live in the Residents' Discount Zone and don't own a vehicle, you can still register for the Discount if you occasionally use a hire or recognised car club vehicle. Refer to clause 8.4.

3.2 Requirements for Residents' occasional use of hire cars
To hire or use a courtesy vehicle for a Resident's Discount:
a) The vehicle must be registered to a recognised hire or courtesy vehicle company
b) The vehicle can only be used for a maximum of 30 days in a row
c) You must let us know the details of the hire/courtesy vehicle before you use it
d) You must pay the full Charge while using this vehicle
e) At the end of the hire period, you must contact us to arrange a refund of 90 % of Charges paid for this vehicle registration number during this time

3.3 Registration
You must register for the Discount by completing an online Registration or postal Registration form, and renew this annually.
3.3.1 You must pay a Registration Charge.
3.3.2 You will be invited to renew your Discount shortly before it expires. If you remain eligible for the Discount you must provide proof and pay an Annual Renewal Charge before the Discount expiry date to continue to benefit from the Discount.

3.4 Proof - Residency
You must provide proof that you meet the conditions in clause 3.0.
3.4.1 You must provide photocopies of two proofs in your name and at the address for which you are applying for the Discount from the following list:

  • A valid Residents' on-street parking permit.
  • A current council tax bill
  • Your income support entitlement letter (dated within the last 7 months)
  • Your bank or credit card statement (dated within the last 3 months)
  • A formal tenancy agreement or housing association rent document (dated within the last 12 months)
  • A current utility bill for example gas, water, or electricity bill but not a mobile phone bill (dated in the last 3 months)
  • Your driving licence

3.5 Proof - Residents' Vehicle
You must provide proof that you meet the conditions in clause 3.1.
3.5.1 To register your own private vehicle you need to provide a copy of the vehicle's registration document (V5C).

Note: The vehicle needs to be registered with the DVLA in your name and at the address for which you are applying for the Discount.
3.5.2 To register a company car or a lease vehicle you need to provide a copy of one of the following:

• An A4 photocopy of your vehicle lease document.


• An A4 photocopy of a company car authorisation letter, which should be on headed paper saying that the vehicle, is for your sole use only.


• Where the company car is provided by a lease company both an A4 photocopy of your company's vehicle lease document and an A4 photocopy of a company car authorisation letter needs to be provided. The letter should be on headed paper saying that the car is for your sole use only and the vehicle must be registered in the company name or lease company name with the DVLA

3.6 NHS Reimbursement Schemes
If you are eligible under the employee or patient NHS Reimbursement Schemes and you have paid a Charge using your Resident's account, we can refund it under the relevant NHS Reimbursement Scheme.

3.7 General
As a Resident you can park in the Congestion Charging Zone without paying the daily Charge providing:
a) You have a resident's parking permit and park in a resident's parking bay and you don't move the vehicle during charging hours.
b) You don't park on a public road during charging hours.
3.7.2 We may close your Discount if any of the following happen:
a) You no longer meet the Discount eligibility requirements (i.e. if you no longer meet the eligibility requirements as set out in the relevant Discount terms and conditions)
b) We believe that you have been acting fraudulently (i.e. you are benefitting from a Discount to which you are no longer entitled as set out in the terms and conditions that you have agreed to)
3.7.3 You cannot transfer your Discount to another person.
3.7.4 If you cease to be eligible for the Discount, move home or if you change your vehicle, you must tell us immediately. You can sign in to your online account, write to us or call our contact centre.

3.8 Checking information
At any time after we receive an application for a Discount Registration (including after we have notified you that your application is accepted) we may ask you for proof of eligibility for the Discount and/or about your vehicle.
3.8.2 We will send you a letter requesting that information which you must provide by the date stated in that letter.
3.8.3 If as a result of checks of the information provided above we decide that a registered vehicle is not or has ceased to be an eligible vehicle (including if you fail to provide requisite proof of eligibility), then:

For any application for which you have applied, we will tell you that it has been rejected.

For any Registration for which you are not (or are no longer) eligible, we will tell you that we will remove the Registered Vehicle on a date we tell you; or

For any Registered Vehicles that are not (or are no longer) eligible, whether or not as a result of any changes made, we will tell you that we will remove the vehicle's registration for the Discount on a date we tell you.

Road User Charging: Roadside Recovery Vehicle Discount Registration Terms and Conditions

These terms and conditions apply to the Congestion Charging Scheme only and should be read in conjunction with the RUC: General Terms and Conditions.

Glossary of terms

In these terms and conditions, the following words and phrases in bold will have the meanings shown next to them.

Annual Vehicle Registration Charge - means the charge payable to us every year for each vehicle registered on your Discount.

Charging Day for the Congestion Charge - means every Monday to Friday between 7am and 6pm and every weekend or Bank Holiday between 12 (noon) and 6 pm; with the exception of the following non-chargeable days (inclusive): Christmas Day (25 December), the immediately following New Year Bank Holiday and every day between them.

Discount and Discounted - refers to a reduced rate vehicle registered under Article 9 of the Congestion Charging Scheme.

Registered Vehicle - means any vehicle that you have registered to your Discount service.

Registration - means providing information you must give us for the purposes of applying for a Discount, payment or other services we provide.

Registration Charge - means the charge you pay to us to register a vehicle for a Congestion Charge Discount.

We, us means Transport for London.

You, means the person who agrees to these terms and conditions.

7.0 Eligibility
To be eligible for the Congestion Charging Roadside Recovery Vehicle Discount you must meet all of the following conditions:

  • The vehicle must be registered with the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) or with any vehicle licensing agency within the European Economic Area and
  • The vehicle must have a taxation class of 'Recovery Vehicle'

7.1 Registration
You must register for the Discount by completing an online registration or postal registration form, and renew this annually.
7.1.1 You must pay a Registration Charge.
7.1.2 You will be invited to renew your Discount shortly before it expires. If you remain eligible for the Discount you must pay an Annual Vehicle Registration Charge before the Discount expiry date to continue to benefit from the Discount.

7.2 Proof
You must provide proof that you meet the conditions in clause 7.0.
7.2.1 You must provide an A4 photocopy of the document listed below:

  • A copy of the DVLA vehicle registration document (V5C) or if the vehicle is registered outside the UK, the vehicle registration document issued by the vehicle licensing agency

7.3 General
We may close your Discount if any of the following happen:
a) You no longer meet the Discount eligibility requirements (i.e. if you no longer meet the eligibility requirements as set out in the relevant Discount terms and conditions).
b) We believe that you have been acting fraudulently (i.e. you are benefitting from a Discount to which you are no longer entitled as set out in the terms and conditions that you have agreed to).
7.3.2 You cannot transfer your Discount to another person.
7.3.3 If you cease to be eligible for the Discount or if you change your vehicle, you must tell us immediately. You can sign in to your online account, write to us or call our contact centre.

7.4 Checking information
At any time after we receive an application for a Discount Registration (including after we have notified you that your application is accepted) we may ask you for proof of eligibility for the Discount and/or about your vehicle.
7.4.2 We will send you a letter requesting that information which you must provide by the date stated in that letter.
7.4.3 If as a result of checks of the information provided above we decide that a registered vehicle is not or has ceased to be an eligible vehicle (including if you fail to provide requisite proof of eligibility), then:

  • For any application for which you have applied, we will tell you that it has been rejected
  • For any Registration for which you are not (or are no longer) eligible, we will tell you that we will remove the Registered Vehicle on a date we tell you; or
  • For any Registered Vehicles that are not (or are no longer) eligible, whether or not as a result of any changes made, we will tell you that we will remove your vehicle's registration for the Discount on a date we tell you

Road User Charging: Ultra-Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) & Low Emission Zone (LEZ) Compliance Registration Terms and Conditions

These terms and conditions apply to the Ultra-Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) and Low Emission Zone (LEZ) Schemes only and should be read in conjunction with the Road User Charging (RUC): General Terms and Conditions.

Glossary of terms

In these terms and conditions, the following words and phrases in bold will have the meanings shown next to them.

ULEZ-LEZ Charging Scheme - means the charging Scheme for the ULEZ and LEZ as set out in the London Emission Zones Charging Scheme contained in the Schedule to the Greater London Low Emission Zone Charging Order 2006 (as varied).

Registration - means providing information you must give us for the purpose of updating our vehicle compliance data base.

We, us, our - means Transport for London.

You, your - means the person who agrees to these terms and conditions.

12.0 Compliance
12.01 The Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) and ULEZ Charge apply to diesel and petrol vehicles that do not meet:

  • Euro 3 for motorcycles, mopeds, motorised tricycles and quadricycles
  • Euro 4 for petrol cars, vans, and minibuses
  • Euro 6 for diesel cars, vans, and minibuses
  • Euro VI for buses, and coaches and heavy goods vehicles

12.02 The following vehicle type(s) is non-chargeable from the Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) and ULEZ Charge:

  • Vehicles not constructed or adapted for general use on roads
  • Vehicles with a historic tax class and those constructed before 1st January 1973
  • Agricultural vehicles
  • Taxis licensed with TfL
  • Vehicles belonging to, or being used by, her Majesty's Forces
  • Visiting forces vehicles

12.03 The Low Emission Zone (LEZ) and LEZ Charge applies to diesel vehicles that do not meet:

Euro IV for:

  • Articulated lorries, lorries, Flatbed lorries over 3.5 tonnes gross vehicle weight and coaches over 5 tonnes gross vehicle weight

Euro 3/III for:

  • Larger vans 1.205 tonnes unladen to 3.5 gross vehicle weight
  • Minibuses 5 tonnes or less gross vehicle weight
  • Smaller vans 1.205 tonnes unladen to 3.5 gross vehicle weight
  • Horseboxes over 1.205 tonnes unladen vehicle weight
  • Motorised caravans over 2.5 tonnes gross vehicle weight
  • Light 4x4 utilities 1.205 tonnes unladen to 3.5 gross vehicle weights
  • Pickups 1.205 tonnes unladen to 3.5 gross vehicle weight

12.04 The following vehicle type(s) is non-chargeable from the Low Emission Zone (LEZ) and LEZ Charge:

  • Vehicles not constructed or adapted for general use on roads
  • Vehicles with a historic tax class and those constructed before 1st January 1973
  • Agricultural vehicles
  • Taxis licensed with TfL
  • Vehicles belonging to, or being used by, her Majesty's Forces
  • Visiting forces vehicles

12.1 Registration
You must register your vehicle with us if your vehicle is registered outside of the UK or you believe the information we hold is incorrect and your vehicle does meet the required standard or is non-chargeable.
12.1.1 You must complete an online enquiry form and provide relevant proofs.
12.1.2 You do not have to pay a registration fee.
12.1.3 You do not need to renew, the registration has no expiry date.
12.1.4 You must continue to pay the relevant daily charge(s) until you receive confirmation in writing from us.

12.2 Proof
You must provide proof that the vehicle meets the conditions in clause 12.0.
12.2.2 Diesel vehicles: Low Emission Zone and Ultra Low Emission Zone

You must provide an A4 photocopy of the document(s) listed below:

  • A copy of your DVLA vehicle registration document (V5C) or foreign equivalent and a copy of the vehicle's conformity certificate


A signed letter from the vehicle manufacturer's homologation department containing the following vehicle information:

  • Vehicle registration mark (VRM)
  • Vehicle identification number (VIN)
  • Euro standard the vehicle was manufactured to
  • Fuel Type
  • Nitrogen Oxides (NOx) value AND
  • Particulate matter (PM) value

12.2.3 Petrol vehicles: Ultra Low Emission Zone only
You must provide an A4 photocopy of the document(s) listed below:

  • A copy of your DVLA vehicle registration document (V5C) or foreign equivalent and a copy of the vehicle's conformity certificate


A signed letter from the vehicle manufacturer's homologation department containing the following vehicle information:

  • Vehicle registration mark (VRM)
  • Vehicle identification number (VIN)
  • Euro standard the vehicle was manufactured to
  • Fuel type
  • Nitrogen Oxides (NOx) value

12.2.4 Clean Vehicle Retrofit Accreditation Scheme (CVRAS).
You must provide proof that the vehicle is fitted with Ultra Low Emission Zone emissions reduction technology that has been certified by the government's Clean Vehicle Retrofit Accreditation Scheme (CVRAS). You must provide an A4 photocopy of the document detailed below:

  • An A4 photocopy of the CVRAS certificate

12.2.5 Abatement equipment
You must provide proof that the vehicle is fitted with Low Emission Zone approved abatement equipment. You must provide an A4 photocopy of the document detailed below:

  • An A4 photocopy of the DVSA Low Emission certificate (LEC)

12.3 Checking information
At any time after we receive an application for a Compliance Registration (including after we have notified you that your application is accepted) we may ask you for proof of compliance eligibility and/or any other information about your vehicle being registered.
12.3.2 We will send you a letter requesting that information which you must provide by the date stated in that letter.
12.3.3 If as a result of checks of the information provided above we decide that a registered vehicle is not or has ceased to be an eligible vehicle (including if you fail to provide requisite proof of eligibility), then:

  • For any application for which you have applied, we will tell you that it has been rejected.
  • For any Registration for which you are not (or are no longer) eligible, we will tell you that we will remove the registered vehicle on a date we tell you.

