Presentations and documents
We received Listed Building Consent in 2018 to make improvements in the station. Architects Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners have designed a separate proposal to develop the land around the station
Development brief
Our partnership with local stakeholders produced a development brief that helped establish principles for any future development around the station.
The brief reflects our ambition for a respectful, high-quality development at South Kensington. Our partner Native Land used it as inspiration for their proposals, and suggested other areas which could be improved.
Public events
Between March 2016 and September 2017 we ran a series of events to give as many people as possible an opportunity to comment on and help shape our proposals.
2017 CWG minutes and presentations
2016 CWG minutes and presentations
October 2016: CWG meeting 10 - minutes
October 2016: CWG meeting 10 - around station development
October 2016: CWG meeting 10 - around station development (architect)
September 2016: CWG meeting 9 - minutes
September 2016: CWG meeting 9 - arcade repair update
September 2016: CWG meeting 9 - station upgrade design update
September 2016: CWG meeting 9 - future retail strategy
September 2016: CWG meeting 9 - around station development Part 1
September 2016: CWG meeting 9 - around station development Part 2
July 2016: CWG meeting 8 minutes
July 2016: CWG meeting 8 - station upgrade design update
July 2016: CWG meeting 8 presentation - future retail strategy
July 2016: CWG meeting 8 presentation - around station development
June 2016: CWG meeting 7 minutes
June 2016: CWG meeting 7 presentation - station upgrade design update
June 2016: CWG meeting 7 presentation - around station development
May 2016: CWG meeting 6 minutes
May 2016: CWG meeting 6 presentation - around station development
May 2016: CWG meeting 6 presentation - station upgrade design update
April 2016: CWG meeting 5 minutes
April 2016: CWG meeting 5 presentation - around station development
April 2016: CWG meeting 5 presentation - station upgrade design update
February 2016: CWG meeting 4 minutes
February 2016: CWG meeting 4 presentation - step-free access upgrade
February 2016: CWG meeting 4 presentation - station upgrade