Blue Badge discount

Before you start

Before you apply for the Blue Badge discount, you need to set up a London Road User Charging account. (Sign in now if you already have an account.)

To create an account, click on 'Continue' and complete all required fields. You can also set up optional services, such as mobile phone text alerts, to help you manage your discount.

Applying for your Blue Badge discount

Once your London Road User Charging account has been created and you sign in, you will be directed automatically to complete your discount application.

You will need to upload images of:

  • Both sides of your Blue Badge

Plus 1 of the following proofs of identity:

  • DSS benefit entitlement letter (less than 7 months old)
  • Current passport
  • Current driver's licence
  • Pension book/entitlement letter (less than 7 months old)
  • Birth certificate (same first and last names as the Blue Badge - not a Certificate of Registration of Birth)
  • Marriage certificate (same first and last names as the Blue Badge)
  • Current bank or credit card statement (no more than 3 months old)
  • Deed Poll Certificate (same first and last names as the Blue Badge)


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