Effective until 20 February 2022

These terms and conditions apply to the following schemes:

  • The Congestion Charging (CC) Scheme, which operates in Central London
  • The Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) Scheme Charge, which operates within Inner London (from 00:00:01 on 25 October 2021); and
  • The Low Emission Zone (LEZ) Scheme.

By registering for a Road User Charging Account you agree to accept these terms and conditions.

Glossary of terms

In these terms and conditions, the following words and phrases in bold will have the meanings shown next to them.

Account Holder - Business Account means a senior employee of the company or firm who will hold the necessary authorisation to accept these terms and conditions on behalf of the company/ firm, and those terms and conditions associated to any additional Services added. The account holder will also act as the senior contact point between TfL and the company/ firm and will be responsible for account issue resolution and for the purpose of these terms and conditions, is referred to as you.

Account Holder - Personal Account means the person in whose name the account is created, who agrees to these terms and condition and is referred to as you. You will be responsible for any account issue resolution.

Account User - means a person who has been nominated by you (or an authorised representative), to act as an authorised representative, and has access to, and the ability to manage the account on your behalf.


Charging Day for the Congestion Charge - means every day of the year (07:00-22:00)excluding Christmas Day to the New Year's Day Bank Holiday (inclusive).

Charging Day for the Low Emission Zone Charge means every day of the year (24 hours).

Charging Day for the Ultra Low Emission Zone Charge means every day of the year (24 hours), except Christmas Day.

Charge - means (as applicable) any of the following:

  • The Congestion Charge (CC) as payable under Articles 4 and 6 of the Congestion Charging Scheme, and/ or
  • The Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) Charge and/or  
  • The Low Emission Zone (LEZ) Charge

(as either are payable under Article 7 of the ULEZ-LEZ Charging Scheme).

Congestion Charging Scheme - means the Charging Scheme contained in the Schedule to the Greater London (Central Zone) Congestion Charging Order 2004 (as varied and amended).

Customer - means the person we open a Road User Charging account for.

Customer Account - means the same as Road User Charging Account.

Discount and Discounted - refers to a reduced rate vehicle registered (as applicable) for the CC, under Article 9 of the Congestion Charging Scheme.

Detrimental change - means a change to these terms and conditions that we feel could reasonably be said to be detrimental to you.

Inner London - the area up to, but not including, the North Circular Road (A406) and South Circular Road (A205) as defined by the ULEZ-LEZ Charging Scheme 

LEZ - means the Low Emission Zone (LEZ) and its LEZ Charge

Mobile Payment App - means an App that belongs to TfL or its licensors to provide Pay to drive in London App Services.

Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) - means a charge made under a Charging Scheme imposed by Regulation 4 of the Road User Charging (Charges and Penalty Charges) (London) Regulations 2001/2285 ("2001 Regulations"), as amended.

Road User Charging Account - means the Business Account or Personal Account containing your details for the purposes of registering for a discount, paying a charge or for registering a vehicle's compliance status. This is identified using your unique account number.

ULEZ-LEZ Charging Scheme - means the charging Scheme for the ULEZ and LEZ as set out in the London Emission Zones Charging Scheme contained in the Schedule to the Greater London Low Emission Zone Charging Order 2006 (as varied and amended).

Registered Vehicle - means any vehicle bearing a unique Vehicle Registration Mark (VRM) that you have registered with us.

We, us, our - means Transport for London ("TfL").

Working Days - means any day other than a Saturday or a Sunday, Good Friday, Christmas Day, New Year's Day and any other day that is a bank holiday or public holiday, in England and Wales.

You, your - means the person who agrees to these terms and conditions.


1.0 General

1.1 The full agreement
These terms and conditions, together with the information in our online Registration or postal Registration form make up the full agreement between you and us in relation to using your Road User Charging Account. You agreed to these terms and conditions by clicking the 'I accept' button when you registered online, by registering for an account over the phone or by sending us a Registration form by post. Nothing in these terms and conditions will replace or vary any of the terms, rights or responsibilities set out in either the Congestion Charging Scheme or the ULEZ-LEZ Charging Scheme.

1.2 Excluding the rights of anyone else
The Road User Charging account and the rights and responsibilities under these terms and conditions are for your and our benefit only and are not intended to benefit anyone else or be enforceable by anyone else. Both parties (TfL and you) can enforce the rights under these terms and conditions without the need for any permission from anyone else.

No person other than you or TfL shall have rights under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 to enforce any of these terms and conditions.

1.3 Changes to these terms and conditions
We may change these terms and conditions and will let you know beforehand if we make any "significant changes", which are those changes we think might reasonably be considered to be broadly adverse to you to a significant extent. We will not contact you about other changes to the terms and conditions, and instead will simply provide information about the change on the TfL website. This includes where we think the changes are neutral or broadly in your favour, are not otherwise significant or where the change (whether is significant or not) is a consequence of something we have already consulted the public about; for example the change simply reflects a change to the Congestion Charging Scheme or the ULEZ-LEZ Charging Scheme.

1.4 If we fail to enforce a condition
If we fail to enforce any of our rights under these terms and conditions, it does not mean we will not enforce them in the future.

1.5 Confidentiality
Both parties (you and TfL) agree that neither of us will pass on any confidential information to anyone else unless we have to do so by law or are allowed to if we both agree.

1.6 Cost of phone calls

  • Calls from landlines are charged up to 9p per minute; calls from mobiles cost between 8p and 40p per minute
  • Calls from landlines and mobiles are included in free call packages, inclusive minutes and discount packages

1.7 Your responsibilities
1.7.1 You are responsible for:

  • Providing us with the correct details and notifying us of any changes to those details;, including but not limited to changes in your personal contact details and the assignment or other transfer of a private/personalised vehicle registration number plate to any of your Registered Vehicle(s)
  • Reading and acting on all emails, letters, text and mobile app messages we send you;
  • Making sure that you set your mailbox settings for emails, including spam filters, so that you can receive emails from us; and
  • Making sure that you register the correct contact details with us and that you tell us if your contact details change.

We are not responsible if you fail to read and act on any messages, we have sent you.
1.7.2 You agree to receive communications from us electronically and, subject to your legal rights, agree that all agreements, notices, disclosures and other communications we send you electronically meet any legal requirement that they have to be in writing.
1.7.3 You agree not to send us material that are illegal, indecent, offensive, abusive, defamatory, menacing, or which would breach copyright, trademark, confidence, privacy or any other right. This also includes material which may contain software viruses, political campaigning, advertising for business, chain letters, mass mailings or 'spam'.
1.7.4 If you decide to register for any other Road User Charging service, for example for a discount or Auto Pay service to be linked to this Account, you agree that it is your responsibility to complete any additional registration processes or make any applicable payments.

1.8 Notices
1.8.1 Any notice we give under this agreement will be in writing to the address you have provided and include items delivered by hand, sent via the post and sent by email, or any other electronic transmission.
1.8.2 A notice or document will be deemed to be served in accordance with the following:

  • Delivered by hand, at the time of delivery
  • Posted, the ordinary course of posting by first- or second-class post
  • Sent by email, if the email or other electronic transmission is sent on a business day before 16:30 on that day, or in any other case, on the next business day after the day it was sent

1.8.3 English will be the language for all communications between us and you.
1.8.4 All notices will include your Road User Charging account number.
1.8.5 This section 18 does not apply to PCNs which will be issued and served in accordance with the specific requirements of the 2001 Regulations.

1.9 Registering or using a payment card

We will make every effort to comply with the UK Card Association code of best practice.

1.9.1 You can register a payment card to an account. This means that we will store the payment card details which will make it easier for you to pay the Charge.
1.9.2 To register a payment card you must sign in to your online account or contact the contact centre. You will need to provide the following payment card details:

  • Card number
  • Card expiry date
  • Card valid from date [if applicable]
  • CVV/CSC/CVV2 number

We will check to ensure that the card information you have given us is valid.
1.9.3 If the payment card is registered successfully via your online account you will be immediately informed by a success message.
1.9.4 If the payment card is registered successfully via the contact centre agent you will be informed by a message at the end of the Interactive Voice Recognition service. Confirmation will be sent via your preferred communication channel, if requested.
1.9.5 If there are any problems and the card details you have supplied online cannot be validated you will be informed by a rejection message and given the opportunity to try again.
1.9.6 If there are any problems and the card details you have supplied via the Interactive Voice Recognition service cannot be validated you will be informed by a rejection message and given the opportunity to try again.
1.9.7 If you choose not to register a payment card on your account you will need to provide the card details every time you make a payment which ever payment channel is used.

1.10 Paying the Charge - payment by card
1.10.1You can purchase a CC Charge at any time by credit or debit card payment during the 64 Working Days immediately before the Charging Day concerned and until midnight on the third consecutive day after the day of travel.
1.10.2 You can purchase a LEZ Charge and/or ULEZ Charge at any time by credit or debit card payment during the 64 Working Days immediately before the Charging Day concerned and until midnight on the third consecutive day after the day of travel.
1.10.3 When you make payment you are confirming that you are authorised to use that payment card.
1.10.4 If the card issuer refuses to authorise payment, we will tell you that the card has been rejected. However, we do not have to give you the reason for the refusal.
1.10.5 We may allow a payment to go ahead when we have not received authorisation from your card issuer (for example, if we cannot contact your card issuer at the time of the transaction). We will not be responsible if the card issuer then goes on to refuse to authorise the payment. We will not be responsible for your card issuer or bank charging you as a result of us processing the credit or debit card payment, or if the bank or card issuer refuses or delays their authorisation.
1.10.6 If you request a receipt, we will confirm that we have received your payment by sending an email, post or text message to you (whichever option you have chosen). If you do not receive a valid confirmation receipt, or have chosen not to receive a receipt, it is your responsibility to phone us or check the status of the payment online. If the payment has not been confirmed, you should pay the Charge in another way.
1.10.7 We can refuse your payment for any reasonable cause.

1.11 Paying the Charge - payment by cheque
1.11.1 You can purchase a CC, LEZ or ULEZ Charge by a cleared cheque up to 64 Working Days immediately before the Charging Day concerned. (You may not pay by cheque on or later than the day of travel in case the cheque does not clear).
1.11.2 You must allow at least 10 Working Days before your date of travel to allow time for the cheque to clear with your bank.
1.11.3 If your bank returns the cheque payment uncleared it will be invalid and you will have to make alternative arrangements to pay the Charge.
1.11.4 If you request a receipt, we will confirm that we have received your payment by sending an email, post or text message to you (whichever option you have chosen). If you do not receive a valid confirmation receipt, or have chosen not to receive a receipt, it is your responsibility to phone us or check the status of the payment online. If the payment has not been confirmed, you should pay the charge in another way.
1.11.5 We can refuse your payment for any reasonable cause.

1.12 Paying the Charge - payment by Mobile Payment App
1.12.1 You can purchase a Charge through a Mobile Payment App immediately before the Charging Day concerned, on the day of travel or until midnight on the third consecutive day after the day of travel.
1.12.2 When you make payment you are confirming that you are authorised to use that payment card.
1.12.3 If the card issuer refuses to authorise payment, we will tell you that the card has been rejected. However, we do not have to give you the reason for the refusal.
1.12.4 We may allow a payment to go ahead when we have not received authorisation from your card issuer (for example, if we cannot contact your card issuer at the time of the transaction). We will not be responsible if the card issuer then goes on to refuse to authorise the payment. We will not be responsible for your card issuer or bank charging you as a result of us processing the credit or debit card payment, or if the bank or card issuer refuses or delays their authorisation.
1.12.5 If you are paying via your Road User Charging Account, you will also receive a copy of your receipt in accordance with your account settings. As an anonymous payment we will confirm that we have received your payment by sending an email, or text message to you (whichever option you have chosen). If you do not receive a valid confirmation receipt, or have chosen not to receive a receipt, it is your responsibility to check the status of the payment. If the payment has not been confirmed, you should pay the Charge in another way.
1.12.6 We can refuse your payment for any reasonable cause.

1.13 Roles and responsibilities
1.13.1 The Account Holder may assign roles to individuals as stated below:

  • The Account Holder can add up to 5 Account Users to administer the account.
  • It is the Account Holder's responsibility to ensure that the Account Users manage the account in accordance with the terms and conditions

1.14 Account Closure due to non-usage
1.14.1 Non-use of your Road User Charging Account for a continuous period of 25 months will be considered sufficient grounds on which your account may be closed by us.
1.14.2 The last date of activity will be determined by the last effective date of any discounts, payment services (Auto Pay) or paid charges associated with your account, or the last date on which you updated your personal details (whichever is latest).
1.14.3 If your last date of activity remains unchanged for a period of 25 months your account will be closed.
1.14.4 Once closed, there is no means of reactivating your account.

1.15 Penalty Charge Notice
1.15.1 If you do not pay the correct applicable CC, LEZ or ULEZ Charge as required by the Congestion Charging Scheme and/ or the ULEZ -LEZ Charging Scheme (as applicable) you may incur a penalty charge notice (PCN).

1.16 Governing law
1.16.1 These terms and conditions will be governed exclusively by English law. Any disputes will be dealt with by the English courts.

Road User Charging: Accredited Breakdown Discount Registration Terms and Conditions

These terms and conditions apply to the Congestion Charging Scheme only and should be read in conjunction with the RUC: General Terms and Conditions.

Glossary of terms

In these terms and conditions, the following words and phrases in bold will have the meanings shown next to them.

Annual Vehicle Registration Charge means the charge payable to us every year for each vehicle registered on your Discount.

Charging Day for the Congestion Charge means every day of the year (07:00-22:00)excluding Christmas Day to the New Year's Day Bank Holiday (inclusive).

Discount and Discounted refers to a reduced rate vehicle registered under Article 9 of the Congestion Charging Scheme.

Registered Vehicle means any vehicle that you have registered to your Discount service.

Registration means providing information you must give us for the purposes of applying for a Discount, payment or other services we provide.

Registration Charge means the charge you pay to us to register a vehicle for a Congestion Charge Discount.

We, us means Transport for London.

You, means the person who agrees to these terms and conditions.

8.0 Eligibility
To be eligible for the Congestion Charging Accredited Breakdown Discount you must meet the following conditions:
8.0.1 You must be a Breakdown Organisation residing within the European Economic Area.
8.0.2 Your vehicles must be constructed, adapted or equipped to provide roadside assistance or recovery services.
8.0.3 The Breakdown Organisation must be accredited to BS EN ISO9001:2015 standard and must hold a valid PAS43 certificate.

8.1 Registration
You must register for the Discount by completing an online Registration. This must be renewed annually on provision of evidence that the eligibility criteria are met and on payment of the Annual Vehicle Registration Charge(s).
8.1.1 You must pay the Registration Charge to us for each vehicle you add as a Registered Vehicle. This charge is valid for a maximum of one year.
8.1.2 You will be invited to renew your Discount shortly before it expires. If you remain eligible for the Discount, you must pay us the Annual Vehicle Registration Charge(s) for all Registered Vehicle(s) on the PAS43 expiry date or Discount expiry date, whichever is the sooner.
8.1.3 If you remove your Registered Vehicle before the renewal date you will not be charged the Annual Vehicle Registration Charge.
8.1.4 We will not refund a Registration Charge or Annual Vehicle Registration Charge.

8.2 Proof
You must provide proof that you meet the condition in clause 8.0.
8.2.1 You must provide an A4 photocopy of your BS EN ISO9001:2015 certification and PAS43 certificate and one of the following documents:

  • Company headed note paper showing a company registration number.


  • A photocopy of a certificate of incorporation.

8.3 General
8.3.1 We may close your Discount if any of the following happen:
a) You no longer meet the Discount eligibility requirements (i.e. if you no longer meet the eligibility requirements as set out in the relevant Discount terms and conditions).
b) We believe that you have been acting fraudulently (i.e. you are benefitting from a Discount to which you are no longer entitled as set out in the terms and conditions that you have agreed to).
8.3.2 You cannot transfer your Discount to another person.
8.3.3 If you cease to be eligible for the Discount you must tell us immediately. You can sign in to your online account, write to us or call our contact centre.

8.4 Checking information
8.4.1 At any time after we receive an application for a Discount Registration (including after we have notified you that your application is accepted) we may ask you for proof of eligibility for the Discount and/or any information about your vehicles.
8.4.2 We will send you a letter requesting that information which you must provide by the date stated in that letter.
8.4.3 If as a result of checks of the information provided we decide that a registered vehicle is not or has ceased to be an eligible vehicle (including if you fail to provide requisite proof of eligibility), then:

  • For any application for which you have applied, we will tell you that it has been rejected.
  • For any Registration for which you are not (or are no longer) eligible, we will tell you that we will remove the Registered Vehicle on a date we tell you; or
  • For any Registered Vehicles that are not (or are no longer) eligible, whether or not as a result of any changes made, we will tell you that we will remove the vehicle's registration for the Discount on a date we tell you

Road User Charging: Blue Badge Discount Registration Terms and Conditions

These terms and conditions apply to the Congestion Charging Scheme only and should be read in conjunction with the RUC: General Terms and Conditions.

Glossary of terms

In these terms and conditions, the following words and phrases in bold will have the meanings shown next to them.

Charging Day for the Congestion Charge means every day of the year (07:00-22:00)excluding Christmas Day to the New Year's Day Bank Holiday (inclusive).

Discount and Discounted refers to a reduced rate vehicle registered under Article 9 of the Congestion Charging Scheme.

Registered Vehicle means any vehicle that you have registered to your Discount service.

Registration means providing information you must give us for the purposes of applying for a Discount, payment or other services we provide.

Registration Charge means the charge you pay to us to register for a Congestion Charge Discount.

Renewal Charge means the charge you pay to us on expiry of your blue badge to renew the Discount. If you renew the Discount within 90 days of the Discount expiry date, no renewal charge is payable. If your Discount is renewed more than 90 days after your previous Discount expiry date you will need to pay the renewal charge.

We, us means Transport for London.

You, means the person who agrees to these terms and conditions.

2.0 Eligibility
To be eligible for the Congestion Charging Blue Badge Discount you must hold a valid UK or EU Blue Badge and meet all of the following conditions:

2.1 Registration
You must register for the Discount by completing an online registration or postal registration form, and renew this on expiry of your Blue Badge.
2.1.2 You must pay a Registration Charge.
2.1.3 You will be invited to renew your Discount shortly before it expires. If you remain eligible for the Discount you must provide proof and pay a Renewal Charge before the Discount expiry date to continue to benefit from the Discount. The Renewal Charge is waived if you renew your Discount within 90 days of it expiring.

2.2 Proof - Blue Badge
2.2.1 You must provide proof that you meet the condition in clause 2.0.
2.2.2 You must provide an A4 photocopy of both sides of the Blue Badge.

2.3 Proof - Blue Badge holder
If you are an individual Blue Badge holder you must provide proof that you are the person the Blue Badge is issued to.
2.3.1 You must provide A4 photocopies of one of the documents in the list below:

  • Department of Work and Pensions benefit entitlement letter (dated within the last 7 months)
  • Current passport
  • Current driving licence
  • Pension entitlement letter (dated within the last 7 months)
  • Birth certificate (same first and last names as the Blue Badge. Not a certificate of registration of birth)
  • Current bank or credit card statement (dated within the last 3 months)

2.4 Proof - Institutional Blue Badge holder
If you are registering on behalf of an organisation you must provide proof of the institution that the Blue Badge is issued to.
2.4.1 You must provide a letter on the institution's letter headed paper, stating the blue badge number and expiry date. The letter should be signed by a senior member of staff and should give their job title.

2.5 General - Blue Badge holder
2.5.1 If a vehicle you have nominated travels into the Congestion Charging Zone for purposes other than transporting the Blue Badge holder, the Charge must be paid.
2.5.2 You may have a maximum of two Registered Vehicles on your Discount. Only the last 2 vehicle registration marks [VRMs] nominated before midnight on the day of travel will be eligible for the Discount.
2.5.3 We may contact the issuing authority to confirm that the badge details are valid.
2.5.4 We may close your Discount if any of the following happen:
a) You no longer meet the Discount eligibility requirements (i.e. if you no longer meet the eligibility requirements as set out in the relevant Discount terms and conditions).
b) We believe that you have been acting fraudulently (e.g.. you are benefitting from a Discount to which you are no longer entitled as set out in the terms and conditions that you have agreed to).
2.5.5 You cannot transfer your Discount to another person.
2.5.6 If you cease to be eligible for the Discount you must tell us immediately. You can sign in to your online account, write to us or call our contact centre.

2.6 Checking information - Blue Badge holder
2.6.1 At any time after we receive an application for a Discount Registration (including after we have notified you that your application is accepted) we may ask you for proof of eligibility for the Discount and/or about your vehicle.
2.6.2 We will send you a letter requesting that information which you must provide by the date stated in that letter.
2.6.3 If as a result of checks of the information provided under clause 2.4 above we decide that a registered vehicle is not or has ceased to be an eligible vehicle (including if you fail to provide requisite proof of eligibility), then:

  • For any application for which you have applied, we will tell you that it has been rejected.
  • For any Registration for which you are not (or are no longer) eligible, we will tell you that we will remove the Registered Vehicle on a date we tell you; or
  • For any Registered Vehicles that are not (or are no longer) eligible, whether or not as a result of any changes made, we will tell you that we will remove your vehicle's registration for the Discount on a date we tell you.

Road User Charging: Auto Pay service Terms and Conditions

These terms and conditions apply to the Auto Pay service for:

  • The Congestion Charge (CC) Scheme
  • The Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) Charge Scheme; and
  • The Low Emission Zone (LEZ) Charge Scheme

These Terms and Conditions should be read in conjunction with the Road User Charging (RUC): General Terms and Conditions.

Glossary of terms

In these terms and conditions, the following words and phrases in bold will have the meanings shown next to them.

Account Holder - Business Account - means a senior employee of the company who will hold the necessary authorisation to accept these terms and conditions on behalf of the company, and those terms and conditions associated to any additional Services added. The account holder will also act as the senior contact point between TfL and the company, and will be responsible for account issue resolution and for the purpose of these terms and conditions, is referred to as you.

Account Holder - Personal Account - means the person in whose name the account is created, who agrees to these terms and condition and is referred to as you. You will be responsible for any account issue resolution.

Account User - means a person who has been nominated by you (or an authorised representative), to act as an authorised representative on your account, and who has access to, and the ability to manage the account on your behalf.

Annual Vehicle Registration Charge - means the fee or charge payable to us every year for each vehicle registered on your Auto Pay service. The current amount can be found at

Auto Pay service - means the service that automatically charges the account holder with a Charge when they use their vehicle in the Relevant Charging Zone(s) on a Charging Day during Charging Hours. The account holder is billed monthly and payments must be made for the service to remain active.

Billing Period - in relation to the Auto Pay service means one month or any other period we may decide and detail on our website. In each case the billing period will begin on the day that we accept an application to register for an Auto Pay service or any other day we may choose to accept. The first billing period may be shorter than one month depending on which day of the month has been chosen for us to produce your statement.

Charging Day for the Congestion Charge -means every day of the year (07:00-22:00)excluding Christmas Day to the New Year's Day Bank Holiday (inclusive)..

Charging Day for the Ultra Low Emission Zone - means every day of the year (24 hours), except Christmas Day.

Charging Day for Low Emission Zone- means every day of the year (24 hours).

Charging Zone - means the areas in which the Congestion Charge, Ultra Low Emission Zone Charge and the Low Emission Zone operate.

Congestion Charging Scheme - means the Charging Scheme contained in the Schedule to the Greater London (Central Zone) Congestion Charging Order 2004 (as varied and amended).

Direct Debit - means the agreement between you and us, for the purposes of taking CC, ULEZ and LEZ Auto Pay payments direct from your bank account.

Discount and Discounted - refers to a reduced rate vehicle registered (as applicable) for the CC under Article 9 of the Congestion Charging Scheme.

LEZ - means the Low Emission Zone (LEZ)

NHS Reimbursement Schemes - means the scheme that allows for refunds of Congestion Charge and ULEZ charge payments made when an eligible NHS employee (Congestion Charge only) or patient (Congestion Charge and ULEZ charge) makes an eligible journey.

Notification Statement - means the notice we send you telling you of the amount due for payment on the billing day. It contains a statement of the Charges that make up that amount.

Registered Auto Pay Card - means the agreement between you and us, allowing us to claim varying amounts as and when they become due for payment for the purposes of the Auto Pay service from the payment card you have provided to us for this purpose.

Registered Keeper - means the keeper of the vehicle as defined on the vehicle registration certificate issued by the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA).

Registered Vehicle - means any vehicle that you have registered to your Auto Pay service.

Registration - means providing information to us for the purposes of applying for a discount, payment or other Services we provide.

Registration Charge - means the fee or charge you pay to us to register a vehicle for an Auto Pay service. The current amount can be found at

Relevant Charging Zone - means the specific geographical areas in which the following Schemes operate (as amended from time to time)

  • Congestion Charge: the central London Congestion Charge Zone as specifically defined in the Congestion Charging Scheme.
  • ULEZ Charge: The area of Inner London (generally) up to (but not including) the North-South Circular roads, as specifically defined in the ULEZ-LEZ Charging Scheme
  • LEZ Charge: the area of Greater London, also as specifically defined in the ULEZ-LEZ Charging Scheme.

Service - means a facility such as a discount or an alternative payment method available to you if you have an active customer account with us.

ULEZ - means the Ultra-Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) and ULEZ Charge

ULEZ-LEZ Charging Scheme - means the charging Scheme for the ULEZ and LEZ as set out in the London Emission Zones Charging Scheme contained in the Schedule to the Greater London Low Emission Zone Charging Order 2006 (as varied and amended).

We, us, our - means Transport for London.

Working Days - means any day other than a Saturday or a Sunday, Good Friday, Christmas Day, New Year's Day and any other day that is a bank holiday or public holiday, in England and Wales.

You, your - means the person who agrees to these terms and conditions.

10.0 Auto Pay - terms and conditions
Auto Pay is available for you to pay the Congestion Charge the ULEZ Charge and the LEZ charge.

10.1 Eligibility
To be eligible for an Auto Pay service you must meet the following conditions:
(a) You must be at least 18 years old.
(b) You must hold a UK bank account for the purposes of making Auto Pay payments. You can choose to pay by registered Auto Pay card or by Direct Debit.

10.2 Registration and Registration Charges
You must register for the Auto Pay service by completing an online registration or postal registration form.
10.2.1 You can register for a:

  • Personal account (the account holder must be a named individual and that person is responsible for payment of any Charge(s) through the Auto Pay service)
  • Business Account - (The account must be set up in the name of the business, with a named individual as the account holder. The account holder is responsible for payment of any Charges through the Auto Pay service)

10.2.2 You can register up to five Registered Vehicles on your Auto Pay account. You must pay a Registration Charge to us for each vehicle you add as a Registered Vehicle. This charge is valid for one year from the date you register the vehicle.
10.2.3 The Registration Charge(s) will appear on your first Auto Pay Notification Statement.
10.2.4 You must pay to renew each Registered Vehicle on the anniversary of when it was added to your Auto Pay service as a registered vehicle. The Annual Vehicle Registration Charge(s) will appear on the first Notification Statement following the renewal date. The charge is then valid for a further year.
10.2.5 If you remove your vehicle from your Auto Pay service before the renewal date you will not be charged the Annual Vehicle Registration Charge.
10.2.6 We will not refund a Registration Charge or Annual Vehicle Registration Charge.

10.3 Paying CC, ULEZ and LEZ Charges
10.3.1 You must pay us the Charge(s) for each Registered Vehicle for every day of use or driving within the Relevant Charging Zone(s) on a Charging Day during Charging Hours.
10.3.2 There will be at least five Working Days between the date of the Notification Statement and when we take your payment.
10.3.3 If you dispute a Charge(s) you must still make payment of the full outstanding balance. If we decide that your dispute is valid, we will credit your Auto Pay service. Our decision will be final. Further information on disputing a Charge(s) can be found in section 10.8.
10.3.4 You must provide the vehicle registration number for each vehicle which you want to add on to your Auto Pay service by midnight on the day of travel.

10.4 Registering a payment card
We will make every effort to comply with the UK Card Association recurring card transactions code of best practice.
10.4.1 When you register a payment card, you confirm that you are authorised to use that card. We may check all credit and debit cards and they must be authorised by the card issuer.
10.4.2 If the card issuer refuses to authorise payment, we will tell you that the card has been rejected. However, we do not have to give you the reason for the refusal.
10.4.3 We may allow a payment to go ahead when we have not received authorisation from the card issuer (for example, if we cannot contact the card issuer at the time of the transaction). We will not be responsible if the card issuer then goes on to refuse to authorise the payment. We will not be responsible for your card issuer or bank charging you as a result of us processing the credit or debit card payment, or if the bank or card issuer refuses or delays their authorisation.
10.4.4 We can change how often we request registered Auto Pay card payments requests from your payment card. In the event that we do so we will notify you of the change via your preferred communication channel.

10.5 Registered Vehicles
10.5.1 You are responsible for giving us accurate and up-to-date vehicle information. You can do this online, by phone or by post.
10.5.2 We will not accept any responsibility for any information lost while it is being sent to us. You are responsible for the security of the information you provide until we receive it.
10.5.3 A vehicle can only be registered to one Auto Pay service at any one time. If your vehicle is registered to another Auto Pay service then we will need to remove it from that service before we can register it to your Auto Pay. In order to do this we will need proof that you are the Registered Keeper.
10.5.4 If you add a vehicle to the Auto Pay service online or by phone, the addition will take effect from the day we receive your request. If you remove a vehicle from the Auto Pay service, you will still be legally responsible for any Charge(s) incurred during the billing period that the registered vehicle was on your Auto Pay service.
10.5.5 If you ask us to remove a Registered Vehicle online or by phone, we will do so on the day you ask us to. You will be legally responsible for any Charge on the day we remove the vehicle if you drive the vehicle within the zone on that day.
10.5.6 If you send us a letter to add or remove a Registered Vehicle and we agree to the change, this will appear on your Auto Pay service within 10 Working Days of us receiving your request. We will let you know the date of the change by your preferred communication channel. Until you receive this you must continue to pay the daily Charge in another way.
10.5.7 You can register up to five vehicles on your Auto Pay service. Remember, you can register more vehicles to your Customer Account but only five of these are allowed to be Auto Pay Registered Vehicles.
10.5.8 If you are not the Registered Keeper for the vehicle(s) registered to the Auto Pay service, it is your responsibility to inform the Registered Keeper, or any other driver, that you are paying the Charge(s) and/or any Penalty Charge Notice(s) relating to that vehicle.

10.6 NHS Reimbursement Schemes
10.6.1 If you are eligible under the employee (Congestion charge) or patient (Congestion charge and ULEZ charge) NHS Reimbursement Schemes and have paid for a Congestion Charge or a ULEZ Charge using the Auto Pay service, your refund will be credited to your Auto Pay service once we have received notification from the relevant NHS trust. A credit can only be applied to an active Auto Pay service. The NHS Reimbursement Scheme applies to the Congestion Charging and Ultra Low Emission Zone schemes only, it does not apply to the Low Emission Zone scheme.

10.7 Notification Statements
We will tell you in your Notification Statement how much you owe us and when we will take the payment.
10.7.1 Your Notification Statement details your Auto Pay service registered vehicles that have been detected within a the Relevant Charging Zone(s) during Charging Hours and have been processed within the relevant Billing Period.
10.7.2 There will be at least five working days between the date of the Notification Statement and when we take your payment from your registered card.
10.7.3 There will be at least five working days between the date of the Notification Statement and when we take your payment by Direct Debit.
10.7.4 Your payment will appear on your Auto Pay service account no later than seven Working Days after we take the payment.
10.7.5 If you have no vehicle detections or any other activity for two or more consecutive Billing Periods we will not send you a Notification Statement, but you can still view a blank/no charge statement online.
10.7.6 Images of your vehicle will not be retained for longer than is necessary to resolve any outstanding Charge disputes.
10.7.7 If you wish to dispute a Charge you need to do so within 60 days from the date of your statement containing the disputed Charge(s).
10.7.8 Due to processing times not all detections will appear in the current Notification Statement, where this happens the detections will appear in the next Billing Period.


10.8 Disputing a Charge(s)
10.8.1 If you dispute a Charge(s) you must:

  • Continue to make full payment of the outstanding balance.
  • Contact us by email or telephone within 60 days from the date of your statement containing the disputed Charge(s)

10.8.2 We will let you know the outcome of your Charge dispute via your preferred communication channel.
10.8.3 If we accept the dispute, we will credit your Auto Pay service within 10 Working Days at the value of the disputed Charge(s).
10.8.4 If we do not accept the dispute we will let you know via your preferred communication channel. Our decision is final.
10.8.5 If you have an outstanding dispute we will keep the images until this is resolved.

10.9 Grounds for suspension of the service
10.9.1 We may suspend the Auto Pay service if any of the following happen:

  • You fail to pay any amounts due, after we have sent you a request for payment
  • We have been unable to collect a registered Auto Pay card or Direct Debit payment
  • You do not meet the conditions in clause 10.1
  • You do not accept amendments to this agreement
  • You do not comply with the terms and conditions of this agreement

10.10 Pending suspension process
10.10.1 Prior to suspending your Auto Pay service we will send you a pending suspension notice via your preferred communication channel. This notice will explain the reason we intend to suspend the service and the date this will take effect.
10.10.2 You can still continue to drive into the relevant Charging Zone(s) and add charges to your Auto Pay service until the day of suspension.
10.10.3 We will not produce further Notification Statements or attempt to collect payment.
10.10.4 Beginning with the date on the pending suspension notice, you have five Working Days to contact us, to resolve the situation.
10.10.5 If you contact us during the five Working Days from the date of the pending suspension notice, you will need to pay the full outstanding balance on your Auto Pay service at that time.
10.10.6 When you pay the outstanding balance, your Auto Pay service will remain active and normal notification and collection cycles resume.
10.10.7 If you do not pay the full outstanding balance by the date stated on the pending suspension notice, your Auto Pay service will be suspended.

10.11 Suspension process
10.11.1 We will send you a suspension notice via your preferred communication channel confirming your Auto Pay service is suspended.
10.11.2 If you continue to drive into the relevant Charging Zone(s) from the date of suspension, no Charges will be debited to the Auto Pay service and you will have to find alternative ways to pay the relevant Charge(s) due. If you travel in the zone(s) without purchasing the relevant Charge(s), the Registered Keeper of the vehicle may receive a Penalty Charge Notice.
10.11.3 Beginning with the date on the suspension notice, you have five Working Days to contact us to resolve the situation.
10.11.4 If you contact us during the five Working Days from the date of suspension, you will be requested to pay the full outstanding balance on your Auto Pay service at that time.
10.11.5 When you pay the outstanding balance, your Auto Pay service will be reactivated and normal notification and collection cycles resume.
10.11.6 If you do not pay the full outstanding balance by the date on the suspension notice your Auto Pay service will be closed

10.12 Closure process
10.12.1 We will send you a closure notice via your preferred communication channel confirming your Auto Pay service is closed. This notice will request you make payment of the full outstanding balance.
10.12.2 If you continue to drive into the relevant Charging Zone(s) from the date of the closure notice, no Charges will be debited to the Auto Pay service and you will have to find alternative ways to pay the relevant Charge(s) due. If you travel in the zone(s) without purchasing the relevant Charge(s), the Registered Keeper of the vehicle may receive a Penalty Charge Notice.

10.13 Following closure of the service
10.13.1 Within the next Billing Period, You must pay us any money you still owe us or we will credit you with any money we may owe to you.
10.13.2 If we have closed your Auto Pay service because you owe us money, we may keep your records until the debt has been paid.
10.13.3 If you owe us money or have committed fraud, we may pass your details to law enforcement or debt collection agencies.
10.13.4 If you continue to drive into the relevant Charging Zone(s) following closure of your Auto Pay service you will need to pay the relevant Charge(s) in full, using another method of payment. The Registered Keeper of the vehicle is responsible for any Penalty Charge Notice issued as a result of not paying the relevant Charge(s).
10.13.5 You can request a new Auto Pay service, which will be subject to the same Registration and Registration Charges detailed in 10.2. You must register a valid payment method and pay a £10 Registration Charge for every vehicle you add as a Registered Vehicle. The Registration Charge(s) will appear on your first Notification Statement issued 10 Working Days following the date of the activation of the service. We reserve the right to refuse this request and our decision is final.
10.13.6 If you want to end your Auto Pay service, you must contact us by email, telephone or post and ask us to close your account. Your agreement will end when the final balance has been paid in full. We will send you a closing statement via your preferred communication channel.
10.13.7 We will keep your records for 13 months after we close an Auto Pay service (for whatever reason). After that period, we will only keep a summary of the information.

10.14 Disclaiming legal responsibility
10.14.1 We will not be responsible for any loss or damage you may suffer in relation to the Auto Pay service, except for direct loss or damage caused by our negligent acts or failure to act or if We break our responsibilities under the agreement.
10.14.2 Nothing in this clause limits our legal responsibility for causing death or personal injury as a result of negligence.
10.14.3 In no circumstances will we be responsible to you for indirect loss or loss or damage arising as a consequence of any action taken under these terms and conditions, or for loss of revenue, savings, profits or goodwill

Road User Charging: Fleet Auto Pay service Terms and Conditions

These terms and conditions apply to the Fleet Auto Pay service for the Congestion Charge (CC) Scheme, the Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) Charge Scheme and the Low Emission Zone (LEZ) Charge Scheme.

These Terms and Conditions should be read in conjunction with the Road User Charging (RUC): General Terms and Conditions.

Glossary of terms

In these terms and conditions, the following words and phrases in bold will have the meanings shown next to them.

Account Holder - Business Account means a senior employee of the company who will hold the necessary authorisation to accept these terms and conditions on behalf of the company, and those terms and conditions associated to any additional Services added. The Account Holder will also act as the senior contact point between TfL and the company, and will be responsible for issue resolution and for the purpose of these terms and conditions, is referred to as you.

Account User - means a person who has been nominated by you (or an authorised representative), to act as an authorised representative, and has access to, and ability to manage the account on your behalf.

Ad-hoc Charge(s) - means you can pay a Congestion Charge a ULEZ Charge and a LEZ Charge at the full rate via your Fleet Auto Pay account for a limited number of non-Registered Vehicles.

Annual Vehicle Registration Charge - means the fee or charge payable to us every year for each vehicle registered on your Fleet Auto Pay service. The current amount can be found at

Billing Period - in relation to Fleet Auto Pay means one month or any other period we may decide and give on our website. In each case the Billing Period will begin on the day that we accept an application to register for a Fleet Auto Pay service or any other day we may choose to accept. The first Billing Period may be shorter than one month depending on which day of the month has been chosen by us to produce your statement.

Charge(s) - means (as applicable) any of the following:

  • The Congestion Charge (CC) as payable under Articles 4 and 6 of the Congestion Charging Scheme Order, or
  • The Low Emission Zone (LEZ) Charge and the Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) Charge as respectively payable under Article 7 of the ULEZ-LEZ Charging Scheme

Charging Day for the Congestion Charge - means every day of the year (07:00-22:00) excluding Christmas Day to the New Year's Day Bank Holiday (inclusive).

Charging Day for the Ultra Low Emission Zone - means every day of the year (24 hours), except Christmas Day.

Charging Day for Low Emission Zone- means every day of the year (24 hours).

Congestion Charging Scheme - means the Charging Scheme in the Schedule to the Greater London (Central Zone) Congestion Charging Order 2004, (as varied and amended).

Direct Debit - means the agreement between you and us, for the purposes of taking CC, ULEZ and LEZ Fleet Auto Pay payments direct from your bank account.

Discount and Discounted - refers to a reduced rate vehicle registered (as applicable) for the CC under Article 9 of the Congestion Charging Scheme.

Fleet Auto Pay service - means the service that automatically charges the Fleet Operator when they use a Registered Vehicle in a Relevant Charging Zone during Charging Hours. The Fleet Operator is billed monthly and payments must be made for the service to remain active.

Fleet Operator - means the organisation accepting these Terms and Conditions as stated in the Declaration.

LEZ - means the Low Emission Zone (LEZ)

Notification Statement - means the notice we send you telling you the amount due for payment on the billing day. It contains a statement of the charges that make up that amount.

Registered Keeper - means:

  • For a vehicle registered in the United Kingdom, the person whose name the vehicle is registered in under the Vehicle Excise and Registration Act 1994; or
  • For any other vehicle, the person who keeps the vehicle

Registered Vehicle - means any vehicle bearing a unique Vehicle Registration Mark (VRM) that you have registered to your Fleet Auto Pay service.

Registration - means providing information you must give us for the purposes of applying for a Discount, payment or other Services We provide.

Registration Charge - means the charge you pay to us to register a vehicle for the Fleet Auto Pay service. The current amount can be found at

Relevant Charging Zone - means the specific geographical areas in which the following Schemes operate (as amended from time to time)

  • Congestion Charge: the central London Congestion Charge Zone as specifically defined in the Congestion Charging Scheme
  • ULEZ Charge: The area of Inner London (generally) up to (but not including) the North-South Circular roads, as specifically defined in the ULEZ-LEZ Charging Scheme;
  • LEZ Charge: the area of Greater London, also as specifically defined in the ULEZ-LEZ Charging Scheme

Service - means a facility available to you if you have an active customer account with us.

ULEZ - means the Ultra-Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) and ULEZ Charge, which operates in the same central London area as the Congestion Charge.

ULEZ-LEZ Charging Scheme - means the charging Scheme for the ULEZ and LEZ as set out in the London Emission Zones Charging Scheme contained in the Schedule to the Greater London Low Emission Zone Charging Order 2006 (as varied and amended).

We, us, our - means Transport for London.

Working Days - means any day other than a Saturday or a Sunday, Good Friday, Christmas Day, New Year's Day and any other day that is a bank holiday or public holiday, in England and Wales.

You, your - means the person who agrees to these terms and conditions.

11.0 Fleet Auto Pay service - terms and conditions
Fleet Auto Pay is available for you to pay the Congestion Charge the ULEZ Charge and the LEZ charge.

11.1 Eligibility for a Fleet Auto Pay service
To be eligible for a Fleet Auto Pay service you must meet the following conditions:
(a) You must have and register a fleet of six or more vehicles.
(b) Your vehicles must be controlled and managed by you or a Fleet Operator and used principally for the purposes of a business or by a person to whom the Fleet Operator is a contractor.
(c) You must hold a UK bank account for the purposes of making Fleet Auto Pay payments by Direct Debit

11.2 Registration and Registration Charges
You must register for the Fleet Auto Pay service by completing an online Registration.
11.2.1 You must register a Business Account. (The account must be set up in the name of the business, with a named individual as the Account Holder. The Account Holder is responsible for payment of any charges through the Fleet Auto Pay service).
11.2.2 You must pay the first Annual Vehicle Registration Charge to us for each vehicle you add as a Registered Vehicle. This charge is valid for one year from the date you register the vehicle.
11.2.3 The first Annual Vehicle Registration Charge will appear on your first Fleet Auto Pay Notification Statement.
11.2.4 You must pay to renew each Registered Vehicle on the anniversary of when it was added to your Fleet Auto Pay as a Registered Vehicle. The Registration Charge(s) will appear on the first Notification Statement following the renewal date. The charge is valid for a further year.
11.2.5 If you remove your vehicle from your Fleet Auto Pay account before the renewal date you will not be charged the Annual Vehicle Registration Charge.
11.2.6 We will not refund Annual Vehicle Registration Charges.

11.3 Paying CC, ULEZ and LEZ Charges
11.3.1 You must pay us the Charge(s) for each Registered Vehicle (and where applicable the Ad-hoc charges) for every day of use or driving within a the Relevant Charging Zone (s) during Charging Hours.
11.3.2 There will be at least five Working Days between the date of the Notification Statement and when we take your payment by Direct Debit.
11.3.3 If you dispute a Charge(s) you must still make payment of the full outstanding balance. If we decide that your dispute is valid, we will credit your Fleet Auto Pay account. Our decision will be final. Further information on disputing a Charge(s) can be found in section 11.6.
11.3.4 You must provide the vehicle registration number for each vehicle for which you want to add an Ad-hoc Charge(s) by midnight on the day of travel.
11.3.5 The number of Ad-hoc Charge(s) that you may add each Billing Period is limited to the number of Registered Vehicles on your Fleet Auto Pay account e.g. if you have 50 Registered Vehicles, then 50 Ad-hoc Charge(s) may be added in any Billing Period. When paying an ad hoc Congestion Charge if the vehicle does not meet the emissions standards for the ULEZ or the LEZ then you will automatically be charged the ULEZ Charge and/or LEZ Charge (as applicable) which will utilise an additional ad hoc charge from your allowance.
11.3.6 You may add Ad-hoc Charge(s) on the same day of travel or for a date in the future (maximum 64 Working Days in advance).

11.4 Registered Vehicles
11.4.1 You are responsible for giving us accurate and up-to-date vehicle information. You can do this online, by phone or by post.
11.4.2 We will not accept any responsibility for any information lost while it is being sent. You are responsible for the security of the information you provide until we receive it.
11.4.3 A vehicle can only be registered to one Fleet Auto Pay service at any one time. If you attempt to register a vehicle on more than one Fleet Auto Pay service, then preference will be given to the Registered Keeper of the vehicle.
11.4.4 If you add a vehicle to the Fleet Auto Pay online, or by phone, it will apply from the day we receive your request. If you remove a vehicle from the Fleet Auto Pay service, you will still be responsible for any Charge(s) during the Billing Period that the Registered Vehicle was on your Fleet Auto Pay service.
11.4.5 If you remove a Registered Vehicle online, it will be removed on that day. You will be responsible for the Charge(s) on the day you remove the vehicle if this vehicle is driven within the zone(s) on that day.
11.4.6 If you send us a letter to make a change to a Registered Vehicle and we agree to the change, this will appear on your Fleet Auto Pay service within 10 Working Days of us receiving your request. We will let you know the date of the change via email. Until you receive this you must continue to pay the daily Charge in another way.
11.4.7 You must maintain a fleet of six or more vehicles on your Fleet Auto Pay.
11.4.8 If you are not the Registered Keeper for the vehicle(s) attached to the Fleet Auto Pay, it is your responsibility to inform the Registered Keeper, or any other driver, that you are paying the Charge and/or any Penalty Charge Notices relating to that vehicle.

11.5 Notification Statements
We will tell you in your Notification Statement how much you owe us and when we will take payment.
11.5.1 Your Notification Statement details Fleet Auto Pay Registered Vehicles detected within the Charging Zone(s) during Charging Hours that have been processed within the relevant Billing Period.
11.5.2 There will be five Working Days between the date of the Notification Statement and when we take your payment by Direct Debit.
11.5.3 Your payment will appear on your Fleet Auto Pay account no later than seven Working Days after we take payment.
11.5.4 If you have no vehicle detections or any other activity for two or more consecutive Billing Periods We will not send you a Notification Statement.
11.5.5 Images of your vehicle will not be retained for longer than is necessary to resolve any outstanding Charge disputes.
11.5.6 We may decide not investigate any dispute that is not made within a reasonable period of the date of the payment that include the disputed Charge(s).
11.5.7 Due to processing times not all detections will appear in the current Notification Statement, where this happens the detections will appear in the next Billing Period.

11.6 Disputing a Charge(s)
11.6.1 If you dispute a Charge(s) you must:

  • Continue to make full payment of the outstanding balance.
  • Contact us by email or telephone within 60 days from the date of your statement containing the disputed Charge(s).

11.6.2 We will let you know the outcome of your Charge dispute.
11.6.3 If we accept the dispute, we will credit your Fleet Auto Pay account within 10 Working Days at the value of the disputed Charges.
11.6.4 If we do not accept the dispute we will let you know via email. Our decision is final.
11.6.5 If you have an outstanding dispute we will keep the images until we have resolved the query.

11.7 Grounds for suspension of the service
We may suspend the Fleet Auto Pay service if any of the following happen:

  • You fail to pay any amounts due, after we have sent you a request for payment.
  • We have been unable to collect a Direct Debit payment.
  • We carry out validation checks and decide that your vehicles are not eligible.
  • You do not meet any of the conditions in clause 11.1.
  • You do not accept amendments to this agreement.
  • You do not comply with the terms and conditions of this agreement.

11.8 Pending suspension process
11.8.1 Prior to suspending your Fleet Auto Pay service we will send you a pending suspension notice via email. This notice will explain the reason we intend to suspend the service and the date this will take effect.
11.8.2 You can still continue to drive into the relevant Charging Zone(s) and add Charges to your Fleet Auto Pay service until the day of suspension.
11.8.3 We will not produce further Notification Statements or attempt to collect payment.
11.8.4 Beginning with the date on the pending suspension notice, you have five Working Days to contact us, to resolve the situation.
11.8.5 If you contact us during the five Working Days from the date of the pending suspension notice, you will need to pay the full outstanding balance on your Fleet Auto Pay service at that time.
11.8.6 When you pay the outstanding balance, your Fleet Auto Pay service will remain active and normal notification and collection cycles resume.
11.8.7 If you do not pay the full outstanding balance by the date stated on the pending suspension notice, your Fleet Auto Pay service will be suspended.

11.9 Suspension process

11.9.1 We will send you a suspension notice via email confirming your Fleet Auto Pay service is suspended.
11.9.2 If you continue to drive into the relevant Charging Zone(s) from the date of suspension, no Charge(s) will be debited to the Fleet Auto Pay and you will have to find alternative ways to pay the Charge(s). If you travel in the zone without purchasing a relevant Charge(s) the Registered Keeper of the vehicle may receive a Penalty Charge Notice.
11.9.3 Beginning with the date on the suspension notice, you have five Working Days to contact us to resolve the situation.
11.9.4 If you contact us during the five Working Days from the date of suspension, you will be requested to pay the full outstanding balance on your Fleet Auto Pay service at that time.
11.9.5 When you pay the outstanding balance, your Fleet Auto Pay service will be reactivated and normal notification and collection cycles resume.
11.9.6 If you do not pay the full outstanding balance by the date on the suspension notice your Fleet Auto Pay service will be closed

11.10 Closure process
11.10.1 We will send you a closure notice via email confirming your Fleet Auto Pay service is closed. This notice will request you make payment of the full outstanding balance.
11.10.2 If you continue to drive into the relevant Charging Zone(s) from the date of the closure notice, no Charge(s) will be debited to the Fleet Auto Pay and you will have to find alternative ways to pay the Charge. If you travel in the zone without purchasing a relevant Charge(s) the Registered Keeper of the vehicle may receive a Penalty Charge Notice.

11.11 Following closure of the service
11.11.1 Within the next Billing Period, You must pay us any money you still owe us or we will credit you with any money we may owe you.
11.11.2 If we have closed your Fleet Auto Pay service because you owe us money, we may keep your records until the debt has been paid.
11.11.3 If you owe us money or have committed fraud, we may pass your details to law enforcement or debt collection agencies.
11.11.4 If you continue to drive into the relevant Charging Zone(s) following closure of your Fleet Auto Pay service you will need to pay the relevant Charge(s) in full, using another method of payment. The Registered Keeper of the vehicle is responsible for any Penalty Charge Notice issued as a result of not paying the Charge(s).
11.11.5 You can request a new Fleet Auto Pay service, which will be subject to the same Registration and Registration Charges detailed in 11.2. You must register a valid payment method and pay a £10 administration charge for every vehicle you add as a Registered Vehicle, the administration charge(s) will appear on your first notification statement issued 10 working days following the date of the activation of the service. We reserve the right to refuse this request and our decision is final.
11.11.6 If you want to end your Fleet Auto Pay service, you must contact us in writing and ask us to close your account. Your agreement will end when the final balance has been paid in full. We will send you a closing statement via email.

11.11.7 We will keep your records for 13 months after we close a Fleet Auto Pay service (for whatever reason). After that period, we will only keep a summary of the information.

11.12 Termination
11.12.1 We reserve the right at any time to withdraw the Fleet Auto Pay service.
11.12.2 Prior to terminating your Fleet Auto Pay service we will send you a termination notice via email. This notice will explain the reason we intend to terminate the service and the date this will take effect (in circumstance of termination due to fraud, we will terminate the service immediately).
11.12.3 You can still continue to drive into the relevant Charging Zone(s) and add usage Charges to your Fleet Auto Pay service until the day of termination.
11.12.4 We will not produce further Notification Statements or attempt to collect payment.
11.12.5 If you object to the termination of your Fleet Auto Pay service, beginning with the date on the termination notice, you have five Working Days to contact us.
11.12.6 If you contact us during the five Working Days from the date of the termination notice, you will need to pay the full outstanding balance on your Fleet Auto Pay at that time.
11.12.7 If we do not accept your objection we will let you know via email. Our decision is final.
11.12.8 If you continue to drive into the relevant Charging Zone(s) from the date of the termination notice, no Charge(s) will be debited to the Fleet Auto Pay and you will have to find alternative ways to pay the Charge. If you travel in the zone without purchasing a Charge the Registered Keeper of the vehicle may receive a Penalty Charge Notice.
11.12.9 If the service is terminated due to fraud, we may close, bar or permanently ban any or all other Fleet Auto Pay Services held by the Fleet Operator or any member of the Group.

11.13 Relationship
11.13.1 We and the Fleet Operator acknowledge that the agreement does not constitute, create or give effect to:

  • Joint ventures
  • Pooling arrangements
  • Principal/agency relationships
  • Partnership
  • Formal business arrangement

The Fleet Auto Pay service does not allow either party to enter into any formal business partnership of any kind, without the other parties' express written permission. You, your agents, employees or contractors cannot at any time claim to be our employee.
11.13.2 You must maintain high standards of business ethics and practices. You should conduct yourself in such a way as to not bring yourself, other stakeholders, TfL or the Congestion/ ULEZ-LEZ Charging Schemes into disrepute.
11.13.3 Both parties should ensure that they make all reasonable efforts to be cooperative and work together, to ensure that the Congestion/ ULEZ-LEZ Charging Schemes and the Fleet Auto Pay service operate efficiently.
11.13.4 You must notify us immediately in writing if and when you become aware of any conflicts of interests in relation to your Fleet Auto Pay.
11.13.5 You must notify us in writing of any change of Account Holder. This letter must confirm:

  • The name of the new Account Holder
  • The signature of the new Account Holder
  • A witness to the signature of the new Account Holder (the witness must be a senior member of the Fleet Operator, or at least the equivalent position to the Account Holder, and must verify the identity of the new Account Holder)

11.13.6 You can add up to 5 Account Users to administer the Account. It is your responsibility to ensure that the Account Users manage the Account in accordance with the terms and conditions.

11.14 Disclaiming legal responsibility
11.14.1 We will not be responsible for any loss or damage you may suffer in relation to the Fleet Auto Pay service, except for direct loss or damage caused by our negligent acts or failure to act or if We break our responsibilities under the agreement.
11.14.2 Nothing in this clause limits our legal responsibility for causing death or personal injury as a result of negligence.
11.14.3 In no circumstances will we be responsible to you for indirect loss or loss or damage arising as a consequence of any action taken under these terms and conditions, or for loss of revenue, savings, profits or goodwill

Road User Charging: Showman's Discount Registration Terms and Conditions

Please read the following terms and conditions carefully when registering with us.

They should be read in conjunction with the RUC: General Terms and Conditions and apply to the:

  • Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) and ULEZ Charge
  • Low Emission Zone (LEZ) and LEZ Charge

By Registering and using any of our services, you agree to accept these terms and conditions.

Glossary of terms

In these terms and conditions, the following words and phrases in bold will have the meanings shown next to them.

Non-chargeable Register - means the register kept by us of vehicles that are Low Emission Zone (LEZ) and Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) non-chargeable vehicles under Article 5(1) of the London Emission Zones Charging Scheme.

Eligible Vehicle - refers to a vehicle that fulfils the criteria in clause 9.0.

Non-chargeable Vehicle - refers to a vehicle registered under Article 5 or Article 11 of the London Emission Zones Charging Scheme.

Registered vehicle - refers to a vehicle that has been entered into the Non-chargeable Register.

Registration - means providing information you must give us for the purposes of applying for an exemption, discount, payment or other services we provide.

We, us, our - means Transport for London.

You, your - means the person who agrees to these terms and conditions.

9.0 Eligibility
To be eligible for the vehicle to be included in the Non-chargeable Register, it must fulfil all of the following criteria:
a) The vehicle must be registered in the name of a person following the business of a travelling Showman.
b) It must be used solely by that person for the purposes of running their business and no other purpose.
c) It must be permanently fitted with either: special equipment, a special body or a superstructure that forms part of the equipment used during the performance of the show.

9.1 Registration
You must apply to register your vehicle to be included in the Non-chargeable Register by completing an online enquiry form or send the required documentation by post.
9.1.1 There is no charge to register.

9.2 Proof
You must provide proof that you meet the conditions in clause 9.0.
9.2.1 You must provide an A4 photocopy of the documents listed below:

  • A copy of your DVLA vehicle Registration document (V5c) or a copy of your vehicle registration document issued by your vehicle licensing agency and
  • A minimum of four photographs of the vehicle, one from each angle: front, back and both sides; also where relevant additional photographs of the vehicle body interior to show internal structure and adaptations or any specialised equipment fitted inside or underneath the vehicle.

Note: The photographs must be of a quality to allow us to assess whether the vehicle meets the criteria for specialist construction set out above and the vehicle registration mark (VRM) or number plate must be visible in one of the photographs.

If there is any specialised equipment fitted inside or underneath the vehicle, a photograph to show this should also be provided.

9.3 General
We may remove a registered vehicle from the Non-chargeable Register if any of the following happen:
a) You no longer meet the eligibility requirements detailed in clause 9.0.
b) We believe that you have been acting fraudulently (eg you are benefitting from the registration that you are no longer entitled as set out in the terms and conditions that you have agreed to).
9.3.1 You cannot transfer your registration to another vehicle or person (the person you transferred it to must make a new application for registration).
9.3.2 If you cease to be eligible, you must tell us immediately. You can sign in to your online account, write to us or call our contact centre.
9.3.3 If you no longer own the vehicle, you must contact us to remove the vehicle from the Non-chargeable Register.
9.3.4 If you register the vehicle with the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) as Statutory Off Road Notification (SORN), you must contact us to remove the vehicle from the Non-chargeable Register.

9.4 Checking information
9.4.1 At any time after we receive an application for a Registration (including after we have notified you that your application is accepted and the vehicle is entered into the Non-chargeable Register) we may ask you for proof of eligibility and/or any other information about the vehicle.
9.4.2 We will send you a letter requesting that information which you must provide by the date stated in that letter.
9.4.3 If as a result of checks of the information provided above we decide that a registered vehicle is not or has ceased to be an Eligible Vehicle (including if you fail to provide requisite proof of eligibility), then:

  • For any application for which you have applied, we will tell you that it has been rejected.
  • For any Registration for which you are not (or are no longer) eligible, we will tell you that we will remove the Registered Vehicle on a date we tell you; or
  • For any Registered Vehicles that are not (or are no longer) eligible, whether or not as a result of any changes made, we will tell you that we will remove the vehicle from the Non-chargeable Register on a date we tell you.

Road User Charging: Motor Tricycle Discount Registration Terms and Conditions

These terms and conditions apply to the Congestion Charging Scheme only and should be read in conjunction with the RUC: General Terms and Conditions.

Glossary of terms

In these terms and conditions, the following words and phrases in bold will have the meanings shown next to them.

Annual Vehicle Registration Charge - means the charge payable to us every year for each vehicle registered on your Discount.

Charging Day for the Congestion Charge - means every day of the year (07:00-22:00)excluding Christmas Day to the New Year's Day Bank Holiday (inclusive).

Discount and Discounted - refers to a reduced rate vehicle registered under Article 9 of the Congestion Charging Scheme.

Registered Vehicle - means any vehicle that you have registered to your Discount service.

Registration - means providing information you must give us for the purposes of applying for a Discount, payment or other services we provide.

Registration Charge - means the charge you pay to us to register for a Congestion Charge Discount.

We, us, our - means Transport for London.

You, your - means the person who agrees to these terms and conditions.

6.0 Eligibility

To be eligible for the Motor Tricycle Discount you must meet all of the following conditions:

  1. The vehicle must be registered with the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) or with any vehicle licensing agency within the European Economic Area and
  2. The vehicle must be a motor tricycle that is one metre or less wide, and two metres or less long

6.1 Registration
You must register for the Discount by completing an online Registration or postal Registration form, and renew this annually.
6.1.1 You must pay a Registration Charge.
6.1.2 You will be invited to renew your Discount shortly before it expires. If you remain eligible for the Discount you must pay an Annual Vehicle Registration Charge before the Discount expiry date to continue to benefit from the Discount.

6.2 Proof
You must provide proof that you meet the conditions in clause 6.0.
6.2.1 You must provide an A4 photocopy of the document(s) listed below:

  • A copy of your DVLA vehicle registration document (V5C) or a copy of your vehicle registration document issued by your vehicle licensing agency and
  • Four photographs of your motor tricycle (front, back and both sides). One of these photographs must show the vehicle registration mark (VRM).

6.3 General
6.3.1 We may close your Discount if any of the following happen:
a) You no longer meet the Discount eligibility requirements (i.e. if you no longer meet the eligibility requirements as set out in the relevant Discount terms and conditions).
b) We believe that you have been acting fraudulently (i.e. you are benefitting from a Discount to which you are no longer entitled as set out in the terms and conditions that you have agreed to).
6.3.2 You cannot transfer your Discount to another person.
6.3.3 If you cease to be eligible for the Discount or if you change your vehicle, you must tell us immediately. You can sign in to your online account, write to us or call our contact centre.

6.4 Checking information
6.4.1 At any time after we receive an application for a Discount Registration (including after we have notified you that your application is accepted) we may ask you for proof of eligibility for the Discount and/or about your vehicle.
6.4.2 We will send you a letter requesting that information which you must provide by the date stated in that letter.
6.4.3 If as a result of checks of the information provided we decide that a registered vehicle is not or has ceased to be an eligible vehicle (including if you fail to provide requisite proof of eligibility), then:

  • For any application for which you have applied, we will tell you that it has been rejected.
  • For any Registration for which you are not (or are no longer) eligible, we will tell you that we will remove the Registered Vehicle on a date we tell you; or
  • For any Registered Vehicles that are not (or are no longer) eligible, whether or not as a result of any changes made, we will tell you that we will remove your vehicle's registration for the Discount on a date we tell you.

Road User Charging: Vehicles with Nine or more Seats Discount Registration Terms and Conditions

These terms and conditions apply to the Congestion Charging Scheme only and should be read in conjunction with the RUC: General Terms and Conditions.

Glossary of terms

In these terms and conditions, the following words and phrases in bold will have the meanings shown next to them.

Annual Vehicle Registration Charge means the charge payable to us every year for each vehicle registered on your Discount.

Charging Day for the Congestion Charge - means every day of the year (07:00-22:00)excluding Christmas Day to the New Year's Day Bank Holiday (inclusive).

Discount and Discounted - refers to a reduced rate vehicle registered under Article 9 of the Congestion Charging Scheme.

Registered Vehicle - means any vehicle that you have registered to your Discount service.

Registration - means providing information you must give us for the purposes of applying for a Discount, payment or other services we provide.

Registration Charge - means the charge you pay to us to register for a Congestion Charge Discount.

We, us, our - means Transport for London.

You, your - means the person who agrees to these terms and conditions.

4.0 Eligibility - GB registered
To be eligible for the Congestion Charging Vehicles with Nine or more Seats Discount you must meet all of the following conditions:

  1. The vehicle must be registered with the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) and
  2. The vehicle must be a passenger carrying vehicle with Nine or more Seats (including the driver's seat)

4.1 Eligibility - Non GB registered
To be eligible for the Vehicles with Nine or more Seats Discount you must meet all of the following conditions:
a) The vehicle must be registered with any vehicle licensing agency within the European Economic Area and
b) The vehicle must be a passenger carrying vehicle with Nine or more Seats (including the driver's seat).

4.2 Registration
You must register for the Discount by completing an online Registration or postal Registration form, and renew this annually.
4.2.1 You must pay a Registration Charge.
4.2.2 You will be invited to renew your Discount shortly before it expires. If you remain eligible for the Discount you must pay an Annual Vehicle Registration Charge before the Discount expiry date to continue to benefit from the Discount.

4.3 Proof - GB registered
You must provide proof that the vehicle meets the conditions in clause 4.0.
4.3.1 You must provide an A4 photocopy of the document(s) listed below:

  • A copy of your DVLA vehicle registration document (V5C) and
  • Proof that clearly shows the number of seats in the vehicle

4.4 Proof - Non GB registered
You must provide proof that the vehicle meets the conditions in clause 4.1.
4.4.1 You must provide an A4 photocopy of the document(s) listed below:

  • A copy of your vehicle registration document issued by your vehicle licensing agency and
  • Proof that clearly shows the number of seats in the vehicle

4.5 General
4.5.1 We may close your Discount if any of the following happen:
a) You no longer meet the Discount eligibility requirements (i.e. if you no longer meet the eligibility requirements as set out in the relevant Discount terms and conditions).
b) We believe that you have been acting fraudulently (e.g. you are benefitting from a Discount to which you are no longer entitled as set out in the terms and conditions that you have agreed to).
4.5.2 You cannot transfer your Discount to another person.
4.5.3 If you cease to be eligible for the Discount or if you change your vehicle, you must tell us immediately. You can sign in to your online account, write to us or call our contact centre.

4.6 Checking information
4.6.1 At any time after we receive an application for a Discount Registration (including after we have notified you that your application is accepted) we may ask you for proof of eligibility for the Discount and/or about your vehicle.
4.6.2 We will send you a letter requesting that information which you must provide by the date stated in that letter.
4.6.3 If as a result of checks of the information provided above we decide that a registered vehicle is not or has ceased to be an eligible vehicle (including if you fail to provide requisite proof of eligibility), then:

  • For any application for which you have applied, we will tell you that it has been rejected.
  • For any Registration for which you are not (or are no longer) eligible, we will tell you that we will remove the Registered Vehicle on a date we tell you; or
  • For any Registered Vehicles that are not (or are no longer) eligible, whether or not as a result of any changes made, we will tell you that we will remove the vehicle's registration for the Discount on a date we tell you.

Road User Charging: Residents' Discount Registration Terms and Conditions

These terms and conditions should be read in conjunction with the RUC: General Terms and Conditions and apply to:

  • The Congestion Charging Scheme only

Glossary of terms

In these terms and conditions, the following words and phrases in bold will have the meanings shown next to them.

Annual Renewal Charge - means the charge payable to us every year to renew a Discount.

Charge means the following:

  • Congestion Charge (CC)

Charging day for the Congestion Charge - means every day of the year (07:00-22:00) excluding Christmas Day to the New Year's Day Bank Holiday (inclusive).

Discount and Discounted - refers to a reduced rate vehicle registered under Article 9 of the Congestion Charging Scheme Order.

NHS Reimbursement Schemes means the schemes that allows for refunds of Charge payments made when an eligible NHS employee or patient makes an eligible journey.

Registered Vehicle means any vehicle that you have registered to your Discount service.

Registration means providing information you must give us for the purposes of applying for a Discount, payment or other services we provide.

Registration Charge means the charge you pay to us to register for a Congestion Charge Discount.

Resident means someone who has registered with us under Annex 3 of the Congestion Charging Scheme.

Residents' Discount Zone means the area comprising the Congestion Charging Zone, plus some additional postcodes on the boundary of the Congestion Charging Zone where vehicular access to the property requires the resident to drive into the zone. There is an interactive map and a postcode checker on our website

We, us, our - means Transport for London.

You, your - means the person who agrees to these terms and conditions.

3.0 Requirements for the Residents' Discount
To qualify for the Congestion Charging Residents' Discount, you must meet all of the following conditions:
a) You must be at least 17 years old
b) Your main or permanent home must be in the Residents' Discount Zone, and you must be able to prove that the property in which you live is for residential purposes
c) Your name must be shown on either the parliamentary or local government Electoral Register, unless for other reasons not connected to where you live you're unable to vote or there's not been enough time for you to be included in the register yet
d) You must normally be present at those premises during at least 4 nights a week and for a period of at least 13 weeks
e) Your application for the Congestion Charge Residents Discount was received by us and the conditions set out at (a) to (d) above (inclusive) continue to be met at the time you apply for a renewal of your Discount
3.1 Requirements for Residents' vehicle
To register a vehicle for a Residents' Discount:
a) Your vehicle must be registered with the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) in your name and at the address for which you are applying for the Discount.


b) You can register a company car [if it is for your sole use only]


c) You can register a vehicle that has been leased to you [if it is for your sole use only]

3.1.1 You can register one vehicle for a Residents' Discount
3.1.2 Your vehicle must be constructed or adapted for the carriage of people and their luggage or for the carriage of goods or burden of any description providing the height of the vehicle is no more than 2.44 meters
3.1.3 If you live in the Residents' Discount Zone and don't own a vehicle, you can still register for the Discount if you occasionally use a hire or recognised car club vehicle. Refer to clause 8.4.


3.2 Requirements for Residents' occasional use of hire cars
To hire or use a courtesy vehicle for a Resident's Discount:
a) The vehicle must be registered to a recognised hire or courtesy vehicle company
b) The vehicle can only be used for a maximum of 30 days in a row
c) You must let us know the details of the hire/courtesy vehicle before you use it
d) You must pay the full Charge while using this vehicle
e) At the end of the hire period, you must contact us to arrange a refund of 90 % of Charges paid for this vehicle registration number during this time

3.3 Registration
You must register for the Discount by completing an online Registration or postal Registration form, and renew this annually.
3.3.1 You must pay a Registration Charge.
3.3.2 You will be invited to renew your Discount shortly before it expires. If you remain eligible for the Discount you must provide proof and pay an Annual Renewal Charge before the Discount expiry date to continue to benefit from the Discount.

3.4 Proof - Residency
You must provide proof that you meet the conditions in clause 3.0.
3.4.1 You must provide photocopies of two proofs in your name and at the address for which you are applying for the Discount from the following list:

  • A valid Residents' on-street parking permit.
  • A current council tax bill
  • Your income support entitlement letter (dated within the last 7 months)
  • Your bank or credit card statement (dated within the last 3 months)
  • A formal tenancy agreement or housing association rent document (dated within the last 12 months)
  • A current utility bill for example gas, water, or electricity bill but not a mobile phone bill (dated in the last 3 months)
  • Your driving licence

3.5 Proof - Residents' Vehicle
You must provide proof that you meet the conditions in clause 3.1.
3.5.1 To register your own private vehicle you need to provide a copy of the vehicle's registration document (V5C).

Note: The vehicle needs to be registered with the DVLA in your name and at the address for which you are applying for the Discount.
3.5.2 To register a company car or a lease vehicle you need to provide a copy of one of the following:

  • An A4 photocopy of your vehicle lease document


  • An A4 photocopy of a company car authorisation letter, which should be on headed paper saying that the vehicle, is for your sole use only


  • Where the company car is provided by a lease company both an A4 photocopy of your company's vehicle lease document and an A4 photocopy of a company car authorisation letter needs to be provided. The letter should be on headed paper saying that the car is for your sole use only and the vehicle must be registered in the company name or lease company name with the DVLA

3.6 NHS Reimbursement Schemes
If you are eligible under the employee or patient NHS Reimbursement Schemes and you have paid a Charge using your Resident's account, we can refund it under the relevant NHS Reimbursement Scheme.

3.7 General
3.7.1 As a Resident you can park in the Congestion Charging Zone without paying the daily Charge providing:
a) You have a resident's parking permit and park in a resident's parking bay and you don't move the vehicle during charging hours.
b) You don't park on a public road during charging hours.
3.7.2 We may close your Discount if any of the following happen:
a) You no longer meet the Discount eligibility requirements (i.e. if you no longer meet the eligibility requirements as set out in the relevant Discount terms and conditions)
b) We believe that you have been acting fraudulently (i.e. you are benefitting from a Discount to which you are no longer entitled as set out in the terms and conditions that you have agreed to)
3.7.3 You cannot transfer your Discount to another person.
3.7.4 If you cease to be eligible for the Discount, move home or if you change your vehicle, you must tell us immediately. You can sign in to your online account, write to us or call our contact centre.

3.8 Checking information
3.8.1 At any time after we receive an application for a Discount Registration (including after we have notified you that your application is accepted) we may ask you for proof of eligibility for the Discount and/or about your vehicle.
3.8.2 We will send you a letter requesting that information which you must provide by the date stated in that letter.
3.8.3 If as a result of checks of the information provided above we decide that a registered vehicle is not or has ceased to be an eligible vehicle (including if you fail to provide requisite proof of eligibility), then:

For any application for which you have applied, we will tell you that it has been rejected.

For any Registration for which you are not (or are no longer) eligible, we will tell you that we will remove the Registered Vehicle on a date we tell you; or

For any Registered Vehicles that are not (or are no longer) eligible, whether or not as a result of any changes made, we will tell you that we will remove the vehicle's registration for the Discount on a date we tell you.

Road User Charging: Roadside Recovery Vehicle Discount Registration Terms and Conditions

These terms and conditions apply to the Congestion Charging Scheme only and should be read in conjunction with the RUC: General Terms and Conditions.

Glossary of terms

In these terms and conditions, the following words and phrases in bold will have the meanings shown next to them.

Annual Vehicle Registration Charge - means the charge payable to us every year for each vehicle registered on your Discount.

Charging Day for the Congestion Charge - means every day of the year (07:00-22:00) excluding Christmas Day to the New Year's Day Bank Holiday (inclusive).

Discount and Discounted - refers to a reduced rate vehicle registered under Article 9 of the Congestion Charging Scheme.

Registered Vehicle - means any vehicle that you have registered to your Discount service.

Registration - means providing information you must give us for the purposes of applying for a Discount, payment or other services we provide.

Registration Charge - means the charge you pay to us to register a vehicle for a Congestion Charge Discount.

We, us means Transport for London.

You, means the person who agrees to these terms and conditions.

7.0 Eligibility
To be eligible for the Congestion Charging Roadside Recovery Vehicle Discount you must meet all of the following conditions:

  • The vehicle must be registered with the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) or with any vehicle licensing agency within the European Economic Area and
  • The vehicle must have a taxation class of 'Recovery Vehicle'

7.1 Registration
You must register for the Discount by completing an online registration or postal registration form, and renew this annually.
7.1.1 You must pay a Registration Charge.
7.1.2 You will be invited to renew your Discount shortly before it expires. If you remain eligible for the Discount you must pay an Annual Vehicle Registration Charge before the Discount expiry date to continue to benefit from the Discount.

7.2 Proof
You must provide proof that you meet the conditions in clause 7.0.
7.2.1 You must provide an A4 photocopy of the document listed below:

  • A copy of the DVLA vehicle registration document (V5C) or if the vehicle is registered outside the UK, the vehicle registration document issued by the vehicle licensing agency

7.3 General
7.3.1 We may close your Discount if any of the following happen:
a) You no longer meet the Discount eligibility requirements (i.e. if you no longer meet the eligibility requirements as set out in the relevant Discount terms and conditions).
b) We believe that you have been acting fraudulently (i.e. you are benefitting from a Discount to which you are no longer entitled as set out in the terms and conditions that you have agreed to).
7.3.2 You cannot transfer your Discount to another person.
7.3.3 If you cease to be eligible for the Discount or if you change your vehicle, you must tell us immediately. You can sign in to your online account, write to us or call our contact centre.

7.4 Checking information
7.4.1 At any time after we receive an application for a Discount Registration (including after we have notified you that your application is accepted) we may ask you for proof of eligibility for the Discount and/or about your vehicle.
7.4.2 We will send you a letter requesting that information which you must provide by the date stated in that letter.
7.4.3 If as a result of checks of the information provided above we decide that a registered vehicle is not or has ceased to be an eligible vehicle (including if you fail to provide requisite proof of eligibility), then:

  • For any application for which you have applied, we will tell you that it has been rejected
  • For any Registration for which you are not (or are no longer) eligible, we will tell you that we will remove the Registered Vehicle on a date we tell you; or
  • For any Registered Vehicles that are not (or are no longer) eligible, whether or not as a result of any changes made, we will tell you that we will remove your vehicle's registration for the Discount on a date we tell you


Road User Charging: Cleaner Vehicle Discount Registration Terms and Conditions

These terms and conditions apply to the Congestion Charging Scheme only and should be read in conjunction with the General Terms and Conditions.

Glossary of terms

In these terms and conditions, the following words and phrases in bold will have the meanings shown next to them.

Annual Vehicle Registration Charge - means the charge payable to us every year for each vehicle registered on your Discount.

Charging Day for the Congestion Charge - means every day of the year (07:00-22:00) excluding Christmas Day to the New Year's Day Bank Holiday (inclusive).

Discount and Discounted - refers to a reduced rate vehicle registered under Article 9 of the Congestion Charging Scheme Order.

Registered Vehicle - means any vehicle that you have registered to your Discount service.

Registration - means providing information you must give us for the purposes of applying for a Discount, payment or other services we provide.

Registration Charge - means the charge you pay to us to register for a Congestion Charge Discount.

We, us, our - means Transport for London.

You, your - means the person who agrees to these terms and conditions.

5.0 Eligibility - GB Registered Vehicle
To be eligible for the Congestion Charging Cleaner Vehicle Discount, you must meet all of the following conditions:

  • The vehicle must be registered with the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) and
  • The vehicle must have a fuel type of battery electric or hydrogen fuel cell 
  • The vehicle must be a Car (M1) or a Van (N1) (light goods vehicle not exceeding 3.5 tonnes gross vehicle weight)

5.1 Eligibility - Non GB Registered Vehicle
To be eligible for the Congestion Charging Cleaner Vehicle Discount, you must meet all of the following conditions:

  • The vehicle must be registered with any vehicle licensing agency within the European Economic Area and
  • The vehicle must have a fuel type of battery electric or hydrogen fuel cell 
  • The vehicle must be a Car or a Van (light goods vehicle not exceeding 3.5 tonnes gross vehicle weight)
  • 5.2 Registration
    You must register for the Discount by completing an online registration or postal registration form, and renew this annually.
    5.2.1 You must pay a Registration Charge.
    5.2.2 You will be invited to renew your Discount shortly before it expires. If you remain eligible for the Discount you must pay an Annual Vehicle Registration Charge before the Discount expiry date to continue to benefit from the Discount.

5.3 Proof - GB Registered Vehicle
You must provide proof that the vehicle meets the conditions in clause 5.0.
5.3.1 You must provide an A4 photocopy of the document listed below:


  • A copy of your DVLA vehicle registration document (V5C) showing the fuel type as being Battery electric or hydrogen fuel cell 

5.4 Proof - Non GB Registered Vehicles
You must provide proof that the vehicle meets the conditions in clause 5.1.
5.4.1 You must provide an A4 photocopy of the document listed below:

  • Your vehicle registration document or equivalent that clearly shows the vehicle meets the Discount eligibility criteria.

5.5 General
5.5.1 We may close your Discount if any of the following happen:
a) You no longer meet the Discount eligibility requirements (eg if you no longer meet the eligibility requirements as set out in the relevant Discount terms and conditions).
b) We believe that you have been acting fraudulently (i.e. you are benefitting from a Discount to which you are no longer entitled as set out in the terms and conditions that you have agreed to).
5.5.2 You cannot transfer your Discount to another person.
5.5.3 If you cease to be eligible for the Discount or if you change your vehicle, you must tell us immediately. You can sign in to your online account, write to us or call our contact centre.

5.6 Checking information
5.6.1 At any time after we receive an application for a Discount Registration (including after we have notified you that your application is accepted) we may ask you for proof of eligibility for the Discount and/or any other information about your vehicle being registered.
5.6.2 We will send you a letter requesting that information which you must provide by the date stated in that letter.
5.6.3 If as a result of checks of the information provided above we decide that a registered vehicle is not or has ceased to be an eligible vehicle (including if you fail to provide requisite proof of eligibility), then:

  • For any application for which you have applied, we will tell you that it has been rejected
  • For any Registration for which you are not (or are no longer) eligible, we will tell you that we will remove the Registered Vehicle on a date we tell you

Road User Charging: Ultra-Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) & Low Emission Zone (LEZ) Compliance Registration Terms and Conditions

These terms and conditions apply to the Ultra-Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) and Low Emission Zone (LEZ) Schemes only and should be read in conjunction with the Road User Charging (RUC): General Terms and Conditions.

Glossary of terms

In these terms and conditions, the following words and phrases in bold will have the meanings shown next to them.

ULEZ-LEZ Charging Scheme - means the charging Scheme for the ULEZ and LEZ as set out in the London Emission Zones Charging Scheme contained in the Schedule to the Greater London Low Emission Zone Charging Order 2006 (as varied).

Registration - means providing information you must give us for the purpose of updating our vehicle compliance data base.

We, us, our - means Transport for London.

You, your - means the person who agrees to these terms and conditions.

12.0 Compliance
12.01 The Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) and ULEZ Charge apply to diesel and petrol vehicles that do not meet:

  • Euro 3 for motorcycles, mopeds, motorised tricycles and quadricycles
  • Euro 4 for petrol cars, vans, and minibuses
  • Euro 6 for diesel cars, vans, and minibuses
  • Euro VI for buses, and coaches and heavy goods vehicles

12.02 The following vehicle type(s) is non-chargeable from the Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) and ULEZ Charge:

  • Vehicles not constructed or adapted for general use on roads
  • Vehicles with a historic tax class and those constructed before 1st January 1973
  • Agricultural vehicles
  • Taxis licensed with TfL
  • Vehicles belonging to, or being used by, her Majesty's Forces
  • Visiting forces vehicles

12.03 The Low Emission Zone (LEZ) and LEZ Charge applies to diesel vehicles that do not meet:

Euro IV for:

  • Articulated lorries, lorries, Flatbed lorries over 3.5 tonnes gross vehicle weight and coaches over 5 tonnes gross vehicle weight

Euro 3/III for:

  • Larger vans 1.205 tonnes unladen to 3.5 gross vehicle weight
  • Minibuses 5 tonnes or less gross vehicle weight
  • Smaller vans 1.205 tonnes unladen to 3.5 gross vehicle weight
  • Horseboxes over 1.205 tonnes unladen vehicle weight
  • Motorised caravans over 2.5 tonnes gross vehicle weight
  • Light 4x4 utilities 1.205 tonnes unladen to 3.5 gross vehicle weights
  • Pickups 1.205 tonnes unladen to 3.5 gross vehicle weight

12.04 The following vehicle type(s) is non-chargeable from the Low Emission Zone (LEZ) and LEZ Charge:

  • Vehicles not constructed or adapted for general use on roads
  • Vehicles with a historic tax class and those constructed before 1st January 1973
  • Agricultural vehicles
  • Taxis licensed with TfL
  • Vehicles belonging to, or being used by, her Majesty's Forces
  • Visiting forces vehicles

12.1 Registration
You must register your vehicle with us if your vehicle is registered outside of the UK or you believe the information we hold is incorrect and your vehicle does meet the required standard or is non-chargeable.
12.1.1 You must complete an online enquiry form and provide relevant proofs.
12.1.2 You do not have to pay a registration fee.
12.1.3 You do not need to renew, the registration has no expiry date.
12.1.4 You must continue to pay the relevant daily charge(s) until you receive confirmation in writing from us.

12.2 Proof
12.2.1 You must provide proof that the vehicle meets the conditions in clause 12.0.
12.2.2 Diesel vehicles: Low Emission Zone and Ultra Low Emission Zone

You must provide an A4 photocopy of the document(s) listed below:

  • A copy of your DVLA vehicle registration document (V5C) or foreign equivalent and a copy of the vehicle's conformity certificate


A signed letter from the vehicle manufacturer's homologation department containing the following vehicle information:

  • Vehicle registration mark (VRM)
  • Vehicle identification number (VIN)
  • Euro standard the vehicle was manufactured to
  • Fuel Type
  • Nitrogen Oxides (NOx) value AND
  • Particulate matter (PM) value

12.2.3 Petrol vehicles: Ultra Low Emission Zone only
You must provide an A4 photocopy of the document(s) listed below:

  • A copy of your DVLA vehicle registration document (V5C) or foreign equivalent and a copy of the vehicle's conformity certificate


A signed letter from the vehicle manufacturer's homologation department containing the following vehicle information:

  • Vehicle registration mark (VRM)
  • Vehicle identification number (VIN)
  • Euro standard the vehicle was manufactured to
  • Fuel type
  • Nitrogen Oxides (NOx) value

12.2.4 Clean Vehicle Retrofit Accreditation Scheme (CVRAS).
You must provide proof that the vehicle is fitted with Ultra Low Emission Zone emissions reduction technology that has been certified by the government's Clean Vehicle Retrofit Accreditation Scheme (CVRAS). You must provide an A4 photocopy of the document detailed below:

  • An A4 photocopy of the CVRAS certificate

12.2.5 Abatement equipment
You must provide proof that the vehicle is fitted with Low Emission Zone approved abatement equipment. You must provide an A4 photocopy of the document detailed below:

  • An A4 photocopy of the DVSA Low Emission certificate (LEC)

12.3 Checking information
12.3.1 At any time after we receive an application for a Compliance Registration (including after we have notified you that your application is accepted) we may ask you for proof of compliance eligibility and/or any other information about your vehicle being registered.
12.3.2 We will send you a letter requesting that information which you must provide by the date stated in that letter.
12.3.3 If as a result of checks of the information provided above we decide that a registered vehicle is not or has ceased to be an eligible vehicle (including if you fail to provide requisite proof of eligibility), then:

  • For any application for which you have applied, we will tell you that it has been rejected.
  • For any Registration for which you are not (or are no longer) eligible, we will tell you that we will remove the registered vehicle on a date we tell you.

Effective until 24 October 2021